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Community Information

Below is information about the "Buffy/Angel Fan Conventions --- News & Reports" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:buffyconvrep (934235) buffyconvrep
Name:Buffy/Angel Fan Conventions --- News & Reports
About:This is an open community for posting news about upcoming Buffy and Angel fan conventions and for sharing reports and pictures from past conventions.

When posting large (or more than 2) pictures or spoilers, please use the LJ cut tag (see faq 75 for details).

Please contact userinfotiashome if you have any questions.
Interests:52: adam busch, alexis denisof, alyson hannigan, amber benson, amy acker, andrew, andy hallett, angel, angel the series, anthony stewart head, ats, btvs, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, celebrity appearances, celebrity autographs, charisma carpenter, clem, conner, conventions, cordelia, cordy, danny strong, david boreanaz, dawn, drusilla, eliza dushku, emma caulfield, faith, fans, fred, giles, gunn, j. august richards, james c. leary, james marsters, jonathan, juliet landau, lilah, lorne, michelle tractenberg, nicholas brendon, sarah michelle geller, spike, stephanie romanov, tara, tom lenk, vincent kartheiser, warren, wesley, willow, xander
Members:50: abbagirl, aninnocent, bichika, bluefaerydaze, buffyactsing, buffygirlfranny, claudia_yvr, corn_child013, cynmoon, darkmagess, dreaminghawk, drinkthepoisonx, echoic, electrcspacegrl, eviljade, faytrial, hils, hostile17girl, iq2hi4uok, joony, julchek, ladydagger2evil, lalindsey, longersleeves, lordmorpheus, lover_of_live, mickasso, misslunakitty, mlyn, moon_spinner, musicexecution, nerds_rock, netsirksmada, notreallywrong, pam_sparkles, posterboi81, random_c, reticentdream, rockinbass, ruggedangel, sadiecat, shaddyr, site_bilder, slayergirl03, snakesssz, tequilatrinity, tiashome, vampyrecandy, wasabigirl, windjade
Watched by:55: abbagirl, aninnocent, bichika, blaurosen, bluefaerydaze, buffyactsing, buffygirlfranny, cynmoon, darkmagess, dkellergrl, dreaminghawk, drinkthepoisonx, echoic, electrcspacegrl, eviljade, fairydarling, faytrial, gamiila, hils, hostile17girl, iq2hi4uok, joony, julchek, ladydagger2evil, lalindsey, lissa_triana, longersleeves, lordmorpheus, manoosha, misslunakitty, mlyn, moon_spinner, nerds_rock, netsirksmada, notreallywrong, pam_sparkles, random_c, reticentdream, rockinbass, ruggedangel, sadiecat, shaddyr, shimmerfreak, singinchiquita, site_bilder, snakesssz, syrdarya, thefangirl, thrion, tiashome, truecrystal, vampyrecandy, wasabigirl, windjade, xionin
Account type:Free Account

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