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Current Mood:[mood icon] creative
Subject:FIC: Dead and Holy Idols [BtVS]
Time:09:37 pm
Title: Dead and Holy Idols
Author: SA
Notes: Old Skool backup for [info]tiarrajanae, who wanted Buffy/Angel in season two. Set post-Surprise.

She did not touch the pale, bare skin of his back to wake him. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] rushed
Subject:FIC: An Unreal Doubt [BtVS]
Time:09:15 pm
Title: An Unreal Doubt
Author: SA
Notes: Potentials ficathon entry for [info]colin_chaotic who wanted Amanda meeting Andrew while he was still eee-vil.

Amanda worked at the bowling alley because her cousin owned it and she could always use a few extra bucks. It was pretty boring, handing air-freshened shoes to forty-somethings, anxious for a night out with their favorite ball. She kept track of the league scorings and took people's money, and was generally bored out of her mind. She couldn't even do homework because the crash of the pins every other second destroyed her conversation. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] frustrated
Subject:patty duvall and the temptations
Time:08:34 pm
I have found heaven, and it is the Evanston Public Library. Comics! They have a whole section of TPBs! Ohmygod!

In other news, the wifi I was hacking mysteriously cut out, so I am sketchy on internet right now. Those of you who were gracious enough to offer backups for the Old Skool Ficathon, please remember that they are due today and as such need a comment at the masterlist so they might be added. The lovely [info]sallyanne has kindly agreed to update the masterlist accordingly.

The JC Slashficathon is still accepting signups, until Thursday, I believe--whatever the tenth is. Join! Add some fic to the pool! It'll be great.

I am tired and busy and I really wish my fucking internet would work again, because I need it like air. I'm kind of despairing, because I want to write, and I'm so used to writing with the net going, so that I can talk to people and multitask and so on that it's like cutting off an arm when I can't, say, blabber to [info]jennyo when I'm working on something. It's strange, and hard to write that way.

The library closes in thirty minutes; I think I'm going to amble over to Panera Bread and use their wireless, though I don't know how long they stay open. Hopefully long enough for me to get my ficathons done; I can always put off the stories I actually want to write, and all.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] ecstatic
Subject:falling through the abyss
Time:02:10 am
Holy fucking shit, you guys! Movies are the best. thing. evah!

[info]anniesj, why didn't you tell me The Day After Tomorrow was so bloody good? Good grief! I was enjoying the thing so much. It was funny, it was apocalyptic, it was plausible, and the fucking statue of Libery froze over! You can't beat that with a stick, yo. (Hey, if you're still taking submissions for your challenge, I might have something for you this weekend.) It was a really enjoyable movie.

Then I saw PoA. Duuuuuude, [info]katemonkey. You weren't lying when you were talking about the gay. Because damn, yo. I didn't care much for Lupin and Sirius in the books, but now that they're brought to life? Holy crap, queerer than a three dollar bill. Now I go to hunt down the fanfic.

And there was some fucking huge H/R/H in this movie. Some may say Ron/Hermione or Hermione/Harry, but I firmly reside in the land of the OT3. They were like broadcasting on all frequencies, "Hey! We're all puppy love! Look, we're holding hands and crowding each other!" Particularly the bit with Buckbeak's "death." Mmmmmmmmmmm, OT3.

God, I need to go to the theater more.

There's a whole story tied to how we (D and myself) saw PoA this evening, and if it weren't two in the morning (I walked in five freaking minutes ago) I'd tell you. But tomorrow I see Brenda (from the boards, those who know what I mean) and we're going to poke around Chicago a bit. I'm immensely looking forward to it, and as I'd like to be conscious during it, I'm to sleep now. (I love Harry Potter OMG!)

PS: Still need three lovely people for Old Skool backups. Help a girl out? Thanks ever so.

PPS: Malfoy was really hawt. Even when he was whimpering like a girl. And I'm madly in love with Hermione. And I want Ron here now. And when Harry was all wet and flying around during the Quidditch match, I realized then and there what sort of special hell I'm going to, because DAMN that boy was fine.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] ditzy
Subject:bobbing along in our barrels
Time:11:47 pm
Much to my joy and rapture, the Nick Slashficathon is finally complete, with everyone accounted for and all stories written. Thank you so much to those who did backup for me; I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. And it looks like I'll only need two backups for the Lance Slashficathon, which makes me happy as well.

However, life still trundles by with the Old Skool Ficathon, and so I throw myself on the mercy of my friendslist to find backups for these five stories. Please let me know if you can help me out; I'd need them by Monday, because truth be told I rather want this thing over with. I ask kindly that you not offer to do backup if you know you can't post it by midnight PST on Monday; though there is the whole weekend to write it. Here are the specs:

1. Name: Ducks Taken

1. Name: Wendy Taken

1. Name: Kaite Taken

1. Name: Tiarra Taken

1. Name: Minim Calibre Taken

Leave a comment in this entry if you can do backup on the story. And thank you.
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Subject:floating on this sea of
Time:04:05 pm
Damn you, wee [info]katemonkey! I'm all addicted to Metafiler, and it's all your fault.

ps: thank you, otherwise I would have gone madcrazy with boredom.
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Subject:town criers crying with nickels in his hand
Time:03:25 pm
Okay, normally meme's and I are unmixy things. But c'mon--this one is just too amusing.

sathinks's LJ stalker is sallyanne!
sallyanne is stalking you because they think you are the one who made anonymous abusive LJ comments. They are also getting jiggy with your best friend!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
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Current Mood:[mood icon] discontent
Subject:FIC: think to outdo [SG1]
Time:12:09 am
Title: think to outdo
Author: SA
Notes: For [info]raqs. Second offering in the SG1 Jack/Daniel ficathon. I need to get a Stargate icon again.

'There is no way you have a pair of fours,' Jack growled from behind his hand. )
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Current Mood:resigned
Subject:not looking back
Time:11:34 pm
Well, it's Wednesday somewhere.

Those of you who chose to participate in the Old Skool Ficathon and haven't posted your fic, please note that if you haven't posted your fic by midnight Wednesday, June 2 (roughly 24 hours from now) PST, I'm going to assume that you've dropped out of the ficathon and start looking for backups. Please direct all notifications of postings to the masterlist, linked above, and not here. If you're going to drop, you can comment here or there, or send me an email. There's roughly fourteen stories that haven't been posted, which is kind of an alarming number. Just, you know. Let me know.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] blank
Subject:FIC: Wings Made of Wax [Harry Potter]
Time:11:02 pm
Title: Wings Made of Wax
Author: SA
Notes: Harry Potter Genfic ficathon entry for [info]keeperofqkeys, who wanted the story of how Tom first discovered he was a wizard. It sort of spiralled from there; a bit more dramatic than I'd really intended, but then that's always true with Tom, isn't it?

Tom Riddle looked in the window of his small corner of the crowded orphanage, expecting to see the same pale, dark reflection there that he saw every morning. It was there; he just didn't expect it to speak. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] sleepy
Subject:FIC: The Treasures That They Miss [SG1]
Time:10:36 pm
Title: The Treasures That They Miss
Author: SA
Notes: For [info]destina in the Jack/Daniel ficathon. She gave me pretty much free reign with this. There is a print of this on my wall, by the way. One of two stories for this challenge.

There is a print on Daniel's wall that Jack always gets caught on. They could be in the biggest hurry of their lives, a reincarnated Ra selling radioactive fudge pops in Washington, DC, and Jack would still pause for just a moment, his eyes running over the faint gold threads that glint in the off-kilter sunlight from the small windows in the door. He's never bothered to ask who it was by, or the title, or even what the hell it means. He just liked it. )
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Current Mood:ah, well
Subject:bringing you down
Time:09:15 pm
Hey kids, I still need one backup for the Nick Slashficathon. I will love you forever if you help me out, here.

Amazingly, I'm only missing three stories for the Lance slashficathon, and one of those will be a backup. (It's the principle of the thing, [info]ianmcduff, my dear.) So that's the nicer of the things that's going on, thonwise. As it is, there are still fourteen stories for the Old Skool ficathon that haven't made their way to my masterlist/inbox, which will prove to be daunting when I have to find backups for all these.

I'm pretty sure I'm never doing a 'thon for the Jossverse ever again. It's sucks too much on this end.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] exanimate
Subject:to find yourself a body
Time:08:01 pm
Things I have learned today:

1. When you are bored in an office, surreptitiously download Opera because Explorer is too shitty to live, and love it's tabbed browsing feature.
2. There's no point in checking your email obsessively when you're in no position to answer it.
3. Even if you have 25 emails flooding your inbox throughout the day.
4. People like snark, and they like Seth, and they like that line about the gaydar. (Which is probably my favorite line, because it's so Sandy.
5. It's okay to type up a journal entry if said journal entry is part of your project. Sort of.
6. People like JC more than anyone else except Justin, apparently.

I am so. tired. I went to the library today, using a graciously loaned library card, and checked out the next three M&C; books. I cannot wait to begin them, but first I want to finish Chamber of Secrets and PoA so that I can go to the movie on Friday completely jazzed about seeing it. I always forget how two-dimensional Rowling's characters are; I'm spoiled, to a degree, by fanfic, where the near point is to flesh out these characters as much as possible. But I wonder how much of that is simply Rowling, and how much of that is the perspective of a young boy. Either way, I do still enjoy them immensely, and am finding them an extremely quick read.

Firefly has completely downloaded onto my computer, and I'm anxious to watch Serenity, but that too will be shunted off until later in the week, as I've got three stories due for ficathons today and I'm sort of combatting exhaustion. Bitch Cabal or no, I shouldn't have stayed up until two in the bloody morning. Of course, the result is that I got Giles/Oz up, and the bigmassiveocfic up, and the JC Slashficathon started (have I mentioned that people love JC? Because they really bloody do), which is more accomplishment than I thought I was going to manage, what with the Jamba Juice and the M&C; fic. At some point, probably Saturday (hopefully earlier) I *will* start rewatching Firefly, and I *will* relearn this show I love.

Shopping's a bitch, man, and Whole Foods is too fucking tempting for words. I bought mushrooms today, and a small steak, and that's going to be my random treat for the week. But no more spending of money! I know I'll get through the summer okay if I can just curb my tendency to burn through cash, but I would imagine it'll be harder than I expect.

You know, I don't think I've ever had fifty new emails in my inbox in my life. Though I chalk it up to people liking JC. And my OC fic, which makes me cheery.

Hey, [info]sallyanne, you around? I need to bitch and you will understand why. ::head palm::
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Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Subject:The JC Slashficathon
Time:01:25 am

The JC Slash Ficathon!

What is it:

A flashficathon. A story of a minimum 1000 words, designed as a challenge to increase the amount of fic surrounding a particular character, pairing, or idea. You give your pairing, and then write one for another person. This one is for JC month; you can't tell me you don't want to the slash the boy. He's sex on legs, as it were. Stories are posted in your livejournal (or can be hosted if you don't have a livejournal) on the due day, and a master list will be created in my journal. Intra-sync, no crossovers.

Sign-ups: June 1-10
Assignments sent out: June 10 (ish)
Assignments due: June 30

We all do 'em three days before they're due anyway.

What you need to do:
Give me your...

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Livejournal:
4. Pairing/No Pairing:
5. Two things you want:
6. One thing you don't want:
7. Can you be a back-up writer? commenting in this journal entry. Please, please, please pimp this out to your friends, neighbors, and countrywomen; a challenge is only as good as it's participants.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] relieved
Subject:FIC: Thirteen Ways of Looking Part II [The OC]
Time:12:53 am
Title: Thirteen Ways of Looking Part II
Author: SA
Notes: Continued from Part I.

It seemed like it would be difficult to hide their relationship until graduation, but either building houses and defending tax evaders got a lot more interesting in Newport, or Kirsten and Sandy were content to turn a blind eye to Seth's increased migration to the poolhouse and the general sharing of clothes between them. Seth was particularly pleased about the last habit--Ryan looked really, really good in his Jeff Buckley t-shirt that was just a tad too tight across the chest for him, and he let Seth borrow his wrist cuff. Well, once. For an hour. Before he took it off with his teeth. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] relieved
Subject:FIC: Thirteen Ways of Looking Part I [The OC]
Time:12:52 am
Title: Thirteen Ways of Looking Part I
Author: SA
Notes: AU from The Heights, because that's when I started writing it and it's too complicated to go back and change everything. Everloving thanks to [info]mosca and [info]callmesandy for their wonderful beta-work and general entertaining of my self-effacement. This story was a bitch to write, man. I started it in fucking November of 2003, after being indoctrinated to the OC (against my will [not]) by a ten-episode overload. The beginnings of this were scribbled down in the car back from DC to Kentucky, ten hours of driving and five pages of fic. Handwritten. Ouch. Six months later, it's complete, and it was worth it in the end, because I look at this story and get a dorky smile on my face. This is my Seth and my Ryan; this is the story of how they got together.

'Um. Well. Shit. Okay,' Seth said, just before he leaned over and kissed Ryan for the first time, his hand hitting the video game controller and making his character die in a blaze of glory on the screen. The kiss lasted a long moment, their lips meeting chastely, and when Seth pulled back he couldn't seem to lift his eyes from the floor. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] cheerful
Subject:FIC: sweet enough to sing [Pop]
Time:11:52 pm
Title: sweet enough to sing
Author: SA
Notes: So I told [info]synecdochic that Fatone was the Way to Go. She said, prove it. I said, bring it on. She said, write porn! I said, Joey, solo. Hell yeah. Wednesday is a reference to [info]rhyssj that I only realised after this thing was written. This isn't for a ficathon! Holy shit, right?

Wednesdays were Joey days. No beautiful baby girl, no fiancĂ©e, no guys, no work, no nothing except him and a locked door. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] indifferent
Subject:FIC: fades out like a dance [BtVS]
Time:08:53 pm
Title: fades out like a dance
Author: SA
Notes: Giles/Oz ficathon entry for [info]jedi_penguin who wanted it set after Tabula Rasa but before Giles returned to Sunnydale, and no happily ever after endings.

Oz fingered the card in his hand. The corners were battered and dirty, the words printed on it in a careful hand smudged and faded.  )
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Current Mood:GROWR
Subject:every little thing I do
Time:05:14 pm
And you know what, I may be all about Captain Aubrey and his Doctor right now, but nothing puts my mind back to its popslash rights like the 2000 VMA medley. Good godDAMN, that is one happy-assed piece of footage.

oh, Joey, I'll water you down...
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Current Mood:[mood icon] thirsty
Subject:an amusing occurence
Time:02:52 pm
I should be doing things.

Instead, I'm od-ing on M&C; fic, boggling at the wonder that is [info]thefourthvine's journal, and contemplating going uptown for the sole purpose of buying a smoothie at Jamba Juice.

The weather is complete shit 'round these parts. Periods of torrential rain followed by clear-ish skies, and unrelenting winds. Tornado watches have been going on and off all weekend. Hell of a thing, for Memorial Day, hm?

As goggly as I am over M&C; right now, I'm pretty surprised to discover that [info]crack_van has nothing on it. That makes me sad. I also keep flitting back to thoughts concerning Firefly, largely because of [info]mosca, damn your eyes. I'm probably going to download it again in the coming week, just to rewatch and throw myself into the squee. And damn, Adam Baldwin was hot (and tall!) in the last few episodes of Angel, wasn't he? Lord, the man is fine.

As is Russell Crowe. I think it's the hair--which is saying something, because I don't find long hair on men attractive. Peter Bellamy (shit, that's his name, right?) is an odd-looking bloke, but they go well together in an odd sort of way. And Billy Boyd! Such a cutie in this movie. I kept noticing him not because I'm a fan of his, through LOTR, but because of that massive Lotrips fic that keeps me awake at night; there's a bit where Dom and Elijah come down to see Bill as he's shooting in Mexico for the film, and he and Dom shag, and it's guh. Fandoms overlap with fandoms.

In other news, Harry Potter is eating my soul. I finished re-reading the first book yesterday, as I was burning Angel Season One and Smallville Season One off my laptop to make room for M&C; and the rest of Smallville Season One (jesus, I'm a fandom whore), and I'll probably start the second tonight. I sort of want to get the third finished by Friday, as co-worker Dianna and I are heading out to a theater to check it out. [info]katemonkey, blast you, you've already seen it. I would have kept my eyes out for the gay already, but now you've made me all the more eager.

Check out [info]jennyo's [info]lilah_month if you haven't already. Apparently I'm part of her (Lilah, not Jen) secret bitch cabal. It makes me feel all warm and gooshy inside.

How lame would it be to go uptown for a smoothie? I wonder if they're even open...
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Current Mood:[mood icon] nerdy
Subject:pluck me a tune
Time:11:16 am

That? That noise there? That's the sound of me getting sucked into another fandom. ::facepalm:: Just saw Master & Commander, ya'll, and let me tell you this: god forbid anyone try to go against Russell Crowe in tight pants. Jack/Stephen slash. Good lord.

Thank god I'm getting a library card tomorrow, so I can keep reading these damnable books. Now I *really* need an icon.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] dorky
Subject:FIC: It's a Queer Time [Harry Potter]
Time:08:26 pm
Title: It's a Queer Time
Author: SA
Notes: Entry for the I Don't Want to Die a Virgin challenge. My pairing was Draco/Neville.

Draco threw off his cloak. 'All right then, let's get this done.' Neville blinked at him like nothing more than a stoned owl. 'Pardon?' )
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Current Mood:feh
Subject:FIC: The Snapped Thread [AtS/BtVS]
Time:07:53 pm
Title: The Snapped Thread
Author: SA
Notes: Angel (the character) ficathon entry for [info]evil_little_dog. This was passing difficult to write, yo. Thanks to [info]jennyo for the idea. Or the inspiration for the idea. Spoilers for Not Fade Away.

The end of the world wasn't so bad, considering. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] contemplative
Subject:FIC: Low Tide (The Higher, Harder Remix) [BtVS]
Time:06:19 pm
Title: Low Tide (The Higher, Harder Remix)
Author: SA
Notes: Remix of [info]herself_nyc's story, Low Tide. Posting 'cause I just remembered I did this.

The relationship began with little fanfare. Xander came to him one night, cautious but angry, and took out his anger and frustrations on Spike and Spike's body. There was no reason for it, no moment or quirk when this was decided. Xander needed something, and Spike was there. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] geeky
Subject:some say life will beat you down
Time:06:05 pm
Lots of Queer as Folk, and not as much fic as usual. I haven't been reading as much, what with the moving and working and all. That makes me sad.

What They Do, QAFUS. Daphne and Justin. I love Daphne.

Tacit, QAFUS, Brian/Justin. Schmoopy futurefic. Everyone needs it once in awhile.

Untitled, dS, Fraser/RayK. Just a nice little snippet of Ray, hungover.

They Did in Camelot, LOTR, Aragorn/Boromir/Arwen. I'm sadly addicted to this pairing now.

Untitled, dS/SG1. Ray goes shopping, and Teal'c helps him out.

Of Shackles and the Sun, PotC. They just can't keep away from each other.

Vicarious, Pop, Justin/JC. Okay, this was so worth it because of the last two lines. JC characterization that I actually like.

Predictable, HP, Harry/Ron. Mmm. Voyeurism.

Reconnaissance, Farscape. Talyn watches John. From second person. So good.

Growing Pains, QAFUS. Gah! The premise makes my eyes skewy, but it's a really good futurefic nonetheless.

The Pink Posse and I, QAFUS. This is so damn funny. Alternate season four.

Context, Pop/Smallville. Cute, silly crossover that amused me.

Predictably, Different, and Red, Smallville. This is a great twist on an old theme; futurefic, with three POV's.

The Undiscovered Ocean, Master & Commander, Jack/Stephen. Stupid new fandom, with it's fic and it's sexy. Jack and Stephen are stranded on a desert island.

drown out the voices, drown out the noise, Popslash, Chris/JC. Mmmm. Fucking hot sex. From a fucking hot writer. Mmmm.

Danse de l'inconscient, TPM, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan. This may not be my ideal characterisation, but it's so blasted funny that it makes up for it all.

black eyes, PotC. Young Jack Sparrow just can't help but get into Sparrow. And look damn good at the same time.

Best Laid Plans for Getting Laid, Pop, Chris/Joey. Some verra nice Choey. Good premise; I love them as young guys.

Cool Shit:

What Tolkein Oficially Said About Elf Sex

Everyone's seen this, but: Troy in Fifteen Minutes.

[info]callmesandy's teen show crossover challenge.

Day After Tomorrow fic challenge masterlist.

Check out the Verona Beach entry over by [info]mimesere to see if there's any new shiny. I sort of wish there was a masterlist.
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Current Mood:eh
Subject:FIC: Expect Nothing [AtS]
Time:05:23 pm
Title: Expect Nothing
Author: SA
Notes: Doyle Ficathon entry for [info]geekette, who wanted Doyle in heaven, looking out on the gang in season one/two.

Someone once described death as the next great adventure. They were stupid. And wrong. )
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Subject:it's all a fluke
Time:04:52 pm
Erm, just to warn. I'm gonna get a little spammy today, as I'm playing catch-up for the last week, which has been in-sane. So don't worry if your eyes glaze over from all the fic. It's okay.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] creative
Subject:FIC: Nine O'Clock [Pop]
Time:04:31 pm
Title: Nine O'Clock
Author: SA
Notes: I adore you, [info]synecdochic, but you're kind of scary to write for. I rather hope this is what you wanted. For my verra own Lance slashficathon. Lance/Justin, long-term relationship, happy happy.

'Did you get the cake?' Lance yelled down from their bedroom. 'Yes, I got it yesterday, how many times are you going to ask me?' Just shouted back at him, busy slicing tomato for their sandwiches.  )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] coughy
Subject:FIC: The Shivering Beggar [Farscape]
Time:04:15 pm
Title: The Shivering Beggar
Author: SA
Notes: Farscape ficathon entry for [info]kazbaby1. Exactly a week late. ::wince:: Damned real life, and all. To [info]mosca, whose eyes glazed over at the table when I told her my idea for this story.

When his eyelids opened, he saw nothing but black, so he closed them again. )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] cynical
Subject:this one song
Time:03:43 pm
Hi ya'll. I'm in the process of catching up for the last couple weeks, and it turns out I need three backups for the Nick Slashficathon. I would be so grateful if you could pick up one of these, so that everybody gets a story for signing up in this 'thon. These are the specs:

1. Name: SA Taken

1. Name: Katie Taken

1. Name: Sin Taken

Just comment here or email me; I'd need them by Wednesday, which I know is cutting it close for some writers, but I'm really so aggravated by ficathon-running in general right now that I kind of want to get it over with.
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