this is a random public post because i find some people to have been VERY RUDE AND IGNORANT TO ME recently. and.. they can't see my lj, OOPS!~
do NOT sit there and say that OH NOES YOU MISS MEEEE~ and then not take any initiative to contact me further. i have given you choices and you have ignored them all. AND, all that does is make me wish you'd slam your toe against some sharp rusted object for being such a putz. i will not make you popular by listing my name, nor will i be your friend if you choose to treat me as some object that looks fancy on your shelf. THANK YOU VERY MUCH <3333333
back to your regularly schedualed LJ list
-- 5-16-04 @ 9:41p
Since I, vwl, am incredibly super awesome like and stuff, I have infiltrated (not really XD) this journal and PUT A NEW LAYOUT UP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I like cheese.
Anyway, you should all go look at it. noda COME LOOK COME SEE WEEEE CHICKEN!
This has been a random announcement by vwl. Thank you and good night.
-- 3-30-04 @ 6:43p
mood : bouncy
music : Disco Dan - Zelda: Link's Awakening Bracing Tal Tal Heights
search for paradise // 21 howls
last one i promise>>
until later tonight anyway ;P
anyway. the one sure fire way to tell when i have dove chocolate is the insane amount of watering my mouth does
*mouth foams!* >_>;
this one says "life without chocolate is too terrible to contemplate."
nono, life without DOVE is too terrible ;__;
katie asked why i dont talk about my boyfriend more at work. i said cause i'd probably never shut up o_o ♥
-- 2-20-04 @ 2:44p
mood : watery
search for paradise // 3 howls
i leave in exactly one hour. hmm
pheelove my mum got me those pills you said so hopefully i wont get all carsick and gross.
since most hotel rooms have a coffee machine or at least a microwave (or another contraption to heat water), i'm bring tea packets and splenda o_O if they end up not having either, tis ok.. room service :P i'm willing to pay for it too
um..umumumum!m MEEP
gotta make a list of how to care for TEH LOGAN AND TEH FISH since everyone else has done the birds for me before. the cats are a no brainer to do.
deborah lent me her betta book :D so i have something to read in the event i get bored. oohhh~
ah.. i should go. keep down the emails and comments while i'm gone please ;__; ♥ the only one who has permission to break that rule is my boyfriend :P
be well while i'm gona or i'll sacrafice a wolf pup for every mishap.. HAHAHAHHAA!
..a beanie baby wolf anyway
-- 1-23-04 @ 3:28p
mood : @_@
search for paradise // 5 howls
ok about that background. the ones at work are actually NOT reflective, and waterproof. cooooolll~ so i got one :) gonna stick it in tomarrow . it does fine in the leopard gecko exhibit on the desert side, dunno why the wanna-be jungle side would differ (it has like, random lillies in it!)
i figure, as long as my tape isnt under the heat lamp, it should stick fine :P
-- 12-30-03 @ 10:03p
mood : amused
search for paradise // 2 howls
public (literally) service announcement>>
my list has been trimmed. as i previously stated this is to no offense to anyone, it doesnt mean i dont want to be your friend.. i just A) dont think we have enough in common to keep up with each other here, B) have no idea who you are, or 3) find certain writings too stessful.
if you NEED to talk to me dispite all this, you can email me. no_da21 AT hotmail DOT com will get you in contact real quick
thanks and i honestly DO hope you have a good day
-- 10-13-03 @ 3:56p
mood : sick
search for paradise // 7 howls
hi public land>>
quickie post to let all the world know i'm shutting this journal down into a locked setting, so strangers dont wander in and look at me funny :P if you want to be added, comment here and lemme know
otherwise, i'll probably never know you're around, yeeeep.
[/end public message]
-- 9-25-02 @ 10:48p
search for paradise // 64 howls
oh lookie>>
You are generally a calm person. You get excited when your favorite band is in town, when you are going on a date with your partner or when you and your friends are dancing. Your friends mean everything to you. You hate it when the summer is over.
You like art, and some poetry. You can throw a party, or help a friend put one together. You usually have no trouble finding dates, but you occasionally hit a dry spell. You like the outdoors, usually, and rainy weather doesn't bother you. You sometimes get jealous of people who are smarter or better looking than you, but you wouldn't hold it against them if you got to know them. You are on good terms with your parents, even though they annoy you once in a while. People tend to think you are reliable and trustworthy. You like animals.
this test was so smart ;D Don't'chya know?
-- 8-21-01 @ 8:29p
mood : weird
music : Beleive in Myself
search for paradise // 2 howls
i was doing okay until now. angst always takes forever to go away with me -.-;
(edited for immaturity)
-- 6-18-01 @ 8:04p
mood : depressed
music : nobody wants to be lonely (x.x;; )
search for paradise // 2 howls