Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Severe Rage

Boiling point, inferno, molten lava, hotter than the surface of the sun...all ice cold compared to how angry I am with terrorists.  My rage towards this whole thing is possibly affecting any compassion I have towards Iraqis in general and I don’t think it’s right.  I’m fighting with myself to care.

I came across this disturbing video (no, it’s not the beheading video....the one below it; it’s kids playing “Terrorists and ‘Infidels’"), right after I got done looking at the photos of the family members of the S. Korean who was murdered.  In the middle of these photos were these pictures:

And I found myself getting furious, perhaps unfairly but furious nonetheless.  The U.S. and the Coalition are doing everything to help these people.  We’re building schools, restoring clean water and electricity, fixing their oil pipes, getting them jobs with much better pay than they’ve ever known, re-building hospitals, sending special needs kids all over the world for specialized surgery or medical care, bringing in ton after ton of supplies, establishing a democracy....JUST FOR THEM!  Our people are working hard and dying to give them all of this.

And I can’t help but angrily ask, what the hell are they doing for themselves?  Why aren’t they turning in information on these terrorists?  Why are they protecting them?  Why are they sitting back and watching this all happen?  What the hell is their problem?  Are they all a bunch of cowards?  You want to tell me the Arab world is proud and yet these people are NOT helping us help them?

Like I said, maybe I’m not being understanding at all.  Maybe I’m not being empathetic in the slightest, but I’m getting really fucking sick and tired of our troops and missionaries and contract workers dying for these people who can’t seem to lift a damn finger to point out where the terrorists are hiding.

Sometimes I feel like they are laughing; taking all they can from us with smiles and then turning around, wrrapping a towel over their face and killing us.  Maybe I’m impatient.  Maybe the media is succeeding in their gloomy, “Nothing good ever happens EVER” all day every day, reports.  I try to take breaks away from it because I can’t do a damn thing way over here.  There are times I wish I could plant my boots on the ground with an M-16 or hell, give me the M-60 and hunt those bastards down.

Enough with this catering to those who can’t handle the realities of war.  Let them bitch and moan all they want while we get this job done.  This is absurdly ridiculous anymore and I’m tired of everyone in power being politically correct, using “tactful” language when making speeches to reporters or the public and only talking the talk. 

We don’t need to be showing anyone “discipline”, we need to be giving them the ass beating of their lives so that they will never forget what happens when you fuck with Uncle Sam and America’s allies.

“You’re playing right into the terrorists’ hands.  This is exactly how they want you to feel.”

The hell it is.  They want us to fear.  My anger is light years beyond fear.  I want them to die.  And I want anyone who harbors them, anyone who helps them out in any way, shape or form; from the microscopic bit of help to flat out hiding them, to pay and pay dearly.

I want to know how the hell we can see photos of the resistance with RPG’s and AK-47s in AP’s and Rueter’s photo bags.  I want to know what the hell Al-Jazeera thinks it’s doing by spreading such propoganda and filth across its airways and newspapers.  Innocent bystanders?  Just reporting the story?  Like hell.  They would gladly sell out the Coalition just to get a photo or story to sell.  They’ll embellish or flat out lie and watch all these people die without a smidgen of feeling other than glee at yet another story for them to cover.

And I’m tired of people who say, “I support the troops, just not what they are doing.” You know what you fucking pile of shit?  Then you don’t support the troops so shove that phony patriotism straight up your lying ass and shut the fuck up.  I’m also tired of those who blame all of this on President Bush.  Last time I checked you rotting piles of puke, President Bush was not in any of those beheading videos, President Bush has not kidnapped anyone.  President Bush is not pointing RPGs at our the troops.  President Bush did not set out all those IEDs alongside the roads in Iraq.  President Bush did not fly two planes into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon and one for the Capitol.

The people who have the guilt here, the people who are the enemy here, the people we need to get rid of are the terrorists and anyone who is supporting them.  And we’re not going to get rid of terrorists by giving them a soft smack on the wrist whenever they kill innocent people.

I don’t like innocents being killed but I’m to the point that if we were to nuke the whole fucking region, I would not blink an eye.  And that includes those pantywaists over in Saudi Arabia with their fake ass, “We’re doing everything in our power to weed out the terrorists!  Really!” Liars!  Don’t sit there and lie to our faces like that you fat, arrogant, lazy bastards!  You aren’t doing a damn thing.  Those assholes are merely going through the motions hoping to throw us off, hoping we won’t start looking at them.  Well guess what Slobby Scabrabia...we are taking note of your actions...or should I say, LACK of action.  Oh but they killed the leader of the terrorist cell who mudered Paul Johnson?  Isn’t it funny how they said first that they killed the leader in a gun fight when the terrorists were trying to dispose of the body.  Then when the body was more than likely asked for, OH!  Guess who can’t find it!  Because their story was a LIE!  They killed the leader, no doubt...but not in the heroic way they spun the story.  My opinion is that was pure, blind luck.  Nothing more.

So, as long as everyone wishes to fuck around and play games, I guess more people will die.  You let me know when all these countries, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, FRANCE, Germany, Russia, Spain, etc. want to start getting down to business.

J.H.C. what unorganized, pass the buck, bunch of twits.  It’s like watching the Keystone Cops.  Except it’s not in the slightest bit funny.

Posted by Serenity at 06:17 PM
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More Moonbat Exposure

Ah the Far Left.  Whenever there is an opportunity to forget about the dismal waste their lives have become, wander around in the most ridiculous attire they could find at the GoodWill, carry poster board displaying their hatred on sticks while screaming and chanting slogans any 4th grader could have come up with in approximately 10 minutes, you’ll find the festering moonbat clan.

I’m supposed to take this guy seriously?

Anyhoo, our steel stomached and strong willed in depth reporter, Bill at INDC Journal who amazingly manages to keep a straight face and his lunch down while swerving in and around these lost causes, has brought back even further evidence from the fields of protestia.  Moonbats try to cleverly disguise their true feelings in a lot of double talk and ad hominem attacks but when reporters like Bill get up close and personal, their true thoughts come spitting forth in their dress, demeanor and their “oh so clever!” signs.

Please make note of the chick holding the sign that says, “Fuck Bush” What a compelling and strong argument she has!  Well, that’s it!  She’s convinced me to change my mind about President Bush with that extraordinarily intelligent sign.

Oh and apparently Bill has brought along reinforcements from some of your favorite bloggers so get your backsides over there already.

Posted by Serenity at 09:55 AM
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Another Man's Woes....

So I’m sitting here, minding my own business, curled up in my new pajamas, (for those who inquired, that is what I bought myself off E-Bay.  I had recently torn a nice rip in the side of my old ones and really needed new ones).

Anyway, I’m sitting here, all comfy, enjoying the storms outside, heavy rains, thunder rolling menacingly, lightning flashing and cracking at various intervals and reading more new to me blogs.  Meanwhile my brother and his friend were in the dining room playing chess as they do quite frequently.

Now the rain was coming down pretty hard and the few times I snuck glances out my bedroom window, I wondered if the street was going to flood again but the drains seemed to be taking the water level well.  My brother and his friend ended their chess battle and the friend goes to leave.  I went outside to get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the cloudy skies now that the storm had pretty much passed.  The friend was sitting in his car for a bit longer than necessary and I started to wonder if maybe his car had died. 

Eventually I went back in and not 10 seconds later, the friend was back at the door.  Indeed, his car wouldn’t start.  By that time I was back in my room and reading blogs again when I heard a knock on my door.  My brother was asking me to help steer the friend’s car into the garage.  So I got my shoes on and went outside.

Oh yah.  The friend owns a Porsche.  Now, make no doubts about this, I do feel bad for the guy as he was rather distraught by the whole thing but at the same time, I was filled with a tiny bit of glee that I got to sit inside a Porsche and do the “driving”.  I don’t care if it’s “dry” driving, I still got to sit in a Porsche and pretend I was driving.

It was a fabulous two minutes.  I’ve never even been in a Porsche, let alone asked to steer one so you’ll have to excuse me if I enjoyed that.

Anyway, car is in the garage all safe and snug until the tow truck driver comes to get it tomorrow.  Not sure what happened really.  The engine well was completely dry so the hypothesis that maybe it got flooded in the heavy rains was out.  The friend thinks it might have something to do with the new alarm system he just had installed.  He had left the windows open a crack but something triggered them to open farther and the inside did get pretty wet so who knows.  It was raining awfully hard.

Again, I felt sorry for him, (and don’t start in on the, “oh right, the poor Porsche owner”, because this is really, really nice person), but it’s interesting.  You can be sitting there, all relaxed and ready for sleep, doing some light reading all in your pj’s when you get the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of a car that you will probably never own and steer it around.

And now, I will go to sleep with a smile on my face at my once in a lifetime opportunity even though it unfortunately had to come at the expense of another person’s luck.  That’s the only reason my smile won’t be that big.

Posted by Serenity at 10:25 PM
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Paying My Own Way

This post has been a little difficult for me to figure out how to start.  See, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my current job and jobs in general.  Having this job has taught me quite a bit but not in job related skills necessarily, although I sure as hell am gaining some serious “inter-personal” skills, (big buzz word you’ll find when looking at job requirements out there).  This job has taught me a lot about pride and how pride can get in the way.

I have talked a little bit in the past about my job and even my adventures in looking for a job and I have definitely changed my attitude about jobs in general since I started working where I am employed now.  Earlier today, I was talking to a friend of mine about jobs and what I might be looking for in addition to reading a comment on this site and it is both of these forms of communication that has prompted this entry.

There are a lot of people out there claiming, “There are no jobs!”, “I can’t find a job!”, “I’ve been looking for a year now and still nothing!” Let’s just halt that crap right now.  That is all bullshit.  Complete and utter bullshit.  There ARE jobs out there.  As the commenter and my friend both said, open up any given newspaper and you will see a plethora of jobs available out there. 

I’m not being a hypocrite.  As I said, I have definitely changed my attitude about jobs in general.  See, just last year I was one of those pissing and whining that there weren’t enough jobs.  No.  That was also a load of crap.  You see, the problem wasn’t that there weren’t enough jobs, the problem was me being too damn picky about where I would work.  Plain and simple.  Oh, I applied all over the place.  I applied for so many fricken jobs that looking for a job was a full time fricken job.  But I didn’t learn when I lived in Seattle.  I was still too stuck up to work at any job I deemed, “beneath me” even though I had worked a lot, and I mean a LOT of shit jobs when I was younger. 

What happened was I bought into the crap that because I was a certain age, that meant I had to have certain jobs and that there was, “no way in hell” I’d “ever work there!” even if it meant going through my savings.  For what reason?  Pride.

I even pulled that crap when I first moved here to TX.  I spent about two months when I first got here applying all over town and going to a few interviews.  As the clock kept ticking and nobody called me up to start working, I realized that the pride needed to get the hell out of my way.  The thing is, too many people want that job that you want and when you go to apply or interview, you are competing against 100+ other people who may or may not be more qualified than you, or know someone there, or lied really well on their resume.  You never know.  What you do know is that the competition is stiff for the better paying jobs.  However, those are not the only jobs in America. 

So I went and got a “lowly” job.  The job paid low wages, we had to pay to even use the breakroom...yes, we were not allowed to even sit in the breakroom on our breaks unless we had paid the $9 a week for the free pop.  See, the pop dispenser sat in the break room and the company didn’t trust any of us enough to allow us to just use a couch unless we had paid because they assumed we would steal their precious pop.  Anyway, the job was ok, it wasn’t hard and I thought that maybe over time I could work my way into a different dept.  Over the course of my employment and after talking to people in that dept., I realized, I didn’t want to work in that field anymore.

So I found a new job.  Funny thing is, the new job paid more but my status in society’s eyes plummeted merely because of the job I held.  Additionally, I had a hard time getting over the fact that I was working where I was working because I, too, felt the same way that the rest of society did about people who worked in the field I worked in. 

What I’ve learned, however, is that this job is NOT easy, it’s very demanding, it takes a LOT of organizational skills, memory and you do have to know how to interact with people.  Interacting with people is a skill that a lot of people simply do not possess.  Period.  But I’m good with customer service.  Yah I bitch about rude patrons on here...but that prevents me from doing it to their face.  That makes me have the ability to continue with customer service especially when the customer gets bent out of shape because I can’t read their minds.

Last Friday was a turning point for me.  I had been at work a total of two hours and the customers were the all time rudest I have ever witnessed in any job at any given time.  It was one jackass right after the other.  This weekend I have thought about almost nothing else but finding another job and how to deal with the one I have right now.  And in talking to my friend and reading that comment it hit me.

You know what?  I don’t give a damn what those customers think about me personally, I don’t give a damn what any of my friends think about my job, I don’t give a damn what any blogger might think about my job and I don’t give a damn what society in general thinks about my job or about me because I have that job.

What matters is that I am not lying around on the couch, pissing and moaning that I can’t find a job.  I’m not mooching off my friends or society to pay my way.  I’m not expecting anyone to hand me a damn thing. 

I don’t know if I’m allowed to cut/paste a comment from someone else’s site so I’m going to do my best to paraphrase what someone wrote on the above linked site.

Again, it’s not that there aren’t jobs out there, it’s that people are picking and choosing which jobs they will apply for and disregarding the rest.  They are not carving out their own paths.  They are waiting for someone to make the path for them.

Additionally, the next time you see someone working in a job you think only idiots work in, or the next time you want to make a comment or post about jobs and make a flippant joke about this menial job or that, remember, there ARE people out there who have these jobs WHILE they are continuing their search for a better job.  It doesn’t make that person less valuable, stupid or lazy.  The fact that they got off their ass, took any job they could find and refused to be baby-sat by everyone else out there who is working should be enough for people to look at them levelly and not down their noses at them.

And I’ve seen a fair share of people doing it in real life and here in Blogland whether it be in posts or comments.  I used to do it too.  But let me remind you, it doesn’t get to be both ways.  Either the person “does what they have to do to get by until things get better” or “they are stupid and that’s why they work there”.  It’s one or the other.  People need to make up their minds what it is they want.  There are completely incompetent people in every job out there but to tell someone they are nothing because of where they work and then turning around and bitching about all those lazy, unemployed bums out there is talking out both sides of your mouth. 

In almost every single case with my fellow employees, it’s them doing what they have to do to get by until things get better.  Those people, who are “in between good paying jobs” or are putting themselves through school or are taking on an extra job to make ends meet, are working their butts off so that they can get out of there. 

Yes, the job sucks but it doesn’t mean the people do.  Because at least they have a fucking job.  And the next time a customer wants to get rude with me, I’m going to remember that I’m making my own way and for all I know, they could be one of the moochers.  I’m also going to listen carefully when my friends start talking negatively about certain jobs and the people who work those jobs because I do not wish to be associated with anyone who would think like that.  As I said, I used to think like that and it’s utter bullshit.

You do what you gotta do until you find something that makes things better.  It doesn’t make me or anyone else less worthy of respect.

Posted by Serenity at 02:37 PM
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