Simon Gledhill's LiveJournal
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in Simon Gledhill's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, May 3rd, 2001
    2:11 pm
    I should point out ...
    ... that I have been maintaining my diary separately on for the last 6 months and just dived in here again today to see if I could still use this service.
    2:10 pm
    Pathetic - first update here in months !!
    I suppose it is reasonably pathetic to have gone a whole month and to have only made two entries in my diary. Well, I can justify the first half of the month on the basis that I was technically unable to update it ? but I really have no good reason for the poor performance in the second half of the month other than it is perhaps a symptom of my limbo-ness.

    I have lost interest in quite a few things of late ? socialising, learning to play the guitar, losing weight, listening to music, updating my websites, talking to friends on the internet ?

    Perhaps this means that my limbo-ness is getting to me more than I realised. I am therefore determined to have a really enjoyable week off next week and in particular to really firm up plans on ?doing the house up?. I think that the first step has go to be a really ruthless clear-out of the ?computer room? with a view to emptying it totally so that it can be decorated and become the ?new lounge?. And then the kitchen and hallway are next.

    Also ? I am going to try to at the very least make one entry per day in here to let you know how I am getting on ? even if it is only one paragraph, sentence, phrase or even word.
    Friday, November 24th, 2000
    6:08 pm
    All I can say is TGIF!! This week has to go down as the most intensely busy week I have had in a long time. Strangely, of course, I have found this very interesting and stimulating.

    Today was particularly tough though as I was severely under the weather until about an hour ago. I had a headache that just would not let go. This of course had nothing to do with the skinful of ale that I had last night (my thanks to David "just one more" Jones!!).

    Now the weekend is here and I am going to try to forget about forecasts, operating plans and numbers for a couple of days. Tomorrow, I am going to take Kimberly out to see some new stables and horses. Marie is working I guess so Daniel will probably come along too. There'll almost certainly be more horse-i-ness on Sunday so that's the weekend sorted then.

    In theory I am supposed to be going to drink more beer tonight ... but I am not sure that my system can take it. And it certainly won't do the old weight loss programme any good!! We'll see ...

    Time go go home !!

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: Hmm Enya when I get home I think ...
    Thursday, November 23rd, 2000
    5:39 pm
    Long day ...
    ... it has been one. And that is all I have to say about that!

    I get weighed tonight - which can only possibly be bad news. Also I was looking forward to watching a particular DVD which should have arrived today, but now will not arrive for 2 weeks. Just once I would like EMI to release a new CD/DVD on time.

    And I still can't access from home. Ho hum ...

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: Background hum of activity at work
    Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000
    5:01 pm
    And finally ...
    I wonder if I will be able to access my diary when I get home today ... or will NTL still be broken? Heck, I can bearly stand the excitement.
    4:58 pm
    If I ever see another one I'll scream.

    Not that it'll do me any good - but I am all planned out at the moment. Let's hope it is all worth it. We'll see tomorrow.
    4:54 pm
    Bad to Worse !!
    I was bad last night. I am not sure how much of a Slimming World sin dumplings are - but I ate two with my stew. Also, I just don't have the hang of this green day / red day thing that Slimming World go on about. And to be frank, I doubt that I could do much to compensate for Indian Curry, Mexican Swordfish and McDonalds as my three main meals over last weekend. Not to mention the beer on Friday night!! As David Jones said today "We just aren't taking this seriously are we?"
    Tuesday, November 21st, 2000
    2:50 pm
    What Power?
    Well I went for diet-coke, a bag of quavers (low on fat) and a very small piece of chocolate (only cost 10p so you *know* how small it was!!).

    However, I feel compelled to say that, even ice-cold, diet coke is disgusting in the extreme. It tastes how I imagine anti-freeze tastes.
    12:19 pm
    Will Power?
    Intellectually, I know that the Baked Potato with a topping of flaked tuna, cucumber and natural yoghurt was good for me. I had no dressing on the side salad either! I am thirsty now though and still hungry (and yes I have waited 20 minutes!!) - and emotionally I want an ice cold coke, a bag of salt and vinegar crips and a bar of chocolate. The question is will I regain my will power by the time I have walked to the shop?
    Sunday, November 19th, 2000
    11:35 pm
    One more for the road ...
    Just one more entry so I can see what this thing looks like when it scrolls ... am I sad or what?

    Don't answer that ...
    11:31 pm
    Mission Accomplished !!
    Well there we go, a little rough and ready but nevertheless my online diary is set-up and embedded into my InfoLoco homepage. I have no excuse now. Courtney Pine is getting on my nerves now - the MAC has 327 minutes to go rendering my latest video masterpiece. It is less than half an hour until midnight and I guess I really should go and get some sleep. Good night.

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: Silence ....
    10:53 pm
    Best Intentions
    I have been meaning to set up an online diary for some considerable time now. I was going to write it myself using ASP - but this LiveJournal thing looks pretty good to me. Anyway, before I get too excited - I'll see if I can embed it in my webpage !!

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Courtney Pine on the South Bank Show
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