You just can't tell
The Commissar has made up a handy chart so you can tell the difference between Michele and Michelle. I'm serious.
The Commissar has made up a handy chart so you can tell the difference between Michele and Michelle. I'm serious.
Check out this post at Security Focus for more info. See also annoyed people at the Beastie Boys message board. Thanks to John who pointed this out to me (update: he found it on memepool).
Update (Ian): I'll note that this is regarding the European release. Euro versions tend to be protected more often than US ones, so the US release may not be "damaged" in that way.
Charles Krauthammer increases the volume on recent thoughts that Arafat and the Pallies have lost and Sharon and Israel have won by building the wall.
Bryan Fuller has donated it to This is 'Barrel Bear', not Muffin Buffalo which some people had labeled as six. The rest are available in .pdf from JIAH -- while they are listed in correct order the files are named wrong. Link via Whedonesque.
If you read the story we posted about Bob the Extra's adventures with Adam Baldwin on the Serenity set, now you can see the pictures (set 1) and set 2. (Via WHEDONesque)
Some birds in Minneapolis have learned to trip the automatic doors at a Home Depot. (Via FARK)
Someone at the DNC has one heck of a sense of humor. Case in point? Check out this item from Tim Blair.
Putin says he has intelligence that Saddam was cooperating with Osama. That means pretty much everyone on the planet except the 9/11 commission knew that.
Gay and lesbian activists are "fuming" because Bush refused to declare June as "Gay Pride Month". Misha puts things in their proper perspective.
Here's a terrific essay with a point of view the media really doesn't want getting out.
Some bitter hack is trashing Mark Steyn. But Michelle Malkin and Tim Blair have his back.
Right-wing hottie Ann Coulter is gonna be on Neal Boortz's show in the 11 AM EST hour. If Boortz isn't on live in your area, you can pick up a stream at
Michael Moore is a big hit with Hezbollah (Hizb'Allah is an alternate romanization that better points out what they're about).
Here's some freedom fighters your local ANSWER commies will definitely not support.
We've added a link under "9/11 Resources" to, which documents the various bizzare politics going on around the WTC site.
Paramount's finally releasing the original Star Trek in season box sets with extras on DVD (previously it was available as half a ton of individual DVDs with 2 eps and no extras each - not a very good deal). The first season box hits August 21st, the significance of which should be obvious to certain people. In related news, box sets of The Animated Series and Enterprise are expected in early 2005. (Via The Digital Bits).
A truck containing 9 million bees overturned in Montana. Sounds like a Dr. Evil plan gone awry. (Via FARK)
The UN's ethics enforcer is charged with unethical behavior. Yeah, I'm shocked too.
Wretchard has an article on one of my favorite subjects, that being how utterly screwed EUrope is gonna be in a fairly short period of time.
One of the most popular high school graduation presents for young girls now? Fake boobs. I am not making this up. Steve's got it covered.
Nathan Fillion made a post on the O(fficial) B(oards), go check it out.
Want more Reagan? The June 28th National Review (which should be in stores later this week) has great new articles on the man and his Presidency by Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, Rush Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza, and many more.
Steve Jobs talks to the Wall Street Journal about the future of Apple, the iPod, and other stuff.
Smash has a pitch-perfect ACLU slam. Scott Ott might want to actually start posting updates again before the Lt. takes his job.
Mark Steyn analyses the recent Euro elections. 8x drink alert for a particularly Steynian pun involving assassinated Dutchman Pim Fortyn.
Plus, Steyn on Air America, from the June 7th National Review.
This blurb mentions that "The man who sent the Angel cast to the unemployment line, may soon be joining them." The post has since been updated with links to the Hollywood Reporter and Variety that confirm it. Apparently he was told he would be demoted and decided to step down. Photoshop commentary from a fan (the inimitable prufrock of Whedonesque).
Man, I'm starting to feel like the computer hardware and entertainment correspondent here at the Terran :) Well, that and logo monkey! Today I bring you news that James Marsters has dissolved his band Ghost of the Robot. More at their official site. Could be related to recent mentions that James got funding to pursue a production of MacBeth for the big screen. Reports are he bagged $50 million to run with that project.