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Exciting Pirate Stories!
All will love me and dispair.
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"the almighty [info]orbasm commands it, so it shall be done!",

Me, at work.

Current Mood: Obey-sive

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[info]sugartitts on George W. :"Why don't people care that he is BUTT STUPID?"

Current Mood: "Brenna said BUTT!!"

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real life conversations! it's exciting! no really!
Gishtopia: wow! coach is on!
Pseudo Aubbie: woah!!
Pseudo Aubbie: Craig T. Nelson to the maxxx
Gishtopia: lol ^_^
Gishtopia: i havnt seen coach in so long.. and not just cause i was in japan!
Pseudo Aubbie: and Shelly Fabres in all her horrible perm glory
Pseudo Aubbie: I havn't seen it since Jr High at least.
Gishtopia: and you still remember the actors names ^_^

Pseudo Aubbie: I don't know why, either.
Pseudo Aubbie: Oh and um...what's his name...
Pseudo Aubbie: Jerry Van Dyke.
Pseudo Aubbie: Shit, why do I know this?
Gishtopia: dunno!!
Gishtopia: cuz your old
Pseudo Aubbie: thankx
Gishtopia: no prob!!!

Hmm, sister you are a litte exclimation point happy. Is that what they teach you in Japan?

Current Mood: cold

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It's all about me.
I want:
A yard (front and back).
Studio space (garage/basement/barn).
No debt.

Even the last one I could do away with, sometimes I think debt just comes with being an adult. Like hair where there was no hair before.

I am just feeling really cramped. I cant get any projects going because I dont have any space. I really want to have a garden and a lawn. I miss having pets.

My room and surrounding areas are super trashed, and it's just futile trying to keep it somewhat clean because I have no place to keep anything. A place for everything and everything in it's place seemes hopeless to me. On days like this, when I am invited out to two different nights out, I turn them down because I think it would be nice to get something done around here. But I dont get anything done, and I get bummed out because
a: I am not enjoying my time with my friends.
b: I am not being productive in lieu of having a good time during my youth.
c: My sister tells me "i hope when im over 21 i dont turn square like you"


The more I am not around my parents, the more I learn about them.
Dad is obsessed with looks, and it really bothers me. It makes me paranoid about what I have picked up from him. A few months ago I told him I was dating someone. (I'm always reluctant to tell my family about my personal life.) His first question was "What does he look like?" It immediately pisssed me off and I changed the subject.

I have often heard him say things like "She lost weight to land a man." or "She's attractive enough to get a boyfriend." (speaking about friends/relatives)

Dad has bad spider veins, when I turned 18 or so he becamed obsessed with preventing them from showing up on me (I guess he started getting them in his early twenties), and told me that they were "hideous". Granted they arent attractive, and I would very much prefer to avoid them. But thanks for pre-determinig that if I ever got them, it would be a hideous disfigurement.

Dad once told me that I have the body every woman wants, if I lost weight.

More recently, he told me that "Some day, Aubbie, we are going to be skinny and happy."

I guess I can be greatful that while I may have some self esteem issues (who dosent?) I am aware of the way he acts and how unhealthy it is, and learn from it.


In other news, how do you tell your mom that you know she is a big pot-head?

How does it happen that everyone does the same thing, but every one makes it a big secret from eachother.



Origami time. (That's paper-folding, Kyle)

Current Mood: awake

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O'Smell Update.
Started out my day by talking back to the boss-man's wife after she told Bren and I that we couldn't wear black soled shoes anymore because they left black scuffs on the floor and it was "tacky". Followed shortly there-after by nearly punching a hole through the center of a painting we sold on Wednesday for $32K.

I am actually in a really good mood today. If it would only cool down so I can avoid melting into a stinky puddle of hottness.

Current Mood: amused

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As a hatter. Kill me know.
This weather is making me mad. Currently (check the time) 75 degrees, 87% humidity. I am going to die. I can't sleep, I am exausted because I couldn't sleep LAST NIGHT. My brain is going to explode tomorrow night, as they are forcasting 97% humidity.

In other news, Tierney comes home from Japan tomorrow afternoon.

Current Mood: exhausted

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You can't tell me what to do!
I am overly sensitive to people telling me what to do (or how to do things).

It drives me nuts when someone comes in to pick up an item and says "I am here to pick up an item I was told that it would be put in the front office." *Gazes around room* "Oh, there it is! Right there!"
I have gotten to the point where I just say, "I know, I put it there."

I hate it when someone leaves a message with me, and closes with "Please give this information to *thepersonIamleavingthemessagefor*"

(IS SO AND SO THERE? no, sorry, want to leave a message? SURE. *takes message* GIVE THAT MESSAGE TO SO AND SO!)

I hate it when someone calls in a bid, I take their information and we generally get to that point where the conversation has ended "Is there anything else you need?" "Ok great, have a good day." and they have to say oh, wait wait wait, don't you need my credit card number/phone number/birthweight? No. I got the information I needed from you. I only fill out nine ZILLION of the forms every month. And you only call in four times EACH auction. I practically know your information by heart.

And the million dollar situation of the day was when I had to call hag-master of the universe to tell her that we will have to reschedule the a/c repair from this afternoon to next week.
"Your father is VERY adimate that this gets taken care of today!"
You mean my boss (wtf father???). Did you JUST talk to him?
"I talked to your BOSS today!"
I just called him at his home, just seconds prior to me calling you. HIS decision was that we re-schedule.
*etc re-arranging happens, that annuls the entire reason we wanted to reschedule, so I decide to go ahead and have the repair guy come out today after all.*
"OK, we will be out there right away. Now you call your boss and tell him what is going on."

WHAT.A.HAG. Don't tell me what to do, you aren't my real mom!


And on a non, work related note: there are the lovely backseat drivers. And I am not talking about helping me get to where I want to go, if I don't know the way, and they do. (take a left at the light). I am talking about this:
Take a left at the light
*driving towards the light*
Up here at the light, left.
*closer to the light, slowing down to turn*
yup, left here *points* right here, turn left


There is my mothers mother in law. She likes to tell everyone what to do. When she came to the hospital when othersister was born, she brought this little picture frame that her other grandkids picked out for the baby. Little teddy bears on a frame. cute.
"Here is something from K&S;, it's just from the dollar store, but they picked it out themselves, so make sure you make a fuss about it!"

*later the girls call and mother in law hands the phone to my mom*
"It's the girls, make sure you mention the little picture frame!"

How horrible is that? Someone brings you ANYTHING and you thank them for it. So now, mother in law has COMPLETELY negated the sincerity of mom's abundant "Thank-yous" to the girls.

But then again, this is the same person who told my sister that its ok she dosent talk alot "you are going through that suicidal age, after all."

Thank you, and goodnight.

Current Mood: Actually in a really good mood
Current Music: Dave.

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Office-girls go wild. 2004

[info]sugartitts : What would you say if John Cusak came to your door and said that he loved you and wanted to get married?

[info]aubbieincognito : "Let me get my purse."

Current Mood: flirty
Current Music: Paul Simon: Me and Julio down by the schoolyard.

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Just keeping tabs.
"In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life."

Current Mood: amused

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"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said.

"They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
Name: Aubra
Back September 2004