limpwrist_mafia's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[12 Sep 2004|09:05pm]

i havent posted in here in a long time... whats new with everyone?
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[03 Sep 2004|10:03pm]

[ music | hendrix-voodoo child ]

so i saw tristyn from this website, a friend pointed her out to me.
she is the cutest, most beautiful thing ever to walk this earth.
tristyn, if you are reading this-
we should hang out some time.


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[26 Aug 2004|06:30pm]

so what has everyone been up too?

i don't think anyone looks at this anymore..
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[26 Aug 2004|12:09am]

hey, if you are elite, as i am, then fucking try to get into [info]super_elite
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[18 Aug 2004|09:40am]


join the fucking ultra-fucks






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[12 Aug 2004|01:45am]

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[12 Aug 2004|01:10am]

add me to your myspace friends
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[04 Aug 2004|10:33pm]


Live in Bakersfield?
Join: livinginbako

A place to post about or find out whats taking place around town.


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boom boom chica chica [28 Jul 2004|09:52pm]

hey kids.
how are you?
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i just baked a cake [25 Jul 2004|12:44pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | noise addict-mouthwash ]

so, hi. how goes it in the swelling heat?
i have come to the conclusion that...
i need a new band. ya know, a local one here in bakersfield.
its been so silent since i moved away from my band mates in monterey.
i sing, scream, skip, and play guitar if anyone wants to play with me because i also have no friends.
the end.

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[24 Jul 2004|11:38am]

[ music | boom swagger boom ]

1. name - michael
2. five bands you like - murder city devils, swing kids, the faint, tahiti 80, sleepytime trio
3. describe the outfit you're currently wearing - grey t shirt, jeans, vans
4. hobbies/interests - snakes, music
5. tell us a joke - whats the difference between a girl and a sack of boogers? THE SACK!
6. how did you find the community? - your mom

give us your thoughts on:
homosexuality - i dont think about it
animal rights- yay for animals
and most importantly
knife fighting - get cut sucka

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[24 Jul 2004|10:33am]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | finch:waiting ]

i got grounded cuz i ask my mother to pick me up from a friends. can someone tell what is so bad about that,and why someone would ground me 4 it?

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Survey =) [23 Jul 2004|11:37pm]

[ music | Year Future - Police Yourself ]

1. name - Eric
2. five bands you like - At The Drive-In, The Mars Volta, The Stills, Interpol, Sparta
3. describe the outfit you're currently wearing - Ok, I have an At The Drive-In shirt on with some Polo Jeans.
4. hobbies/interests - Basically all I really do is listen to music. All the time... Oh yeah I LOVE mountain biking and riding long distances.
5. tell us a joke - No.
6. how did you find the community? Searching for an interest... (I forget which one) and the name caught my attention.

give us your thoughts on:
homosexuality - I am
animal rights - I love animals, and I hate how some people think that they're just disposeable, and can test on them and all those bad things...
and most importantly
knife fighting - I don't really have and opinion. But... I do have gun wars at the library

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[21 Jul 2004|08:49am]

hi limpwrist_mafia users
i made a community for poetry, no members yet, so join if you write
its called spillitontopapr
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[20 Jul 2004|10:05pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | the doors ]

c'mon baby lite my fire

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[19 Jul 2004|01:46am]

[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | red shirt brigade-one of few blues ]

1. name- adrien
2. five bands you like- stephen malkmus and the jicks, TV on the radio, arab strap, deathcab for cutie, modest mouse.
3. describe the outfit you're currently wearing- no shirt, black dickies pants(which i havent worn in ages) and no shoes/socks.
4. hobbies/interests- a lot?
5. tell us a joke- a blonde, a raabi, and a black guy walk into a bar. the bar tender looks at them all and says "what is this? some kind of joke?"
6. how did you find the community?- word on the street.

give us your thoughts on:
homosexuality - i like cute gays. not butch.
animal rights- love animals, but i still enjoy the occasional steak.
and most importantly
knife fighting - got a coupl'a blades myself... havent used them on any one though...

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[16 Jul 2004|03:21am]

i dont post anymore!

i never really did in the first place. but let me introduce myself.
hyeee!!! im jeannie!!! and im a gaywad! my boyfriend has hairyfeet and cant make koolaid!!! kthnhx. <3

!!! )
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[15 Jul 2004|06:21pm]

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effing mad [14 Jul 2004|06:20pm]

[ mood | cranky ]

omg i have to get my wisdom teeth pulled this friday!!! and like i was supposed to fight this lil fuck and now she is going to think that i am backing down!!! i am soo effing mad right now u dont even know. DAMN THOSE EFFING DENTIST!!!

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no one likes me!!! [10 Jul 2004|10:33pm]

[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | show; fear factor ]

i am soo alone, there is nothign in thuis world that can be mine. all i ever wanted was my little puppy to come home !!! jk jk i am just playing about that but no one likes me and in high school i will be the loser talking to the trees and shit!!!

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