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User:seymourbutts (1067802) seymourbutts
I'm spread so thin
I don't know who I am
Name:I of the Radio
Location:Orlando, Florida, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Jason1584 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:Take one goddamn guess...
Interests:51: air conditioners, american psycho, anti-emo, bad poetry, batman, big brother, bob dylan, bret easton ellis, christian abuse, david bowie, democrats, exhibitionism, eyes, generation y, grunge, grunge rock, guitars, heroin, lung cancer, manipulation, music, my cousin vinny, nicotine, nirvana, october, oral sex, orbit gum, pale blue eyes, pectus excavatum, post grunge, post punk, pulp fiction, queen, rain, redheads, seattle, serial killers, smashing pumpkins, spinal tap, strategy, survivor, target, the amber revolution, the velvet underground, vagina, voyeurism, voyeurism plus infinity, war, weezer, withdrawal, writing. [Modify yours]
People92:__revolver, _cutyourhair, _istalkyou, _talkaboutsex, abouttofray, ahangel, alaneses, bed_time_bear, bigmammaalto, bikinikilla, blueyedsuicide, boo_youwhore, brighter_days, broken_bilbo, catspasms, chloroformkiss, cirrhosis, clouded_puppet, cobain_x_mortis, colieolie, electroboogie, enraged_teen, fangfluffy, fashionfight, fdny4eva, fordmustang, greyheartagram, hercanopy, highkick49, imbusysaturday, inhaleabattle, jane1010, keikoxxx, kilyrboyfriend, kissmyss, knock_on_wood, kylesonc10, latenightdrives, libertysquare, linzznil, lucentrip, machine_love, madtiger, majordumbass, maximumummel, megzies42, mistakepageant, miz_behaved, netish, neurotic_funk, nonstopbeauty, ohsnap, opiatedragonfly, patmagroin, rainfalls356, rajanase, rawbnoxious, richcutie, santabod, saturnsfire33, shot_soliloquy, silverstar, skulldudette, slankk_skut, solittletime, sparkleyes4u, sparklingspork, specialk1415, spideywoman, spikrgrl503, stepn_razor, suckerkiss, suckmytoe, tart13f, teenagexwhore, track08, transient_smile, travelingnut, turbo_tanya, twinkleinmyeye, tydi17, vanilla_cell, vel0uria, weemamee, werdnanor, xdark_soulx, xdragonsxkissx, xgingerxbreadx, xglamorouslifex, xorliaddictx, xstarsdown, yottles
Friend of:61: _cutyourhair, _talkaboutsex, abouttofray, ahangel, alaneses, bed_time_bear, bigmammaalto, blueyedsuicide, broken_bilbo, catspasms, clouded_puppet, cobain_x_mortis, fangfluffy, fashionfight, fdny4eva, fordmustang, imbusysaturday, inhaleabattle, jane1010, kissmyss, knock_on_wood, koalaone, kylesonc10, lucentrip, madtiger, majordumbass, mariamila, maximumummel, megzies42, mistakepageant, miz_behaved, netish, neurotic_funk, patmagroin, rainfalls356, rawbnoxious, richcutie, robrt34, run__rabbit_run, satireaddiction, saturnsfire33, shot_soliloquy, silverstar, skulldudette, slankk_skut, sparkleyes4u, sparklingspork, spikrgrl503, suckerkiss, track08, transient_smile, twinkleinmyeye, tydi17, vanilla_cell, weemamee, werdnanor, xdragonsxkissx, xgingerxbreadx, xglamorouslifex, xorliaddictx, yottles
Account type:Free Account

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