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[23 Jan 2005|04:16pm]

The new Jiyuna LP/CD/CASS. is out.
Jiyuna-"the devil is waiting in the palace...rush courageously"

I think it is a really good CD , and new vocals by Joe from Evil Existance.I tohught I would post this because it might come out on vinyl
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[13 Jan 2005|10:44pm]

Hi everyone.I am new to this community.I was wondering if anyone had any tyranny of shaw vinyl's they would sell.thanx =)
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[02 Jan 2005|11:16am]

the jonbenet will be going on a short venture for the next 2 weeks, if you live in on of these towns you should try to see them, you will enjoy yourself, i promise

01.02.05 san antonio, tx @ the sanctuary
01.03.05 fort worth, tx @ 1919 hemphill
01.04.05 oklahoma city, ok @ house. tba.
01.05.05 albuquerque, nm @ the compound
01.06.05 phoenix/tempe, az @ modified
01.07.05 las vegas, nv @ atomic city tattoo
01.08.05 san jose, ca @ the cave
01.09.05 day off
01.10.05 ventura, ca @ american legion hall
01.11.05 day off
01.12.05 day off
01.13.05 el paso, tx @ house of rock & roll
01.14.05 austin, tx @ trophy's
01.15.05 houston, tx @ the white swan

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checkkkk==us==out [12 Nov 2004|12:43am]

hello. we are a noisey band from long island, new york. check us out, we got mp3s.

...friends on fire


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Distro Shiznit. [03 Aug 2004|09:39pm]
[ music | Reversal of Man ]

So I just joined this thing, and I'm tired of searching long and hard for good vinyl. Anyone got any good links for distros? I know of places like level plane, no idea, stickfigure, friends forever, and crap like very and interpunk. I need some other good ones, run by kids in the scene with some good screamy/abrasive music. Any ideas? Do any of you run distros?

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[24 Jul 2004|12:17pm]

im looking for friends on myspace so you know i can advance my networking skills and whatnot. im not boring but im not awesome either, so lets be friends alright. message me on there, because i dont have much a chance to get on aim. and if you want, add me on here as well

add me on myspace
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[12 Jul 2004|05:32pm]

[ music | beneath low flying planes ]

i got the calling gina clark/dispensing of false halos split 7 inch that im willin to trade or sale. its on white vinyl and limited to like 500 copies. and liek only 200 copies were released in america, the other 300 in germany since calling gina clark are a german band. youll def be pleased with this one.

trade me now

[30 Jun 2004|11:23pm]

Hi, just wanted to mention some new things out.

What's YR Damage? / The New Flesh split tape. What's YR Damage is confusing and has a "pretty shitty txt friendly name". New Flesh, from Maryland bring some excessive pain. Think Swans, then think of dudes tearing Swans to pieces.

16 Bitch Pileup 3" cd - the "No White Pants" cd from these Columbus, Ohio women is thrashing, symphonic, and sonic.

other stuff at: http://whatsyrdamage.seizurepalace.com/tapes.htm


(sorry for the cross posting)
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dude fest! [22 Jun 2004|02:24am]

sorry to invade your lovely little forums, but i sincerely figured you people would be interested in this fun little gathering.

Dude Fest 2004: The Brodeo, will be happening in Indianapolis, IN from July 23rd to 25th. Here are the bands that are playing:

Usurp Synapse
Rapider Than Horsepower
Books lie
Rep Seki
Phoenix Bodies
Sheryl's Magnetic Aura
American Heritage
The Disease
The Fiction
The Setup
The Dream is Dead
This Scares Me
Baby Teeth
North Lincoln
Fax Arcana
You Will Die

and it's just $20 for the whole weekend.

the fest is a quaint gathering for friends to hang out and meet up at. you can skateboard, and rock out all day. i hope to see you there!

more info can be had at:
dudefest2004@hotmail.com (you can buy tickets via paypal at this address too)
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Plug! [14 Jun 2004|06:05pm]

[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | dead seraphim ]

My last plug for awhile.. I started a message board and it will be the jam.

stronghold distro board

joinjoinjoin please?

It'll be sweet. I'll add some more different boards if you tell me what you want too.

Register here broheem
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[06 Apr 2004|11:30pm]

whats the deal with the saetia s/t 7" ?

were any of those numbered ?
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the futile [24 Mar 2004|08:59pm]

hey there, i'm in a band from Findlay, OH called the futile, and we just put some new mp3's up. you can take a listen at: http://www.hxcmp3.com/the_futile

(often compared to: the blood brothers, an albatross, showbread, at the drive-in. so think spazzy hardcore punk with synth, three vocalists, and breakdowns)

we're looking to trade shows anywhere in OH/MI/KY/IN with any band interested. send us an email if your interested or just to tell us what you think: futilemusic@hotmail.com

2 trades ¤ trade me now

dobler. [16 Mar 2004|04:36am]

hi. please check out dobler. at purevolume dot com. we have three mp3s up there... if you could give us a listen, that would be awesome. we are 4 piece rock band from long island, new york. thanks.

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plugging sucks [16 Mar 2004|12:43am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | a day in black and white ]

I have non-crappy stuff on Ebay to post about

Neil Perry/Kaospilot split 7" on white

Prayer for Cleansing buttons and vegan sticker


ps. This is my Orchid collection!

3 trades ¤ trade me now

[25 Feb 2004|10:16pm]

[ mood | determined ]
[ music | joy division ]

hello everyone...here are some ebay auctions:


i'm selling a lot of records (primarily but not solely from hydra head, witching hour, and deep six) to finance the release of a rarities collection cd by a now-defunct hardcore band from LA. they had releases on slap a ham, deep six, witching hour, and clean plate among others. i don't necessarily want to see my records go, back i need to raise money in a relatively quick fashion. so if anything is to your liking please bid...the money is going right back into DIY hardcore. thanks.

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[14 Feb 2004|02:40pm]

happy v-day.
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[11 Feb 2004|10:34pm]

[ mood | abstruse ]
[ music | discordance axis ]

if you can read spanish and you like discordance axis:

oda a discordance axis

el ritmo de una ametralladora,
desgarrando el timpano a prueba de balas.
melodias y armonias de un avion a reaccion,
con un piloto esquizofrenico que ha cometido la traicion.
los dos voces infernales son de solo un hombre,
demonios freneticos aporreandome con
las extremidades desmembradas.
me ha tocado la muerte,
y ahora estoy de gira de 3000 kph del infierno.

yea. p.s. does anyone know where to get ahold of any recording whatsoever by the post-DA band war chalking? also, i have "the inalienable dreamless" on black vinyl and i might just be willing to part with it.

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[04 Feb 2004|09:12pm]


If you like pranks and ruling at life, this is your thing.

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[29 Jan 2004|02:38pm]

the lj version of vlv?
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[26 Jan 2004|02:06pm]

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