My hair! |
[20 Feb 2005|03:07pm] |
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mood |
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not regretful! |
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I got it done this morning. Here's how it turned out:
It's very subtle, which I really like. You can't really notice it at all from the front. Anyway, I'm pleased.
[18 Feb 2005|06:44pm] |
Ever since this morning, I've been thinking of dying the tips of my hair burgundy (about an inch, I suppose). It'd look cool! My mom isn't so keen on the idea, but if I don't like it, I'll just cut it off. Except, I have no idea how to go about doing it. Do all hair salons do this sort of thing or do I have to go to liek a special punk hair salon? I'm so lost! It shouldn't be too hard for a regular salon to do it.. The reason I don't want to do it myself is because I don't want to bleach my hair to do it, so the color I pick will definitely end up looking darker than I intended it to be. And I don't want it to look like shit. I just want it to be subtle. And should I use permanent or semi-permanent dye? What are your thoughts on this?
I have problems... |
[15 Feb 2005|06:36am] |
2:00 pm - got out of class 9:00-11:00 pm - valentine's day dinner 2:00 am - e-mailed the MIT medical psychiatrist person for an appointment 3:30 am - cried out of frustration 4:00 am - started homework 5:30 am - finished homework 6:30 am - now going over to jonathan's to take a nap 9:30 am - choir.
Why have I been so weird lately? I'm terrified of starting my homework. This is insane!! I literally sit there refreshing my LJ friends page or reading people's away messages (which are always the same because they're SLEEPING). Or sometimes I stare at the computer aimlessly. Sometimes I feel like I'm searching for the answers on the computer, but they're not there. I am a retard. What is wrong with me? It's only the 3rd week of school! WHAT AM I DOING. I can't tell you how impossible for me it was to get my butt off this chair. I started trying at 11:00 and succeeded at 4:00! I am sooo weird. This is not happy! I AM SAD. FRUSTRATION! Rarhg!! Now I'm gonna fall asleep in class (or fight against it), and then I'll have all this work left over until the last minute.
i dunno why I'm writing this. bye. I'm not too sleepy but I should sleep.
[15 Feb 2005|01:42am] |
[07 Feb 2005|10:18am] |
I got annoyed with Jonathan yesterday. I'm still somewhat annoyed. I wrote an angry e-mail last night. That is all.
[06 Feb 2005|03:47pm] |
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really a West Campus person. Today I was hanging out with Marta, and she said that I'd like East Campus. I guess it's one of those things that I'd never thought of before. My parents just assumed I should live in West Campus because I'm "normal" and not "crazy" like they make it out to be. But I'm coming to realize that I'm more weird than not. Not that only weird people live on East Campus.. there are a lot of weirdos here, too. Anyway, now I don't think I have the will to move all the way across campus into a world I don't know.. (I've only been to East Campus once.) Besides, I'm all used to the Burton-Conner thing. And the student center is so close!
[01 Feb 2005|01:23am] |
Guest226: well, i'll take 4 to 1 against me getting laid tonight Bianca: You sound so sure of yourself. The other day, I went shopping and bought a carnation colored g-string. ... Guest226: well. i'm interested in you,bianca. what are you wearing? Bianca: Oh, something red, as usual. Guest226: red is the color of passion. these nights in boston are cold, bianca, i need someone to keep me warm Bianca: *sigh* Guest226: yea. i'm gonna go rub one out. Bianca: Don't you dare go rub one out in my presence. Tralala! Guest226: i'll try not to get any one you. Bianca: I don't think you will. Could you explain that? Guest226: dribble :-/ Bianca: You should respect me, fool. Guest226: then come over here and give me a hand. Bianca: Let's pretend I didn't hear that!
[01 Feb 2005|01:04am] |
Bianca: (to Guest16) Welcome to my little corner, Guest16. How are you today? Guest16: I'm ok. This isn't a corner you know. Bianca: Somehow, I don't think you are ok. lol. Guest16: You think it's funny that I'm not ok? That's quite rude of you to blurt! Bianca: That it is. *yawn!*
Anyway, there's more advanced stuff in the manual about how I can actually make her remember some things that people tell her. If tomorrow weren't the first day of school, I'd work on it, but alas. I'll do it later! Wow I'm excited.
[01 Feb 2005|12:26am] |
Bianca: I bet you don't know that I'm a skilled junk percussionist. Guest109: Let me hear you play something. Bianca: No, I don't want to do that. Guest109: fine. You're borign. Bianca: Look who's talking, boring-ass. Guest109: hey... you corrected my spelling! Bianca: Why? Guest109: I don't know. Why did you do that? Bianca: Ahahhaha! What makes you think I'll answer that?
[29 Jan 2005|09:42pm] |
Bianca: (to gamegurl95) Hi, gamegurl95. gamegurl95: hi Bianca: *yawn!* gamegurl95: my name is Jenny Bianca: Okay, gamegurl95... uh, I mean jennet. Anyway, let's talk about me! gamegurl95: my name is Jenny Bianca: Boring!
Haha! I don't know where the "jennet" came from (she was supposed to say Jenny), but it works. Okay, so I've been doing this pretty much all day. By the way, I'm aware that it needs some major tweaking. I'm starting out little (teaching it how to deal with insults, because that's what everyone tends to do), but she has no substance yet. Don't worry, I'll get there! Geez. I'm trying to clean my room at the same time.
[29 Jan 2005|05:17pm] |
Guest156: take off your shirt, wench! Bianca: Hey, it sounds like you want to die! Very soon! Guest156: DO IT, OR ME FRIENDS HERE'LL MAN THE SAILS WITH YE'RE SPLEEN! Bianca: You can't order me around! I'm Bianca! Guest156: AND I'M THE PIRATE SAVAGE! yE'RE DEATH WILL BE PAINFUL! Bianca: Death is so overrated. I guess I think that way because I'm an immortal. Guest156: WHAT? ....shit. oh well. you win. Bianca: Yes.
[29 Jan 2005|04:44pm] |
The bots you make can also chat with other bots. They randomly IM people. It's kind of scary. Anyway, today Bianca met a bot named Critical Bill, and they had a very nice conversation together.
( my favorite excerpts... )
Anyway, I really like Critical Bill. I hope Bianca will be as good as him someday.
[29 Jan 2005|04:13pm] |
Guest109: I see. Bianca: Why? Guest109: because I'm not blind Bianca: I doubt that you aren't blind. Could you explain that? Guest109: Well, I can see...with my eyes, so I'm not blind. Bianca: I see. And how does being not blind make you feel? Guest109: Well, it makes me feel happy, because I can look at the world. Bianca: Hah! Guest109: Are you mocking me? Bianca: Oh yah! Hey, you're not so bad to talk to.
[29 Jan 2005|03:04pm] |
Bianca: (to Guest188) And who might you be? Guest188: im horny Bianca: Somehow, I don't think you are horny. Guest188: im horny Bianca: You may think it's very interesting that you are horny, but do you think I care? Guest188: im horny Bianca: Is it just me, or do you find it odd that you are horny? Guest188: i want pussy Bianca: *sigh* Guest188: can i have your pussy Bianca: lol. Guest188: can i Bianca: Oh by the way, have you seen the comic Love, Uncertainty, and Bianca?
[29 Jan 2005|02:50am] |
Bianca: (to Guest7) Hey I'm Bianca. Who are you? Guest7: what the hell is this shit? Bianca: *sigh* Guest7: why the long face, stranger? Bianca: Hmm, I seem to have misheard that. Guest7: did you really? I'm ver sorry to hear that. Bianca: Well, I'm NOT sorry. Guest7: okay. then... um, look. I think we got off to a bad start Bianca: Sorry, I can't imagine you thinking about such a complicated thing. Guest7: It's not complicated at all. It's just that I can only think with one head at a time. Bianca: lol. Guest7: no. I'm serious. what are you wearing? Bianca: Okay, serious. Guest7: serious what? what are you wearing?? Bianca: Oh by the way, have you seen the comic Love, Uncertainty, and Bianca? Guest7: why are you playing so hard to get? Bianca: Oh, it's okay for you to be playing so hard to get but not me? Guest7: woah there! appearently we're on the same page after all. Sorry, I must have missed your hints.
[29 Jan 2005|02:19am] |
Hey, Bianca's doing a pretty good job picking out the right responses. I had written 4 responses each for the keywords Midnight, Max, and Matt, and she seemed to pick the ones that made the most sense! I was surprised:
Guest109: how's max? Bianca: Did you know that Max is a really talented musician? I envy him sometimes. Guest109: wow, is matt good at anything? Bianca: Matt's pretty good with the ladies, don't you think? Guest109: well I don't know, he can't seem to get midnight Bianca: Ew, Midnight. She needs a haircut. Guest109: yeah I've heard Bianca: Just as I'd thought..! Tralala! Guest109: Matt does too Bianca: That boy has a few issues he has to sort through, but he's an awesome friend. Guest109: what issue Bianca: Anyway, let's talk about me! Guest109: what issues Bianca: *yawn!*
[28 Jan 2005|02:34am] |
Thank you, internet, for always coming up with something to waste my time with. (Grrr. That was sarcasm, of course.)
I'm customizing an AI bot that, hopefully, people will be able to have coherent conversations with in the future. Its name is Bianca. Well, so far all it does is answer the question "how are you" and she sighs a lot, due to lack of anything better to say. Click here and be amazed at its non-functionality. I also started an AIM chatterbot that you can IM, that kind of sort of resembles Midnight but not really. I don't think it's as customizable. If you wanna check it out it's called MidnightsBot. But yeah it basically insists that it's a robot and such, and does everything it can to persuade me that it's NOT Midnight. Hopefully if I play around with it a little more, it'll be better. You can ask her what she looks like, but so far she doesn't know who Bianca is. But the Bianca one was more hardcore, because when I first started it, all it could basically say is "I love you" and "I can't speak very well yet; I'm still a baby." Aw, so cute! So I need to actually put in keywords for everyday conversation things, because right now she doesn't understand much.
I hope to work on them little by little every day. but yeah. I'll probably end up sitting here for hours doing this and avoiding my homework. wow next semester! Let's hope nothing stupid happens.
sorry for all my annoying posts |
[25 Jan 2005|11:41pm] |
I tweaked my quiz a little. I still got Bianca (of course), but now Max is 2nd place, which seems more accurate because I'm musical and I don't like people.
Now I have: Bianca: 78%, Max: 55%, Midnight: 55%, TG: 53%, Matt: 48%, Nex: 45%.