Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "diesel sweeties".
9 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in diesel sweeties. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 12amcocktail - concessions, corrections, and an eye for detail
- 2missedcalls - sledding uphill in summer
- 9only9so9dark9 - Bart Vs. The Space Mutants
- __melizzle - Queen of Kick-Your-Teeth-In
- _digitalheart - _digitalheart
- _ifyouonlyknew - _ifyouonlyknew
- _neverknowsbest - .detonated.
- _paroxysm - don't forget to breathe.
- _rockaction_ - i am in the gutter and there are the stars
- _sandoz - a girl named sandoz
- a_pelican_wish - Justin!
- abbysmells - Thorfinn Skullsplitter
- abigor - abigor
- acewho - ace
- adamcasey - Adam Casey
- adamjd - .:. .: .:. :.: Adam
- adrianpaendrag - Adrian Paendrag
- akhenaten - Ak-HEN-a-ten
- alaindan - akesh
- alena - the walrus (goo goo g'joob)
- alex_all_alone - Trying To Carry On
- alixe - Si vis pacem, para bellum
- amandathegreat - Cartoon Girl
- amdiranifani - Jefri
- amurana - Joker's bitch
- anacrucis - dave
- ancientcarp - What's Her Face
- andsothisisit - Nod your head to this.
- andyeascrewyou - ☆I'm but Pepe LaPew☆
- angelbob - Noah
- angelpunkrocker - This girl.
- annarama - anna banana
- anthraxmartini - Abbey
- arcanis - Arcanis Ferin
- armaphine - Armaphine
- arricc - Fizzgig
- artery - Aya
- autumninjersey - computer
- axeyrcat - christopher
- azaleababe - Damsel Disenchanted
- baconistasty - Matthew
- banzaikitty - Samantha
- bastlake - bastlake
- batzradio - Big Business Monkey
- beetleginny - ginny-tron 1000
- bellastrega - Jenny
- bewareofbitch - Little Red Ridin Hood
- bigkahuna_tom - bigkahuna
- billazilla - Bill. How do you do?
- blklotus - meri
- bloodonmypillow - the sadness that is my body.
- bloodpaper - wilson
- bloodyelephants - rob
- bluebird179 - freakish and dazed
- bluestarliz - The Frog Queen
- bofis - Billy the Bubble Boy
- boogahsmalls - boogah smalls
- braceletjunkie - wild irish rose
- bravelittleemo - chelsea
- brentmj - Brent J
- brentster - massa brently.
- bridgeman - Jon P.
- bubukaba - Becca
- buckio - Ian el Buckio-Glassio
- bunnykill - lil monkey's gone to heaven
- cactushead - Cactushead
- calebcherry - Caleb J Cherry
- calitetra - birdshot in a bugle
- carwshgrldovc - The Ultimate Catch
- cashbox - Hon. Venustiano Carranza (President of Mexico)
- catchxme - Vicki B.
- catma - Contemplating the void
- cesp - Carlos
- cestunreve - It's a Dream
- chakazard - Beyonce Manson
- chaos_leech - Cameron
- charlieblue - Ian
- chasing_jen - charm school drop out
- cheesequake - Stuart - Master Of Cheeses
- chris_squared - Chris Squared
- christinafungi - Wary of Eyes
- chuckm - Chuck Meyer
- clocks_heart - Dearest forsaken.
- closethipster - The Stepster
- cobygilles - Geoff
- conifer_flip - Peej
- coprock - Aaron
- couplandesque - kris
- cpaline - Sheree
- crushw_eyeliner - if eye-rolling was an olympic sport, I'd take gold
- cynicallittleme - Ewa
- dadafountain - Macaronic and Cheesy.
- daffodil519 - nothing's ever gonna stand in my way again
- daivernon - Dai Vernon
- dakamus - The Dread Pirate Roberts
- dandellion_seed - Danielle
- darklink - Darklink
- daspandexhero - The Great One
- daswiesel - TheWeasel
- dayfree - Neil
- define_me - Ingvar
- degenecle - Djörk
- deliriyumsyn - Shana LeAnn
- diachronic - di
- dialedrevenge - jess
- diaogirl - tiffuhhhhhhhhny
- dictatorcari - moosebucket
- dilatedeyes - erin
- divinexcrime - When's he gonna kill me in this room?
- djinnibottle - joe
- djnull - john
- docmanhattan - Doc Manhattan
- dogwood_magpie - Dogwood_Magpie
- dolly_dagger - Claire! Spirit .. of VENGEANCE!
- drainedaway - nerb
- drewmg - DrewMG
- drexle - One Bad Motor Finger
- drummond - Your Children Are Waiting For You To Die
- ducttapeavenger - The Duct Tape Avenger
- dugger - Dugger: Why o why God does it have to be here?
- eastbeach - Susan
- egobreaker -
- ejstorm - The Lizster
- electric_monk - Colin
- elegantmoose - Cynthia
- elgarcia - jgarcia
- emeraldkiwi - sparkle midnight star
- emilytarot - Bats and Big Bum
- emoface - Pixelwhore
- emokidcries - skiing with jesus
- emokidinlove - B+T
- ericapizzac - erica ♥
- ericz - eri(c)
- errickfoxy - Errick
- evilbra - The Evil Bra
- fabulousfreak91 - Sarah
- fakie1080 - fakie1080
- fall3n - fall3n
- fauxhearts - indie scott
- feallanastrum - gyroscope
- felineillusion - Kitten
- fieldhockey - Denise
- finfin - Upuaut
- flatpandar - another dull goillotine
- flyingpebbles - fell
- flyingsaltine - The H is O
- focus_away - Cory
- fortuna_major - live life like a fairy-tale
- freebirdpat - Patrick Smith
- fruitsleuth - Miss Leigh
- fuckmeshuga - tsk
- fusebox_smile - Pimp Daddy Kane
- fusethemasked - Rob
- fws - smallsmallfaery
- g0lden_child_v1 -
- garsha - christine garcia
- geekassdotcom - 001001100110001
- gerlcore - catt... like woah
- gh - Graeme Hamilton
- ghsthckr - ghsthckr
- gillod - Gillo
- gingerspicerack - bwee
- givemeabside - gold star for robot boy
- goddesswashu - Jareth
- godispunkrock - CoaliexChaos
- gomango - Nora Borealis
- good_night - Lauren Goodnight
- gorycheshire - Cheshire
- grahamwest - Graham
- graypride - Jeremy
- greenpartygirl - Eh - Fa
- greydomani - Grey Domani
- grindcorean - Mister Stompypants
- groovemonkey - Supa McFly
- gul1973 - agent double 0 soul
- hachiemachie - Disgruntled English Major
- hal23x - modern day messiah/modern day pariah
- haphazardjoy - dana
- harlequinno - Stephen
- herekittykitty - ☆kittenpie
- hiccupgirl - Rachael
- highwirehello - Marina Valentine
- hippieanarchist - KellyKat
- hotdogboy - hotdogboy
- hourman - Nate
- huggerofworlds - Sma
- hyalus_anima - --
- hythlae - Amy
- i_eat_vegans - Blorf!
- ice_man - emperor_of_ice_cream
- icyp - People actually read this crap? O shi
- iguanaintrouble - Techno C. Procyon
- ikayama - Crystal
- im_really_cool - Average Boy
- imaginaryfriend - I'm Only Lonely When I'm Seeing You
- imcclure - Ian
- imperialion - johnnie alexandros imperialion
- indiefocker - S-s-s-stef
- ingridance - Ingrid
- instereo - <3 spooning
- irob - I, Rob
- ismackyou - Fly now, pay later
- itzprankish - Everything Must Go!
- january_dove - BoogieWiggle
- jcreed - Jason
- jeanjacketkids - The Jean Jacket Kids
- jeffreyatw - Jeffrey Faden
- jeni1ee - jenilee (X_x)
- jenocyber - chen zen the best
- jens_skye - Jen
- jeshala - omg teh jeshie
- jesslikewhoa - her shoes are laced with irony
- jewlee_highmen - Jewlee
- jezabel666 - lascivious.
- joey_sixx - Joey 6ixx
- joeyt1000 - Joey Turner
- johnnyfavorite - Jøhnny Fävòrítê
- joshg - Josh
- joyfultitration - Heider
- jpfine - John the shady indie denier
- jraff - jraff
- jugwine - Jugwine
- juri_77 - juri_77
- kabuki_girl - a walking contradiction
- kapow22 - katie...or is it reva?
- kazewaru - avoid eye contact
- keith_crimson - Foolish Samurai Warrior
- keith_m043 - just another blogger
- kenada - patrick
- kikerakee - Kee
- kit_ket - teknique
- kittnpunkie - Arwen
- knowheretorun - i.v. drugs make me laugh
- kobayashi229 - you can call me... jammer
- koryfos - koryfos
- kralleus - Brian
- kylebee - Le Garçon Digitale
- ladygray - ladygray
- latexchoad - gawthyk phaget
- lazy_sod - Bashka the Great
- lein - Lein
- lemonstar - lindsey
- leonlovesddr - `light
- lestatsgirl - Anna
- lita2extreme69 - Built for Speed
- littlebrownshoe - Jam-Jam DaVinci
- lnxprgr3 - Jeremy Pepper
- lobotomize_me - LobotomizeMe
- logicblue - LogicBlue
- lostambitions - the kathryn dolan fan club
- lostbuthappy - Cat
- losubres - A Nautical Star
- lotusabovewater - Doug
- lovexkitten - It's Not Pretty Being Easy
- lsw123 - ... siLide
- lucihuang - Luci
- lunarworks - Jacob••▪
- magnumcore - Chris
- maidofspades - Aiah
- makethegrade - beautiful&stoned
- mamapeeperz - emma
- manicfiction - liam
- martinivixen - Miss Moneypenny
- masturbassist - Pubert
- maybekatie - An Enraged Pantomime Horse
- meeulk - meeulk
- meglocrush - fresh-faced lizard slut
- melike - Melike
- meowremix3804 - Ms. Ison if you're nasty
- mglory80 - mglory80
- mikekn - Mike Knauer / Michel Wolffauer
- minga - Belle
- mintxcore - AJ!
- mmmchocolat - Mmm Chocolat
- mn3rd - Mischievousn3rd
- mode - mode
- modnar - Modnar
- moises5000 - moises5000
- mokatz - mokatz
- moneymax - Max
- monkeypixel - Megatron
- monkeyweasel - monkeyweasel
- mrcentipede - Mr. Centipede
- mrgort - JOHNNIE
- mrhabits - The Very Suave Mr. Habits
- mrossifer - Canadian Refugee in TX
- mynameisryan - a span of intentional disjoint.
- mysocalleddave - Where are all the flying cars?
- mz_pink - Mz Pink
- naughtynaughty - i'm a pretty princess
- negativeview - Becky
- negman - Negentropic Man
- nerdrockindan - Daniel Rojas
- neurodancer - j450n
- nicest_ninja - c:m:w
- nicksi - nicki
- ninjagoeshwaaa - Skirt
- nintendork - OrLando Calrissian
- nofxhoar - *Emily*
- noodleshack - ¤Vinh¤
- normandesmond - Norman
- notaprettygirl8 - Kaitlin
- notaprettystar - not a pretty star
- nuit_etoilee - starred for emphasis
- nutmonkey - Pants-O-Matic
- odessa_who_rox - odessa
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- oneplusme - Adam Jones
- onethousandlies - cHeLse@
- onetonnoodle - DEStructo
- oona45 - Oona
- ourchair - base number
- p_toadstool - Kayla Tenudo
- paat - Ultimate Paat BAANAANAA
- painterofcars - Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
- paperkingdoms - Erika
- paperxheart - idgotofuckinghellforyou
- paulshoodie - paulshoodie
- pavement - max power
- pcitizen - Private Citizen
- perryxcore - This is a film about a Ghost
- peterjan - I am so hot right now
- plur - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect
- poetastry - flying artichoke's poetry.
- poltarruski - Immortaliss Jones
- pooka_madness - eben
- pornocracy - You can trip on my synthesizer.
- prozac_nations - this is your life.and its ending one day at a time
- punkrockcheese - luser
- punxxxicana - John Waters' Urban Cowgirl <3<3
- quote_unquote - The Emotional Pack-Rat
- raivictis - Revchu
- randomchicky - randomchicky
- ravpigeon - The Ravenous Pigeon
- rayth023 - comixsloth
- rdi - rdi
- respectabiggle - kickass mommy squishface
- reverend_smith - bkh
- revgeorge - Rev. George
- rhyannelise - sarah g
- ricerurouni - Burnination!
- ridethefader - the action potential
- riffraff - I am Kim
- risafu - Lisa is rambling agian
- robot_is_me - Mr. Gilbert Christ Nathaniel The 4th (God)
- robotlovekills - The Spankin' New Filipino Justice Society of Sorts
- robotreview - Mad Professor
- rockin_nymph - Dollface
- rocknrollgopher - Eric
- rripley - Roger
- rspeed - Pervy Hobbit Fancier
- ruby_vroom - Claire
- ruffus - Ruth
- russian_mafia - Jules
- rustyrpm - Teflon
- rvrssciociosan - Elizabeth
- safiiru - Karl
- samanthaalison - Alison
- sandgaijin - Brilliant Boy
- sandpaperjosh - Brand Spankin' Used!
- sansmojo - Dave
- sarahbellum - Vaginal Gandhi
- saytan - not just for breakfast anymore
- scariemissmary - x Miss Mary x
- scirillo - I Am Not Creative
- scooch - Scooch
- scottage - Scott
- seamusandjamal - A Black Guy and A White Guy (no order)
- senjo - stephalicious
- shariruby - Shariruby
- sheridankm - modern american jesus
- shrwhyte - The Shogun of Harlem
- shutterbugx - holden caulfield
- shymoose - Matt Heckler
- sidewayszombie - priceless, sitting in the discount bin
- sirmatthew - The David Hyde Pierce of Ogres
- sizzlefry - sizzleFry
- sks - Simon
- sn0zc0r3 - sn0zc0r3
- snarkel - Dunc's realm of mirth and apathy
- softbrowneyes - Apryl Weather
- solitaryecho - christy
- somedaynever - Disko
- somewhatpimpin - Momo Peaches
- sorrowfulangels - Scales.
- soygirl - Same story, different iteration.
- spader - Chris Mah-Gru-Dah
- spanishmandolin - beth ann
- sparklejess - Jessica
- spenceh0e - Spencer
- sphacelate - My brain is the Hi-fi and my mouth is the Lo-Fi
- spinsten - dj sean in the hizzouse
- spirit_of_1877 - matt
- spiritobello - just another girl
- spookyhappyfun - Jason
- stalkthestalker - CR
- steelytom - tom steele
- steerpikesister - SteerpikeSister
- stokely706 - Stokely706
- strangewood - Strangewood
- stripeykid - I'm the Rainbow ... in your Jailcell ...
- styskel - El Styskel
- superchikka - Kaleidescopedceiling
- superradash - ash
- supremenothing8 - Denell Lewalk
- suu - suu
- swinehund - I draw lines around my friends
- sympathiq3u - GirlFriday
- syzygy_ - Justin!
- tacologic - Inconsiderate Cellphone Man
- taniwha - The Minister for Wasted Opportunity
- tearfilledeyes - I am Jack's smirking revenge.
- teasingfool - Teasing Fool
- tecnalex - Alex
- tephani - I ♥ khaki capris!
- that_weird_girl - Rebecca
- the_andy - TheAndy tm
- the_hamburglar - Matt-Attack
- thebookofjoel - Sancho
- theelectricmonk - Blatant the Unseen
- thegirlgotsoul - Talk Nerdy To Me
- themonstar - .the killswitch agenda
- theobsoleteman - Filipe
- thetick23 - j a y
- thetrial - Peter
- thinkingisbad - _J_J_
- thisautumnheat - kathryn
- thisisnotmylj - i'm insane... but you can call me ducky
- thoughtharvest - The Exception That Proves the Rule
- timetobitedown - Ashley
- timthepenguin - The apex of sexy danger
- todzy11 - the kind of shark that plays guitar
- touch_the_flesh - your circuitry
- transientmind - Jen
- tripsright - a walking poster boy for all that's good
- tryptophan36 - tryptophan36
- tsears - Tom
- twistedthoughts - Zack
- uberspiral - microserf
- unleasheduncle - El Matto
- unless_you - unless
- unobjectionable - eye lean (aka Tennessee)
- valamelmeo - 流れ星の錬金術師
- veedeeplexagon - monstrooper
- vicstarsky - Vic Starsky
- vossanova - andy v
- washumasaki - Washu Masaki
- weatherpixie - Weatherpixie
- webmasterkj - Elvis Junkie
- whohah - Colin Sueyres
- wolf_atthe_door - cosas que vemos como somos
- words_failed - jesse
- wuvmuphin - wuv muphin
- x_heartcore - x_heartcore
- xdeskx - lifter
- xdt - Patrick
- xeinherjarx - One
- xenex - Chris
- xin_your_eyesx - It's getting....fucking DARK....
- xnoodleboyx - nobody likes you when you're 23
- xplodinggirl - you will be the death of me
- xpunkbabyx - Emily Strange
- xquidamx - I'll kill you
- yesbutno - yesbutno
- zac_wight - Cor
- zetareticula - Zeta