Wednesday, October 02, 2002
8:14 AM
by Edward Driscoll
I established this site as a companion to my articles, which regularly appear in the following magazines (And in numerous others): Audio/Video InteriorsAnd on the Internet, where I’ve appeared in: National Review OnlineThis site is ultimately designed to go beyond those articles, to provide much more in-depth coverage not fettered by the space requirements of magazines. In other words, if technology and how it impacts people is your thing--you've come to the right place! For many readers, the Weblog is the heart of this site. Besides the technology topics that magazines hire me to write about each month, it also allows me to discuss other subjects that interest me, and have a bit of fun doing so. (Be warned: while we endeavor to keep our language polite, the "Blog" may offend those with vaporish rococo PC sensibilities.) Our Weblog is linked to regularly by other "Bloggers", including Glenn Reynolds (The InstaPundit), Stephen Green (The VodkaPundit), "Group Captain Lionel Mandrake", The Brothers Judd, and Dave Kopel of National Review. Links to all of those great Bloggers, and many more can be found on the Links page, which is a great jumping off point for a variety of sites, on all sorts of topics, as well as classic articles by other authors that have "that certain something extra". The Articles and Essays pages not surprisingly, link to articles and essays of mine that are available on the ‘Net. These pages also link to material that's exclusive to this site. The FAQs and About Me pages explain everything you ever wanted to know about me—and more. (Probably lots more!) And the Photo pages allow you to see what I look when I'm not sitting behind a desk and typing. For easy searches of all of the material on this site, click on the Google-powered Search page. Finally, if you like the site, please make a donation to either the Amazon or PayPal tip jars on the left. Or click through to any of the fine retailers listed on the site. Your donations and purchases help us to keep this site alive.