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[Dec. 4th, 2004|01:01 am]
What's this stupid "IsLove Generator" everyone has been using?

You know it just picks some random intrest of yours from your journal and none of the questions you answer matter, right?

Internet, I both hate and love you.
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[Nov. 29th, 2004|07:02 pm]
Have you ever wanted to look someone in the eyes, grab them and shake them while telling them that they are ruining their life?
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[Nov. 28th, 2004|04:14 pm]

MySpace is for losers...

It's Livejournal without the Journal you know?

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[Nov. 11th, 2004|12:06 pm]
This is an exerp from an article about the new GTA game:

"The underlying message you get is that gangs are cool, gang banging is cool and crime is cool," said Alejandro A. Alonso, a gang scholar and publisher of

Wow, maybe if that guy had actually played the game for more than a minute, he'd know that the game never makes the gang lifestyle glamourous, gangbanging ruined the main character's life and the game then follows him trying to deal with that, unfortunatly through violence. Though I love how a videogame takes more heat for gang mentality then lower class poverty does. (*Note: I am not blaming a political party for this, Bush Sr, Clinton and Bush Jr poverty has been a major issue*)

I have played the crap out of this game and all I have gotten out of it is a stronger appriciation for NWA.
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How can you... [Nov. 3rd, 2004|12:32 am]
[Current Mood | aggravated]

How can people vote for Bush?
How can you vote for a man who lost more jobs than any other president?
How can you vote for a man who took a multibillion dollar surplus and squandered it along with OUR social security money?
How can you vote for a man who has done more to broaden the government's secrecy to their own people?
How can you vote for a man who didn't know what "Tribal Sovereignty" was?
How can you vote for a man who wants to amend the Constitution to take away someones rights?
How can you vote for a man who had Osama Bin Laden trapped in the mountains of Tora Bora, then removed troops and left it up to Afgan Warlords so we could attack Iraq?
How can you vote for a man who selectively ignored information about weapons in Iraq to push his own agenda?
How can you vote for a man who lost 377 tons of weapons to terrorists in a country where we were LOOKING FOR WEAPONS?
How can you vote for a man who still to this day claims that he "Isn't aware of any mistakes he's made in the handling of Iraq"?
How can you vote for a man who, as President, admitted that he, "Doesn't read the papers"?
How can you vote for a man who asked troops in Iraq to pray for himself?
How can you do that?

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[Nov. 2nd, 2004|12:12 pm]

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Awesome, go Great Britain! [Oct. 27th, 2004|07:02 pm]
Bush Voted Year's Top Film Villain

American President George W. Bush has topped an unlikely poll in Britain - as this year's top screen villain. Bush won the dubious accolade for his unauthorized appearance in Michael Moore's anti-Bush documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. The politician beat out the likes of Doc Ock, played by Alfred Molina, in Spider-Man 2; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Leatherface; Andy Serkis' Gollum from Lord Of The Rings trilogy; and Elle Driver, the assassin played by Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill. Almost 10,000 people voted in the poll, conducted by Total Film Magazine
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No casualties... [Oct. 23rd, 2004|11:52 pm]

Look what a Christian Coalition Founder 100% Lifetime Bush Supporter claims Bush said to him in early March 2003:

Robertson said Bush told him, "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."

The Bush people are denying he ever said this.

God forbit he ever show weakness and admit a mistake.


Here's the link.

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[Sep. 23rd, 2004|12:04 pm]
[Current Mood | cranky]
[Current Music |Morning Silence of a Dorm...]

Jaime snores...
It kept me up...
I fell asleep only because of my iPod...
And the two pillows that sandwiched my head the entire night...

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Zzzzzz... [Sep. 8th, 2004|01:03 pm]
Horrible night of "sleep" last night,
I woke up maybe a thousand times,
That's if I slept at all,
It sucked,
My roomate slept somewhere else last night,
So I did have the room all by myself to toss and turn,
I like being here,
I like the people here,
I like the school,
But I wish one of my best friends had decided to go here as well,
I miss everyone,
Although I saw her just last night,
And for the past three days,
I miss my dear Danielle,
It's terrible,
I think about her nonstop,
During Classes,
While Watching TV,
While trying to sleep,
While hanging out with my friends here,
I can't get her out of my mind long enough to just sit and enjoy things,
I make it sound like a problem,
But it isn't,
I simply miss her more than you can imagine.

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I am here... [Aug. 28th, 2004|12:28 am]
[Current Music |The Doors]

...Here in Purchase.
It's amazing here,
Everyone is weirder than I am,
Everyone is friendly,
I haven't met one snotty uptight "proud to have a rich Daddy" child yet,
It's amazing,
Needless to say it is a culture shock for me,
Coming from Northport and all,
My friend Priya is from Queens,
She said Northport would be culture shock for her,
Because her town is the reverse of Northport,
Everyone is very uncool here,
Which is what makes us al cool.

I love this place.

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Oh right, Yeah... [Aug. 13th, 2004|11:55 am]
...I saw Crosby, Stills and Nash last night at Jones Beach.
Oh man, they were awesome,
Old now, but they can still rock their old stuff.
The new stuff wasn't always so great,
But the versions of Carry On, Love The One You're with, and Southern Cross were excellent.
The Encore of Woodstock and a finale of Teach Your Children was also fantastic.

Then we found five teeshirts in the parkinglot,
There were 5 of us, it was like someone wanted us to have them.

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[Aug. 8th, 2004|12:52 am]
CUT! )
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Dammit. [Aug. 1st, 2004|02:05 am]
I hate how people can be so self centered that they will actually team up to make one person feel like crap.

Yeah, I am talking about a specific incident.

Get over yourselves you selfish bastards.
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Just Incase you weren't paying attention... [Jul. 13th, 2004|01:13 am]
March 2003:

- U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly estimates North Korea could be months, not years, from producing highly-enriched uranium (HEU).
North Korea appears to be having trouble restarting its plutonium processing plant

- Talks continue; Libya says it will accept responsibility for Lockerbie (*December 1988: Libyan terrorists bomb PanAm flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.*)

- The US declares war on Iraq.


May 2003:

- South Korean official says the U.S. has a satellite photo showing smoke coming from radiation and chemical labs at Yongbyon (signaling the site may be reprocessing spent fuel rods).

North Korea nullifies a 1992 agreement with South Korea to keep the peninsula free of nuclear weapons.

President Bush and South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun vow not to "tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea," and threaten "further steps" if North Korea continues its nuclear program

- According to a report in the Financial Times, Iran uses the "Swiss channel" to make a proposal reportedly covering progress on its nuclear program, its support for terrorism, its influence in Iraq, and its role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in exchange for lifting sanctions, dropping "regime change" from the U.S. policy lexicon, and the eventual re-establishment of diplomatic relations. U.S. issues no response

- Major combat missions in Iraq are declared "over". With all that was going on in the world at the time, Bush found time to dress up as a fighter pilot and tell everyone that things are over.


June 2003:

- After a visit to North Korea, Congressman Curt Weldon says North Korea admits having nuclear weapons and plans to build more.

North Korea announces plans to build nuclear weapons in an attempt to decrease the size of its conventional military.

The C.I.A. reportedly believes that North Korea is developing technology to make nuclear warheads small enough to fit on missiles.

- IAEA board discusses Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei's report that "Iran has failed to meet its obligations" concerning "the reporting of nuclear material, the subsequent processing and use of that material and the declaration of facilities where the material was stored and processed.”

Iran introduces uranium hexafluoride (UF6) into the first centrifuge at Natanz.

- None of this was reported, because we were "Smoking out the terrorists while the media told us repeatedly that they didn't know how long we were going to be in Iraq for.


Since the start of all of this, nearly 11,000 Iraqi civilians have died and many have been tortured (*a cruel irony*).

But we are at a new point this week, on July 9th, we lost our 1,000th soldier in Iraq.

Ah, the cost of freedom, or something...

"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength" - Mister Orwell
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Wow... [Jul. 8th, 2004|09:06 am]
...Two Months.
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I so happy... [Jul. 2nd, 2004|09:36 am]
...Dani comes home today,
But I have to get my shots for college,
I still so happy.
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Perfect... [Jun. 27th, 2004|10:40 pm]
...My life is perfect,
Nothing is out of place,
It's perfect.

I wrote this just to get at the kids who use their livejournal to feel bad about themselves.
Feeling any better yet?

I didn't think so.
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Today is Graduation... [Jun. 27th, 2004|10:53 am]
...Which is stupid,
It's long and hot,
And I have to wear an itchy stinky blue thing,
With a stupid hat.

I wish Dani was here,
And not in California for it.
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"You've got to give them the key to everything that's yours. Otherwise, what's the point?" [Jun. 24th, 2004|11:49 am]
Tonight was Prom,
Dani got me to dance,
I've fallen completely for her.

Everyone liked my suit,
Cause I am suave like that.

Peace and Love
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