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Cosplay-loving, string-rolling, drag queen nurse/supermodel
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Yeah, CGing is much easier. It doesn't look too bad, though... and I'm afraid to mess with it further, because there's no undo button with pencils, so I'll leave it alone.

And now, I need food. *heads to the kitchen*
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Now I remember why I don't use pencils to color. -_- I'm trying to color the pic of Ani I drew weeks ago (which is actually for a coworker)... I think I'm going to wait until I get to the house. I only have 48 Prismacolors here, but I've got 72 up there. Hopefully they'll have a blue that's Ani's fur color. I had to sort of mix two I have now, and it looks okay from a distance, but nasty close up. If her fur was darker, it wouldn't be a problem.

And there's no gray in this set. No gray pencil. That's stupid. Closest thing I have to that is Metallic Silver (along with Metallic Gold... is it me, or does calling a metal color "metallic" reek of something from the Department of Redundancy Department?). I need gray for her clothes... so, bleh. The art set my parents got me should have a few of the colors I need...

I should start using my paints, too. I guess I'll wait until I get to those art lessons, though. That way I'll actually know what I'm doing, hee.

Um, yeah. I'm feeling very creative right now. Not really creating anything, but I'm feeling very artsy...

Current Mood: busy

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Still here.

You know it's bad when fear of your mother's bitching makes you hesitate in calling your supervisor. 9_9

Screw it. I'll deal with her when I wake up.

Current Mood: intimidated

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I don't want to go. I know it's just one more day... I just don't want to go. JoAnne would not be happy with me if I don't, though. Joan will call her and have her take my place, on a day when she is supposed to be at the IRS... she sounded annoyed enough when I asked her to come over yesterday afternoon.

But I really just want to stay home. I can fix my license later. I can go Monday, when it really doesn't matter if I get to work late or not, since there's not much to do in the first place, and there are no supervisors to bug me about it. I'm thinking about taking a sick day and sleeping it off, or starting on my eighth art lesson...

And Mom will bother me. She will. Because she doesn't understand how I have the time to take off the way I do sometimes. Transit doesn't let you use your time, because they're... Transit. They run the city. If all their people could use their time without a real excuse, no one would get anywhere. So when I take four hours here or an hour there, she always asks me how I have the ability to take that time off... and I just tell her I have more freedom. (And she wants me to work for Transit. >_>) And it's not like I'm trying to abuse my charges or anything. I'd really rather not charge. I just don't have the patience to deal with life today.

Hee, of course, Craig asked Mom last night if I could stay home (like I need permission >_>), and she said no. Of course.

Well, I'll have to decide soon. It's already past 7:30 and I'm still in my pajamas. And Craig's no help. *grumbles*

Current Mood: pessimistic

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All right, that does it.

Channels currently showing the funeral: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13...

There's nothing on the movie channels (except Finding Nemo, but I don't feel like looking at that). MTV's showing Direct Effect (just... no). So, I'm watching Cops for an hour on CourtTV. 9_9 I'm sure I'll be asleep before the hour's done anyway, I'm really tired.

I don't mean to be uncaring. This is just reminding me of 9/11, where everyone kept saying to go back to our normal lives, which we couldn't do for the first two days, because all everyone ran was 9/11-related coverage. Every channel does not need to run the same thing. One or two should run it. The others should give viewers a choice, because some of us watch TV to laugh, darn it. It's kinda hard to do that watching a funeral... ._.

Nope, no patience at all, not me... *sighs* I swear, if I wasn't going to be the only KBS at work tomorrow, I wouldn't go to work. And I'd fix my license next week. Ignore me... I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll get some ice cream first. I need some chocolate syrup-covered vanilla ice cream.

If I'm not asleep, Fox had better be back to normal programming by eight. As braindead as The Simple Life was, it was entertaining, and I wanna see.

Current Mood: meeeehhhhh. *hides under her blankets*
I'm Listening To: Yami no Matsuei - Love Me

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*snort* According to the guide on Time Warner digital cable, Bad Company is currently on the Western Channel. Except... it's not; it's actually a western. As Dad said, if Chris Rock were walking around at that time, they'd have shot him. XDDDD

Came home early to see a dance performance by the fifth graders in Craig's school, because I was always the one performing. It was nice being a spectator for once, and Craig looked like he had fun. ^_^

I think I know what my problem is this week. I have no patience. Seriously, I ran out of it long ago, and I won't get it back until I get to the house. I need my weekend retreat. So, if I'm snappy for the next day or so, don't mind me.

Current Mood: amused

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It's going to feel like it's more than 100 degrees today. I think I might actually take the buses home instead of the train. The train's shorter, but the stupid conductor never keeps the cars at a cool temperature, and I'm not suffocating.

I can barely keep my eyes open. I forgot, I have to go to the DMV (though I probably won't do that until tomorrow). I really want JoAnne to let me have her IRS day tomorrow. She probably won't, but if I can talk her into it... I can tell her I need to get over there and get my Weiss Kreuz DVDs, because they are still over there.

Of course, she might decide she's going to bring them back to me when she leaves work tomorrow, which won't do me any good if I'm to have the day to myself. I dunno, I'll talk to her today, see if she feels like being bothered with the office.

Brian's gone for the rest of the week, so at least I can eat at my desk and draw without worrying about him coming down. Joan won't get upset with me for not looking busy when I have nothing to be busy with.

Current Mood: exhausted

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Best Snape icon ever.

That, coupled with Drag Queen Snape... XD I'm on a HP kick now. Must see movie again.

Current Mood: giggly

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DEMENTOR: *dements*

That just struck me as hilariously funny. XD What exactly DO you call what a Dementor does...?

Anyway. Seen Prisoner of Azkaban yet? (Not read, seen. It has to be the movie.) Like parodies? Good. I'm passing this on, nabbed from Amy. ^_______^

Current Mood: amused

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I can now laugh at myself and say that I ran out to GameStop downtown and bought Balloon Kid--a game that's older than Craig. A game I haven't played since I was... eight. XD I don't know, there was just a sudden need for this game. For once, GameStop's "1-3 in stock" listing didn't let me down. I checked the little case where they keep their Gameboy games and saw it, then asked the guy if they had it to see if he'd notice, and he gave the case a half-assed glance and said "Nope." 9_9 I looked again real quick and said, "Oh, here it is!"

And the impossible has happened. Pataki , the man who made us risk our necks in the winter just so we could bring in the money, has given us the day off on Friday. Apparently, Reagan's death has affected the man so much, he's lost his mind.

And while I'm on the subject, I'm about to kick ass. Sure, former president Reagan is dead. It's not the tragedy people are making it out to be. He was 93 years old. He had Alzheimer's for ten of those years. Please, someone point out--and I mean immediately--someone they know who's had Alzheimer's for so long and lived to be so old. I think the man did pretty damn good for himself.

So, that said, will the media kindly SHUT UP about it? >_<

Thank you. I think I'm done now.

EDIT: ... I can't get past a 41 rank on Balloon Trip. o_o;;; I need to practice...

Current Mood: bitchy

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All right about Reagan already. Seriously.

I have this feeling this week is not going to be fun. I think I just want to keep to myself this week. I desperately need to get to the house again. That's my escape.

And I'm not feeling well. ._.

It's getting late, so I'm off to bed. Hugs and love.
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I could breathe fire...
Mom got steak for dinner, but she couldn't get the normal steak seasoning, so she got this other stuff...


Erm, yeah. I can't eat spicy foods.

Current Mood: my mouth is on fire!! XO~~~

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When I'm right...
Craig has this habit of leaving the memory cards for the GameCube out, or putting them in the carrying case for the games, and not putting them in the hard cases. I told him he should put the gray one in SSBM's case (because it's labeled SSBM) and the black one in the Billy Hatcher case (for the same reason). He never does it.

So what happened, after a year of my telling him this?

He lost the black memory card.

So now, he and I are going to the car to look for it, and if it's not between the car and the house, and it's truly lost, I'm buying my own card like Dad said to before, and I'm keeping all my files on it. He can keep the other one.

Current Mood: frustrated

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Drew a really good pic of Ronyo and Iri at work today, I can't start CGing it though, because I have to get back into my clothes in case Mom and Dad need me to bring the shopping cart downstairs. >_< They went shopping, bleh. And Mom's been going shopping. But all of a sudden, she has Dad, and they need the cart.

I'm a little sour, as I just got out of the heat... and had to deal with several guys staring and making rude comments (I don't know why, I was wearing a baggy button-down shirt and jeans o_o;;), and I don't wanna go back out again, even if it is just for a few minutes. I still have cleaning to do. I went under my bed and pulled out stuff I didn't even know was down there, and the room's actually more messy than it was now that things are pulled out.

Too many distractions this week. ._. I think I'm going to put off getting my hair done, I want to save my money.

Tas isn't coming in all week, so whatever's wrong with her mom must have gotten worse. I feel a sense of impending doom. Whenever Tas isn't around, something blows up, and I'm the only one there to deal with it.

Current Mood: blah
I'm Listening To: Nightwish - Wanderlust

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Work. Oy. I actually have to get up, I'm not happy about that. ^^; Didn't get as much sleep as I'd intended, despite being asleep by eleven last night. At least it's Monday...

I wonder if Tas is going to be at work today... don't know if I mentioned it in here, but something's wrong with her mom (she's been in the hospital), so she left work Thursday without saying a word, and didn't come in Friday. And after all the death notices we've been getting department-wide lately, I'm worried.

Going to get up real quick and get my stuff together, and lug my laptop to work. It was weird not having it Friday.

Current Mood: awake

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HSN has just started an hour of programming for Harry Potter watches, and they had a limited edition watch that they only made a thousand of, it came with a certificate of authenticity and each watch was NUMBERED and it came with a box and everything.

And you know something?

HSN ran the item number BEFORE the program came on. It's GONE already, and the program wasn't even on yet.

To quote Ron, bloody hell.
EDIT: Never mind. Ordered that one and another one. Apparently they weren't available before the program came on 9_9 So I got that one (NO ONE MAY TOUCH IT) and another. So now I'm happy.

Current Mood: relieved

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XD Zorro, the Gay Blade!
Seriously, am reading this on the guide right now:

[Two stars] '81. Zorro's son calls upon his flamboyant twin brother, Bunny.

Is it wrong that I'm incredibly curious? XD;;

Anyway, getting me off of the angst, I'm watching Fellowship of the Ring. Nothing like a good fantasy.

Current Mood: amused

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I'm watching Bowling for Columbine.

Can I move to Canada? I always thought it was a nice place to live, since the cruise we took... Everyone's so friendly there, from what I saw. They're not assholes. I expected to be looked at funnily because I'm black (something I still get in PA >_>), and all I got were smiles. And I'll never forget what my old friend Stephanie told me about the US being run by barbarians because of the lack of health care for the people who really need it.

Yeah. I really want to get out of here. And Canada's so freaking close.
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Finally sat down and fiddled with my computer. Realized that I hadn't installed a video driver, so now that's done, I've got hibernation/standby support again, and my screen scrolls flawlessly now. So Renee, it's better than it was when I "fixed" it the first time! ^_^

And now, back to cleaning.

I'm Listening To: Rez: Adam Freeland / Fear (Rez edit) (area05)

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Let me just say right now, I'm really starting to get annoyed with this city.

The pigeons keep scoping this place out. I'm not kidding. (It reminds me very much of when Mom and Dad had to clean and disinfect the entire terrace and make an enclosure of wooden planks and deer wire to keep them out, and not long after they put it up, there were five pigeons on our terrace, I swear, trying to come up with a way to "reclaim their territory".) One was sitting on Mom's windowsill when I got back from dropping Renee off on the train, and I lowered the window a bit. I just went back in a minute ago, and there were two in her room. They'd slipped in through the narrow opening in the window. So I shooed them out, just to turn around and find a rather large roach climbing up the wall.

We haven't had problems with roaches, but they've been clearing out an apartment whose renter passed away long ago, so now the things are scurrying out and finding new homes. Still haven't had many problems with them inside the apartment, but that's the first one I've seen this far back from the front door. Hit it with Mom's sneaker, but I don't know if I killed it, since it dropped off the wall and I didn't wait long enough to find it. XD;;; Just as well, it'll be dead soon anyway. If I don't kill it, Mom or Dad will. I've just closed her door. Not that it's too stupid to get under the door, but I'm trying to prevent having to get rid of it myself. It takes all my nerve to get near a roach, hitting it wrong and letting it run off aggravates my nerves and makes me jumpy. ^^;

And now there are two pigeons sitting on my windowsill, waiting for me to possibly open the window.

I've gone from 9_9 to >_< to XO in two hours. It's Citywide Vermin Day! XD;; Can we get some hawks out here? Or was it falcons? They could have a feast fit for a king with all the pigeons we've got around here. And the pigeons are fearless now. Just like that one two years or so ago (three years?) that kept laying eggs on our terrace and had the gall to face Mom. Those birds have turned into SUCH New Yorkers. We don't take shit, and now neither do they. XD

.. And now I'm paranoid and keep looking around the walls for roaches. >______<# Friday needs to get here quick so I can get away from these things. I'll take spiders any day. At least they don't give me the death glare like the pigeons.

Current Mood: amused/annoyed/WTF? XDD;
I'm Listening To: Sonic CD (Japan) - Tidal Tempest Bad Future

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I will hereby be referred to as CJ the Pigeon Eradicator. XDDDD There were two pigeons in Craig's room this morning. Don't know when they got there... only that I was hearing these weird noises for two hours before I actually got up to see what the problem was. I thought it was just some loud people upstairs... but now that I think about it, it DID sound like cooing... ^^;;;; They saw me come in, and flew out immediately. So, I just called Mom to tell her, and she told Craig and Dad, and Dad gave me my new nickname. XD

Not doing much today. I'm taking Renee to the Walgreens around here, then I'll probably wait with her until the G train comes... I want to get things done here. Not so much the art lessons as cleaning my room. I haven't drawn anything in the past few days, so I have no excuse to keep me from my room today. And I won't really get a chance to get it done this week. Tomorrow I'm not doing anything after work, but Tuesday I'll be with Renee and Wednesday or Thursday I'm getting my hair done. I need to get it done soon, it's a mess.

Must go get ready to get out of here. ^_^ I hope everyone's doing okay. Haven't been reading my friends page too much in the past few days.

Current Mood: mellow

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The Transit Museum was pretty cool. The best part was seeing the old subway/El cars that used to run. There's a tour that runs at a certain time of year, I think, that lets you get on an old subway car, and that car takes you to old train stations. We'll be going on that sometime...

Anyway, I'm exhausted and am going to sleep. I really want some Mountain Dew (I told Renee that earlier ^^;), but if anything, that'll just keep me up, and I really need the sleep.

I can't wait till my family gets back tomorrow, I want my package from Juxtapose Fantasy. ^_____^

Current Mood: calm

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Renee and I are going to the Transit Museum for a bit, just to look around and stuff. I've been assured I can get White Castles afterwards. X) I'm still really tired, but I guess the fresh air will do me good. And I get White Castles, which is always a good thing.

I'm wondering about my eyesight... things look fuzzy. I guess it's because I'm so tired.

I need to start taking vitamins. 9_9

Current Mood: drained

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I'm exhausted. I need to get some food though, so I'm getting up in a minute or two to get something to eat.

My Gravitation DVD shipped yesterday! It should get here on the 10th, according to UPS. I'll probably watch it in Japanese only, but I'm curious about the dubbed voices. I should preorder the second one, too. I wonder if RightStuf is going to keep giving extras with their Gravi DVDs?

That's something Craig's going to want to watch, and I'll actually let him. I won't let him watch Yami no Matsuei past the first episode. XD;; He's seen up to six of Gravitation, though, and it's not nearly as serious as YnM.

Anyway, don't know what we're doing today. For now I'm content with sitting around.

Current Mood: calm

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Prisoner of Azkaban semi-spoilers )

Anyway! Sitting herre with Renee eating lasagna, and am very happy. ^______^

Current Mood: happy

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Y'know, hearing about Tokyopop and how they keep screwing things up (despite their "100% Authentic Manga" stamp on their volumes)...

I'm so glad Del Rey got Magister Negi Magi and not TP. I can only imagine... and Del Rey went to incredible lengths in their translation process. They translated every sound effect and side note, something TP doesn't seem to think is necessary for people who know very little/no Japanese. 9_9

Honestly people, you can keep in the part with that dude boinking that nurse, you keep Hevn's boobs covered right up to the nipples and leave the rest out, you show high school girls stripping (not to mention Hevn's peep show for Ban and Ginji XD), but you turn one of the best characters into a woman? XD;;; Where are your priorities?

I'm still buying GB because it's GB. But I hope the new translator fixes the former's mistakes. Unless the woman thing came from higher-ups, in which case we all need to get together and knock some skulls together. ^________^;

Current Mood: annoyed

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First, Ani. ^_^ Her hands took forever.

I'm doing some last-minute cleaning that should have been done yesterday... was working on Ani, though, so it never got done. So my room still looks a mess, but not as bad as it was. I just have too much stuff and not enough storage. ^^;;;

Current Mood: calm

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Sleep. G'night.

Current Mood: tired
I'm Listening To: Devvyn Murphy - Mario Kart 64 FlagOfEveryColor OC Remix

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Mom was downtown today, so she headed to the theater for me and got tickets for PoA! XD So it's confirmed, UA Court Street at 1:10 is our show. We're going to get there EARLY. I want seats right in the middle.

Mwahaha, I was just on the phone with Dad a minute ago, and Craig leaned over my shoulder and whispered, "N-U-T-S!" As soon as I repeated it for Dad, Mom started laughing too. XDDD Anything that means anything relating to a penis is Craig's new buzzword.

EDIT: Craig: Chrissy, what does S-T-U-N spell?
Me: Stun.
Craig: Correct. Now, what does it spell backwa--
Me: Craig! XDDD

Current Mood: giggly

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