[20 Aug 2001|10:30pm] |
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Union Underground / Godhead |
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when you're a kid and you wanna go "weeee" but you ain't got drugs yet you better hold on to your life ... hold on to your little gonads and strifeIf you haven't noticed yet, this is posted in my other two journals, also. But I posted it here, too, because I'm cool like that.
Ah, the joys of being a teenager in Plano, Texas. Sorry I haven't updated much ... and since I don't feel like typing this out 853298 times, I'm putting this in all my journals. Anyway ... this is how my past two weeks or so have been ... Last Friday I went to Eisenbergs, as usual. I got there and hung out with Kayli and Annika, etc. and the majority of them were stoned off their ass, so I just let them hug me and stroke me and do whatever they needed to so they could maintain their high. My girlfriend informed me that she's going straight for Spoox, so I was like "alright ..." and then she gave me a kiss and said "But what he doesn't know won't hurt him!" ... but apparantly Spoox doesn't LIKE his girlfriends being bi-sexual, and she wants to please him, so we're not dating anymore, but we're still married, and she said the second they break up, she's like "I'm givin' you a call!" ... anyway, I got bored and me and Sarah went inside and Die Section was playing! Yay! I missed them in concert last month ... or was it the month before?? ... when they played with Nocturne at the Curtain Club ... and I was really pissed off about it ... so I walked into Eisenbergs right at the end of the set and actually got to see them play. Woo-hoo! And they kicked ass, yes yes yes. They did they did they did. Then I saw Allison and Hillary and we went and watched Allison make an ass of herself as she went over to talk to some guy she thought was hot. She got his number. Yay! Anyway ... then they decided to kidnap me ... so we went to The Vineyard, this Christian fellowship place or whatnot, and there was an all night concert going on there, and I saw Ashley there and we did not fit in at all ... well it got boring so we left and went to the grocery store, and Hillary bought a bunch of soy stuff and carrots and I bought Strawberry Cheesecake and Strawberry Daquiri Jelly Bellys ... rock. Then we went to Charlene's house and from there we went to Mountasia and played a bunch of games for free even after closing time at midnight (ah, the benefits of having friends that have jobs) and me and Allison took a picture:
Hahaha yeah ... anyway ... we hung out there for a little bit ... and filmed some ... then some of us went back to Misty's house and hung out for a while and blah ... oh and we stopped by 7Eleven to get a Slurpee and it was WATERY and that creepy guy was working there again. Ech. So we went to Misty's and sat around and watched a bunch of people on her old videotapes smoke pot, drink beer, and make attempts at being funny. Yeah, guess it was one of those "you had to be there" things. So then Hillary took me home and I made raviolli or something and went to sleep. Rock. Then on Saturday ... Loser Anna came and picked me up and we went to the mall so she could go bra shopping. I kept trying to crawl under the dressing room doors and take a peek but umm I think I ended up getting kicked in the head instead. Haha I'm so immature; I love it. We went to the Dollar Store and got a hot pink dog leash (for Rocky) and ghetto pimp glow sticks ... then we went to GoNuts right across the way and got a bunch of yummy lil' doughnuts ... and we looked over at the bench and this boy was holding up a sign that said "FREE KISS" and was asking every single girl that walked by if they were willing to donate a kiss ... this boy looked probably 12 years old ... still premature and a little chubby ... and me and Anna were just laughing our ass off about it ... and we were about to walk away with our doughnuts when I decided "No no no wait this is TOO good to pass up!" ... so we went over there and just stood there laughing at them and he asked if we'd be willing to donate a kiss to his friends sitting on the bench (the two on the bench looked more around 16 and weren't bad looking ... mild punk boys)... Anna of course didn't ... and we stood there for a second and thought about it while the little 12 yr. old asked a senile 95 year old lady with a cane if she wanted to donate a kiss. We realized how desperate they were, and how much I could fuck with them, so we asked if they'd be willing to do it on videotape. They were all excited about it ... so they SWORE they'd still be there if we went to my house, got the video camera, and came back (all in all, about a 10-15 minute trip). They were like YEAH! and got real happy about it so we drove back to my house and sang Mindless Self Indulgence (rock) and we got to the house and DAMMIT I had left my key laying on my desk when we were leaving ... so I searched forever for my key ... couldn't find it ... and went around to the backyard to see if that door was *possibly* left unlocked. So I grabbed ... something ... (I'm not going to get elaborate because I don't want to tell people how to break into houses, especially mine) and within 2 seconds, I had the door open. Ah, how comforting to know that even you can break into your own house. Got the camera ... drove back singing MSI ... and RIGHT as we pulled into the parking lot, we saw them in the back of a truck leaving and I climbed out the window and yelled "FUCK YOU! YOU SUCK, NUTLICKERS!" and they turned and waved and looked all sad ... haha. So we looked at more bras ... and stuff ... and then went to Target so we could by the Operation pen (it's the shit, I tell you! It's a pen ... and you can actually play Operation on it!!! Rock.) and we bought these necklace pacifier candies and we put them on and put the glow sticks around our necks and stood around in front of Target exclaiming "LOOK AT ME! I'M A RAVER! I'M A CANDY KID CUNT MUFFIN!!!" ... ok well I did ... Anna was just more like "I'm a raver now! Woo-hoo!" ... haha I have nothing against REAL ravers, hell, my cousin PUTS ON raves for a living ... but it's those kids who are into it now that there's an 85% chance of getting a free tab (of X, for you geniuses) when you go to a rave. They go there to go fucked up, and if you ask who is playing, they can only tell you the name of some "hot DJ" that they were drooling over. Anyway ... she dropped me off at home, went home and took a shower, came back over, and we tried to get a ride for Rocky ... with no luck. So we went and picked up Kayli and Amanda anyway ... and we went all the way into ... um ... far into Richardson I think, looking for a Denny's to eat at (Anna said she KNEW one was there) ........ it ended up being a Grandy's. So we drove all the way back through Plano ... all the way BACK over to the East Side (it's off the highway around Eisenbergs) ... and oooh god we must have been in the EAST East Side because there were mothers who must have been 40 but looked 80 because of what their 6-packs of smokes a day do to them, strung out teenagers with oily matted hair, clans of jocks and mullet-heads, and ... haha ... we were sitting there eating ... and a fucking HUGE Asian Gang came in ... it was hilarious. So we molested Kayli and then left and decided to go to WalMart ... ooooh god it was GREAT, I have never wished I had my camera more in my life! I was running around the aisles humping/riding one of those sticks with a horse head on it ... and when you pushed the ear, it made music and galloping sounds ... then we put Amanda in one of those little AGES 1-4 type FisherPrice-mobiles and zipped her up inside and ran down the aisles and ran into things with it ... then we found these louge chairs for little - I mean LITTLE kids - and me and Kayli laid in them ... the whole thing was long enough to go from our waist to about the back of our knee ... but it was comfortable ... heh heh ... and Amanda pulled a lounge chair out for my horse, too! <3 ... anyway ... me and Kayli realized that if you pushed with your feet, you can slide around backwards ... so we raced along the aisles, running into things, and as I turned the corner, I bumped into someone and looked up and it was EMMA! Haha she's like "ALEXIS! What are you doing?!" ... I don't know what I replied with, but apparantly it was the funniest thing in the world, and she called her friends over ... and ... I think I scared them ... well there was one kid, I don't remember ... then the spiky haired smoker (I say this because he smoked and Emma got mad at him ... and the rest of them *don't* smoke) ... and then the 20-somethingish cowboy that Emma was all over (and she's going out with Brandon ... wha???) Anyway, they were her friends that worked with her at Albertsons ... haha ... and me, Kayli, and Amanda went back to doing our thing, but Loser Anna went to an aisle where it was safe and talked to Emma and the cowboy ... while the other 2 boys went and goofed off elsewhere ... and about 5 minutes into me and Kayli's reading session (She was walking around reading Green Eggs and Ham really loudly while I read some book on Adam and Eve ... even louder than her, of course. 'Cause I'm Alexis, man.) ... some blonde whore went and told Anna that if we were under 18, we'd have to leave ... we were causing a disruption or whatever. YEAH RIGHT- IT WAS 2:00 IN THE FUCKING MORNING. LIKE ANYONE IS AT WAL-MART THEN! Besides us, of course. Disruption, my ass. So Anna came and told us what she said and I was like yelling "What makes you think I'm not 18 you stupid cunt?! Did you even ASK for ID? NoOOoOOoo!!!! WalMart sucks anyway!" ... so Anna went to pay for her little ghetto jelly bracelets while I walked out of the store with Amanda yelling my disgust for WalMart and how we should boycot it as loud as possible and sneering at the old guy at the door on the way out. Then we waiting at Anna's car ... and I pulled up my shirt and pressed my boobs all against the windows ... heh. We followed Emma and her friends to IHOP and waited like 45 minutes to be seated ... and it sucked, so me and Amanda filled out a bunch of complaint cards saying that it was 3:00 in the morning, we STILL hadn't been seated, and there were about 30 people in line still waiting to pay their checks. Bah. Me and Kayli went outside to smoke since we got so bored inside ... and we stuck the cigarette through the little holes in the bench and smoked through it ... it looked like we were making out with the back of the bench. Rock. Then we went pee together. Rock rock. Then we finally got seated and we got a room to ourselves! Woo-hoo! We had to wait for spiky hair smoker boy to get back first, though, since he had to go drop that other kid off at home. So he came back and we ate ... I got a Funny Face pancake like I always get ... except I remember the LAST time I had ordered one of those, I was jacked up on half a box of Coricidan and thought I was dying. Not to mention, my hands were rubber and I couldn't cut the fucking thing at all. Or even get it onto my fork. Yes so anyway ... by the time we paid for the meal, everyone was tired ... except me 'cause I'm cool like that. So of course I had to pay for the meal ... lalala ... then we heard something popping in Anna's engine and we pulled over on the side of the road to check it out but we couldn't figure out what it was. Err. And den and den and den ... we dropped Kayli and Amanda back off at Kayli's house and we came back to my house and watched the video that Anna took when she was in Sweeden ... which was mainly this drunk guy walking around and, well, being drunk. Then I crashed 'cause I was tired as fuck. On Sunday ... umm ... shit well I don't even remember what I did. Probably nothing. Sat online all day and drank all the bottled water out of the fridge as usual ... *thinks* ... eh that's probably what I ended up doing. Then I went to school on Monday ... and Tuesday ... and Wednesday ... smoked some great high quality shit that night ... went to school again on Thursday ... right after that, dad took me to Deep Ellum and I bought a new desk (I'm re-vamping my room) and we went to go get my tattoo, but then they said that you DO have to be 18, parental permission or not. Well fuck my nuts. I was confused and said that I thought the law said they your parents had to be there, etc. and that I know TONS of underage people with tattoos ... he said that they either getting them crap-quality done by friends or like on Friday and Saturday nights when 50 people walk in every minute to get a tattoo, they can usually get away with a fake ID ... he said that they're rushing to get people checked in and whatnot and don't have time to notice every little detail, therefore if someone throws down an ID that looks like them and says they're 18, they usually don't notice if it's fake and let them go on and get their tattoo done. I'm not that stupid, and he knew he didn't have to worry about me doing that, but even if I TRIED to get away with it ... well it wouldn't work because the tatoo I'm getting would take an estimated 23 hours on a GOOD DAY ... plus he knows my face, I go in there a lot, and now that he knows I'm not QUITE 18 yet, I wouldn't be able to slide it on by him. So we chatted for a while, on anything and everything tattoo, and dad decided to put me on the year-or-so long waiting list for the best tattoo artist in the nation ... I forgot his name :-| but yeah ... he does Slipknot and Pantera's tattoo's, etc. and he's in huge fucking demand ... he's the best ... so I'm being scheduled in on the waiting list and around the time I turn 18, I'll be able to get it done. ROCK. I've been thinking, too, and I'm considering getting sleeves done ... not RIGHT when I turn 18; maybe when I'm more around 21 or so. I'll start on it when I'm 18/19 but I don't want to begin making it elaborate until I'm around 21 or so ... plus I don't want random pictures on my sleeves ... nothing bright and colorful and queer and clashing ... I want it done beautifully and RIGHT. So anyway ... yes. Enough of that because now I am desperately waiting for my 18th birthday to arrive. On Friday I went to school, yes (I'm sure I tried to get out of it though), and I was sitting there ... doing work ... and I randomly glance behind me, and I turned my head around and saw a guy sitting there ... I began to back around, and I was like "WAIT" and looked again and low and behold, it was fuckin' Spoox. We talked for a while ... and he's like "what's this with everyone saying that we hate each other?" and I was like "Eh." and he goes "I was talking to Stitch and she brought you up, and I was like 'Yeah, I know Alexis' and she said 'Yeah don't you guys like hate each other or something?' and I was like 'no' ... and everybody seems to think that." and I was like "Well maybe it's because I remember you calling me a whore" ... he denied saying it, of course. I'm sure he just wanted his balls licked, though. But we talked for a while, and he's like "Well I guess I'll see you tonight ... otherwise I'll see you Monday." ... haha I was like *Oh golly gee I can't wait* ... oh, and in addition to the whore comment that I KNOW for a fact was said by him, Sarah also informed me that he thinks I'm a bad influence. Back when they were about to hook up again, Spoox said something like "well the only problem I have with us going out is I don't really like your choice of friends ..." and Sarah goes "What, like Amber???" and he goes "No, she's fine. Like Alexis." and she's like "Why???" and he said something like "She's a bad influence blah blah blah". Um, ok. If you say so, Spoox! I can see why I am *such* a bad influence, yet it's totally cool for Sarah to be friends with people like, say, Dallas for instance. Who raves. And fucks on a nightly basis. And does any and every drug. And does NUMEROUS other things that WE ALL KNOW aren't a bad influence on Sarah ... I guess it just pissed me off because of ALL the people he could of said, he said the one person whom he knows the least. Me. WTF?? But oh well. I did see him at Eisenbergs that night, though. He came up to me once and talked about how suprised he was to see me at school earlier that day, and then he came up later asking if I had any papers. As if JOINTS were my pot-smoking method of choice, let alone would I be taking papers to Eisenbergs. Ah, and Stitch was out to kill him that night, too. I TOLD her he would, but she thought that she would be the one girl out of the million he's been with who he DIDN'T fuck over. Except he wasn't even with her to begin with. I think that's why she was so pissed; because he never ended up asking her out. It's Spoox, dude, what do you expect? And from what I've heard from Sarah, she's not going to be missing out on much of ANYTHING (and I mean ANYTHING) anyway. Well, unless she likes them mini. Mwah-hahahahaha. So yes, anyway, I went to Eisenbergs that night with Sarah and we watched Perfect Defect play ('cause I told Brandon that I'd be there, plus I wanted to continue with my "AJ SUCKS" escipade). Lots o' stuff happened that night ... Katt was trying to fuck with Amber yet again, and she should seriously just give it up. Amber doesnt want to, and isn't GOING to fight her. So Katt needs to just shut up and deal. Errrrgh. Anyway ... I hung out with everyone ... and I was hanging with Sarah, Allison, and Hillary and for the duration of that, someone was thrown in the muddy pond, two guys had a huge (play) fight that everyone went to go watch, and two boys kissed. Then Sarah got depressed, and we all tried to cheer her up, and eventually I took her behind a building and we talked for a few hours and got away from everyone and everything. Then mom picked us up, dropped Sarah off at home, went and picked up pizza, and came home and ate it. Pizza rules, man! Saturday was our Rocky Horror plan ... nobody ended up coming over until around fucking 7:00 PM so I sat around all day waiting for someone to show up. Kayli and Amanda walked over and got here around 7, mom went and picked Sarah up around 7:30/8:00, we all got ready, Holli came around 10:00, and we were all ready to go, but we had to wait for *ANNA* to get here because she decided to go to some David dude's party. She finally got there and got dressed, and assigned our virgin bitches for the night. Sarah belonged to me, Amanda belonged to Kayli, and Anna belonged to Holli. We grabbed our shit, and right as we were about to leave I was like "AHH I forgot to take my medicine, mom can you get me my Adderall?" ... I remembered giving Sarah one earlier and grabbing one for myself, but I thought I hadn't taken it. Later at Denny's, I asked Sarah if she remembered me taking it when she did, and she said yes, and I was like Well shit, no wonder I feel so jhfuesjhfensudrjkhfw ... Anyway, we stopped by Tom Thumb so I could get Anna a leash, and so I could get a tape for my video camera, and right as we walked in we saw a huge group of prep-ish people ... who happened to be standing RIGHT there next to the video camera tapes ... haha oooh god we got some GREAT looks ... and it was even better when I walked up to the cash register dressed like a whore with Anna dressed like a slave buying a leash and video tape. The look on everyone's face was priceless. Pure pricelessness. We left Tom Thumb, and about three minutes later a car with a couple of jock-ish guy pulled up and just stared at us with this look of awe, amazement, and horror all mixed in together. I started yelling HEY BABY and other catcalls, and everyone else just did weird faces and scared the poor little boys. Then around the time we first got on the highway, we passed by a school bus of what looked like was filled with Boy Scouts ... and you can just GUESS the obscene sexual guestures I made at them. Mwah-hahahahaha. We finally got to Rocky, and took some pictures (I'm scanning some right after this entry, the rest are on my other camera) and ... stuff. Then we marked our virgins and went inside ... both me and Anna videotaped with our cameras, so hopefully I can get some footage off of that. Rocky was great. Words can not express the greatness of Rocky, so I'm not even going to try. But it was great. All night I was hyper, jumpy, racy, and my mouth was drier than fuck. At points I couldn't swallow, and my heart would start to race real fast in my chest. Sarah was speeding probably just as much, since she has a low tolerance, and had half of what I took. After that we went to Dennys ... and Amanda went to go to the bathroom, and on the way back, a table of steroid suckers stopped her and talked to her ... they asked where she was from, and they're like "Plano, huh? Ya'll do heroin?" ... haha that's such a wonderful stereotype. Plano = heroin. It's great, people ask that and I can always have SO much fun with the answer I give. To one person I'm an extreme junkie, to another I'm like "huh? heroin?" and to another, I'm offended because my friend/family member OD'd and then I break down and cry. It's great. Anyway, the thing was, is that SHE was dressed normal (except for the red V smeared on her head) ... everyone except Sarah and I had changed back into their normal clothes ... and I was the last person to leave the table when we left, and they had already talked to everyone else who had passed, so when I walk up there, it was completely shocking to them. I still had Sarah on her leash, and I was standing there with my boobs pushing out and my fishnet and vinyl boots still on ... I looked completely dom, and you can just IMAGINE the pick up lines they fed me. I was referred to as "sexy" and "baby" and "sweety" whereas everyone else was just referred to by their name. One of the guys wanted to put on the straightjacket that I think Anna was wearing at the time (?? everyone kept putting the straightjacket on so I don't remember who had it on at the time) and he was all "Look at me I can be Houdini!" ... they told us to record him, so I did. Then we left and went to Mosier Valley, and we looked at the memorial again, and Sarah and Amanda started really freaking out, and on my videotape, the last thing you see on there is us talking about how there were a few recent people that were killed there and Holli saying "You know, if someone's out here ditching a body right now and they see us, THEY'RE NOT going to let us go. We would all be dead." and you hear Amanda say "Dude, that's scary." and the tape cuts off. Haha but no, then it's CUT TO: BACKYARD. HOLLI, KAYLI, ALEXIS: STONED ... heh heh but I'll get to THAT later ... Anyway, they were freaking out, and we got in the car and it had fogged up so THICK and so FAST ... we couldn't see a fucking thing. It was really creepy ... we wiped the windows and drove over to the dead end where the abandoned house was, a few people talking about how scary it was and what if someone was there, and all of a sudden a rabbit jumps out RIGHT in front of the wheels as we're driving, and me and Holli scream real loud hoping we didn't hit the rabbit, and the second we did that, everyone in the back seat started screaming in fear of their life because they didn't know what had happened, just that we were screaming and had screeched the car to a halt. Sarah and Amanda REALLY wanted to leave, but Anna REALLY wanted to see the house, but I was just like "Dude, we'll come back another time, I don't want anyone to feel scared or uncomfortable." So we went home ... and Anna got the tequila out for herself, and me, Holli, and Kayli made a ghetto pipe and smoked and smoked and smoked ... haha and oh god it was great. Even after the first bowl, Kayli started talking about seeing GOD IN THE SKY and all this shit ... it was great. Everyone eventually crashed except me and Sarah, and everyone went home around noon ... and I was planning on hitting the pillow and crashing, but I decided to check my e-mail and friend's journals instead. Needless to say, I never took that nap. BUT I did get to the point where you're so tired that everything is fucking HILARIOUS and even though you want nothing more than to lay down and SLEEEEEEEP, you have sooo much energy. So I enjoyed that and didn't end up going to bed until around midnight. So from Friday afternoon until Monday at 12:00 AM, about 70 hours; I got around maybe 5 hours of sleep in all. That whole weekend. Then I had to wake up early today and shower and go to school ... ahh it was horrible. I took my medicine and guzzled down a Dr. Pepper but I still desperately wanted sleep. Bah. So I went to school, dropped off my camera, came home, went and got my pictures, and finished up this entry ... and WOW I'm actually done with it! I've been trying for the past week to finish it, but I haven't been able to! Praise the!!! Well I doubt anyone has actually read this far, but anyway, I'm going to scan those pictures now and then ... I dunno. Do stuff. So I'll update again later, and this time I'll try to keep up with things so I don't take up everyone's friends page with another long ass entry that no one actually gives a shit about in the first place.