hey you with the pretty face

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Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
10:40 pm - I'll bring home the turkey if you'll bring home the bacon
the sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new.
no, that's not quite true. I am now offically a high school graduate (bitchin), have a job for the summer (stellar), am a weezer fan and a modest mouse fan (word), and am going to the beach for a fabulous week with 20 people I'm awfully fond of (holla!) in exactly one week from today I'll be eighteen, ain't it great, no longer jail bait! mmmmmbumblehum dedink dedope degreater than before.
ice age heat wave can't complain.

current mood: amused
current music: modest mouse - control freak

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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
3:56 pm - going from control freak to a freak with no control
see what you wanna see, you should see it all
take what you want from me, you deserve it all
nine times out of ten, our hearts just get dissolved

I could buy myself a reason
I could sell myself a job
I could hang myself for treason
oh I am my own damn god

my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth

who would wanna be such a control freak?

illegibly on an airplane )

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Monday, May 24th, 2004
12:23 pm
Desire of the Endless
You are Desire! You enjoy manipulating people and
having people love you. You can be cruel and

Which Sandman Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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11:54 am - nugget of wisdom circa sophomore year
PixieGirlKT: my parents won't agree to buy me sedatives or sleeping pills when i stay up for days but they WILL hire me a math tutor because i may get a C
PixieGirlKT: people just can't see the big picture, you know man?
Calitetra: you can't overdose on a math tutor
PixieGirlKT: to the untrained eye..

current mood: awake
current music: cake - frank sinatra

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Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
2:51 pm
Paste the following in your journal:

Find your True Color. (Replace "[" and "]" with "<" and ">")

[font color=yourusername] [b]yourusername[/b] [/font]


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Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
10:49 pm
gentlemen prefer blondes )

current mood: blonde
current music: weezer - only in dreams

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Friday, May 14th, 2004
12:08 pm - so disaffected you could cut me
the more I look at my me-icon the more I am convinced I actually look like that. friiiightening. where's my nose? I HAVE NO NOSE. that is how I prefer it actually. Note to self: only have children with people who have nice noses. and only far enough in the future where they genetically code the kid so he/she will NOT get my nose. or anything like my nose.

and I really like this song, wish my cd wouldn't keep skipping. STOP SKIPPING, don't you know it hurts mommy when you do that? and makes the angels cry?

drove into VA yesterday and yeah, it's STILL SCARY. as soon as I cross the GW bridge I get chillllz, oh em gee, scary driving in VA. but I'm aware that VA people feel that way about driving in MD, so I don't complain outloud. except for the occational "I hate my life" when I get off on the wrong exit for the FOURTH FUCKING TIME. horatio, tiniest of gods, I love you like a bearbot, but you must never navigate ever. chanting '45A' so that it sounds like you're saying 'por favor' does not help anybody. even though I still blame the el camino.
related note: tizzaylor izz hizzome, yizzay!

whyyyy do I still have work to do? why why? I would like to NOT do it, if that's ok with everyone. so much left, doubleyou tee eff, I dun wanna.


current mood: working...ha
current music: weezer - pinkerton, track 3

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Monday, May 10th, 2004
10:57 pm

i am ...


according to the rebelsnail.net assessment. how jesus are you?

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10:24 pm - goodbye blue monday!
and then I had nothing to say. I've wanted to use that as a subject since I read BO'C. just finished Mother Night; I liked it. I had a pretty good weekend, I'm looking forward to this upcoming weekend.
Nick came home today, it'll be nice having him back.

current mood: blue monday

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004
1:04 pm - today at work
we discussed having a hystorectomy through your belly button, cow tipping, and the size a baby carriage would have to be to fit a banjo. intermittenly, two people circled through the lobby on roller skates and I got a little work done.

I love my job?

current mood: accomplished
current music: special k's fantastic mixy-mix

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Monday, May 3rd, 2004
1:03 pm - note to self
Hershey kisses = EVIL. They hurt you worse than heartbreak, you KNOW THIS. Do NOT under any circumstances eat them. I DO NOT CARE if the candy jar at work is full of them. You will be in PAIN, for sobbing out loud. No, I mean it, put those back! I'm warning you, stop it! Stop! You're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting me too! Don't do it-! OOOWWWW!!!!

I hate you,

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Saturday, May 1st, 2004
11:27 am - Poem on Your Blog Day (fashionably late)
missed the boat yesterday, but at 11:30 I found the perfect poem.
it was in the movie I was watching which I recommend to anyone, it's fantastic film making combined with all this other great shit about it. look into it, it's called Stealing Beauty.

I wait I wait so patiently
as quiet as a cup
for you to come and rattle me
Quick! come wake me up

current mood: thoughtful

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Friday, April 30th, 2004
10:25 am
1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions


context upon request. (the italian keebler elf is an actual person, not a figment.)

current music: THE ARROW

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Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
10:54 pm - and also
Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what people would like to remember of you. Anons are welcome.

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10:34 pm - All In Six Seconds
I wrote this for Chaya but wanted to post it for all to read because I'm proud of it.

All In Six Seconds )

current mood: chipper
current music: royal tenenbaums soundtrack

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Sunday, April 25th, 2004
4:35 pm - Hoolia the Gopher
Goucher class of '08!

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Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
8:07 pm
The thing is: I love horses; I just really HATE people.
It'll be a miracle if I can walk at all tomorrow. But I'm glad to know that Gary's still my hero. And sad to know that this only gets worse higher up. WBTA on prom day too, yippeeeeeeeeeeshit. SHitshitshit, I wanna shower but I CANT, I hate the screenplay. 350 fucking dollars?? go DIE, I buy my own shit, I hope your soul rots in your shrimpy body from lack of oxygen and good loving. there is a special hell for people like you, just HATEhatehate.

other than that it was a really good lesson, I <3 Russkie.

current mood: dehydration/glare headache
current music: hot hot heat (<--another bad thing about today)

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Monday, April 19th, 2004
9:26 pm - musical meme
I bummed my knee today (somehow) but I got some great shopping done.

The idea here is to tell us what your favorite songs are RIGHT NOW. Not "the best songs", not your favorites of all time, your favorites at the present moment.

In no particular order: )

current mood: annoyed
current music: rufus wainwright - hallelujah (cuz of katie)

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Sunday, April 18th, 2004
3:28 pm - e

current mood: ecstatic
current music: Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts - Less Than Jake

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Thursday, April 15th, 2004
alright, so let me tell you about my awesome fucking week.

ungodly long and exuberant )

current mood: EEEEEEsore
current music: the pixies - crackity jones

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