User: | __love__me (2349966) |
| LOVE ME. love me. |
Name: | ___FIND NEW LJ FRIENDS. ♥ |
Website: | maintainer's journal |
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About: |
THIS COMMUNITY IS: [x] open to all lj users. [x] pottymouthers-free. [x] not the place to advertise other communities. [x] for friendly people only (or evil people pretending to be friendly).
TO CONTACT COMMUNITY OWNER: [x] send me an e-mail. [x] visit my journal & leave comment/question. [x] using aim, send an instant message to camp jlnx.
Interests: | 41: !!!, *, +, ., ..., _, add me, add me back, aim, be my friend, ben kweller, brendan leonard, finding nemo, friend, friends, hot, i love you, i need a friend, i need friends, i want a friend, i want friends, ima robot, livejournal, livejournal friends, lj, lj friends, make friends, making friends, mp3s, music, online friends, people, pets, randomness, stuff, things, ~, █, ▓, ♡, ♥. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 795: View Members . |
Watched by: | 321: 014, 1handx_xembrace, 2sexy4myskirt, 2somethingelse0, 3_days_of_rain, 4amlove, 4ucking_bitchy, ________taxicab, ______dancehall, _____wait, ____nuclearlove, ____sluttface, ____vanitybooth, ___failurex, ___katielove, ___she_bangs, ___slutface, ___thatonechick, ___touchme, ___unladylike, ___xtina___, __bebe_lisa__, __fatefellshort, __georgebush, __laguna_88, __makeoutbandit, __mischuu, __murderx__, __neverletmego, __pinkenkisses, _allbutgone, _asystole_, _badhabit, _ch_ch_chemical, _forgottinxstar, _fuckingxfuckxu, _grind_wit_me, _ingest_beauty_, _jezebelxjulyxx, _miss_meg, _onexlastxwish_, _s_p_i_f_f_y_, _starfcuker, _surfxboard, a9mmandakiss, a_fallen_star_, about_liz, addmeimaloser, aggrevatedsoul, alice_n_nirvana, all_goodthings, all_out_me, aluringepiphany, amylynn_b, ankita, another_escape_, antonex, anyonesuser, apocalypsepidge, asrawho, axidental___emo, ayumi_jr, b1nladen, b3nt_and_br0k3n, babyfalldown, baybayboy14, beccasamaan, benjisriotpnk__, blackentheheart, blazinthrough99, blondie_p_i_m_p, blurredblackout, boundnbleeding, brokensoul126, brown_eyed_boo, brrrendan, buggyofdoom, busted___lips, butterfly1804, candykidposer, captain_sisko48, carebear_slut, cavileo, ceramic_wrists, cheadcasec, chemical_static, chibichibineko, club_suicide, conformityrocks, courtneynessx, craigkicks, criminal___, crushed_insides, crxssyourheart, ctowndollie216, curlyfrances, danny0069, darklex420, darkreaperomega, dazedndc0nfused, demonscars, desirable_mamii, detacixotni, dimeadozen_, dipitl0w, drive_thru45, dtrnews, duckiequack, dumbxblondie, dying_for___you, elligoesfreak, em0tionalrebel, endeavor__x, endless_dr3amer, endlessdreamerx, endlss_namelss, enka2003student, entirety, exit_24, exs_to_the_ohs, ez_to_remember, fallenxromancex, falling_down06, fedupchild, fireandice762, firthy, flaming_mullets, foxy_fuckdoll, fr0zen_em0ti0ns, frannybaby, frohzen, frozen6flame, fxckmegood, ghettowhitegrl, gilltascharged8, girlishh, glamourxdecoy, gothic_lezzbo, greylachilena, grint_ismyking, guns_and_r0ses, h34vy_br34thing, hareebascoo, hashrat, hatexdreams, haylemoon, her_perviness, heygorgeous___, highfivemf___x, hintoflime, ... |
Account type: | Free Account |