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FAQ Question #38

» What are the different account types?

There are four types of LiveJournal accounts: Free Account, Early Adopter, Paid Account, and Permanent Account. You can see which type of account a user has by viewing their User Info page.

All account types can post entries and comments, perform basic customization of the journal's appearance, participate in communities, and use several other core features of the LiveJournal site. By purchasing a Paid Account, you can receive additional benefits beyond those available to free users. A chart comparing the features of Free and Paid Accounts is at

LiveJournal aims to offer all users the vital journaling features for free. However, due to the costs of running a website, such as server maintenance and bandwidth, some advanced features must be restricted to paying customers in order to keep the site running for everyone. Additionally, a few features are reserved for Paid Accounts in order to show appreciation for users who help support the site.

New users can create a Free Account or purchase a Paid Account directly from the account creation page. Existing users can upgrade to a Paid Account at any time. Additionally, there are two other account types which offer a special set of features.

Early Adopter accounts are those which were created before mid-September 2000. No accounts created after this date can obtain the Early Adopter account type. Early Adopters can use all of the features of Free Accounts, plus the following:

* Upload up to 6 user pictures
* Use the Directory
* Create custom styles in the S1 and S2 style systems
* Use a personalized subdomain in addition to their regular journal URL (replacing "exampleusername" with their own usernames)

Permanent Accounts are usually given to users who have contributed a significant amount of time and effort to the LiveJournal project, as either staff members or long-term volunteers. Permanent Accounts have also been sold in the past, but these sales are infrequent and are not guaranteed to happen again in the future. If there are further Permanent Account sales, they will be announced in the News journal at

Permanent Accounts have all of the features of Paid Accounts, with no expiration date, as well as the following additional features:

* Upload up to 50 user pictures


How do I create an account? How do I get started?

What are the Paid Account benefits?

How do I buy a Paid Account?

How many user pictures can I have?

What is the Directory? How do I use this feature?

How do I make a custom S1 style?

How do I create a custom S2 style?

Last Updated:
rho, 2004-08-09

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