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Magnolia (1999)

cover Directed by
Paul Thomas Anderson

Writing credits (WGA)
Paul Thomas Anderson (written by)

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Genre: Drama (more)

Tagline: Things fall down. People look up. And when it rains, it pours.

Plot Outline: A mixing and matching of friends in the San Fernando Valley. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: mag*no*li*a - a tree with large, fragrant flowers of white, pink, or purple (more)

User Rating: ********__ 8.0/10 (37,600 votes) Vote Here top 250: #174

Cast overview, first billed only:
Tom Cruise .... Frank T.J. Mackey
Pat Healy .... Sir Edmund William Godfrey/Young Pharmacy Kid
Julianne Moore .... Linda Partridge
Genevieve Zweig .... Mrs. Godfrey
Mark Flannagan .... Joseph Green
William H. Macy .... Quiz Kid Donnie Smith
Neil Flynn .... Stanley Berry
Philip Seymour Hoffman .... Phil Parma
Rod McLachlan .... Daniel Hill
Allan Graf .... Firefighter
Melora Walters .... Claudia Wilson Gator
Philip Baker Hall .... Jimmy Gator
Patton Oswalt .... Delmer Darion
Jeremy Blackman .... Stanley Spector
Raymond 'Big Guy' Gonzales .... Reno Security Guard

Also Known As:
mag-no'li-a (1999) (USA) (promotional title)
MPAA: Rated R for strong language, drug use, sexuality and some violence.
Runtime: 188 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color (DeLuxe)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital / SDDS
Certification: Argentina:18 / Australia:MA / Canada:18A / Chile:14 / Finland:K-12 / France:U / Germany:12 / Hong Kong:IIB / Ireland:18 / Mexico:B / Netherlands:16 / New Zealand:R16 / Portugal:M/16 / Singapore:R(A) / South Korea:18 / Spain:18 / Sweden:11 / Switzerland:16 (canton of Geneva) / Switzerland:16 (canton of Vaud) / UK:18 / USA:R


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User Comments:

Donald J. Lamb (djlamb@hotmail.com)
Philadelphia, PA

Date: 7 January 2000
Summary: mag*no*li*a - a tree with large, fragrant flowers of white, pink, or purple

A serious wake up call to the land of cinema has arrived with the incredible film MAGNOLIA. Human pain and suffering, as well as the ability to avoid making familiar mistakes, are hypnotically explored in P.T. Anderson's intricate motion picture. This is the best movie I've seen in over a year and hopefully will set a new example of realistic cinema depicting real human loss and tragedy. You grow and suffer with each and every character in this huge ensemble movie.

MAGNOLIA is indeed a sort of tree with varying branches of people, situations, and irony. To get into any plot aspects would be absurd. This is a 3 hour film that flies by so fast, you want more. You won't like every character, but you will find every character extremely interesting. I've rarely ever seen such deep character portraits in a major motion picture. The title makes much sense after witnessing such vibrant, different colors of the human spirit.

P.T. Anderson has arrived, especially after BOOGIE NIGHTS, which he parallels with this effort. His prior film had many of the same human aspects of right and wrong, life and death, but were guised by the porn industry. This guy just explodes with presence and energy, swallowing us with the events on screen. His camera roves everywhere and does not miss a beat. It takes place over a 24 hour period with roughly 12 major players whose lives interlock in multiple degrees of seriousness and sadness. Some begin sad and end hopeful, but these are the few and the lucky ones in this picture.

The standouts of the huge cast in particular were Julianne Moore as the shattered wife of TV mogul "Earl Partridge" (Jason Robards), existing now only to watch him die before her eyes of cancer. She is one of the unlucky ones, a character who made so many mistakes that she cannot do over. Philip Baker Hall is great as the host of "What Do Kids Know?" a game show with a truly engrossing side-plot. Hall is also dying and may have done irreparable damage to all around him.

John C. Reilly is the centerpiece of this extraordinary film. His cop character is the moral middle at the center of some nasty events. He is also the most likeable character because he knows how to treat people, unlike most of the others. He sees how mistakes can't always be made up for. I must also mention Tom Cruise in a career altering performance that took some courage to do. He is completely original, yet not the end all and be all of a film for once.

This particular day, as captured and presented by writer-director Anderson, has had a profound effect on me. If you see it, you may know what I mean. Some scars last forever in this life and we all suffer and feel pain equally. MAGNOLIA is like FIVE EASY PIECES times 10. We see numerous people just trying to get along under some extreme circumstances in a labyrinth method, much like the structure of the film's title.

RATING: ****
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