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Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 03:48 pm
After work this evening, OtherChris and I are heading down to a free Apple seminar on video post-production at the National Maritime Museum.

Motion. Final Cut Pro HD. DVD Studio Pro 3.

We're not video gurus.

Hilarity (or boredom) is the future!

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Monday, June 7th, 2004 10:17 pm
"The biggest story in music is about to get even bigger"
Europe, you're about to get the iTunes Music Store.

Current Music: ♪ Cathedrals - Jump, Little Children - Magazine

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Sunday, June 6th, 2004 02:03 pm
You probably suck.

I still destroy everyone I know at every Nintendo game I own.

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Saturday, June 5th, 2004 09:21 am
I have ADSL.

The ADSL modem finally arrived on Thursday, along with a big envelope to return the cable modem in.

If you're interested in dealing with Telstra BigPond while moving from a cabled to a non-cabled area, read my Whirlpool forum post.

The future is finally using WarpPipe to play Mario Kart with Ben, and playing with the iSight I borrowed from work.

The much more interesting part of this story will be posted soon... friends only!

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Friday, June 4th, 2004 04:50 pm
<Xenex> Mmm, nothing like a call that works out well.
<Xenex> Making all these shiny Macs be all nice and friendly to each other...

Also, free Pepsi today. Ah, iPod promotions.

And finally - I'm buying some furniture off a guy at work! A bed! A couch! A coffee table! A crappy desk! Whee!

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Sunday, May 30th, 2004 12:21 pm
Consumerism without leaving the bedroom.

I just clicked on two pairs of Sony MDR-EX71SL earbuds.

So, yeah, two eBay purchases in the space of 10 seconds.

A large image and additional babble lies within! )
Anyway, they're the best iPod-matching earbuds you'll get.

Current Music: ♪ This Room - Eskimo Joe - A Song Is A City

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Sunday, May 30th, 2004 04:15 am
A day of cool people.

I need to order 2 pairs of headphones from eBay. Ben and I discussed this on the phone today; I just need to do it tomorrow morning...

As I walked home from the RTA office, I visited a CD store and picked up Sumday, following Grimace's high praise.

This afternoon, I ended up venturing into the heart of Sydney with [info]sapia on a book-buying frenzy.

I was given some advice yesterday night - "Don't stress so much about rent. You have a well-playing full time job - you can afford it!"

Twisting that good advice to justify mass-purchasing, I ended up with 5 books from Asimov's Robots series, and a copy of Michael Marshall Smith's Spares at Sapia's strong suggestion.

We then walked to [info]machv's house, and didn't get his ADSL connection working. Thank you for not activating the line, Telstra!

So instead we all went to Sapia's house with our computer, with the grand plan of enjoying the bandwidth. However, the mice and men attacked: machv's computer allegedly gave Sapia's some variant of the Sasser worm that completely screwed her Windows install.

I gloated like a Mac zealot should.

I eventually drove home, had a chat with Soc on the phone. Then blew something out of proportion with, and then had a great conversation with, Tegan. Her++

And then I got online to post some babble on LiveJournal. So, here it is.

So, yeah, my day featured really cool people. I'm sure I've missed a whole lot of them (like [info]zerotime and his link to the most useless thing on Wikipedia, or George's offer of Black Books season 3, or Aja's general all-round coolness, just to name some that came to mind...) but a few have been mentioned here.

Thank you. Thank you all.

Current Music: ♪ The Group Who Couldn't Say - Grandaddy - Sumday

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Saturday, May 29th, 2004 01:10 pm
Insane and not entirely serious babble about the thing that I finally was given this morning.

I now have a full car license in the state of New South Wales. If features a picture of a flower picture, and a photo of myself.

As far as license photos go, it's a great photo. Also, my shirt matches the colour of the license, which is a nice coincidence.

The full license will now allow me to drive after the consumption of a tiny, tiny amount of alcohol. Because I had my P's from a state with sane laws, being able to actually drive the speed limit isn't new to me.

And finally, my organs are now officially up for grabs.

Current Music: ♪ The Go In The Go-For-It - Grandaddy - Sumday

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Thursday, May 27th, 2004 01:38 pm
I am, you are, we are Australia.

I have just been on the phone to Telstra for 50 minutes, of which only 4 were speaking to someone.

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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004 10:04 pm
Tonight my workmates indroduced me to the 'joys' of Toohey's bottlecaps, and the trivia within.

This was my favourite:
Q: Where did the first Commonwealth parliament sit after Federation?
A: Melbourne.
The beer is better there too.

Xenex is slightly cynical right now. Please leave a message after the beep.

Current Music: Coldplay Live 2003 DVD, playing Daylight in the background.

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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004 08:49 pm
Pondering our wonderful world of communication.

I accidentally left my mobile phone at home this morning. I come home to 6 unanswered calls - all with the phone number withheld.

How important can something be that you call six times, but still not leave a message?

Current Music: ♪ Waitin' for a Superman (Is it gettin' heavy?) - The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin

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Saturday, May 22nd, 2004 11:29 pm
One more robot learns to be something more than a machine...

"One More Robot" - Loosely based on the story of "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots" - the robot is engineered specifically to destroy its opponent in a gladiator style fight to the death. But, this robot's circuitry (3000-21 model unit) has the capacity to react to changes with synthetic emotions - and even though it's programmed to kill her - it falls in love with Yoshimi - and by the end of the song (the sad reprise) the robot has decided to kill himself rather than harm Yoshimi...

Why write when you can cut and paste from IRC? )

And that's why the icon is posted here; 'cause it'll probably disappear in a few days.

Current Music: ♪ One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21 - The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

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Sunday, May 16th, 2004 07:24 pm
I'm trying to convince Zerotime to move to Sydney. Who wouldn't want a cool geek vegetarian housemate! Yes, even a horribly cynical one...

So, here's the poll:

Poll #294061 Perth vs Sydney.
Open to: Friends, results viewable to: All

Should Zerotime move to Sydney?

View Answers

27 (90.0%) 27 (90.0%)

3 (10.0%) 3 (10.0%)

Current Music: ♪ The Observer - The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin

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Saturday, May 15th, 2004 02:34 am
The great thing about Kid A is that you can sit down to embrace How to Disappear Completely, but then within 10 minutes Optimistic has lifted your sprits back up.

Or something.

I think I'll play something else now...

Current Music: ♪ Optimistic - Radiohead - Kid A

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Friday, May 14th, 2004 08:19 am
Krispy Kreme is god!

Yesterday evening after work, some of the cool guys from work and I drove to the International terminal of Sydney Airport. Why?

Because a Krispy Kreme store opened there yesterday.

Anyway, I just had what must be the best breakfast ever: Warm original glazed doughnuts. Oh, and some tea.

Sydney finally has something that Melbourne doesn't have. Yet.

Oh, I'm also not over the fact an American company spells 'doughnuts' correctly...

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Thursday, May 13th, 2004 10:40 pm
The rent was successfully paid.

Team House-Near-Micropay lives on for another day.

Which is odd, because it's more of a unit...

Current Music: ♪ We suck Young Blood. (Your Time is up.) - Radiohead - Hail to the Thief

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 07:04 pm
Oh my.

It's the last Movie Show with David and Margaret tonight... forever!

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 02:47 pm
The monies. The pretzel monies.

The real estate monster just attacked: $1260.12 by tomorrow.

Go Team House-Near-Micropay!

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 11:02 am
Hurrah for E3, woo!

Nintendo DS: The Game & Watch reborn! 4 player Super Mario 64! New Mario Kart! New WarioWare! Wireless multiplayer with up to 16 people! Woo!

Oh, and a 'mature' Zelda and a 'real' StarFox for the GameCube. Woo!

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Saturday, May 8th, 2004 10:46 pm
Sydney to Melbourne with the usual halfway point.

I drove from Sydney to Wodonga last night, then crashed at Ben's place. Then drove with him from Wodonga to Melbourne early today.

Grabbed stuff from Clifton Hill, then left my keys. Went to parents' house, grabbed more stuff, then drove back to Wodonga.

Total round time from Wodonga to Melbourne and back = 11 hours.

Now, the future is blankets and a microwave and a kettle and a Beige G3 and a Nintendo 64 and a Bluetooth adaptor and other random things I've been missing for the past three weeks.

Tomorrow will involve driving back from Wodonga to Sydney. Hurrah.

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