Vampire Fiction Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Vampire Fiction" journal:

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January 21st, 2005
11:44 am


Type: Anita Blake
Disclaimers: Don't own it. Ms. Hamilton does.
Entry number: 1/5
Title: Discord
Summary: Meet Helen. She's an out of control executioner from Britain with a power that can barely be contained. She's on a mission in the states, to find a renegade demon named Eris, that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people.
A/N: I have been keeping an eye on this community and when I finally finished my first Anita fic, I wanted to put it here. It's not quite based on Anita, but its a POV from my own Vamp Executioner. No, she doesn't wisk Jean-Claude away. I really dislike Mary Sues. I hope you like.

Discord 1/5 )

Current Mood: complacent
Current Music: Polaris--Jimmy Eat World

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January 19th, 2005
09:04 am


I've been lurking here for some time now and decided I should jump in with some contributions.

My list of vampire fandoms is long its hard to pick favorites. It includes Ann Rice,(the early stuff)
The Blackwidower The Nocturne
Scrib's Child of the Night Scribes Scribbles

My first stories start here. There are about 5 or 6 chapters and several short snippets scattered throughout my LJ.
Part One of Blood and Rose Thorns

I just started a new story with some new characters.
History and Propaganda

Well that's all for now. I'm always looking for good vampire story recommendations.
(and my spelling sucks. Spell checkers only make the mistakes more amusing.)

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January 18th, 2005
11:07 pm


I'm looking for a Beta
Exactly what the title says. My beta has gone AWOL, and therefore is not checking my stuff for characterization and spelling.

So, if anyone out there knows of Hellsing (even Thess, but I'm trying to keep this one off the radar for a bit, until I finish it), I'd love for someone to read through the first few chapters.

I've posted a teaser on Which if not reviewed extensively will be pulled/changed because I noticed a really idiotic misspelling. Exorcist

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06:45 pm


YAY I found a good Vamp. Fic site. I have been looking every where for you guys. Oh how very rude of me. I'm Petra and I just joined the community. I have read a little of the stuff you guys have posted here and I love this place already.

Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: I'm only happy when it rains - Garbage

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January 12th, 2005
12:48 am


I just want to introduce myself. I just joined your community. I use to role-play online and use Vampire the Masquerade as a basis for all my vampire writing. I do pull from other games in the same systems but I base everything off vampire since it was my first game to play and I have a thing for the Tremere clan so they get used a lot too.

Current Mood: cynical
Current Music: Mozart

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December 24th, 2004
02:15 pm


Hello, my name is Scarlett and I'm a big fan of Vampires, especially the Vampire Chronicles. This is my first post here. I just have a little drabble I wrote recently. This is my first vampire fic so if it sucks, I apologize.

Type: Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Disclaimers: The character Lestat belongs to Anne Rice, if he belonged to me you can be sure I wouldn't be here.
Entry number: part 1 of 1, just a drabble
Title: Surrender

Read more... )

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December 19th, 2004
01:28 pm


New to the community
Just introducing myself here.
I am still releativly new on LJ, only a few months, but I have Been a World of darkness fan for a couple of years now. I'm still trying to figure out if Im a Brujah with a derangment or a Malkavian with a short fuse. :>)
Though I do like angel a bit and the Sonja Blue serious. I also like Anne Rice.
I just have a general interest in vampires period.
So thanx for having me here.

Current Mood: sore

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December 16th, 2004
08:17 pm


Vamp Community Intro
Greetings and salutations. I am a fan of Laurell K. Hamilton, Bram Stoker, the Lost Boys, Buffy and Forever Knight. As for fiction, I write original fiction and have a screenplay adaptation to "Dracula" floating around somewhere. I'm very excited to have found the community!

Current Mood: weird

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December 8th, 2004
11:55 pm


** Small Intro and a fic drabble , I'm Kai..I like vampires of all kinda and types and cross fandoms like you have NO idea. So, here's my intro group offering.**


Title: Better Than Me

Author: Kai

Rating: pg-13

Fandom: Blade

Warnings: Language, Spoilers for Blade Trinity, implications of HOMOSEXUALITY, Pay attention to the warnings here this is a Abigail/Somerfield fic. Though not explicit if it squicks you out do not READ IT.

After all is said and done, Abby takes time to mourn while they rebuild.

Read more... )

Current Mood: accomplished

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December 5th, 2004
07:13 pm


Every once in awhile you read a story....(pro author rec)
and think "Oh, my god, blank is SO good!" Well, if you like vampire short stories (which I assume you do being a member of this community), I really CANNOT gush enough about Tanya Huff's new story "Sceleratus" in the just released paperback anthology "The Repentant", edited by Martin Greenberg. I've been reading Huff for a LONG time and have her four books which deal with her vampire character, Henry, bastard son of King Henry the VIII. They're great as is the new one, Smoke and Mirrors which puts a minor character from the old books center stage and does a good job. HOWEVER, Huff's NEW short story "Sceleratus" is SIMPLY incredible. It starts out with good vampire Henry going to confession (yes, he's a vampire but still sorta Catholic). One of his lovers/minions asks why he goes to confession at the same time every year. And so begins the story. There's some violence but great give and take dialog about the biggie issues; love, forgiveness, repentance, redemption and whether vampires have souls or not.
Again, I really, really love this story. As a fanfic author, I feel like those two dorky kids meeting Ozzy Osborne in the movie Wayne's World. Tanya Huff, I bow before you. "I am not worthy, I am not worthy..."

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: yeah, sigh, I'm back listening to the new POTO soundtrack

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November 30th, 2004
10:53 am


more stories about the moonlight.
These may have some grammtical errors i try to edit as much as possible before posting but grammer is my down fall. So forgive me.
Class and new shoes are written and are property of Laura M. Torres.
two short short stories. )

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November 27th, 2004
12:44 am


Just when you thought it was comes another vampire fiction writer
Hi all! Just wanted to introduce myself to this LJ community. I just joined via a link, oddly, from Goggle, not from I am a HUGE reader of all types of vampire fiction (see my LJ for recent vampire book fiction reviews)having started reading pro fiction in the early 80's. I soon became a Phantom fan (89) and wrote in that universe in the early '90's. I attended graduate school and recently, just started writing again. I write Dracula/Phantom cross-over stories---

Again, any and all comments are appreciated as I take my writing seriously and strive to improve my craft.

I also LOVE to discuss academic type stuff, i.e., writing, vampires, Dracula, feminism, etc.

Take care and remember to leave your windows open at night...LOL

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: POTO movie soundtrack--Help, I can't stop!

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November 23rd, 2004
08:17 am


Dark Matters - A Van Helsing Fanfiction - New Chapter
Here the link to the new chapter of my Dracula Fanfiction based on the movie "Van Helsing": Chapter 12: Dance with the vampire

If you hadn't a chance to read it yet, you may like to start here:

Chapter 01: Misery

Or by reading what this story is all about at my homepage: Jamballa Barbayat's Fanfic

Or if you prefer Dark Matters

Greetings Barbayat

P.S. Please R&R;

P.P.S. Due to having disabled the login function, I add the new chapter there in a day or two.

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November 15th, 2004
03:47 pm


Written by: [info]poisondreams
Title: Folklore
Rating: pg
Disclaimer: This is MY work please do not steal
Warnings: Angst
Notes: A small Original fic that just popped in my head I hope you all enjoy (not beta'd so any mistakes are my own fault). My first post here I hope you like.


Current Mood: busy

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November 6th, 2004
04:52 pm


Halloween, Halloween
Type: Original with hints of Laurell K Hamilton-isms.
Disclaimers: A'right, I own everything here for once!
Entry number: Depending on the popularity, this may become a series of short stories.
Title: Halloween, Halloween.


So there I was, tearing through the cold woods at top notch, a gang of the
undead hot on my tail. The crescent moon filtered through a heavy canopy of
blood red leaves, painting dancing patterns on the dirt path that stretched
ahead of me.  Why was I running though the dark woods in the middle of the
forest in stiletto heels and four foot long legs? Because I had two zombies and
a herd of road kill on my tail, of course.
Why did I have the parade from hell after me? Lets just say it involves
genetics, a paper cut, and dance dance revolution. Don’t look at me like that.
Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted? Oh yes. So there I was,
feeling the sting of my lungs pounding furiously against my chest as the smell
of decaying flesh thickened faster and faster. Great, they were catching up and
I was running out of breath. I’m just wearing a huge happy hat tonight. Just as
things looked like they couldn’t get any better  I saw it, and suddenly the
night looked brighter. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
My salvation lay not fifteen feet ahead of me. A fallen log, green and black
with overflowing moss. I hastened my pace to the protest of my muscles and
leaped over the log, stretching my arms forward to embrace a willow branch that
gazed above me. The rough bark tore and scratched my skin, but this was not time
to complain.
Hoisting myself up, I used the weight of my leg as I kicked it over to send me
spinning up to a sitting position. I leaned down, the rough bark biting against
my bare neck. The scent thickened, and I saw them below. When their eyes drifted
upwards to find me I knew I had a giant problem in my hands. One of them being
“Hi, Mom. Yeah, Cant I get a pet? What? Two zombies and a bucket of road kill.”
At least I now had some idea of what I was dealing with. The two zombies
couldn’t have been dead for long, their skin had begun to stretch over the
bones, sinking in the hollow of their cheeks and eye sockets, widening their
eyes so that they were obviously abnormal. Kind of reminded me of the look a
puppy dog gives you in the shelter, the type of pup that’s been kicked too much.
Shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did.
The road kill was obvious. Three raccoons, seven squirrels two rabbits and a
cat that just broke my heart. The crushed skulls and protruding brains were
signs of a nice, big oil truck. Hurrah for Missouri traffic laws. One of the
squirrels had been dead for about seven months now. Parts of its ribs and skinny
arms were naked to the eye, the once white bone deteriorating quickly. Yummy.
But it was when I felt a cold hand wrap itself around my mouth and another one
snake around my waist that I knew I  was in serious doo doo.

For the rest see Enjoy and please review!

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Bethovens 5th Sonata

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02:43 am


My Dear Anne / Poetry For Price

My Dear Anne

She sits in front of me, She moans and complains, She nags way too often, Ooh she cranks my chains! One day she was moody, “You’re so pathetic” she said, I looked back at her and replied, “I wish you were dead.” She makes me so mad, Why can’t she behave? She’s been a pain for too long! It’s time I dig her a grave. Gone will be my wife, The one I would do anything for, A woman who I loved, The one I use to adore. It really is quite simple, You see I just need a plan, I need to sit and think, How to kill my dear Anne. And now she must vanish, She must leave never to annoy, I think I will stretch her limb from limb! How lovely, something I think I will truly enjoy. No, no that just won’t do, I need something a little easier to acquire, Ah yes how simple, what was I thinking? I shall set her on fire! No, no, that wont work, Again that’s going to far, She’ll go up in flames, And my ceiling will scar. That’s it! I know what to do! I think I will poison her, She won’t have a clue! I will make her dinner, I will poor her wine, Then I’ll drop it in, And then we shall dine. So I made a toast, And I raised my glass, I smiled at her unsuspecting face, Knowing soon she would pass. And when she’s good and gone, I will cry and then I will weep, She will be buried in my walls, That is where she will sleep. I finished my toast, Grinned and I drank from my cup, She finished her wine quick, Never to wake up. She looked very unpleasant, And her head wobbled around, She dropped her cup, And she mumbled a sound. She looked up and moaned, “My dear Victor I feel so drawn, suddenly I’m so ill and faint.” And then she was gone. My dear she is dead, What a relief, I feel so much better Yet so little grief. I got up to dispose of her, but thought that would be rude. First I shall sit here And finish my food. The smell of the my dinner, so pleasant and sweet. My tongue tingled and watered at the very thought of the meat. I picked up my fork, I ate all from plate. I finished it quickly, So I could burry my mate. My turkey was bitter, It tasted like pine, I felt so dizzy, I knocked over my wine. I can’t believe it, I didn’t have a clue! I should have known, Known she wanted me dead too. So there we slept In our dining room to decay Touché my dear Anne, Touché.

My Dear friends, I invite you to come look at my new community called Poetry For Price. If you are a fan of all things macabre, come look at some work or post your own. It was created in memory of the late Vincent Price and Edgar ALlan Poe.

Take a look and enjoy!


Current Mood: scared

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October 20th, 2004
10:09 pm


Durga Chapter Two
The ones who have read the first chapter. Here is the second one (I finished it, eleven chapters but I'll post them when I get the edited version).

Fandom: Hellsing.

Warnings: A bit A/U (since I wrote this before knowing the Wizardry chapter of the manga). Rated PG-13 (for now). Genres: Action/Adventure/Drama.

The Empress )

Current Mood: accomplished

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October 18th, 2004
12:00 am


Update on my Van Helsing Fanfic about Dracula

decided to exclude the Interludes from my story and instead make a stand-alone story about how Verona became a bride. Probably I do the same with the other brides!

Therefor I deleted it and the new links will be under the cut.

Chapters 1 to 11 of Dark Matters )

Here is the link to the newest chapter:

Chapter 11: The philosphy of blood

Or if you prefer Dark Matters: Chapter 11

I also made a blend with Dracula, but it is for the first part of Dark Matters and has therefore also a few of the characters in it. It's in my personal journal under this link

Greetings Barbayat

P.S. Please R&R;

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Leaves Eyes - The Dream

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October 10th, 2004
04:49 pm


I am interested in vampires in general, not a single specific world (though my favourite has to be Buffy/Angel).

I am currently working on a webseries of mini episodes inspired by Buffy and Angel. The story begins in Toronto, with two vampires (Damien and James) who are searching for someone called Sylvia. They split up, James remaining in Toronto to find more information and Damien heading south to find Sarah, a girl who has recently become a Vampire Slayer.

Obviously, I cannot post video files here but they can be found on my website. A friend of mine has also given me the idea of writing each episode as a story too, which I will post here when they're done.

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September 19th, 2004
09:49 pm



For vamp fanfictions writers. Mostly vampire chornicles

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