The Thinking Man
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Robert Persinger" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
05:49 pm
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Not Merlot but Burgandy.
I'm seeing Anchorman tonight at 10:15, at Oak Tree cinemas. I'm bein' sneaky and meeting Ryan there. I just hate the fact that I cant see my friends without going behind my mom's back.
Anyhow, yeah, I'll be there, laughing.
Current Mood: bored Current Music: Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated
01:55 pm
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Grounded like a MUTHAFUCKA! Man this stinks.
Part of it is just the embarrasment of being 18 and grounded. Something I thought wouldn't be happening, and the other part is just knowing theres little I can do about it. My mom still has enough control over my life to dictate most of it as well.
Fuck no, I'll leave the housee anyway.
Yeah right, I do that, and suddenly theres no food for me in the house. I'm forced to dip into my ever-dwindling funds.
Just an example of the things she culd do mind you. I haven't been starving or anything, because I'm sucking it up and taking the punishment, but I hate not seeing my friends. I hate that now when Ryan calls, my mom hands me the phone, covers up the bottom, says " Nowhere. " and then leaves, saying rude things about him under her breath.
It sucks.
Anyhow. I went and applied to all of the close business establishments, but no one is hiring. I heard QFC will have opening when the strikes on, and Greenwood market may as well. I also never heard back from Blockbuster, so I might want to go fill out their hour-long survey again.
Either way, I need a job. Bad. I know how great it'd be too. I don't have a car to pay insurance on, or a huge cellphone bill, so it'd all be profit. I just need the freakin' position!
So yeah, life's not going as good as it could. Simple as that.
At least my hair is still fucking sexy.
Current Mood: drained Current Music: Seatbelts - Rain
03:31 am
[Link] | Guess who got drunk?
Me. I'm at seans and drunk.
Current Mood: dirty
06:32 pm
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Absurd Amounts of Ass Spider-Man 2...
I can't even describe how much it rocks.
I'm the hugest Spider-Man nerd ever too, so I was borderline peeing myself next to Ryan in that fuckin' theater. It's just such a complete movie. All of Peter's relationships were dissolving, his powers were waining, he has a new villian to face, and the world is just crumbling around him.
In the end, well...
I won't spoil anything, but as a fan, I happen to know that they set up three potential villians for #3, and hinted at a fourth very vaguely. I also thought they did a stupendous job of revealing what they needed to in this film, instead of leaving a shit-load for the third one. It was just perfect. And anyone who knows me knows I liked love story in it too. I'm a sucker for that shit.
Oy, I may see it again tonight as well with some buddies. Oak Tree at 9:30.
" Go Get 'Em, Tiger. "
Current Mood: ecstatic Current Music: Seatbelts - Rain
10:53 am
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In the words of the bad guy from Mission Impossible 2... " Bitch! "
My mom is being a royal one of those. Its not enough that I finished high school, when everyone, inclding herself, thought I couldn't, but now she's harping me about all kinds of shit. She has some cool idea that I'm going to college in the fall.
Well fuck that.
I feel sorry for her, since she's intimidated by me because I don't live just like her, but we're not the same person. I think after following through with my education I deserve a little trust about what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Ugh, anyhow, I'm trying my best not to talk to her at all, since I would inevitably say something mean, and I figure that she'd much rather be ignored then screamed at.
Current Mood: frustrated Current Music: Final Fantasy X - Otherworld
12:13 pm
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And How It Was... Yeah, that was pretty freakin' great last night.
I didn't get home until like 1:40, but who gives a shit.
So yeah, some ladies should come with us next time, because there was this group of five or six girls there, and they had a blast, so why not our friends too, eh?
Anyhow, Jordan had a good birthday, and we all had a good night.
Current Mood: cheerful Current Music: E.S. Posthumus - Pompeii
08:27 pm
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Tuesday is Boobs Night That's basically an open invitation.
Jordan's birthday is on Sunday, and Sean gets back on Monday, so we're gonna celebrate stripper-style by going to Deja-Vu, again. Though Jordan's the youngin', so he's never been. So yeah, anyone else who wants to attend, that'd be pretty fricken sexy.
Right, school's out. I had to turn in a last minute paper or two on Thursday, but its all good. Bily just chatted me up about feelings and crap for 20 minutes. Then me and Ryan would've hung out with Stacey, but Ms. Buckowski started seizing, so we skidattled.
And that's about it. I had a water fight today, and the rest of my vacation has been pretty uneventful.
Oh yeah, if no one's seen City of God, come to my house whenever, and I mean whenever, since I'm often up until 2:00, and we'll watch it. It's such an incredible movie. I want everyone I know to see it.
Okay, alright, I'm a busy guy. I've got couches to sit on and TV to watch...
Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: Elefant - Misfit
09:25 pm
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Tassles Well, I'm graduated, I'm on Summer Vacation virtually forever, and I'm having a great month.
Seriously, June is the one to beat. I went to prom, completed my edumacation, and then I sorta went to a strip club after I did the whole graduation thing. It was pretty freakin' sweet. I'll never forget it.
Anyhow, I'm just hanging out, waiting until Aaron's on break as well, then we'll have tons of fun. I'm thinking of having my dad and mom help me get a camera. A GL2 would be best, and then I can worry about tripods and junk later. A camera is the main thing.
Either way, I'm gonna make some movies. I have quite a few ideas in mind, inclusing a music video medley, and an action flick. I know if they get off the ground that they'll be great.
Oh yeah, the comp works again too.
Current Mood: content Current Music: Jay-Z - 99 Problems
07:01 pm
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Razza-Matazz Best Weekend Ever.
It's far too much to write, but beleive me, it was beyond good.
Current Mood: crazy
07:58 pm
[Link] | Harry Potter!
01:51 am
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Fuck? I'm posting from a friends computer. Mine is so FUBAR its not even funny. I'm gonna have to back everything up onto discs and the wipe the hard-drive or something. Ugh, its so frustrating. Thta's basically why I haven't updated much.
So yeah... There's like 7 days of school left.
I'm pretty excited.
Not much else to say, though.
Current Mood: awake Current Music: Jay-Z - 99 Problems
10:14 pm
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The Vertical Lines Remix I can feel the senioritis.
Some days I just don't swim. Not for any reason, I just don't feel like I need to.
Other times I'll be late from lunch, and casually stroll inot Bily's class. I'm no longer scared of the consequences of truency. It's the last thing in my mind.
Anyhow, little to report. Uh, everyone has to come to The Showing this Friday. And remember, its 2 BUCKS! Not free, 2 BUCKS! Please don't forget.
Oh yeah, I won't be seeing most of me chummlies on Friday either, being Senior Skip Day and all, but I certinaly will be thinking of you all...
Current Mood: crazy
09:24 pm
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Sniffle I think I need sleep.
I mean, I can go on 5 hours regularly, but this cold is workin' on me. I'm taking those AM Cold pills, and they're great, but I gotta have them consistently, or else the cold comes back with a vengeance.
So me and Ryan didn't end up filming with Derek today. I guess Andy blew them off, which is really lame, so we just hung out a bit and worked on some things. I tried fixing me and Max's " Showing Ad " while Ryan laid down some fat beats on Soundtracks.
Also me and Maximus have to have the Ad done tomorrow. That means, putting in the new clips, adding music, cutting down the shots, and adding after-effects, plus exporting it to tape all in 3rd period. And we only started this project on Monday.
On a social note, I seem to be much more appreciatted in my TV Class now. Brendan realized my talents on his shoot and invited me to help with his future projects. Max seems to rave about me behind my back, which is flattering, and a few different people have asked for my help on projects. It usually means I end up having no time to do anything other then eat afte school, but I enjoy helping everyone out.
Ugh, so my flick's done, I might do that PSA with Louisa, and I'm gonna have a bitchin' portfolio at the year's end. Life is good...
Except for this cold.
Current Mood: sick Current Music: Nobuo Uematsu - Otherworld
10:29 am
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The Clouds We got very little shooting done yesterday.
Between the rain clouds that seemed to roll in less then an hour before our shoot, and the arrival of my friends, not much work was done. It's nice today though, so I'm gonna weed-eat the lawn before Ryan and Louisa come over so we can finish this bad boy.
Yeah, it was great having Ryan, Jordan, Martin, and Stacey all hanging out with me. Its just great when something like that comes together unintentionally. It was all luck, but what great luck, eh? So yeah, had much Burger King, listened to music, got new songs at the advice of my friends, and laughed almost endlessly. We all have similar humor from hanging out with one another, so it was pretty funny how even me and Martin, who haven't hung out in months and months, still got eachothers jokes.
Woo, it was truly good.
Current Mood: anxious Current Music: RJD2 - Good Times Roll (Part 2)
07:29 pm
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Much Ado About Film I left right after school to go film with Bredan, Jesse, Danny, and Max. We went to St. Benedicts, met up with Cole and Ms. Burback, and got to shootin'.
The best part?
I basically suggested what would become their " money-shot ". The money shot, for those not in the know, is the one big shot that you remember from the production. For example, the dolly-in zoom out w/ red lights and the scream was Food Pyramid's money-shot.
So yeah, hung out with those guys, had some fun, and was invited to go see The Big Lebowski with Brendan and Max tomorrow at the Egyptian. I told him I'd consider it and felt happy just to be asked. He also mentioned me helping with some projects of his over summer and such.
Anyhow, it was a good day.
Current Mood: happy Current Music: Switchfoot - Meant to Live
08:45 pm
[Link] | Filmed with Zoe today.
Had a nice nap on a bench at Sunset Park before I was due in front of the screen. I would've liked to stay at Sean's until J was actually needed, but it was fun to help someone else with their film for once.
Plus it's the first time that I can think of where I was chosen to be in someone else's production.
Anyhow, I might have to watch this Friends Finale. See what the hype's about.
Current Mood: complacent
10:03 pm
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Help? I may need extras on Saturday.
I know that Louisa and Ryan will be at my place at 3:00, and we'll be filming clips including only myself, however, Louisa and I agree that we'd like a few more esablishing shots of extras in the background for several shots, so I'll try and be more specific about how many shots and time it'd take by tomorrow. Anyhow, we're filiming shots with Me and Aaron at about 4;30, when he's off work.
So yeah, any extras that were previously in the movie would be praised if they returned, but only if we needed them. Don't come around if your not wanted...
God damn, you people are too clingy.
Oh yeah, after the last of our stuff is shot on Saturday, we'll be able to import it and get it done by Monday night, I'm predicting. That means I may be able to do another project, maybe like a PSA, or hell, anotehr music video, if it wasn't too complicated and the song was short enough.
Any song suggestions?
Current Mood: curious Current Music: Beastie Boys - Ch-Check It Out
09:56 pm
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Saturday on Sunday, and Saturday on Saturday Thanks to all the people who showed up at the shoot on Sunday. You have no idea how pleased I was with the people who came, and how much they helped the project. Even unexpected people, like Johnny and Katie, were immensely helpful.
Anyhow, I think I know everyone's full name, so be sure to look for them in the credits.
Also, I'll be filming this Saturday it sounds like, at about 4:30 or 4:45, and going until we're done. The shots only require me and Aaron mainly, but Louisa and I have been throwing around some possible establishing shot ideas, which may require extras, as well as a few shots where extras would help fill empty space in back. I wouldn't want anyone to have to do what they did Sunday, since it lasted longer then it should have, and everyone was a great sport about it, despite alot of on-the-spot shot ideas.
Anyways, I'll need to take it up with her again, but after we know exactly who we'd need for what, we'll contact people.
Thanks again to all those who helped out.
Current Mood: content Current Music: Spinners - The Rubberband Man
09:16 am
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Do Help I really want people at Sandel Park tomorrow at 4:00.
If you're not there, you're not my friend.
I have spoken...
Current Mood: worried Current Music: Modest Mouse - Float On
07:24 pm
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Sunday Sunday Sunday Ironically, " Saturday in the Park " will not be filmed on Saturday, but Sunday.
I need plenty of extras, and you need no acting experience, though a concept of rhythm is helpful. You'll be an integral part of the first choregraphed music video to come out of Ballard High.
Anyhow, I'm not shooting " A Trip to the Showing " that day, so it won't be nearly as hectic as I originally thought it'd be.
Anyhow, please come. Help is needed and appreciated!
Current Mood: amused Current Music: Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There (Gravity)
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