Nick Montfort


Twisty Little Passages
Twisty Little Passages:
An Approach to Interactive Fiction
MIT Press, 2003

The New Media Reader
The New Media Reader
MIT Press, 2003   Co-editor: Noah Wardrip-Fruin

2002: A Palindrome Story
2002: A Palindrome Story
Spineless Books, 2002   Co-author: William Gillespie
review in The Review of Contemporary Fiction

   through Aug 31: Composing: Harry Mathews' Words and Worlds
  An exhibit at the Kamin Gallery, Van Pelt Library, Penn
 Dec 27-30: "Continuous Paper," a talk
Modern Language Association (MLA), Philadelphia

see also:

 Espen Aarseth
  Ingrid Ankerson & Megan Sapnar
   Adam Cadre
    Gonzalo Frasca
     William Gillespie
      Charles Isbell
       Shelley Jackson
        Henry Jenkins
         Dennis Jerz
          Jesper Juul
           Michael Kearns
            Matt Kirschenbaum
             Lisbeth Klastrup
              Michael Mateas & Andrew Stern
               Torill Mortensen
                Stuart Moulthrop
                 Janet Murray
                  Scott Rettberg
                   Marie-Laure Ryan
                    Emily Short
                     Jill Walker
                      Hanna Wallach
                       Noah Wardrip-Fruin
                        Rob Wittig