DAGz. 88.31 FM "Reception seems to be bad... "
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Holiday Review

this is my temporary design till I get the new one done properly. clicking on the photos lead to the full-sized images.

Well, here we are at the end of the holidays. Just a quick overview of what I did this holiday... :

22nd - 25th November: Confirmation Camp
I can safely say that I'm glad that I facilitated at this one. Not did it only strengthen my own faith and give much-needed spiritual renewal after a hectic year, I also feel blessed to be present at a camp where so many lives are changed. Praise the Lord.

3rd December: PostCon. Chalet
Just an awesome get together of friends. I got to know more people from PostCon while at the same time had fun hanging out with the boys.

4th December: IHM Youth BBQ
A massive party! Started off with some good old soccer where I scored a hat-trick (2 for my own team and one for the other, ugh). Crazy whacko game where everyone already knew each other then followed, with just some plain fun and casual fellowship at the pits after that. Had good fun, yep. Once again, got to know more people and I definitely don't regret going for it.

5th - 9th December: Church, Ah Seah, and some good old chillin' around
Like the title says. Spent most of those days attending daily mass with friends, followed by a good dinner at Ah Seah with some of us hanging around at someone's house after that. I'd never thought anything that simple could satisfy me, but mann did it feel good. Learnt to treasure the people around me more.

10th - 12th December: Youth Empowered by the Spirit Camp (YES! Camp)
If I'd thought my own Confirmation Camp was awesome, then I've finally run out of words to describe how YES! Camp has changed my life too. But hey, its true, surely no words can describe how fulfilled I felt when I left the camp. Spiritually rewarding, it brought me closer to God in more ways than one. What I experienced there will never be far from heart and always close to mind. I made many new friends and got back in touch with the old. The things I saw there gives me new hope, while my own experience helps me vanquish most fears. I left the Camp feeling awesome, although there was still that one thing bugging me. But yeah, God will make a way.

13th - 17th December: The Video
As a result of YES! Camp I managed to get to know both Hazel and Melissa (who's been spotted horsing around my tagboard recently) loads better. Spent a good portion of that week with them, going to town (the first time this whole holiday), attending Mass and filming the Nativity video, since all of us were supposed to be involved. Kenneth and Wilfred's superb planning ended up with 3 days of last-minute camera action before the deadline on Friday (it was to be screened on Saturday). Best part was, the video just couldn't be burnt onto a disc in the end so they had to do a 'live' performance on Saturday itself. Kudos to those guys in any case for working so hard to get it out and done, despite the fact they should've done it three weeks earlier.

21st December: Erica's BBQ
Erica's BBQ, held at Paul's house, ROCKED. The food was good, and everyone was having fun with plenty of socialising. It was pretty tame compared to most other parties but it was fun nonetheless. I ended up in the pool again but hey, I smartly ran in instead of getting myself thrown (heh). Then came the screwed up part. Dislocated my arm from my shoulder while playing soccer, and Paul's parents had to rush me to the hospital after that. Was in horrible pain, and was drugged before they shoved it back in . Loads of stories to tell about that visit, both sad and funny. Sigh. Loads of thanks to Paul's family and Erica for all the help that night...

24th - 25th December Christmas
Went out to get some last minute presents with Hazel andMelissa on the Eve. Had the traditional family dinner in the evening and then I was off to Midnight Mass. Christmas is awesome, given that everyone's in a loving and merry mood. Just think about it, how many times a year do you have such a peaceful and awesome gathering of friends? Certainly had a very Merry Christmas. Stayed back after Mass for lots of hugging, photos, runningarounddoingstupidthings and stuff. Went for Clement's party and it was awesome, considering that we had a nice carolling session. Left early at 330am. Woke up in the afternoon and did some visiting, before hanging out at Hazel and Melissa's place the whole afternoon.

26th & 27th December: David's Party and PostCon's Party
I don't give a shit about what David thinks but he throws a great party. The food was good and the entertainmentfun, though tame, but that's fine with me! David was an awesome host and yep, from what I heard, the party went on smoothly with no hiccups all night long. So yes David, have another one soon, I'll be there!
The PostCon Party the next day was great. The food once again, was great... in fact, I think I overate again. Anyway, there was loads of fellowship and I hope I'm right when I say that noone felt left out! Stef Neubronner bloody forced me to sing a verse from "We Three Kings" for everyone, and I only ended up doing because every single Gabrielite was chanting for me. Dogs. Fun party, hahah! Looking forward to PostCon next year, definitely.

Looking back, I guess I feel very mixed on how I feel towards the holiday. I've been pretty sad inside ever since the break-up on Dec. 1, but yeah, God has blessed me with so many friends, so many getherings, so many good times that sometimes I feel it's just wrong for me to still feel bad. But yeah, the loneliness is still here, and what kind of guy would I be if I forget so quickly?

But other than that, I am very thankful to God above for all the other things I've been blessed with. For example:

1. Peicai's Media Club is now a member of the ST Media Club Executive Committee! An awesome position and one I hope they use well. I'll be back to help out, I mean, I sure hope that everything the team has achieved through it won't be wasted.
2. The many people I know in CJC! It's actually quite a big relief that I'm entering a new environment with at least a few familiar faces. Looking forward to an awesome 3 months at the very least with you guys!
3. The many friends I have and have gotten to know. People like Melissa and Hazel for being awesome friends though I'm such an ass. People like David for jackassing, bitching and reminding me that we're all trying. People like Heike, GK, Carine, Kenneth, Mark, Erica, Amanda, and to everyone else whose names I just can't type out cos you're just too awesome, for being great friends through bad and good times.
4. For me. I thank God for me.

Thanks to everyone in my life, haha, love you all.

posted at 09:22 p.m. | |

Daryl Alphonsus Gomes, 16
"I repeat, reception is bad, bad!"
"What're we going to do now, sir?"
"Blog, blog till our very last breaths!"

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