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12 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in dave barry. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 2sheds - Олег "2sheds" Курапов
- 4ti3k4t35 - |<4ti3
- _haydee_ - Haydee
- aaronreview - Fro
- acrossthestars - the consequence of actually feeling
- aeinome - A_Einome
- afterwards - Ellie Hastings
- aic_weirdo - Alternative to a Person
- aimeric - Aimeric
- aiyume - AiYume
- alcuina - MissaMouse
- algeh - Techno Geek is Having a Quandary
- aliceinwonder - Maybe Katie, but really Sandra
- alisondianastar - Alison
- alternatepants - hymn and heard
- amandathegreat - Cartoon Girl
- ames7 - Amy
- andric - Andric
- anghelmahal - Heather
- anne_jumps - Sugar
- anonymousless - Bob
- anonymuschicken - The Fanta Menace
- antipop - Brandon
- antisocialite - i have a good and i have an evil
- aphazia - the rainbowraights are coming!!!!!!
- apocalypselater - Andrew Like-Slettuce
- applequeen - siobhan
- aquariumspast - Charlie
- arafel - always a pallbearer, never a corpse
- arthenadent - Ferrero Küsschen
- assfingers - MC Gatorade
- athaena - Melanie
- audiehall - Audie
- autoflower - Carmelina
- baldylokz - E.J.
- ballisk - Slash
- benpanced - Andie
- bionicwoman - Bionic Woman
- bishojo17 - Megan
- bizzeccax - Becca
- bkoolkido - Project KOOL
- blackjackrocket - Blackjack Gabbiani
- blackmoth - Kari
- blademak - Crisis Robot
- bleedfantasmic - jenn!
- bluestardusteye - a temperamental expression
- bluhbean - Shira
- bobafett420 - the Supreme Templar of Steel
- bobsdriveway - B. Lo in da hizzay
- boffo - Nifty McNiftington
- brainstorm - Kris
- brainsupplement - K-Rad and the Doomsters of the Apocalypse
- brim - Brim
- browncoat_gater - browncoat_gater
- bupkiss - Lauren
- burnthings - Kimberly
- butyn - Sara
- buzzwords - Buzz
- c00kie - his lovely assistant
- cacahuate - Moliadoc Greengrass
- caffeineaddict - Ri-chan
- calembour - Billiam
- capheine - C to the Izaph, E to the Izine
- caribouken - Contemplating the 9th Chevron
- catka83 - Ruth B
- cave3114 - Cave #3114
- celticalanna - Jeanne
- charlottesweb - Charlotte
- chipple - Chipple
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- chococat66 - They call her Princess Passion
- chronicbackpain - Captain Amazing
- cimorene111 - princess cimorene
- clax257 - The Girl Who Lived
- cloudeater - Writing to reach you
- cmzero - The Ronin Esper
- codymah - Like Me or Me
- copperpoint - Do not taunt happy fun ball
- coronaaustralis - Ape, Ape, Ape of the Jungle
- countrapula - Thomas
- crackofdawn - Dawn
- crasch - crasch
- crazykiltman - Spencer the filthy smeghead
- crusher005 - Errin
- daghain - Darth
- dannie - last night's potroast
- dannisan - Daniel Anzulovic
- darkpool - Kyra
- darkrooms - main v. impact character
- darkwolf69 - Dark Wolf
- darthbird - Robin
- davidkingsley - Dave
- delphicdays - sentimental, like those other sticker valentines
- dementiapraecox - Isobel
- demiankatz - Demian Katz
- dezzikitty - snickerdoodle's princess
- dfrioli - Dan
- digipete - Digital Postma
- djbrian_k - Brian K
- djq15 - Dan
- dork12553 - meg
- dragonscholar - Dragon Scholar
- drcristin - Dr. Cristin
- dreamsighted - your kiss is deafening as the sound of my silence
- drivenbymania - Heatherjune
- drockdamian - Damian's Rotting Corpse
- dsch - Mitya
- duchess_webb - Duchess Webb
- duthsu - Jenny
- dyermaker37 - civil disobedience
- dyma55 - Dyma55
- dyskodyke - My name is Tina, I'm a lesser known character
- e_train - EOW
- electra310 - Carmen Deoganis
- elfbabe - Marissa
- eloise_grown_up - julia
- elpblonde - katorific
- emilylime - DarkRedGarnet
- empirehands - Christopher
- emyko - Emily
- ericrapp - america's favorite white boy
- etain - M.K. Ultra
- etoilesouslamer - Lindsey
- euterpe_81 - a masochistic lamb to the slaughter
- evenstar3 - Sharon
- evilsquirrl - Swain
- example22 - Example22
- ezralitemikey - mR. SatURn
- fallonfey88 - Anna
- falls2climb - someone has to take the fall
- farsidecow - Ken
- feather - AlyCat the AlyDragon Frog Bird Demented Squirrel
- feelium007 - Strange Torture
- fhaugen - Frances
- figgle - christine
- fireprincess7 - Falling out of reach
- firewench - Blazin' Pyro Chick
- flagpolesitta - The Great & Magnificent Show
- flatspunk - Derek (Reject)
- flewellyn - Flewellyn
- floatinghead - Preston
- floydian123 - Steven
- fontaine - fontaine
- foresthouse - Delaney
- frankncents - Krazy Troubadour
- freakydragon - PullyPingPoy
- freakzine - Cleopatra Schwartz
- freebyrd1979 - "You said death first, uh-uh, death first!"
- frenzied - Ric
- frezzen - The Darkest One
- frizzwhispers - Shawna
- frozenswans - Kate
- gadget_girl - badgers r' us
- geloe - Qitten
- genopringle - Fwee!
- giddytrace - Gideon
- gmoneyjonesiii - G Money Jones III (1991-2004)
- gordonshumway - K-a-t-e on the m-i-c
- gorthead - Glop
- gottafocus - Maggie
- guendella - Just a girl, her words, and her pictures
- guinevere33 - guinevere
- haackrum - The Goat who Ate the World
- half_eaten - half-eaten by wild dogs
- hamstergal - Nette
- hamusutaa - Andy Scheffler
- heatha - rynn
- heatherpotter - heather
- helenmelon - trapped like a trap in a trap
- hellokitty_26 - sexy
- hollcheer3 - Holly
- horseygal57 - Kendall
- hotbuns - hussy alexandra
- howdybutt - Pill Popping Juke Box
- icetears - Luna
- ike_fanfic - EFG Studios
- ike_says - Beth Gawthrop
- illandaria - Shannon
- ilmari - Joni
- imagemaker - The Visitor
- ink_n_paint - Danny
- internetwomanjr - InternetWomanJr
- intotheroses - Isolde's Broken Heart
- intrepidwriter - The Great One
- irishgypsie - Amanda Renee
- istrapsyche - Erin
- ivpiter - Joop
- jackli - Jack Li
- janabanana - Jana, the Chocolate Covered Banana
- jane_tzara - Ro
- jayciewho - Janet
- jcreed - Jason
- jcrewgoose - Lucy
- jdedrnbowcarnag - Left. B. Hind. (Becky)
- jdrew2 - Justin
- jenwolf - A Cat In Wolf's Clothing
- jessacord - jesseeka
- jetpackted - Jetpack Ted
- jilpie - jil :O
- jimmycarter1979 - some girl
- jnmadrigal - Her name is Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks!
- jobessobicoba - Goosebumps and Tears
- johnbot - John
- jordyn222 - Jordyn
- joyofem - The Emjoy Luck Club
- joyofpatton421 - Gizmo
- jumboshrimp - filthy little outbreak monkey
- junglelux - Richard D. James
- junkpile - nicole adrienne introvert
- jv_marino - The Prospector
- kag - Princess Kay
- kalurien - kalurien
- kamikazitaxi - Tyler
- kasthegirl - Kristina Florentina Serafina Striped Hyena Ocarina
- kayrbear - Karyn
- kbpease - Kevin
- kelly411 - Kelly
- kelly_lynn - kelly martin
- kenelf - Ken
- kerrybear - Kerry-Kerry-Bo-Berry
- kidzero - #1543734
- kimikoneko - Kat
- kinghollywood - The most dangerous man in America
- kinkymale - JonBob
- kippeydale - Scarlett
- klepi - Kathleen LePirate
- kouban - Kouban
- krud42 - Krud
- kseibert - Kyle Seibert
- kylegirl - dog with bees in her mouth
- l2g - Larry "Natural Joe" Gilbert
- lafcat - lafcat
- lancesdreamgirl - X10
- larakailyn - Lara
- lauragami - Laura
- leanne_ - LeAnne
- lefthanded - kilgore trout
- lenablair - Magpied
- leshiababy - LeshiaBaby
- lifeisfun - Today's Adventure
- lily_spark - April
- lilymd - D.
- linguafranca - Geisha Kitten
- littledarkrose - Kiera Rose
- littlewashu - I believe I said that
- liz_chan - Liz Frommer
- lizardlois - lois
- llism - Feeling a synthetic kind of love
- logorrhea - Erin
- lorddrakthee - Joe
- loserbydestiny - I'm burnin like a bridge for your body
- losubres - A Nautical Star
- louer - French toast-makin' fool
- luvisallyouneed - A Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes
- luvrhino - luvrhino
- lzgutt - Loran Gutt
- madkat07 - kat fer
- madlovekitty - kitty
- maggieroofus - Laura
- malanai - Malanai
- maninblack - Dread Pirate Roberts
- martin_bishop - Martin Bishop
- martini283 - martini
- maybejane - jane
- mccalix - Kevin McCalix
- megachimp - LOOK AT MY JOURNAL... it wants to be read..
- meiji117 - meiji
- melosond - Tawdry Flourish
- menotafish - The Next Andy Kaufman
- meowhip - Cat
- mhoar - Meredith
- mimeinashoebox - Antoinette
- minaloush - Mina-Rose
- mirandathejoy - Mirandom
- misserin - Miss Erin
- missmystery - ♥ Miss Mystery ♥
- mistressfrog - An implosion goes, "MOOB"
- mizstake - mizstake
- mlleelizabeth - Mlle Elizabeth
- mmulberry - Hathaldir
- monalisa816 - Brenda
- monkey25 - Monkey
- monkeychart - Person Monkey-Chart
- moondrop72 - Lis
- mrbehemoth - Monsieur_LeBehemoth
- mrpata - Harry Pata
- mrpenguintoes - Momo
- mrswhich - Stevi
- msvblur - Your Grandma
- muffin_mcgoo - Juanne
- mujib -
- mutimbo - Tim
- mysticpenguin - Emily Penguin
- nakedsockpuppet - "The Next Best Thing to Naked"
- nashata - Amanda
- netherunicorn - red on the outside
- newcrime_x - Tender Lumpling
- nicestems - nicestems
- nick919 - Nick
- ninglor - Adrienne
- noelleleithe - I'm a Georgia girl, lost in New Jersey
- nogyroscope - hello, darling
- northernskier - Nathanael
- nothomeyet - NotHomeYet
- notmyfaultdance - Gerund Janey
- nullfate - nullfate
- occultatio - Matt
- octopedingenue - Kawcrow
- off_key - my name's so pretty it's hiding behind this text
- okjaysun - Jason
- one_jedi - Phoebe
- onefish - Levi
- optissima - Original flavor Sharn™
- orangenish - Orange
- othertim - Tim Briody
- oz_the_geek - Oz Fodrotski
- pammienyx - Pamela
- patbrad - Pat Brad
- patches266 - Mugs!!!
- pauliver - Paul
- pcable - Pat Cable
- pensee - Curling for Loonies
- pettitte96 - Catherine
- phil - phil
- philady - Behind Blue Eyes
- pin_stripe - human carbine
- poet_ess - Galaxy
- pointedulac - kamikaze kaitou
- polkaroo79 - James
- princess_kdiddy - Can't expect the world to be your Raggedy Andy
- priscellie - The Stripey-Panted Wonder
- promethiusbob - Katie Kat
- protoman20xx - Jacob
- psychesmaia - psychesmaia
- puffpastry - The talk on a cereal box.
- puresoldier - PureSoldier
- purple_reign - So I says to Suzie I says
- purplecatsnot - Grant
- raeannas_dream - The predatorial one
- rag819 - Bobby
- ragtimematt - Matthew
- reasondefies - Secret
- redrock - Doug
- rgallitan - Robin
- rheymoon - nueve
- riki_kiki_taco - Kiki
- rinny_bluemoon - Rin-Blu
- rjmoya - Endymion
- rockcandy76 - Ben
- rosebyanother - Superhero Girl
- rowlf26 - rowlf26
- roxy_vulpine - Roxy Vulpine
- safiiru - Karl
- salmonrunning - Jon
- samethreechords - Not a completely disinterested observer
- sandystar - .:The ~one-and-only~ Sandal:.
- sarahannkateri - OMG, we're SOOOO gonna do it!
- sasja_sokolov - I even make my grandma sick
- sasori13 - Jenn
- satotallyne - Totally Insane
- scotteiland - Scott Eiland
- scrabbledude - David
- seether - Beaker
- serenitystarre - elri
- serpenvirens - natalie
- sexysoccerstud - Child of the sand
- sgtstubs - Lost and Lonely
- shaynester - Crazy Li'l Shaynie
- shelley42 - Love-Starved Hellcat
- shinymonkey - not your star
- shippo - Shippo
- shoo - solitary shoo
- sideadde - Sideadde
- siemova - Siemova
- signaltonoise - Ford Prefect
- sinamingirl - beth, the pink haired demon
- sinda - Anna
- skate87 - Susan
- smi00p - Pirette Cap'n Smee
- snowblind - Sam
- solaraaranel - Solara Aranel
- sominfun - Lauren
- songdove18 - Riss
- songofjoy - Carolyn
- spacetiger - ...i'd love to turn you on...
- sparklepony - Frail and Bedazzled
- speakeasy1 - speakeasy1
- spell4yr - Stephen H.
- springa - rpspringa
- spullum - Skye
- stellae - Liz
- stephi_chan - Stephi
- strike3 - Ryan
- suffocated - Boon lives here
- sullensiren - Sullen_Siren
- sundazed - KaTy
- sunnydale47 - Sunny
- super - Melia
- superorangegus - Ben
- superstition - Jess
- synchrony - C.Pic
- taerir - Taerir
- taxishoes - smolanit
- teleutestar - spore in the big city
- thatgermanguy - BOOM!!! SHICKSHUCK...Man I love that sound.
- the2belo - The 2-Belo
- the_magician - The Magician
- the_surfacer - the surfacer
- thebratqueen - The Brat Queen
- themightyuser - Professor Glitch ErrorWeaver
- themyst - Patrick G,The Myst
- thespianic - nights of gethsemane
- thx42 - Kevin
- tiercel - tiercel
- tiger66466 - Stacy
- tigergladys - Tig
- toadisbest - toadisbest
- tommyisabean - Keng Bajook
- tomoyo_chan - The Reluctant Node
- tooweird4u - Nicole
- tragiclife - tragic
- tralf2001 - peaceful catch-phrase
- travellyr - Stephanie Travellyr
- tripoverthings - I used to be sad, now I'm just bored with you
- triptychr - TriptychR
- tristanwayne - Tristan
- twanebo - Tom
- tygerlilli - TygerLilli
- unfinis - 会いたくてでも会えなくて
- unit731 - unit731
- urban_homestead - Jennifer
- usefulidiot - shawn
- uzi978 - UZi
- vacadijon - Bad Child
- vanilla666 - Vanilla
- vereorc - A perfect imitation of life
- vezonex - THEWTIL
- vikkilynn - Vikki
- violetsheep - jayne
- vxo - Suburban ninja of doom
- vzbastet - Vicky
- w_wellington - Sara
- warmgun - Kimberly
- wattsu - a loudmouth malcontent
- weckio - becca jane
- whatawordnerd - quixotic...nonsensical...Romantic...healed.
- whorsetron - Hoss
- wicked_wish - Cherie Priest
- wild_magnolia - Ho Ho Michelob
- windexcowboy - Larsson
- wingless - meredith leigh
- wlarmadillo - Lea-Michelle
- wolfdreamer - Danny
- wordsofastory - Brigdh
- wrdgrrl - Curmet
- wxkristin - Kristin
- x_kaminoai_x - Thursday's Child
- xdyskrasiax - Sarah
- xmatt - Matt
- xrageofangelsx - little brother xerxes
- xsynstar - All the Cool Kids
- yackyackyack - Apey Ape
- yaleelee - Yale E. Lee
- yellow_snow - Alison
- yiddishchick - The Dream Weaver
- yohtan - Yohtan
- zandaralee - Zandara
- zannechaos - Too Many Idiots, Not Enough Bullets
- zendaisy - ZenDaisy
- zippo279 - zippo279
- zoltara - Rare & Savage Hooked-Beak Duck of Darkest Indiana