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sequence denied

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[10 Mar 2003|03:35pm]
[ mood | recumbent ]
[ music | garden of shadows:: oracle moon ]

hmm....i never seem to know how to start an entry lately. i havent checked but i bet there are quite a number of 'sooo' and 'well's running about in the first line of my last few entries. and last night i had a fabulous idea to backdate all of my entries and write my journal as if it was always october. for no reason really, it just seemed like something to do.

i had a fabulous time last week. hmm...i never say that word and i seem to be today. bwaaah, i must have some of my sweeties british comedy playing in my subconcious. yesterday was possibly the worst day i've worked at the flying f ever and i went insane for quite some time and was talking to myself and i kept saying things like 'self-murder is hip!' and 'mutilation is trendy!' fairly loudly. meh, i think my orange juice has gone bad. it is tasting very sour. anyways, after the very trying start to last week and the suprise influx of money of which i played off as if i was entirely spending on bills despite the fact that i immediatly tried to order things for my honey, thought better of it and went and spent too much money on buying her wonderful things she loved lots! though i didnt get to give them to her until friday, thursday we got stuck in boston...but boy did that work out! my sweets suprised me with super-great seats to the bruins game that night! it was a good game too and we were 5 rows deep near the bruins goal. awesome seats. the action was very up close, despite one greasy-import islanders fans desire to wave frantically every time the action came to that camera to try and get his friends he was on his cell phone with to see him. but all in all it was a blast, and we had such! a good night and next morning too. i was sad i didnt get to give her stuff right away, but she had such a good time getting all my stuff on friday, i didnt mind. i spent the rest of the day lounging with my dearest and then i sort of made her dinner (well i did oven-cooking and serving anyway) for her (and we got dressed up to do it, woohoo!). and she slept over *smiles and sways* (i am such a girl) oh well, she's worth it. but then i worked at the library (hmm...i work 5 days a week now!) and afterwords saw her and she made me the best damn veggie nuggets i've ever had. i must do it wrong or something. hers were infinitely better than mine. but we watched some movies and then she curled up like the teeny kitty she is and slept on me for awhile. and i knocked over a lamp. and i went home way to late, but it was worht every second of it. sunday sucked egregiously and i missed my darling so much. all day i just wanted to go home and hug her. but i suppose i've very annoyed and bored the world with this post. im just extremely happy and head over heels in love (still). but all this talk of her jsut makes me long for cuddling with her, giving her head, and cuddling with her more.

when i am with her, i feel whole. i feel happy like i didnt know possible. its like my aura was a feathered dark spot with a few points of gray and now its almost totally overlain with white. duplicate layer, change fill. view all.

thank you.

2 torn ethereal tethers| insert skeletal etherjack

[05 Mar 2003|02:32am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | garden of shadows:: oracle moon ]

today seemed to be overall rather eventless, but some stuff did happen. and most of good. yesterday i was on the ball and motivated and got everything done and nothing went right at all and by the end of hte night i was pretty seriously frustrated. not only the thing with art but work wasnt great (though i kept up a positive attitude somehow) but on the way home i got a message from my mom that earlier when i had called the library to let them know i couldnt work thursday (oh yea...i got a very p/t second job at the local library) i hadnt called the library at all because the auto-dial for it on our phone was set to the wrong number. i couldnt understand the machine but thought it sounded vaugely like someone at the library so i left a message and it turns out it was someone my mom knows and then there was this whole annoying repeated theme from my mom and grandmother about my getting someone to cover for me; which wasnt the case at all. and i know they didnt know and all that, but at the end of that day it just didnt serve to put me in a good mood and it aggravated me greatly. then my mom added to it when i was going to bed by asking me about it and after i said i couldnt work cause it was my anniversary she said 'why dont you celebrate it friday?'. i know she didnt intend it but that pissed me off alot. i elected to ignore and not answer her. (just because her anniversary is a living mockery doesnt mean mine is.) but after that trying day in which heavy realiance on vehemence was mostly what got me through, my darling one stayed up later than she should have talking to me and it made me feel better. not just talking everything out, but hearing about her day and her constant support and show of love and value towards me really meant something and helped keep me from dipping too hard into depression and relaxed my coiled frame. on that note, if any one ever wants to know why i love that woman (if a single look doesnt answer!)...even from a distance, by text she has a great power over me. very few people truly have any power over me, and far fewer still of any significant level. she effects me on levels i could not have previously even comprehended.
so anyways, i came into today with little agenda, just history class for an hour and a half (this is my late day too) and i woke up slowly, heard my dad (who finally got a job last week) got asked to take a entry-level posistion for next to nothing an hour just working phones after the guy who had it before came back today. my father said no, and i cant blame him. thats a dick move. so after hearing that slowly, i had a very slow breakfast of coffee and a bagel while reading a little paper and then talked nonsense with nana for awhile and eventually went to school (and managed to be late somehow, blah) and class was uneventful; though we didnt get our tests back as expected. which i was hoping to see how i did, but oh well...thursday. so i came back and went to my po box and a package for thursday came finally (thank goc...though it was not what was expected and in the end a discussion needs to occur with drea cause i dont know what to do with the situation..but she has to wait till thursday to find out whats up!) and i also got a letter from bcc. i looked thru the window and it had that suspiciously blue check kind of color...hmmm...i was intrested. but after waiting for like 10 minutes to get my package i finally got outside and opened it in my car. it *was* a check. and i had totally forgotten about how my dropping a course at the beginning of the semester would get me a refund, but even so i had never counted on any significant money from it...and then WAM! i get $403! that is so unexpected and i went and cashed it straight out and blew it all on a dumptruck full of 39 cent burrito's, which i deposited on the nicks car. actually, i deposited 330 of it right away but i wanted to cash it so i didnt ahve to wait days for any of it to be available. i cant really spend much of it at all, but it does get me out of a serious hole (and that 300 is spoken for already..yay) but it does get me out of 2 big things and allows me to save exclusively for debt consolidation for the rest of the month! yay for combined freakin' payments. but i talked to mike today and he's getting the money to do his comp upgrade, and being the slick bastard that i am im selling him my mobo (which is essentially what i would have ordered for him anyways, 'cept its got more slots) and i have enough cash around now so i can get the newer version i want! wooohooo! hopefully that takes away my ram difficulties. if not, i *should* have enough kicking about to get a small amount of that. which isnt what i want, but hey...there is always a needed excuse for upgrading down the line then! like i'll have money anytime soon..but i dont care. im in a much better mood from that. and work at the library was good, that place is so relaxed and friendly it kind of scares me. ive never worked in such a stress-free environment and frankly i love it. though i do seem a bit confused as to what to do sometimes. im not used to being at a workplace where im not under pressure to perform constantly. plus at work i was able to talk to lorna and get thursday off after all, with no problem at all and i showed them my picture of drea i keep in my wallet and they all thought she was cute and commented on it. *grin*grin*

well, for now im happy. im laying off doing taxes for a week or so, cause unlike mike i have no happy news there and a loan or something is likely my only recourse as i will owe so much due to unemployment last year. but im not going to have my mood dampened and it waits! thursday is my one year anniversary with drea! hear hear for the best fucking year of my life.

insert skeletal etherjack

[03 Mar 2003|02:28pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | vehemence (in my head) ]

ugh. i am so fucking frustrated right now. I got the mounting stuff (and forgot knives so i had to buy them at the art store and got raped so it cost too much money) and mounted my cg progect at the beginning of class, which she gave me shiite about and there is like 3 projects from our class hung up and she's talking about them and mine is up there in the middle and she talks at lenght about the first one, a dog with pink ears and lots of gradients. then she pauses a few minutes as if decideing what to say, skips over mine and talks a bit about the other kids. then after a long long pause she finally says a 5 second comment about how mine looks like a color by number thing. she goes 'oh, thats a compliment, really'

right. ugh, i am so fucking frustrated. i put so much work into this and i know im not going to get a good grade on it. i know its failing too, i didnt do anything creative with my wolves i just drew them, no gradients or funky colors or light source..but so what? thats not what we should be being graded on, just because i dont happen to want my wolves to be covered with bright pink gradients or have a lightbulb artificially placed above them. i worked really hard on this and just cause i chose to make it look realistic to its base image rather than make part of its mane chrome or soemthing doesnt mean that my image sucks.


3 torn ethereal tethers| insert skeletal etherjack

sbaaa [24 Feb 2003|10:00pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | meshuggah ]

last night it became very late very fast and i couldnt account for the time. i hastily made a plan to get up early for lab time so i could work on my cg project at school. i knew there was 9am lab time. of course, this plan was forged at 4:58a. so needless to say, i didnt make it up in time, actually i slept through my 93decible alarm for an hour and 20 minutes, and then i woke, saw no call from my sweetie (who was going to call and *did* but my phone was being gay), was confused and sad, and put my head back down. work up a little later (the next snooze beep) and formulated the plan to call drea to see if she was ok. i got her voicemail. i was more confused and made the decision that i was not physically capable of going to 9am lab, especially when there was only an hour of it avail and it was 9:30 and i had trouble navigating my pillow. so i made the decision to sleep till 10:30 and then get up and shower, go get my paper for cg, and then go to school and skip math to get to lab early. as it turns out, skpping math was a good idea all around. because by the time i got going (everything seemed to go by very slowly) i didnt get there till almost 12:40. on my way i realized i also had to get gas, and after that i went to staples to get the special paper we need. its really not so special, it just has to be laser paper and very bright and heavy. but the one she reccomended was this hp stuff that was 32lb and it was the only 32lb paper they had, and it was like 16 a ream! i only had 15 dollars (and that was my spending money for the next 2 weeks) so that was immediatly ruled out. eventually i located some paper that was more than 24lb but still not 32lb. i found a 28lb hammermill that was slightly less-bright for 10 bucks. which left me with 4 dollars and some change. which i used as i decided i desperatly needed a snack. and the man at hess took 3 minutes to ring me out. i clocked it. i was the only one there. what was with slow-motion today??
eventually i got to class and was at the lab for all of my class (and aced my 'quiz'!) plus 20 minutes before and 1hr and half after. i was going blind at that point and my wrists hurt from making so many precise movements on those fucking mac hockey puck mice. i hate thos things! hate hate hate! damn if aesthetics will ever overtake ergonomics on a pc! pah! take that steve jobs! you suck on catfish!

in other news, i had a 22-save shutout in my 10-0 victory over the st. louis blues to win the stanley cup.

thank you, thank you...

insert skeletal etherjack

ah [24 Feb 2003|12:32am]
[ mood | numb ]
[ music | beyond the sixth seal:: ]

bah. today sucked alot, and yet for the most part i remained in good spirits about it. it was a really long day at work. at one point i looked at the clock and i was like 'oh ok, only like 15 minutes till [mngr] leaves, thats not bad' and then i looked at the register and realized i hadnt even looked at the hours hand on the other clock cause it was a full hour earlier than i thought it was. i completely assumed it was almost 8oclock when it was 6:48 just because i was so tired and the day was long.

now before i tell this next bit, let me explain that on our registers at the flying F we have the ability after entering a food item to manually type in a message, something like "no butter" or "hold cheese" usually.

anyways, at one point i was really mad but i couldnt do anything about it cause i had a ton of slips and i turn around and quickly look at this slip to start adding it on, and as im looking at the details for this cheeseburger i see "BITCH" at the bottom of it in all caps. i found that greatly amusing. if it wasnt for that and my yelling at people and being a complete bastard a few times i think i would have dismemebered this really narcissitic and arrogant high school kid i work with.

yep, so thats it for now.

i hate being poor.

insert skeletal etherjack

i find this much more accurate than the real one [21 Feb 2003|03:36pm]
insert skeletal etherjack

boner!!!! [21 Feb 2003|03:01pm]

Freyr (Fro Ingwe) is Freya's twin brother. He is
the horned God of fertility, and has some
similarities to the Celtic Cernunnos or Herne,
although he is NOT the same being. He is known
as King of the Alfs (elves). Both the Swedish
and the English are said to be descendents of
his. The Boar is his sacred symbol, which is
both associated with war and with fertility.
His golden boar, "Gullenbursti", is
supposed to represent the daybreak. He is also
considered to be the God of Success, and is
wedded to Gerda, the Jotun, for whom he had to
yield up his mighty sword. At Ragnarok, he is
said to fight with the horn of an elk (much
more suited to his nature rather than a sword.)

What Norse God Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
1 torn ethereal tether| insert skeletal etherjack

sinistar [21 Feb 2003|02:38pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | theatre of tragedy:: fair and 'guilding copsemate death ]

apparently last night the band Great White was playing a show in west warwick, ri and didnt have a license for some pyrotechnics they let off. the pyrotechnics set the building ablaze and so far 75 people are dead.

in the name of WHITE SNAKE!

i find the world to be something i as yet do not understand today.

i have a fierce need for strongbad.

(and money. please send me some. )

that is all

insert skeletal etherjack

[15 Feb 2003|11:01am]
Don't Trip
You will be smothered under a rug. You're a little
anti-social, and may want to start gaining new
social skills by making prank phone calls.

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla
insert skeletal etherjack

[12 Feb 2003|05:33am]
gar. i wish you could change the username on the lj. yes yes yes i can change my 'name' all day long but not my username. bollocks. not that i dont delight at everyone's total confusion over the vulg3sec but it is highly intimidating. which, as all of you know, is all i am about. intimidation. yes. that is why i still have the little christmas tree in the back of my maroon grandma car.

yes so i am stil up and it is late. i have only one class twomorrow.i had a couple bad games of hockey and i have been wide awake all night for some reason. maybe because i purposely put my self on semi-dormant everytime i enter work. i hate that fucking place. oh yea so i had an altercation with my boss. he was mad i asked for more hours (excuse me not being able to pay bills when you only shift me 15 hours a week) and went on this tirade...but the main point is a couple little things piss him off about me..and *also*, he still fumes over my calling out on new years day when i was seriously ill. 'you dont call out on a holiday'. fucker. i'll call out whenever i want. its called the law, and more to the point its called i have a shitty job. though im quite clearly leaving soon. i kind of suspect that im going to be written off the sched if he can find someone. ie fire me by not giving me any hours...its apparently less paperwork. so im even more on the hunt than i was before. now if only anyone was hiring...

gay gay gay gay.

i need things. most of them being money.
if i had money, i could buy the 2 things i need to build my new computer. i could give my car the trans service it desperately needs, not to mention start in on other wants it has like differential service, power steering service, and tires. beyond that, i could buy decent stuff for my 1 year and for valentines, which is rapidly sneaking upon me.
but to this i descend rather tepidly into what is likely stress-related insomnia and disintrest and failure at school. i really should watch that shit. but its very hard to motivate myself when its just eating away my precious juice...

and by the way, my village is fucking better.
insert skeletal etherjack

quaterly update [05 Feb 2003|02:31am]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | beyond the sixth seal:: ]

so the last few days havent held too much in the way of event. which i am totally cool with. got shafted for the 3rd week out of 4 at work on shifts. left a note, cause i cant afford for that and i asked bob if he knew of any ill feelings towards me and he seemed to think that they were just confused by my new school sched and that no one was upset with my work. so i guess thats good. though i still need a new job. preferably one without a 20 min commute that i hate for 9/hr. i'll take 8/hr or something for something local i dont loathe. money is beyond tight lately but i've made some important decisions and school seems to be falling into place for me at the moment. i need to do more math work but maybe i can get into that twomorrow. I also severly need to get my bro to pay me the money he owes me. i mean this like 7 months and its 1k so its not a laughing matter when i have to pass on getting myself a drink on a break between classes cause money is so tight. im worried about valentines day, but i have a couple things and i have myself and between them that will have to do. im both dissapointed and enthused in my ltd writings lately. ive been working on the comic story some more and plan to update the computer version and get it to mike again soon, cause i believe he began to animate the beginning of it and i've made some changes. its more serious but im going to try to work some more silliness back into it. but its onto a whole new direction and some revision on the older scenes help that along if it is to ever be a full comic. im pleased with the piece of art i made in graphics monday. unfortuatly i dont have copies that are up to date enough to do work at home so im going to have to find a time to hit up the maclab at school everyweek until i can find me some illus 10 and photo 9 goodness. the last version of photo i have is 5 and illus im not even confident i have at all. if i do its probably like ver. 6, and knowing adobe, a solid amount of variance will be present. i think ben has some newer versions at his work, so hopefully he'll rip them for me. but who knows when he'll get to it. im fortifying myself towards some sort of progress. lamentation seems to be ebbing and frustration with inaction and perpetual unsurity and grogginess seems to be making me move a little. hopefully it stays. i am currently dismayed with my physical presence and self.


1 torn ethereal tether| insert skeletal etherjack

[30 Jan 2003|11:05am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | catamenia ]

double dong with balls

You Are A Double Dong With Balls!

Get your partner

And pick a side

You'll get off

If you know how to ride

What Sex Toy Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Right, so the most optimizing thing i said this morning was "if i was a land gerbil, my name would be carl.

right now i sort of feel like humping my own shoe. which is bizarre. because im wearing it.

you know, sometimes, for 2 or 3 milliseconds, i wonder about myself. but then i remember that i could be listening to noise right now and become infinitely something or other. yep. so i dont make sense.

i woke an hour earlier than i needed to for my class. got dressed and went downstairs and was getting ready to leave. AGAIN. goddammit. however i used this earlyness and whatnot productively. thats right. i setup different speakers on the computer so we dont have to deal with the other ones that the keeps losing one side and you have to step on the wires to make it work again. if that is even working on that day. the quality is also better, which is sexy. not sexy like dreapants, but sexy all the same.

you know, it seemed i had an hour but now it seems more like a few stupid minutes.

im going to go shower.

god i am pointless.

g-string panties

You Are G-String Panties!

100% pure raw sex, baby!

You're hot and not afraid to flaunt it.

What's Kind of Panties Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
insert skeletal etherjack

sicht [21 Jan 2003|12:22pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | dark tranquility:: damage done ]


right. so i got up all early this morning to go to my first day of classes and when i got out to my car to go i realized that i was a jackass, and that it was tuesday and on the first day of classes bcc never does their infamous monday-holiday-monday-schedule-on-tuesday trick. which meant that i didnt need to be into school till 2 cause i only have one class. stupid stupid stupid. but i FINALLY got my oil change in that lovely interim. and i also discovered, yay yay yay, that i was an hour early anyways. for some reason i was convinced my math class was at 11, and its at noon. man am i out of it. and thats really the way it is with me lately. i have such a timid grasp on understanding and relation to events lately. my thoughts are tepid and sludgey. i dont seem to make sense or comprehension often enough. im making 'tols of nistakes'. however, i see to have *finally* shaken my cold. that ive kept getting recurrent strains of after day or two hiatuses for roundabouts a month. i had a moderatly good christmas, all things considered, my sweetie bought me some sweet books and im definatly set for reading matter for some time yet. she got me the next book in the fantasy series im reading, the history of salt (!!)[a wonderous compenium of the amazingness that is our nations greatest resource and ally], this awesome book on chaos theory i really wanted, plus a whole bunch of roald dahl's books for adults. all i need now for my dahl collection is a piece of cake and his biography really. i love dahl. truly one of the most brilliant writers ever. she got me this awesome omnibus of his works that includes lots of short stories for my birthday a while back and ive been slowly reading thru it and its really something, his short stories are really quite intresting. they are all really quite random and show some intresting perclivities of his. {sigh}. i wish i flew a sopwith camel.
in other news, i hate my job and am on the search for a new one. alas, so far the ONLY opening's ive seen?...inventory taker and customer service (phones). i've done the latter and frankly i dont need RSI again, and inventory taking has to be the most mind-numbing job in existance. i'd be bound to try to amuse myself and get fired for doing something screwy. ( hunting wabbits!)
in other news, the brain has resumed activity and is now happily swimming around with pinky again, feasting happily on the feeder fish they share the tank with. well, they share the tank with until they eat them. i tell you, my turtle-bots are crazy. i love those guys.
mike got me gauntlet for gamecube and im thinking next time we get together we should play it more while listening to battlelore. something tells me it would fit. maybe that and some boltthrower. amazing like sex.

i date the best girlie. *swoon*

1 torn ethereal tether| insert skeletal etherjack

[17 Jan 2003|10:27am]
1 torn ethereal tether| insert skeletal etherjack

and the similarity of the results of online tests mike and i take continues.. [17 Jan 2003|01:38am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | catamenia ]

Which Oldschool NES Game Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
which adult swim character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla


that is all i have to say right now.


1 torn ethereal tether| insert skeletal etherjack

penis penis [14 Jan 2003|04:49am]
[ mood | about to go to bed ]
[ music | eviscerate: questioning the mage ]


right. so i have not made any sort of posting in some time. i like that. and i like navy beans. and none of you will make me feel bad about that. dammit, navy beans are fun. fun like intestinal-balloooooon animals.

today thanks to yet another dead link from mike [tip-tip hat hat] that i manually had to correct, i ended up at which i think i've been to before but had forgetten its existance. i downloaded some jesus off there and before work copied all 7 mp3's onto a cd to listen to on the way, and much of it was the work of justin steele. i had all the trinity test mp3's that werent streaming (those links were dead, but i supsect mike had nothing to do with them suprisingly {GLARE GLARE}) plus eviscerate and a older pig destroyer track plus some contrastic on there. oh and the new silence erebus tracks. [and by the way, they've apparently moved to michigan (?) and gotten a female singer named winter and left sean unburied behind] so today was very much a justin steele day, and i honestly ahve to say, that boy amazes me. but damn does he need to work on clean vocals. i mean, yeesh. stick to the screech-poop. i just said poop. i make a point to never use that word. odd. anyways, in my lackluster fantasy hockey league i seem to be hell bent on keeping the best lineup though i confess that for neither of my teams [the outlaw star and the bezerker] have i checked the outcome of their play in weeks. but i suppose i should be updating the past. though you would think the past wouldnt need updating, i mean it already happened. why improve or create events when they've done that themseleves. damn hippies. well i guess thats all folks. i just got a sudden craving to go disseminate tactical non-awareness.


2 torn ethereal tethers| insert skeletal etherjack

the line of police and fire vehicles all had their lights on, a festive celebration of the holidays [19 Dec 2002|02:31am]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | catamenia ]

well as of today my finals are done.

which means school is done till sometime in january. i dont know exactly when, but im pretty sure someone will tell me. their bound to send me a bill or something that says when school starts again. for now that means the million things i have to do is down to like 6. and all their timelimits are like...before i go back to school. which is good. yes yes. good good good.

"sploosh sploosh sploosh! oh! you naughty boy! splooshing your fathers cum bucket collection!"

i had some idea when i was coming into my house from dropping off an tonite that i dont quite remember but it was something like 'black, black like the penis of micheal p. graham.'

yes so i thought i'd share that. twomorrow i may be taking the commiescort to work as i didnt work today due to late finals. im glad to be rid of them finals. though i swear i just got used to going to school dammit.

ah i dont know what the hell i was going to write about. probably something to do with zombies im sure.

insert skeletal etherjack

[16 Dec 2002|03:28am]
cumslut barbie

You Are Cumslut Barbie!

You come complete with press on suction lips,
portable wet wipes, and skin toner.

Add on "Spit-it-back" function sold separately.

Not recommended for children under age 6.

What Naughty Barbie Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

yea, so the other night, i was idly watching 'the worlds most shocking moments caught on tape' due to insomnia and the lack of anything on tv, and i see this shot of a bull run in spain or something. there is this guy running from the bull to the fence, bla bla bla, i've seen all this and he gets to the fence and jumps up over it just as the bull thrash's his head up at him and OOP bull horn right up the guys ass.

yea so from that point on, i've felt my life had meaning.
insert skeletal etherjack

[09 Dec 2002|02:00am]

do you know your ass from your elbow?

i found that vaguely amusing.
insert skeletal etherjack

sw000sta [07 Dec 2002|08:04pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | god forbid:: determination [in head] ]

hello cruel world.

hello, magerie!

well well well...ive nary a post in weeks and i have life to blame for that. honestly i dont know where the blasted days go and sometimes i feel overwhelmed with the pervaisive nothingness that i have to accomplish. finals approach, i have much comp homework to do, had to write a paper, take tests as well as the finals...make spring schedule, find a school for next year (though with the amount of GRE's i have to do still im not terribly off if i dont switch schools till next spring) and turtles to take care of, work to work, room to do things to and a put off radio install in my other matinence (i seem incapable of speeling that word right now) i should do but need to find the money for. plus ive a cavity so big i can feel it in one of my molars (thank YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU caffeine addiction) and no insurance of funds to do thing about it! woo! i should have been a member of eternal suffering. no really! i could have been a drum key or something. im telling you. i had promise! so, dingo's and androgyny. the cross politnation of sublimate species. fireflys. hot sex!
im in a dirigible mood.

pass me the cocaine, i can feel my veins teething.

insert skeletal etherjack

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