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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Never Register to Read News Again

Check out bugmenot and never have to register with another news site again.  I just tried it on the Kansas City Star link in the "Loony Bin" post below and it worked like a charm.  This quick tutorial will show you exactly what you need to do. 


What to do With Guantanamo Prisoners

I've been giving this problem a lot of thought.  The prisoners held by the U.S. and its allies at Guantanamo and elsewhere are unlike any prisoners that we've ever had to deal with.  In a traditional war, be it with England or Spain or Japan or Germany or Korea or any of the other nations that the U.S. had fought in its history, prisoners of war could, upon the resolution of the conflict, be returned to their home country with reasonable assurance that they would not come back to fight again, absent a resumption of hostilities.  They could be expected to go back to their families and jobs and get on with their lives in a peaceful manner.  However, since we are not fighting a nation but, rather, an ideology that can be expected to be around for a whilr, no reasonable person would expect anything but more violence from these men if they are given their freedom.  So, what to do?  I see a few choices.

First, we can let them go.  As I mentioned above, this would likely lead to many of these men picking up arms and coming right back against the West.  This does not seem like a smart choice.

We can hold them indefinitely (for life or until such time as Islamism is completely erradicated from the face of the earth).  This, frankly, seems decidedly un-Western.  It would be both cruel (especially to those men who committed no atrocities but just happened to be on the wrong side of a conflict the day that the U.S. entered into it) and politically unfeasible. It would also tie up valuable resources for a long, long time.

We could kill them all.  Well, we could.  However, this would be nothing short of mass murder and we just don't do that.  From a practical point of view, it would also create far more problems then it would solve.

We could give them hearings and jail terms.  This is the best solution that I have heard thus far but it would require the creation of a whole new area of law and has the exact same problems as releasing them in that they would likely boomerang right back and take the lives of Americans and their allies.

So, what to do?  I have an idea.  As I have mentioned earlier, I believe that Islamism is akin to a cult grown out of control.  I also believe that the hatred and fanaticism that it engenders is akin to a mental disorder.  What do we do with cultists?  We deprogram them.  What do we do with people who suffer mental disorders?  We seek to cure them.  And then, if and when they have been successfully deprogrammed and/or cured, we release them.  This is what we should do with the Guantanamo prisoners and others like them.  Instead of letting them sit for years in cramped quarters with nothing but their Korans and their fellow cult members to keep them company and allowing their hatred and fanatacism to fester, we should be seeking to help them, and ourselves.  There should be teachers and psychiatrists by the hundreds in Cuba educating these men in everything from reading to philosophy.  They should be reading Mark Twain and Playboy and Jack London.  They should be taught about Christianity and Judaism and Buddhism until they see the beauty in faiths and ideas and cultures other than their own.  They should see Something About Mary and Citizen Kane and The Three Stooges.  They should learn about Susan B. Anthony and Amelia Earhart and Anne Frank and read poetry by Emily Dickinson and Gwendolyn Brooks.  And they should be treated with kindness at every turn because, one day, if and when the experts, through careful observation, determine that they are cured of their mania, they will go back to their families and their communities.  And they will have a choice as to whether they pick up a gun against the West or a book to share with their children and what we had done to that point will have made all of the difference. 

Yeah, it's ambitious.  I see no other real choice.


Where the Real War Is

Here is the problem boys and girls.  We cannot win the war.  No way.  Not the way we're fighting it.  It's a simple math problem.  Radical Islamists are being created faster than we are destroying and/or re-educating them.  Much, much faster.  Under the thin layer of visible jihadis that we see in Afghanistan and Iraq and Saudi Arabia and the Phillippines and Gaza and the West Bank and Buffalo and Richmond and all of the other places where this illness has taken root is an ocean of Jihadis in waiting.  Need proof?  Look at this horrific video of children reenacting the Berg beheading (hat tip LGF and LGF reader Norwegian Kafir).

Like I was saying, we cannot win.  Not fighting the way we're fighting.  Not by waiting for these children to pick up weapons and attack us before confronting them.  Before trying to cure them.  If we're to have any chance at all in the war against Islamism, our approach has to change. 

First, as I keep saying, we have to call it what it is.  Calling this war the "War on Terrorism" was one of the first great defeats in the conflict.  The Bush Administration's myopia and cowardice in not assigning blame where it belongs and calling the War on Islamism by its proper name set us back a long way.  Terrorism is one end result of what's seen in that video.  However, it is neither the only result, nor the root cause. 

Second, we have to attack the roots of the problem.  The roots do not exist in safe houses and weapons storage facilities and terrorist training camps.  Osama is not the root of the problem and neither are all of the big name terrorists that we keep hearing about.  The roots are the Islamist grade schools and the Islamist children's books.  The roots are the scores of madrassas funded by terrorist and Saudi money (and who can tell which is which?) throughout the world.  The roots are the mosques from Cairo to London to Queens, NY that call for jihad and fanaticism.  The roots are Islamist newspapers and radio stations and television stations that operate with equal impunity in the Islamic world and in the West.  Folks, if we are going to have any kind of chance.  If we are going to avoid making some truly horrible choices about our survival a generation from now, we have to go beyond just trying to find and destroy existing terrorists.  We have to slow and do our best to stop the creation of tomorrow's terrorists.  That means de-programming and re-education, by force if necessary.  That means turning on our traditional values when it comes to religion and targeting mosques and imams that breed hate and the people, organizations and nations that support them.  That means setting up our own television and radio stations and newspapers in Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else that we can and eliminating, by overwhelming force, if necessary, the media conduits that spread the murderous insanity of Islamism, down to the last basement printing press.  That means telling our "allies" in the Middle East that if their state controlled newspapers and television stations and mosques spread this disease, the governments will be held immediately accountable as if they themselves were doing so.  And then acting like we mean it.

Folks, we need a change in the way we fight this war or we will surely lose.  The task before us - de-programming an entire people - is enormous.  Herculean.  I frankly do not know if we can succeed in it.  And yet, we cannot avoid it since the only alternative is war for us and our children and their children until, finally, the numbers dictate that the West is finally overwhelmed.  I know this: the task before us gets bigger every day that we avoid facing it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I Live in a Loony Bin

There's just no other way to explain this lunacy.

Update:  Don't want to register to read the story?  See this post.


Savages Murder Another Innocent

As expected, the Islamist animals Murdered Kim Sun-Il.  Watch South Korea very closely.  Will they stand up against these barbarians and for civilization?  Will they fight?  Or will they cower like Spain?  And what of the U.S.?  What of the rest of the world?  When will enough be enough? 

Monday, June 21, 2004

The Chicago Sun-Times Compares Bush to Hitler

I am a little late on this since the editorial in question (entitled Is U.S. like Germany of the '30s?) was published just over a week ago.  A big thank you to Ghost of a Flea for blogging about it where the rest of us seem to have missed it.  It is ironic that, in this hit piece by Andrew Greeley, the "big lie" is decried while the left's favorite big lie (that Bush=Hitler) is, once again, trumpeted.  Yup, Greeley publishes the tired, nasty "Bush is Hitler" meme and the Chicago Sun-Times, which is, by American newspaper standards, a pretty good paper, publishes this filth.  An excerpt: 

He is not another Hitler. Yet there is a certain parallelism. They have in common a demagogic appeal to the worst side of a country's heritage in a crisis. Bush is doubtless sincere in his vision of what is best for America. So too was Hitler. The crew around the president -- Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Karl Rove, the ''neo-cons'' like Paul Wolfowitz -- are not as crazy perhaps as Himmler and Goering and Goebbels. Yet like them, they are practitioners of the Big Lie -- weapons of mass destruction, Iraq democracy, only a few ''bad apples.''

Hitler's war was quantitatively different from the Iraq war, but qualitatively both were foolish, self-destructive and criminally unjust. This is a time of great peril in American history because a phony patriotism and an America-worshipping religion threaten the authentic American genius of tolerance and respect for other people . . .

And here comes the kicker.  You know it's coming.  Ready?  Here it is:

In fact, instead of a president who claims an infallibility that exceeds that of the pope, America would be much better off with a president who, like John F. Kennedy, is honest enough to admit mistakes and secure enough to change his mind.

Yup.  Greeley likes waffles.  And in case you're wondering what Greeley, who thinks we need a man like Kerry to get right with the world, thinks of America, I suggest you read another recent article by this schmuck: "This time, Europe's hatred justified."  Shame on the Sun-Times for running this demagoguery.

Leftist Idiocy, Schmucks

Axis of Evil ... um ... Poetry

As you may have noticed, I occasionally post poetry here at The Daily Blitz (usually on Fridays). Well, so do Urthshu (Mondays) and, now, The Grand Vizier (Wednesdays). That's right, the Vast Right Wing Poetry Conspiracy has finally been revealed. Fear our lyrical might!! Tremble before our nefarious rhyme schemes! Our couplets should concern you. Our sinister stanzas will fill sonnets full of appalling alliteration. In short, read our poetry selections and tell us what you think. And, if you have a blog and would like to be part of the axis, just let me know and pick one of the four remaining days of the week. You don't even have to be an evil right winger (though, apparently, it helps).

Sunday, June 20, 2004

A Poem for Father's Day

Named, not surprisingly, "Father's Day:"

Fathers' Day.

He came home with a heavy step
and took a little rest.
His hands like branches offering
a nook for children's nest.

Awareness of security
Blossomed when dad was near.
Brave captain of his little boat
He sailed it without fear.

And when dark clouds obscured the sun
And stormy waves grew high,
His wife's and children's eyes like stars
Showed way upon his sky...

The ways of life like seasons change,
Some stay as memories...
Polluted highways run today
Where once we planted trees.

A shadow falls across the gap
Where people lost each other.
For every father has a child
- Not every child a father.....

Hana Gerzanic-Hons

You know, it's true. There is an ocean of difference between having a child and being a father. I have to say that, in this, I have been extraordinarily lucky. I have had a father every single day of my life.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

The New York Times Reviews Bill's Book

OK, the New York Times, Bill Clinton ... easy call, right?  I mean, they're going to proclaim it a masterpiece from page 1, right?  Not exactly.  Not even close, in fact.  It turns out that the review by Michiko Kakutani is nothing short of brutal.  Some choice excerpts:

The book, which weighs in at more than 950 pages, is sloppy, self-indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull — the sound of one man prattling away, not for the reader, but for himself and some distant recording angel of history.

. . . while Dan Rather, who interviewed Mr. Clinton for "60 Minutes," has already compared the book to the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, arguably the most richly satisfying autobiography by an American president, "My Life" has little of that classic's unsparing candor or historical perspective. Instead, it devolves into a hodgepodge of jottings: part policy primer, part 12-step confessional, part stump speech and part presidential archive, all, it seems, hurriedly written and even more hurriedly edited.

. . . "My Life" reads like a messy pastiche of everything that Mr. Clinton ever remembered and wanted to set down in print; he even describes the time he got up at 4 a.m. to watch the inaugural ceremonies for Nigeria's new president on TV. There are endless litanies of meals eaten, speeches delivered, voters greeted and turkeys pardoned.

Ouch.  I wonder if Rather read the book.


Friday Night / Saturday Morning Poetry - 16th Century Porn

This is a favorite of mine. Has been since I discovered, when I was but a young lit major, that lit majors of the female persuasion love dirty poetry if it's more than a few hundred years old. Well, it doesn't get much dirtier, or better, than this. Think you don't like John Donne? Think 400 year old poetry is boring? You haven't been reading the right stuff:


by John Donne

COME, madam, come, all rest my powers defy ;
Until I labour, I in labour lie.
The foe ofttimes, having the foe in sight,
Is tired with standing, though he never fight.
Off with that girdle, like heaven's zone glittering,
But a far fairer world encompassing.
Unpin that spangled breast-plate, which you wear,
That th' eyes of busy fools may be stopp'd there.
Unlace yourself, for that harmonious chime
Tells me from you that now it is bed-time.
Off with that happy busk, which I envy,
That still can be, and still can stand so nigh.
Your gown going off such beauteous state reveals,
As when from flowery meads th' hill's shadow steals.
Off with your wiry coronet, and show
The hairy diadems which on you do grow.
Off with your hose and shoes ; then softly tread
In this love's hallow'd temple, this soft bed.
In such white robes heaven's angels used to be
Revealed to men ; thou, angel, bring'st with thee
A heaven-like Mahomet's paradise ; and though
Ill spirits walk in white, we easily know
By this these angels from an evil sprite ;
Those set our hairs, but these our flesh upright.
Licence my roving hands, and let them go
Before, behind, between, above, below.
O, my America, my Newfoundland,
My kingdom, safest when with one man mann'd,
My mine of precious stones, my empery ;
How am I blest in thus discovering thee !
To enter in these bonds, is to be free ;
Then, where my hand is set, my soul shall be.
Full nakedness ! All joys are due to thee ;
As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be
To taste whole joys. Gems which you women use
Are like Atlanta's ball cast in men's views ;
That, when a fool's eye lighteth on a gem,
His earthly soul might court that, not them.
Like pictures, or like books' gay coverings made
For laymen, are all women thus array'd.
Themselves are only mystic books, which we
—Whom their imputed grace will dignify—
Must see reveal'd. Then, since that I may know,
As liberally as to thy midwife show
Thyself ; cast all, yea, this white linen hence ;
There is no penance due to innocence :
To teach thee, I am naked first ; why then,
What needst thou have more covering than a man?


Friday, June 18, 2004

I met a Girl Who Sang the Blues

And I asked her for some happy news. . .

Today has been a rough day for happy news. I looked through the headlines and there wasn't much. Paul Johnson was murdered. Some of his murderers were killed, but that didn't exactly set me to whistling a happy tune. More deaths in Iraq, drought, etc. But you know what? America is still good and Americans are brave and honest. Need proof? look at this picture:








Only a courageous, honorable man would pay up on a bet like that and there's not a jihadi on earth who would have the courage to make that bet, much less the courage and honor to pay up in this manner if he lost. Hold your head high, Dave Brixey. You inspire us all.

What's Going Right, Mensches

More from the Sewer Dwellers - "so a few guys got beheaded..."

From the happy propogandist, mopaul. And here is just one choice reply post from "DrWeird (indeed):

My dad's over there. Well he's in Jordan, they couldn't pay him enough to work in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. He's working on reconstruction. Humanitarians stuff, which is why he went.

Johnson, however, was a cog in the war machine. In my opinion he was aiding and abetting murder, so I'm not going to shed any crocidile tears.

Well, here's hoping that the Doctor's dad stays safe and that, unlike his son, he's a human being.


Part II of DU post

For some reason the whole post wouldn't appear. Here is the conclusion, for now, to the DU-Paul Johnson post:

Beetwasher (1000+ posts)


9. Another Beheading Courtesy of Bushco.

Feel safer yet?

rfranklin (1000+ posts)


6. George Bush hit the trifecta....again!

What a lucky ducky!

bluedog (1000+ posts)


15. more BLOOD on bushs' hands

that god damn son of a bitch.he causes death all over..this man lived there for years until this bastard came into office and threw the world into total chaos

It goes on and on like this here . Given a gun in the war on terror, these Americans would shoot the President of the United States before they ever thought of turning it on a terrorist. They're in this fight too.

Leftist Idiocy, Schmucks

DU sees the Line - Pole Vaults Over It -

Yup, that's the title of the post and it's not really sarcasm. Here's the post from "Salinen":

Hitler wasn't that bad!
Edited on Fri Jun-18-04 02:51 PM by salinen

How similar is 2004 America to 1934 Germany? Well, America also has a propaganda machine that uses falsehood and fear to gain support. And America has a military industrial giant that has been built to conquer in the name of national security. Americas industrial base has been dismantled in favor of building bigger guns. America has an attorney general and president who side with the philosophy of Ann Coulter over Nelson Mandela. Americas leader has a view of himself superior to others. Americas allies are with us despite the overwhelming objections of their citizens. We round up suspects based on religion and skin color. America uses force and the expected use of force to intimidate - pre-emptive warfare and star wars.

At least Hitler had a cute mistress.

Read the thread here.

Leftist Idiocy

Comments on Murderers from Those who Support Them

Not everyone at Democratic Underground is so blinded by ideology and Bush hatred as to have completely abandoned their moral compass. Not by a longshot. There are a number of fine people who post there. The following, who made comments minutes after learning of the murder of Paul Johnson by Islamist savages, are not among them:

BlueEyedSon (1000+ posts)

62. Gee, I don't remember any beheadings before the War.

[When was Danny Pearl's beheading, moron? And how about 9-11? Do they get a pass because they didn't use a dull knife? Does the Cole ring any bells? WTC '93?]

leesa (1000+ posts)

52. The terrorists are in the White House. How do you know who did this?

You don't even know who did it. You were TOLD by our lying government and our lying media that so-and-so did it and you swallow it without question. WHO benefits from this? The right wingers??? Isn't this what Bush needs to save his ass? THINK!

Tomee450 (144 posts)

115. I don't

think there were any beheadings of Americans before we entered Iraq.

[its amazing that an entire class of people could forget the murder of Daniel Pearl ... and he was hardly the first. Islamists have been beheading their enemies (Russian prisoners in Chechnya come to mind) for years. They've finally gotten around to Americans]

Skittles (1000+ posts)
2. another victim of the BFEE

my sympathy to his family and friends.

[that's Bush Family Evil Empire to the non-tinfoil hat initiated; you see, this man was murdered by the Bush family. Obviously.]

Walt Starr (1000+ posts) 7. Another body added to Bush's count

It's directly Bush's fault.

Leftist Idiocy, Schmucks


The vile subhuman scum have declared war upon civilization in the name of their interpretation of the Religion of Peace have brutally murdered American Paul Johnson. Why did these animals (with apologies to actual animals) do this? Why, because he was American and they could. It is time to take the gloves off. Enough. Enough of the Geneva Conventions, which were for nations and entered into with the idea that both sides of a conflict would honor them. Enough of the UN, those sorry apologists for and financiers of monsters. Enough of the ISM and ANSWER and Michael Moore and his "Al Qaeda is just 190 guys" lies (see below). Enough of every single moron who doesn't understand that there is a war to the end and our only voice in the matter is whether we fight it and whose end it will be. Enough. The ideology of Islamism, which will shed blood of good men like Paul Johnson and Danny Pearl and Nick Berg and countless others to its dying breath must be eradicated, branch and root. There must be nothing left of it. Not one Islamist mosque. Not one madrassa. Not one website. Not one murdering jihadi. Nothing. That's when we'll be safe from this psychosis. Not before.

Let's get on with it.

General Idiocy

A Rummy Diary - Michael Moore, Hairball with Legs

OK, so I'm sitting here, reading the articles and interviews in Bogie's Playboy that arrived in the mail today (he was busy watching the replay of Deadwood, which even I think is a great show, for the political intrigue, if nothing else) when what do I see but an interview with Micheal Moore and I think to myself, Rummy, I wonder if Micheal Moore has anything interesting to say. Indeed, Micheal Moore does. Here are some excerpts:

Michael Moore on outsourcing to Israel:

Playboy: How do you propose accomplishing what American Military and intelligence forces have been unable to accomplish [Rummy: kill al Qaeda leaders]?

Moore: They're better at this sort of thing than we are. I don't support assassination, but let's face facts. Israel wanted to kill the Hamas leader, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, and they took him out....Get the culprits, not their neighbors and people who look like them.

So Moore doesn't support assassination but he feels that the U.S. should have hired Israel to carry one out. But I'm sure Moore would have congratulated the Bush administration and Israel for their progressive thinking had they done exactly as he suggests. I mean it's as if Micheal Moore is biased against Israel and dedicated his last book to Rachel Corrie. Oh, wait . . .

Moore on Al Quaeda: In my movie a counterterrorism agent from the FBI says the following: "Most people don't realize that there are only around 190 Al Qaeda members worldwide. That's it."

Worldwide, huh? If your world is Flint, Michigan, maybe. Is Moore suggesting that Al Qaeda used 10% of its total members for 9/11? And they sure do get around for 190 guys. I mean, Turkey, Spain, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Iraq, Yemen, etc., etc. Something tells me that either they have magical teleportation powers or there are, in fact several thousand Al Qaeda members. Not to worry. I'm sure that Moore scrupulously checked this "expert's" assertion before he put it in his movie, as he always does.

More Moore on Israel and Al Qaeda: . . . let's say this were 1939 and we learned that there were only 190 Nazis. I think we could deal with the problem. [Rummy's note to Moore: not too long before 1939 there weren't all that many Nazis. After the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, the Nazi party was nothing more than a shell; nobody "dealt" with them then ... funny how history repeats] If Abe Lincoln had been told that there were 190 Confederated giving the Union a bit of trouble, he probably could have taken care of it fairly easily. We give the Israelis billions of dollars a year. They're better at this assassination stuff than we are. So we tell them, "We need you to get rid of 190 people." But Bush wants those 190 people out there because the threat means he can do what he wants with impunity.

Where to begin. Well, as an American kitty with an affection for Israel, let me begin with "Fuck you, Michael Moore." In a short paragraph Moore suggests that our armed forces are incompetent, that the Israeli people are killers for hire and that our government is purposely not looking to get rid of for Al Qaeda (which would obviously be very easy to do ... hell, Mike might do it himself before his next documentary) because it wants to take our rights away (like the right to make documentaries critical of the government ... oh, wait ... ). Here's a thought. Egypt gets some two billion dollars a year from the U.S. Wouldn't they be in a much better position to eliminate terrorists, given how many of them are local? How about Lybia? I mean, Khaddafi was recently implicated in a plot to assassinate the head of Saudi Arabia. And speaking of the Saudis, they've been murdering each other for generations. But no. In Moore's world, the Jews are the killers for hire.

Moore on Repuclicans and sex: If they think anyone is having good sex, their heads just start to spin like Linda Blair's. The thought of anyone enjoying sex sends Republicans into a tailspin.

Moore ... sex ... ick. Moving right along.

Moore on marriage, gay and otherwise: Here's what I want to know about gay marriage: Has anybody told the gays and lesbians what marriage is? We married people are all sitting here asking, "Why are they so damn eager to do this?"

Playboy: Your wife must love it when you say that.

Moore: She agrees with me, believe me.

Now there's a telling comment. I'm sure she does, Mike, I'm sure she does. It is worth noting that Moore, in arguing that America agrees with him, asserts that most Americans are pro-choice and pro-labor and want stronger envionmental laws. He also cites a statistic purporting to show that support for the death penalty is dropping. Two questions late, when discussing the fact that most Americans don't support gay marriage, he states, "I'm convinced that the polls are wrong." There it is, folks. Michael Moore, hypocrite and propogandist, in a nutshell.

Michael Moore on Charlton Heston:

Playboy: You were criticized for embarrassing former NRA president Charlton Heston in Bowling for Columbine. Some viewers felt you took advantage of an aging, ailing man.

Moore: I take exception to that. I was very respectful.

Playboy: Heston looked ridiculous. He was frail and flustered.

Moore: He was opposing gun controls in the aftermath of high school shootings. That made him fair game. All I did was ask some questions. He said the problem with America was our mixed ethnicity.

Now, anybody who saw the film or read the transcript of the ambush, um, "interview" knows that Moore was deceptive, not respectful and that Heston said no such thing. Anyone that knows anything about Charlton Heston knows that he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Dr. King when Moore was still a nine year old jerk instead of the fifty year old jerk he is now. But that's Moore. He went from "I was very respectful" to "he deserved it" in nothing flat. There was no disconnect there for Mike.

Moore on Patriotism:

Playboy: How do you define Patriotism?

Moore: Now that's a scary word, frankly. People need to be true to their conscience and the people with whom they share this planet. I see these signs that say PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, and I think, 'Isn't pride one of the seven deadly sins?'

. . .

Playboy: Do you buy American?

Moore: I don't believe in buying American, because its fraudulent. Your American car is full of parts from all over the world.

Yup. A real friend of the folks in Flint, that Mike Moore. A real stand-up guy.

Moore oozes through the rest of the interview in much the same way, hitting his talking points. Bush is stupid, Republicans are evil, greedy religious zealots, etc. Everything you'd expect (and a weird revelation about his crush on Hillary Clinton). I have an idea. Moore is a capable guy. Let's send him to get Osama. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Rummy Diaries, Leftist Idiocy, Schmucks

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Col. Richard Meinertzhagen, In Memoriam

Joseph Alexander Norland over at Israpundit posts this wonderful tribute to Col. Richard Meinertzhagen, an Englishman who did so much to help Israel and the Jewish people. It's worth a read.


BlueStarPR and Ray Charles




















I got an e-mail from the wonderful folks at BlueStarPR which said the following:

Thanks to your blog, BlueStar PR has a new poster.

You know, I couldn't be happier. Really. Made my whole day and then some. Folks, if you like it, let them know here. And don't forget to sign up to have BlueStarPR send their posters directly to your inbox (for free). It'll make you feel like a mensch.


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Great Library

Some time ago, long before I started The Daily Blitz, I had thought to compile all of the terrific articles that I've been reading with the thought that they would be hosted on someone's blog. Well, I compiled many articles but, somehow, we never got around to posting them in one place. That's what I'm doing now. This is The Great Library. It will contain some wonderful articles, quotes and speeches as well as some truly horrid stuff that will be a reminder as to what the enemies of civilization and decency are. This is by no means exhaustive. In fact, it will be pretty sparce to start. However, this post will be a work in progress as long as this blog exists and it will also be a community effort. If you have an article, speech, quotation, etc. that you feel belongs, post it in the comments and I'll take a look. If you find that one of the links is dead, let me know. Most of all, read to your heart's content and enjoy. You will always be able to access this post by clicking on "The Great Library" link in the left sidebar.

And now, for the first set of articles:

Great Articles

Resentment and Revenge Sam Orbaum

'Second Holocaust, Roth's Invention, Isn't Novelistic by Ron Rosenbaum

France Surrenders to Texas High School By David Burge January 31, 2003

Kill a Jew for Allah John Derbyshire

Why Don’t I Care About the Palestinians? John Derbyshire

Whosoever Blesses Them The intifada and its defenders. by Larry Miller 04/22/2002

You Say You Want a Resolution by Larry Miller

No Proof Would Be Enough by Larry Miller

Just for being Americans … BY DAVE BARRY

Taking Vienna George Will April 3, 2002

Final Solution, ‘Phase 2’ By George F. Will Thursday, May 2, 2002

Baghdad Bonior George Will, October 1, 2002

Arafat's Legacy of Lies George Will, March 27, 2002

The Holocaust: What Was Not Said by Martin Rhonheimer (thanks to reader grayp)

Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in the European Union - Sweden - The report that the EU suppressed (thanks to reader grayp)

Why the Muslims Misjudged Us Victor Davis Hanson


"The First Peacekeeper Division?" Victor Davis Hanson Monday, May 12, 2003

Why Arabs Lose Wars By Norvell B. De Atkine (This is a terrific article)

May the ayatollah go the way of Saddam BY MARK STEYN June 22, 2003

The End of Europe? By Niall Ferguson 3/4/2004 (thanks to reader grayp)

You Didn’t Ask for It, You Got It: Carterpalooza! Jay Nordlinger May 3, 2002

Like an Owl Exploding John Derbyshire October 11, 2002

Cynthia McKinney’s Last Stand Jonah Goldberg October 29, 2001

McKinney deserves criticism for inane comments Jonah Goldberg April 17, 2002

Still an Idiot Jonah Goldberg May 17, 2002

The Saudi Paradox by Michael Scott Doran (thanks to reader grayp)

Understand Nigeria and you understand the Islamic threat Dennis Prager Nov. 26, 2002 / 21 Kislev, 5763

Morally neutral reporting is dishonest reporting Dennis Prager December 3, 2002

They dominate the air, but still the media can't win By Mark Steyn 03/29/2003

The Genealogoy of Anti-Americanism James Ceaser Summer, 2003 (thanks to reader grayp)

Concerning the Jews By Mark Twain


Mark Twain quotes regarding Jews

Mark Twain quotes regarding America

Mark Twain quotes regarding the French

Great Speeches:

ALAN KEYES IS MAKING SENSE Wednesday, April 3, 2002

Tony Blair’s address to Congress July 17, 2003

Ronald Reagan's Speech on the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion (1986)

Elie Wiesel on The Perils of Indifference April 12, 1999

Ronald Reagan: Remarks at the U.S. Ranger Monument on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day delivered 6 June 1984 in Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy, France

Ronald Reagan Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate, West Berlin, June 12, 1987

Ugly articles:

Ode to Cynthia By Israel Shamir

The Official Version Of 9/11 Is A Hoax Commentary By John Kaminski 3-22-03

No One Is Safe From America's 'Killer President' By John Kaminski 11-21-2

Solving The Enigma Of Media Manipulation; Beware the Gatekeepers who distract from discovering true facts... By John Kaminski 6-5-3 (It’s the JOOOOOS!!!)

The Late, Great American Republic: A Report From 2050 Ernest Partridge

Whose War? by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Great Library

Photo of the Day - Trust

It's been a little too long since I've posted a photo of the day. Let me know what you think.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I swear, I'm not going to go party with Clinton!

For the love of God, Theresa, let go!!!


Why Do They Want to Smash the Jews?

It's a pretty old question and the answers I've seen usually aren't that great.  No answers today, kids.  Just more questions from Imshin of Not a Fish.  Good questions, though.  Sometimes getting good answers starts with good questions.


In Defense of Fox

Monday, June 14, 2004



Already, five ANSWER rallies where Gore had been scheduled to speak were brought to horrific ends as Gore stumbled about, crushing all of the attendees underfoot. While this might seem like good news, he must be stopped before he EATS THE SUN!!

Where is Bush on this? Why has Rumsfeld done nothing to stop Al "Galactus" Gore? Where is the UN? If humanity cannot put its petty differences aside to confront this great terror, I fear that we are truly doomed. Come, brothers and sisters!! Who is with me!?!?!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Happy Birthday, Anne

In a better world, Anne Frank would have been celebrating her 75th birthday today with her children and grandchildren by her side.  My God, how much we've lost.  How much we've wasted.  Today, the world still contains the kind of mindless hate that murdered Anne Frank and millions like her (though it's important to remember, always, that there was no one just like her; each victim was a world onto themselves - Anne was the world we got to see a bit of).  Today, much of the world that is not murdering women like Anne Frank for being Jewish is repressing women and preventing them from having any hope of achieving the dreams that Anne expressed sixty years ago.  

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
-Anne Frank

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Saturday Evening Poetry

This poem, by e.e. cummings, is a favorite of Jheka's Girl.  Who knew?

Humanity i love you

Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both

parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard

Humanity i love you because
when you're hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you're flush pride keeps

you from the pawn shops and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house

Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it's there and sitting down

on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity

i hate you

Something cheerful next time.  I promise.


Friday, June 11, 2004

Where are Saddam's WMDs? The UN Has an Idea

According to UN inspectors, Saddam not only had WMDs and medium range missiles, but shipped them out of Iraq before, during and after the main hostilities: 

. . . The UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission briefed the Security Council on new findings that could help trace the whereabouts of Saddam's missile and WMD program. The briefing contained satellite photographs that demonstrated the speed with which Saddam dismantled his missile and WMD sites before and during the war.

Council members were shown photographs of a ballistic missile site outside Baghdad in May 2003, and then saw a satellite image of the same location in February 2004, in which facilities had disappeared. UNMOVIC acting executive chairman Demetrius Perricos told the council on June 9 that "the only controls at the borders are for the weight of the scrap metal, and to check whether there are any explosive or radioactive materials within the scrap," Middle East Newsline reported.

"It's being exported," Perricos said after the briefing. "It's being traded out. And there is a large variety of scrap metal from very new to very old, and slowly, it seems the country is depleted of metal." "The removal of these materials from Iraq raises concerns with regard to proliferation risks," Perricos told the council. Perricos also reported that inspectors found Iraqi WMD and missile components shipped abroad that still contained UN inspection tags.

He said the Iraqi facilities were dismantled and sent both to Europe and around the Middle East. at the rate of about 1,000 tons of metal a month. Destinations included Jordan, the Netherlands and Turkey. The Baghdad missile site contained a range of WMD and dual-use components, UN officials said. They included missile components, reactor vessel and fermenters – the latter required for the production of chemical and biological warheads. . . .

Read the whole thing.  If this story stands up and materials are found, things will get very, very interesting.  This could change everything.


McCain Reject's Kerry's Offer

According to the AP, John McCain has rejected John Kerry's "overtures" to McCain regarding the V.P. position on the Democratic ticket.  Everyone insists that McCain had not been formally offered the position but, obviously, Kerry wasn't going to offer it without knowing whether McCain was going to take it or not.  A Kerry/McCain ticket may have been very dangerous indeed.  Good to see that that possibility is no more.


A Radical Feminist Comes Out for Bush

Two perliminary points.  First, this article is several months old but I just found it and maybe some of you haven't read it yet, so I'm sharing it with you now.  Second,  I wonder if the author also wrote the article title and, if not, was that really the best possible title that they could come up with?  I mean, really? Anyway, Phyllis Chesler, a lifelong liberal and feminist, is going to be voting for Geworge W. Bush for President.  Why?  Because, as she explains, she is a lifelong liberal and feminist and, therefore, it's the right thing to do.  It also helps that she once lived in Kabul.  Go read the whole thing.  You'll be glad that you did.