Biscuits and Gravy a view from Ohio
"Life as seen from Ohio"

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Evil: Michael Moore

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Gone Deer Hunting. See you in a couple of weeks.
posted by JT_Hunter 10/27/2003 09:08:40 PM


IMMIGRANTS, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT. I am tired of this nation
worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since
the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism
by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely
settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the
possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who
is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost
entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few
things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently
some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a
multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and
our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own
society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed
over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men
and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of
our society, learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian,
right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and
women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly
documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of
our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of
the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are
happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't
care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, our
land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to
express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our
pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you
take advantage of one other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.

- Author's name withheld by original sender?

posted by JT_Hunter 10/23/2003 08:29:42 PM

I do not know the author of thisartical, but I thought it was worth posting.


Let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray
O'Hare complained she didn't want any prayer in our
schools, and we said OK..
Then someone said you better not read the Bible in
school, the Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt
not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself.
And we said, OK.

Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children
when they misbehave because their little personalities
would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.
And we said, an expert should know what he's talking
about so we won't spank them anymore..
Then someone said teachers and principals better not
discipline our children when they misbehave. And the
school administrators said no faculty member in his
school better touch a student when they misbehave
because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely
don't want to be sued. And we accepted their reasoning..

Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions
if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents.
And we said, that's a grand idea.. Then some wise school
board member said, since boys will be boys and they're
going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms
they want, so they can have all the fun they desire, and we
won't have to tell their parents they got them at school.
And we said, that's another great idea..

Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't
matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs.
And agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me
what anyone, including the President, does in private as
long as I have a job and the economy is good..

And then someone said let's print magazines with pictures
of nude women and calls it wholesome down-to-earth
appreciation for the beauty of the female body. And we
said we have no problem with that. And someone else
took that appreciation a step further and published pictures
of nude children and then stepped further still by making
them available on the Internet. And we said they're entitled
to their free speech.

And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows
and movies that promotes profanity, violence, and illicit
sex. And let's record music that encourages rape, drugs,
murder, suicide, and satanic themes.. And we said it's just
entertainment, it has no adverse effect, and nobody takes
it seriously anyway, so go right ahead..

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no
conscience, why they know right from wrong, and why it
doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates,
and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we
can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with...

Pass it on if you think it has merit! If not then just discard...
but if you discard this thought process, then don't sit back
and complain about what a bad shape the world is in...


Dear God,
Why didn't you save the little girl in Michigan?
Sincerely, Concerned Student
Dear Concerned Student:
I am not allowed in schools.
Sincerely, God.

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then
wonder why the world's going to hell.

Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but
question what the Bible says.

Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided
they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything
the Bible says.

Funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but still
follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes" in God).

Funny how we are quick to judge but not to be judged.

Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through
e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start
sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice
about sharing.

Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass
freely through, but the public discussion of Jesus is
suppressed in the school and workplace.

Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on
Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week.
Are you laughing?
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you
will not send it to many on your address list because you're
sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for
sending it to them.

Funny how I can be more worried about what other people
think of me than what God thinks of me.
Are you thinking?

posted by JT_Hunter 10/23/2003 08:27:44 PM

It is at times hard to find the moderate vew from the Islamic world. I wish this man well in his endevor to try to bring about change.

Why Do They Hate Us?
Khaled Batarfi

“But you burn your women after their husbands die, how dare you claim you have women’s rights in such a barbaric environment?” shouted my feminist colleague.

I was the only Arab/Muslim at an American school in a class with people who thought we burn women and marry hordes of women. I don’t blame them. Wherever they turn, we look bad. Hollywood, for one, keeps showing us as terrorists, womanizers and idiots. My kids had to explain a lot to their colleagues who had such ideas about sand niggers, camel kissers, oil diggers, and the “desert Kingdom.” Some of my university professors and many foreign correspondents think of us as primitive Bedouin with too much oil and cash that we use to terrorize the world. I bet these people think Africa is one country, Latin America is another, and people there live in Jungle Land.

I deal with similar assumptions all the time. People ask me: Why do you kill Jews, beat women, and hate us? I would tell them about how Jews escaped from Spain to Morocco and other Arab countries after the fall of the Islamic rule, because they faced forced conversion to Christianity and genocide; and how Jews in our midst still live in peaceful coexistence with their cousins, the Arabs. Some listen, some just don’t care. I would invite them to meet my wife and her Arab and Muslim friends and ask them in my absence whether they feel oppressed or denied any God-given rights; whether they would prefer to exchange their conservative, family-oriented kind of life with the Western liberal, individualistic model. Some come, some don’t, because they believe our women are not free to express their feelings and thoughts, or are hopelessly brainwashed.

Who is responsible for this distorted image of Arabs and Muslims? Mostly us. We should have done what our cousins, the Jews, learnt to do after centuries of misrepresentation and execution — good communication, that is.

In this failure we are guilty, but we are also victims. Our political, racial and religious rivals did what they had done to the Jews and are leading us to the same end. From Crusaders to Orientalists, from Zionists to evangelists, our history, culture, character and religion are intentionally misrepresented. With the international media in hand and all the power tools (money, technology and communication) in the other, the job was a piece of cake.

How to face this challenge? First, we should learn how to communicate in a sophisticated, positive way. If we start today, we have a long way to go. Since we have no option, we should take the first step — now.
posted by JT_Hunter 10/23/2003 08:21:26 PM


How to kill a Christian.

Boykin is a highly decorated officer who has participated in nearly every major military operation for the past 25 years – from Jimmy Carter's failed attempt to rescue hostages in Iran, to Reagan's successful invasion of Grenada, to Clinton's disastrous "Black Hawk Down" episode in Somalia. (Say, anyone notice a pattern?) No one has questioned the general's job qualifications. Liberals want him fired because he spoke in a church. If Gen. Boykin had been caught giving talks to NAMBLA instead of church groups, Democrats would be hailing him as a patriot for exercising his First Amendment rights.

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., demanded that Boykin be reprimanded or reassigned, saying his views were "extreme," "closed-minded" and "zealous." We should be more open-minded toward people trying to kill us.

Ann Coulter

I am open minded about those that are trying to kill me. It is hard trying to make a decision as to which gun to use to fight back. I am sure that when the time comes I will make up my mind. Until then I will keep an open mind on the subject. Just so there is no mistaking my position. I am a Christian, and I support Israel's right to exist, and to defend herself. I do not care what religiousbeliefss you have as long as it does not include adesiree to kill all that do not believe the same as you do. In that case, I better not see you first. Bang Bang, your dead.
posted by JT_Hunter 10/21/2003 06:36:50 PM


Carnival of the Capitalists is ready to go for another week.
posted by JT_Hunter 10/20/2003 06:09:42 AM


Friday in Ohio was rainy and cool. The forecast for the weekend is for clearing skies and cold nights and warm days. Perfect for a weekend hunt. My brother John and I leave Dayton around 5:50 PM with my beagle Gravy riding shotgun with me. We arrive a couple of hours later in camp in Chillicothe.

Saturday morning starts at 5:15 am. I fix some coffee to get the day started off right. Jeff stops buy on his way in to hunt turkeys. It is quit cold, around 35 degrees, and so foggy we can hardly see 5 feet. Time to go, Jeff heads for the food plot to the west, John heads past it to the north, as for myself I am going to do some scouting around the food plot at the “Y” area. I really did not find much of interest in that area. Very grown up and very hard to walk through. I went back to camp and started a fire. John and Jeff came back to camp. Jeff did not have any luck with the turkeys; John saw a couple of coyotes run past him. Jeff headed home and John and I went for breakfast at Grannies restaurant. When we got back, John decided to hunt up on his stand on the north food plot, and I decided to head up north to hunt for the evening. This will be the first time actually getting into my tree stand this year. I take everything to my tree on the quad, then take it back up the trail about 200 yards and park it off the side of the trail. When I reach the area where I had off loaded my equipment, I sprayed some fox urine to help cover my scent. I am finally set up by 3:30, and settle in just to watch and wait. I really love the smell of decaying leaves in the fall. It is v-ery peaceful, so I take a short nap. About 5 PM I look down the trail to the north, and there stands a deer with its head down. Slowly as it comes towards me, I can see that it is a very small spike buck. I decide to take his picture. Just after snapping the first shot, I notice another deer behind him. Both are traveling towards me really slow. I can hear a turkey off to the south of me gobbling, and coming my way. The second deer must be his sister. Both are very small probably yearlings just kicked out by their mother. I spend some time taking pictures of them as they stay right in front of my stand about 25 yards out. The little buck catches me with the camera taking his picture. He can not figure out what I am, but he decides to head back the way he came. The doe stays and nibbles some vegetation and wonders where the other deer went. She keeps looking for him. Finally he returns, and again I try to get his picture. I tried to zoom in on him but hit the button that turns on the flash. This he really did not like, and he started down into the creek bottom. I took another picture, and another flash, and away they both went now off to the west at an easy pace, but moving away. Once again all is quite. Again I hear the turkey. This time he is noticeably closer, but still quit a way off to my left. I relax and enjoy the scene. From out of the creek bottom to my left comes a very load gobble from that turkey, he is coming straight up the bank towards me. I reach for the camera. He gets to the trail, gets one whiff of that fox urine and goes bananas. Clucking and running he heads north, making a very distressed sound. Finally he calms down and so do I. I have been watching several squirrels in the trees and on the ground all afternoon. There was a noise behind me, probably that squirrel again. I turn around slowly only to see a huge 8 pointer slowly walking behind me. This is not good, as that is the direction my scent is going. I think he is going to wind me at any moment. He is heading off now to my left following a game trail to the woods. I decide to at least try to get his picture. I know everyone back in Dayton will want to see this big guy. Just as I am raising the camera to shot he turns to his right and will be passing my stand within about 25 yards. Oh no what to do now. I try to put the camera away. He snaps his head up and looks directly at me. Eye to eye we stare at each other. He puts his head down, then snaps it back up and again we stare eye to eye. I still have a camera half in my pocket and my crossbow is laying on the stand in front of me. Finally he puts his head down and starts to walk on down the hill. I finally put the camera away, and slowly reach for my bow. I find a shooting lane he will cross as he walks step by step, finally I have him in the scope, I lead him as he is walking. I take the shot, watch the arrow in the scope hit the mark. Crack the sound of a broad head hitting bone. He had stopped just as I released the arrow. This caused me to still be leading him too far forward and to miss an excellent shot. I can see the arrow sticking out of his shoulder as he darts across the creek and off into the woods. I hear what sounds like him crash. I hope it stopped him. I wait awhile, then climb down the tree. I make my way back to my quad and retrieve a large flashlight. It is now dark and about an hour after I took the shot. I work my way over to when I heard him crash. I can not find anything. No blood, no arrow anywhere. I try to see where he tried to cross the fence. Suddenly there is a deer in the dark blowing at me about 10 yards away. I turn off the light and sneak out of the woods.
I arrive back in camp, and tell my story to John. I decided to let the deer lay all night as it is supposed to be in the low to mid 40’s. We headed off for supper. Finally lights out around 11 PM.

The next morning, more coffee and I am off to the tree stand. I decided to hunt until around 9 AM, then look for that buck. That little spike buck comes in behind me around 8 o’clock. He walks directly to my stand, and then finally he winds me. Off he goes, and a couple of snorts and blows latter he is gone. I do not see anything the rest of the morning. I get down and start over to where I figure that buck went. There is nothing. There is not a sign of anything anywhere. I look everywhere and there is nothing. I have reached the point of giving up when John calls on the radio to see if I have found him. I tell him that I have not seen a thing. Oh wait just a minute. I have blood. Come on down here and help. I found a very clear trail leading out to the west. This trail is very easy to follow. By the time John arrives I am about 250 yards away half way up a hill. I tell him to bring a hunting knife to field dress this deer with as I do not have one with me. He thinks I am too confident, but he has not seen the blood trail I have been following. He catches up to me, and together we continue the tracking. Finally at the top the trail runs out completely. We had tracked him for the best part of three hours before we called it quits and headed back to camp. Damn.

posted by JT_Hunter 10/19/2003 07:40:58 PM


Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia said....

He called on Muslims to match their studies of religion with attention to science and mathematics because "we need guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defence".

posted by JT_Hunter 10/16/2003 09:38:04 PM


The New Friendly Face of Jew Hating
Malaysia's Prime Minister just pulled a Louis Farrakhan:

Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has urged Muslims to unite against Jews who, he says, rule the world by "proxy."
Um, what's wrong with ruling by proxy? That's rather what the United States government is based upon. Perhaps he'd prefer a tyrannical autocracy?
Opening the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), a 57-nation summit in Malaysia on Thursday...
Hmmm, an Islamic Conference - chances are he is keen on the tyranny idea after all.

posted by JT_Hunter 10/15/2003 11:01:20 PM

Carnival of the Capitalists

Customer Support or Wendy’s

Have you ever tried to get help with a computer issue from some off the wall company in nowhereville? Have you ever tried to get a correction on a bill from a utility company? What about the local Stop and Shop gas station ever try to get anything that is out of the ordinary?
There is a lot to be said for how consumers view customer support from all types of companies. There are those organizations out there that I will continue to deal with even if their product is somewhat inferior, as long as their support is top notch. Companies that produce an excellent product, yet do not support it, I will leave behind. There are the truly great ones, you know, the ones with a great product and great support. There are places that I go too simply because the alternatives are worse, or I will put up with their lack of support because I want their product.
I am a firearm's enthusiast, and from time to time, I need to contact the maker of a product with an issue. Recently I made an installation mistake while installing a B-Square scope mount on a Ruger revolver. I sheared off the screw that holds it on because I had forgotten to put in the recoil lug. Actually I had lost it, and did not install it. I called B-Square and explained my problem. They shipped to me without any cost to me, a replacement lug. I called Ruger, and they shipped to me a replacement screw, without any cost to me. No questions asked, they were just happy to help. I purchased a Remington shotgun from Bass-Pro shops last year only to find out when I got home that I had accidentally picked out one with a shorter barrel than I wanted. One phone call later, I was on my way back to Bass-Pro for a complete exchange, again without cost to me.
I hate fast food, and for that matter eating out is not one of my favorite pastimes. There are however times when I must eat something and a fast food joint is the best option. The following is an example of such an adventure.
Speaker: “Would you like to try one of our combo’s today?”
Me: “No I would like a Big Bacon Classic sandwich with - “Would you like that in a combo?” –out tomato. Me: No, I would like a Big Bacon Classic sandwich with out tomato, and a Biggie Iced tea with – “Would you like to Biggie size that combo?” No, that would imply that I wanted a combo to begin with, and I do not.
Speaker: That will be $4.98.
Now I pull up to the window, pay my money, pick up my food, and when I am handed my drink it is only a large and not a Biggie sized drink. I tell the person at the window. To this I get the reply “Well that is what you were charged for”. I requested that I be given what I ordered, and not what they thought I ordered. “Well I will have to charge you extra for that”. No you are the ones that messed up my order; you can give me what I ordered. “No I can’t do that” Well Ok, I drive off, and get out my sandwich that has a damned tomato on it.
Why is it that people at the drive through window can not simply “Listen” to what the customer orders? I hate Wendy’s. You never get what you order.
Last year I signed up for I thought I might do some research. As so many others, I soon lost interest. Stupid me I signed up for a whole year. When the time came to cancel this subscription, I made a call to them to insure it was canceled.
Me: I would like to cancel my subscription.
Customer Support: That’s fine, I will give you an additional 3 months for free.
Me: No I just want to cancel, as I have not used this service, and will not do so over the next three months.
Customer Support: That’s OK, I will still give you three free months.
Me: No. I just want this account closed right now.
Customer Support: Ok sir, I will still give you the free three months at no charge to you.
Me: So just what the F___ do I have to do to get this account closed right now.
Customer Support: Well you don’t have to cuss at me. The three months are free and I will put them on your account.
Me: You just don’t get it do you? Do you have a supervisor?
Customer Support: Well I guess I can close the account for you now.
Me: That’s what I asked you to do five minutes ago.
I work for a large corporation on the Helpdesk. When someone calls me it is my job to help him or her with their problem. I view it as also part of my job to put on a “Happy Face” for that client. Many times this has been brought to my attention by clients. Some when they call now ask for me personally. To me I am only doing what I am paid to do. I learned a long time ago that when someone has something that is not working correctly, they are already angry. Before they pick up the phone to call they have an attitude. I try to diffuse this with a friendly joking attitude. I have people call in with problems with their mouse, and I suggest feeding the little rodent. This usually gets a chuckle. I have had some calls for really terrible problems such as a crash, and I suggest a moment of prayer. I also tend to put a bit of myself in the conversation. What I have been doing in my personal life and such. Again I will say, “I am paid to be helpful, and cheerful”.
Customer support in this country is terrible, and it goes directly to the bottom line. If your support is good so will the results to your income as more people choose to do business with those they feel care about them.

posted by JT_Hunter 10/15/2003 06:44:40 PM

"OOPS", or should that be "OH SHIT"

So I heard tonight that no one wants to take credit for the murder of the Americans in Gaza. What's up with that? Could it be that they just might be afraid that someone besides Israel might want to kick their Ass?

posted by JT_Hunter 10/15/2003 04:32:50 PM

I do not always agree with Rush Limbaugh, but I decided to join his 24/7 club just to show my support for him. I know what it is to try to beat an addiction. It has been 18 years that I have been a normal citizen in our society.

posted by JT_Hunter 10/15/2003 09:08:29 AM

home "A card carrying Republican, Voter."