[22 Jun 2004|01:09pm] |
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flirty |
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Bif Naked - Lucky |
] |
Hey all. Can I please claim Angelus/Spike and Angelus/Buffy? Thank you.
New too! |
[02 Jun 2004|05:47pm] |
I'm new too! Can I claim Cordelia/Willow please?
Just joined |
[29 May 2004|07:15pm] |
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drunk |
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U2: mofo |
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Hi, I just joined and I would like to claim the following ´ships: Angel/Spike/Connor and Connor/Spike/Buffy
Hi |
[15 May 2004|05:57pm] |
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curious |
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I just joined, and I'd like to claim a couple of 'ships.
Illyria/Spike Illyria/Wesley.
Thank you. :)
hello all! |
[02 May 2004|05:50pm] |
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cheerful |
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just joined, thought i'd snatch up a good 'ship or two while i still could!!
unless i was totally blind, these ones are still open and if they are... i'd like to claim:
Faith/Illyria Kennedy/Fred Faith/Kennedy/Willow
pretty please??
Claims |
[02 Apr 2004|08:22pm] |
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scared |
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Watching the TCM |
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I'd like to claim:
Het Lilah/Lindsey
Femslash Lilah/Cordelia and Faith/Lilah
[29 Mar 2004|08:22pm] |
I would like to claim:
Puppet!Angel/Cordelia Lorne/Puppet!Angel and Cordy/Gunn
[26 Mar 2004|02:40am] |
I'd like to add to my origional claim and claim Spike/Buffy/Tara *yum!*
[07 Mar 2004|03:31am] |
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drunk |
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Kane - Rattlesnake Smile |
] |
Hey, just joined, I don't think it's there, so can I claim....
Cordy/Lindsay Cordy/Lindsay/Angel Buffy/Doyle
please?? Thanking You! :D Leanne x
[03 Mar 2004|08:16pm] |
Hey Heidi! Can I *please* Claim:
Faith/Buffy Faith/Dawn Faith/Gwen
Ohh! Claim! Claim! |
[02 Mar 2004|09:27pm] |
Three unclaimed pairings, huh? This is a toughy...
I think I'll go with:
- Giles/Joyce - Faith/Angel/Buffy - Spike/Buffy/Angel/Cordelia
If there's any problems with that, lemme know.
[02 Mar 2004|08:45pm] |
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bouncy |
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*huggles Heidi* Hi! You rock. I don't tell you that enough.
Anyway, right, ships *smiles* 1. Willow/Vampire Willow 2. Drusilla/Vampire Willow 3. Vampire Willow/Vampire Xander
*giggles* Me, a Willow fan? Or a Vamp!Will fan? Never..... ^_~
[08 Feb 2004|02:38am] |
may i please claim spike/anya?
I luff the person who claimed anya/andrew, you are my GOD.
[14 Jan 2004|08:42am] |
-gasps- Buffy Bot/Spike, Drusilla/Spike, and Harmony/Spike! Thanks.
Hello Everyone! |
[01 Jan 2004|12:30pm] |
Just wanted to let everyone know that I now manage, buffyshipclaims! Which, I'm indeed very excited about. However, currently I am on vacation and can't attend so much to this community until I get back which will be on the 7th of January. So, please don't think your requests and posts were lost. Feel free to e-mail or find me on messengers if you have any problems.
Thank you, - Heidi
Willow/Kennedy |
[31 Dec 2003|09:42am] |
Hey, there. I'd like to claim Willow/Kennedy, if it hasn't already been taken.
[29 Dec 2003|11:58am] |
I'd like to claim Giles/Warren. And um, Oz/Warren. Hee. Cause I am big with the unconventional Warren love.
hello |
[28 Dec 2003|03:50pm] |
I joined first under spikesladybuffy but I'm deleting that lj soon so I joined back under this one and thought I'd mention that I wanted to still have my claims but under this lj name. I had claimed Angel/Spike and Buffy/Faith/Spike.
I was also wondering if there was a possible way I could also claim Spike/Faith. I checked the Claim List and it doesn't seem to have been asked for.
Thanks for your time!