yeah, that's right, don't fucking touch me.'s Journal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in yeah, that's right, don't fucking touch me.'s LiveJournal:

    Monday, November 26th, 2001
    10:08 am
    So I guess that's the end of the old journal, once and for all. Too many people on that fucking thing posted the most useless shit. I hate it when people have terrible spelling and/or nothing intelligent or interesting to say. Oh well.

    But yeah...I'm debating as to whether or not I should email this letter to her. I want her to know.

    I don't want to fuck things up though, if she doesn't take it too well. I've been there before...and I don't think I've got what it takes to tell her to her face. I tried that, but I couldn't do it.

    Of course, the phone is always an option...

    Ah. Fuck it. Maybe I should email her.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Sunday, November 11th, 2001
    5:46 pm
    Is it just me or does hardcore like Bane attract idiots?

    Damn. I wish everybody could be as cool as my friends and I.

    Um. Look at all the 1337 shit that I bought today.

    To Dream of Autumn - Kill Your Cul-De-Sac CD
    Usurp Synapse - S/T CD
    Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Benumb - Split 7"
    Spirit of Versailles - Split 7"
    Black Cat #13/International Strike Force - Split 7"
    Jenny Piccolo - 7" Picture Disc