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User:syracuse (343130) syracuse
Name:City of Syracuse
Location:syracuse, New York, United States
About:I created this community for people from the Syracuse area to post and talk to one another.
Interests:13: baseball, basketball, carousel mall, crunch, football, hockey, le moyne college, onondaga lake, orangemen, sky chiefs, syracuse, syracuse crunch, syracuse university. [Modify yours]
Members:201: 0silversilence0, _aurelius, _daniboy, adrianmarco, allison15f, animal14269, anjum, athlongeek, avallonia, babythuggirl, bagsyme, barbiel, beautifulmelody, beewliinegv3e3, bellaluna221, blackboxboi, blemmo0, bob_likesgirls, bomberkid, brokenme, bumbum, chiltongm, christian_davis, cjsh0rty, clothedmonkeys, constructingme, cootergirl, craziegrrlie, creon454, daveheineman, desterado, dieanna, dissertation_14, dk04842, doonlet, edforth, emissary, emokittyn, emoxcore, fadessofast, faerielover, flythisforme, fraisinette, fridayinluv, gbonic, girlblunder, girls_bydeath, grownupnerd, halfwaythere, hawk989s, heartxtornxout, hockeykris, hocman44, hotlikepolkadot, hotsteppa, htom, hyz, i_am_displaced, idigthered, indulgentsin, insertnamethere, ionlylovemyself, iridescentstar, italianatalia, j1nineteen, j3s, jac4, jennybenz, jimcol, jizosh003, johnkerrymouse, jordanne, kawaiililkoneko, kerosenecoyote, kileypite, killer_eyes, killingheidi, koonerific, kpiddy, kykatastrophy, lainer, laneymunoz, letmeburyem, lilfroggyally85, liluwishgirl, livinginmylies, lostplattsgirl, losubres, lowercasek, ludicrousg, lynzylou, madame_z, maereth, malegiggolo, maliciouskisses, mandiroo, mariah, mary_of_magdala, matterofgrace, matthewl329, mattn217, mcompton, meloncrunchy, meretrixa, michmoe85, mikeyfish, misch, miss_elphaba, misskakies, mwuah, myhelmet, novembersnow, obliqueband, oheartburnouto, p0p_tartz, p2thej, peachy68, peanut, pequenara, personiused2b, pezzamistic, piccolauren, pimples, pink, pinkle0, pixxi808, plaidflamingo, poekitty, powerful_words, poyznivy1339, preppygrl217, punkpiklehurdlr, punkpixie5, purpledice, purplesocks, rainflowermoon, readblood, redlami, rhainon, rhcprat, rinnyishot, rockgoddess, roguekonoko, rory007, sabresgurl61, saccarineayako, safethansorry, sanriogoddess, saoirse_, saxamy, sayrahelizabeth, sbearcat83, sherl0k, shoshiki, simplymichelle, skaterdiva007, smallbrownbike, snicholson, sourgurl163, space_carlos, spikesmyiepf17, staindchick, stillgoing, suckacuse, sugarpoisonappl, sundreamer, sushiq, sweet_mimi, sweetrains, syracusestylee, t120, takeyourfight, tamere, the_simbul, thebarn, thefallen83, thellano, thenadalady, thunderstorms, tina9307, tobiascharity, tompettyismine, tourterelle, track3008, ultimatek, utopiasdemise, veganhippiepunk, ventimeans20, wang0rz, whenlovefails, wiccasoc, witchygirl821, xaethoria, xdoylex, xianxcorex, xoprettynpinkxo, xxjrtxx, xxpinkgarbagexx, xxseedxx, xxxsickgrrlxxx, zephram22
Watched by:136: 0silversilence0, _aurelius, _daniboy, adrianmarco, allison15f, aninkling, anjum, athlongeek, avallonia, babythuggirl, bagsyme, barbiel, beewliinegv3e3, bellaluna221, bomberkid, brokenme, bumbum, chiltongm, christian_davis, cjsh0rty, cootergirl, craziegrrlie, creon454, desterado, dissertation_14, dk04842, doonlet, edforth, faerielover, fraisinette, girlblunder, girls_bydeath, hawk989s, heartxtornxout, hockeykris, hocman44, hotsteppa, htom, i_am_displaced, idigthered, insertnamethere, j1nineteen, j3s, jadedfractal, jimcol, kawaiililkoneko, kerosenecoyote, kittykatkay, koonerific, kykatastrophy, lainer, laneymunoz, letmeburyem, libriteen, liluwishgirl, lostplattsgirl, lotrfan, lowercasek, ludicrousg, lynzylou, madame_z, maereth, mandiroo, mariah, mary_of_magdala, matterofgrace, matthewl329, mattn217, mcompton, meloncrunchy, michmoe85, mikeyfish, misch, misskakies, mwuah, mya22, obliqueband, p0p_tartz, p2thej, patrix, peachy68, peanut, pequenara, personiused2b, piccolauren, pink, pinkle0, plaidflamingo, poekitty, powerful_words, poyznivy1339, preppygrl217, purplesocks, rainflowermoon, readblood, rhcprat, roguekonoko, rory007, saccarineayako, safethansorry, sanriogoddess, saoirse_, sbearcat83, sherl0k, shoshiki, simplymichelle, smallbrownbike, sneakysneak, snicholson, staindchick, stillgoing, suckacuse, sundreamer, sushiq, sweet_mimi, sweetrains, syracusestylee, tamere, the_buck, thefallen83, thegrue, tina9307, tourterelle, track3008, ultimatek, utopiasdemise, ventimeans20, wang0rz, westhill_mom, wgbandi, wiccasoc, witchygirl821, xdoylex, xianxcorex, xoprettynpinkxo, zephram22
Account type:Free Account

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