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Jewish World Review

June 21, 2004
Those who place too much stock in the stock they descend from, descend.
  —   Rabbi Shraga Silverstein

[ J E W I S H  L I V I N G ]

washington week
One noisy nation, under …?
By Suzanne Fields

It's a lot easier to talk about sex and money at a D.C. dinner party than about religion and spiritual matters.

Let Madonna — OOPS! I mean ‘Esther’ — take the blame
By Jeff Dunetz

She's changed her name from the mother of the Christian savior to the Queen of the Jews, and that can be a great thing for the world's Hebrews

[ D A I L Y  I N S P I R A T I O N ]

"Growing Each Day" by internationally renowned author and lecturer Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. (BRAND NEW SERIES!)


Dearest readers:

At the outset, I want to thank the thousands of you who have written from around the world to express your obviously heartfelt wishes. To say that I'm touched, would be an understatement. I'm only sorry that I cannot do so personally. It is not intended as a slight in any way.

Cliched or not, from the vantage point of a hospital window, the world does indeed look different. VERY different.

Unfortunately, I now know this first-hand.

Over five years ago, I launched JewishWorldReview.com and told one and all that I would "put my heart" into it — what has resulted may have been more literal than I had imagined.

On the afternoon of Sunday August 17, I was admitted to Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn. It's an institution that enjoys a reputation as having one of the finest cardiac centers in the nation. Without getting into the particulars, after a battery of tests, the problem was diagnosed and a remedy is being worked upon.

Why am I telling you this? For a simple reason: Because I think you care.

Though time and again I have been advised against publicizing this fact, I do not hide that JWR is a one-man-show. I think the quality of my webzine and, particularly, the quality of its readers — including White House staffers, senators, congressmen, syndicated talk show hosts, editorial page editors, Fortune 500 CEOs and just ordinary religious and patriotic Americans — says a lot about who we serve and what we stand for.

But the day to day stress in running JWR may, unfortunately, say a lot more.

In order to keep JWR running smoothly, I'm often up all hours of the day and night. And if this continues, I'm told, JWR will cease to exist, BECAUSE I WILL.

What we need now is to get sufficient funding for a staff and a technology upgrade. At this moment, every JWR page is designed by hand. We need to purchase and customize a database similar to "Story Server" in addition to hiring a staff.

That takes money. Something that about 95% of our readers don't yet appreciate.

I'm grateful — SINCERELY SO! — to the 5% of JWR readers who have expressed their kindness and gratitude in our appeal until now.

I've been advised to start charging a monthly or yearly fee to access this site. At first blush, this makes sense. The reality, though, is it will undermine JWR's mission.

Let me explain.

From its launching, JWR has been about ideas. I created this webzine as the go-to source defending and being an exponent of traditionalism, patriotism, and democracy. We've been around nearly from the beginning of the commercial Internet and JWR articles now show up HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of times in search engines. If we start charging, that status will end. So will the likely growth of this site. Simply put, folks will never sign-up and will never read us.

This appeal is NOT about making anybody feel guilty. I know we have many elderly readers and high school students who simply cannot afford pitching in. But I also know there are many folks here who are gaining from JWR and either don't fully appreciate the situation or don't care enough to support us. I pray this changes!

Some here are simply are embarrassed to send what they may consider a pittance, but to us is a lifeline. No expression of your gratitude — I REPEAT, NO EXPRESSION OF YOUR GRATITUDE — will be discounted or disregarded.

This note is getting long, so I will end.

Don't think the "other guy" will help — BECAUSE HE HASN'T AND WON'T. He will count on you.

I AM COUNTING ON YOU — as are all of our future readers who have yet to discover JWR.

JWR runs on an "honor system". If it is to survive, the 95% who regularly gain from it, but who have not pitched in, must begin to act honorably.

I apologize if this letter offends anybody. Perhaps if I waited a few days or weeks, the tone would be different. As a cherished reader, I just wanted to let you know what is amiss.

To give electronically, please click HERE.

Interested in donating by conventional mail? Please click HERE.

In gratitude and friendship,
Binyamin L. Jolkovsky,
Editor in Chief

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

One Big Happy
Mallard Fillmore

Ed Gamble
John Deering
Gary Varvel
Kirk Walters
Jeff Koterba
Steve Kelley
Bob Gorrell
Chuck Asay
Michael Ramirez

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

Computer Answer Man by James Coates: Sound advice on Media Player worth a listen; securing Wi-Fi and cellular from electronic interlopers at the next table at Starbucks; wants program to print whatever is on screen in single key stroke

Are employers' credit checks discriminatory?

Class-action suits target non-profit hospitals

Dr. Peter Gott: Tongues and tumors; dermatomyositis; What causes chronic diarrhea?

Everyday Cheapskate: Money-saving computer deals revealed

Bruce Williams on JWR: Investing $1 million; $ave by paying a portion of your mortgage mid-month and then making another payment at the end of the month?

[ I N S I G H T ]

Mark Steyn: Clinton still has 'heat' — but it's the Democrats who are getting burnt

Argus Hamilton's political zingers!

David Grimes: The many hazards of TV sports

John H. Fund: This Time, Get It Right: Instead of "lawyering up," both parties should be working to prevent another Florida.

Mitch Albom: Coaching isn't a substitute for parenting

Jonathan Turley: The Supremes ducked a definitive decision in a ruling that raises questions about future child-custody issues (THOUGHT PROVOKING!)

Dan Abrams: The U.N. again proves it cannot be objective when it comes to the Middle East

John Leo: More dancing in the dark

‘No relationship,’ says bin Laden’s publicist
  —  Andy Borowitz

Michael Barone: Changing Warhorses in Midstream: An electoral loss by Lincoln in 1864 would have greatly altered U.S. history. The situation is similar today

Neil Cavuto: Too nice for his own good?

Zev Chafets: Putin gives Bush a boost: Confirmation of a Saddam threat to the U.S. undermines Kerry (POINT MISSED BY OTHERS?)

Jeff Jacoby: What's going right in Iraq

Jack Kelly: The 9/11 commission does see an Iraq link

Robert Robb: Al-Qaida-Iraq interaction strengthens case for war

Debra J. Saunders: Bush- McCain

Bill O'Reilly: The worst of Times

Thomas Sowell: Budget fat

[ T O R A H ]

Rabbi Pinchas Avruch: Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Rabbi Raymond Beyda: Timepiece

Rabbi Yosef Kalatsky: Our Relevance to the Infinite

Rabbi Yosef Kalatzky: Our Relevance to the Infinite

Find Jewish Learning in Your Area

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Quantum leap to evil

Charles Krauthammer: Israel's Intifada Victory

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Creatures and teachers

Toby Klein Greenwald: The Mommy who busted the bomber

Jason Maoz: JWR in the news

Jonathan Tobin: Too high a Wall

Michelle Malkin: America's insane asylum for terrorists

Dick Polman: Jews for Bush?

Bret Stephens: Book seeks to end Jewish support for Israel

Jeff Jacoby: Mutilations and Muslim law

Zev Chafets: The only good infidel is a dead infidel

The Jewish Ethicist: Can a gift to charity ever substitute for paying what we owe?

Nate Bloom: More Tears by the Rivers of Babylon: Jewish Servicemen Killed in Iraq

Greg Crosby: How we will lose the Islamo-Fascist War

Daniel Pipes: 'If you are Muslim, you are suspect'

Dennis Prager: The greatest sin

Alan Dershowitz: Does oppression cause homicide bombings?

Daniel Pipes: Threat to the West is European import with Islamic accent

Dennis Prager: The news media and Nick Berg

Dennis Prager: Shame on the news media, too

Yossi Klein Halevi: Kabbalah goes Hollywood

Charles Krauthammer: The Real Mideast 'Poison'

Mark Steyn: Why the Palestinians are in such a state

Jonathan Mark: Satmar's Sisters of Mercy

Melanie Phillips: The hard lessons of terror (BRILLIANT!)

Rick Jervis: Your institution doesn't deserve government protection, you're religious!

Dennis Prager: People are beautiful, the world stinks

Rabbi Y. Y. Rubinstein: Big Worries (MUST READ!)

Dennis Prager: What does 'Judeo-Christian' mean?

Evan Osnos: At Arab bastion of ‘enlightenment’student politicians campaign on which party has killed more Israelis

Michael Freund: A CALL TO PSALMS

Jonathan Rosenblum: Mikey's song (INSPIRING!)

Omer Bartov: Did Hitlerism die with Hitler? (MUST READ!)

Kathleen Parker: Moral men learn it's lonely at the top

Anonymous, as told to Chaim Walder: Ringed-in by a mistake

Rabbi Shimon Finkelman: The sage and his ‘special’ friend (INSPIRING!!)

Jennifer Seigel: Why has a new kosher cookbook sold over 24,000 copies in a week?

Larry Elder: What you need to know about the 'religion of peace'

Larry Elder: What you need to know about the 'religion of peace', Part II

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson: Culture of death? Palestinian girl's murder highlights growing number of ‘honor killings’ (SICKENING!)

Cal Thomas: The ‘Arab Street's’ concept of freedom

Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Graffiti On History's Walls (MUST-READ!)

Mark Steyn: Muslim paranoia: Enemies made us impotent!

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Know thy enemy

Fiamma Nirenstein: How I became an ‘unconscious fascist’ (MUST-READ!)

Cal Thomas: Useful idiots in the Middle East

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: WAKE UP CALL! (WARNING! Not for the apathetic or squeamish)

Cal Thomas: The Threat Among Us

Five Towns Radio

Bill Bennett, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick: Twenty Facts about Israel and the Middle East (IMPORTANT!)

The Weekly Standard

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