Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "switchblade symphony".
232 matches:
- 11centsolution - No Assembly Required Fans
- 2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
- ____ultrasexxx - ____ultrasexxx
- ___uv_ragdolls - |±† Ultrª Viølet Rªgdolliës †±|
- __candyxcoated - and we are rotten on the inside.
- __darkobsession - __Dark|Obsession__
- __switchblade__ - Switchblade Girls
- _drug_scene - _drug_scene
- _eargasmic - Sounds good. Looks good. Feels good too.
- _goths_ - goths from the underworld
- _liveformusic - Live and Breath Music
- _machina_ - [Industrial] [Nation]
- _outofline_ - Out of Line
- _shesakiller_ - --SHE'S A KILLER--
- _strange_grrls_ - ♥ we are whoever we want to be ♥
- _unique_vanity_ - ×Beauties×
- _your_so_vain - x you're so vain x
- acidkizz - ~LAGoths Unite ~Club, Concert, Gossip, Event Info~
- albanygoths - Albany And Upstate NY Gothic Community
- allgrrrlmix - female music mix tape community
- allthatdecays - A Prayer Under Pressure of Violent Anguish
- alt_dolls - ::Community La Gothique::
- alt_models - Alt Models **Read Rules before posting**
- altcdrs__uk - alt cdrs uk
- alternative_bbw - alternative_bbw
- angry_grrlcore - Angry Grrl Core
- angrygirls13 - Angry girl music
- anti_manson - Anti Marilyn Manson
- antitweekers - Elitist Anti Tweekers (E.A.T.)
- artificialjoy - I want a new reason to live
- awesomebands - Awesome Bands
- azunderground - Arizona Underground
- babybats - Young, but not idiotic.
- babygoff - The Babygoth Community
- band_aid_bitch - Bandaid Bitch
- beatenxbruisedx - Music, Razors, Blood, and Tears.
- beautiesuicide - Beauties Suicide
- betteroffundead - Members of the AOHell Goth Board
- big_grrls - ♥ we are doll parts ♥
- bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
- blackring - Black Ring
- blackstarpixie - .tattered.pixie.
- blood_infekted - blood_infekted
- broken_girls - * Girl Love Warriors *
- burlesquedolls - Nightmare Girlies,Hello Kitty, Glitter, Pink<3
- cabaretnocturne - Cabaret Nocturne
- carried_by_six - Carried By Six
- cheshirerage - the mirror of your life is shards
- closetgoths - closet goths
- club_anything - club_anything
- club_maschine - Maschine
- coal_chamber - Countdown to Destruction
- codexabsolutium - Codex Absolutium
- cult_of_wenis - wenis
- cutenesshurts - The Pigtail Cult
- cyberdork - A community for all dorks in cyber space..
- cyborg_fetish - CYBERNAUGHTYKA
- dallasgoths - Dallas Goths
- dance_death - dance to the beat of broken hearts...
- dark_images - Dark Images
- dark_soul_unit - Darkness Everywhere....
- darkviews - beyond the mainstream music reviews
- darkwavefun - bela lugosi's dead
- deadcrew - x Dead Crew x
- deadxbunnyxcult - The Dead Bunny Cult
- dementedvampire - Something to sink your fangs into ...
- denied_decades - a new wave affair..
- devianc3 - devianc3
- dhc_ - Die Hard Convention
- digital_vain - Vanity at its Darkest
- disownation - DISOWNation
- ditavon_teese - the dita von teese fan community JOIN!!!
- downfallscene - Down With Blinking Lights [The Anti-Cybergoth Act]
- dr0p_dead - Can your looks kill?
- dramafreedykes - Drama Free Dykes
- dylan_vs_waits - Battle for the Bands
- easttexasfreaks - A Society For East Texas Freaks
- electrorock - Electro Rock!
- emo_girls_r_us - Emo Girls
- enterpurgatory - The Purgatory LiveJournal
- eville_goth - Evansville Goth
- faery_fetus - ~Bizarre Beauties~
- fakecyborggods - FakeCyborgGods
- fakegoths - Fake Goths
- femalebands - The Female Bands Community
- femme_metalle - femme fatale
- fglist - Fake Goths - Welcome to the list.
- fin_x_ - Falling Into Nevermore
- freaks_galore - SaTaNs cHiLdReN
- fresno_goth - LJ group!
- gh0ul__sc0uts - .:x † spooky kid † x:.
- gi_indianapolis - goth/industrial indiana
- girlmusic - Fans of Women in Music
- glam_whores_ - ♥Glamorous Whores♥
- glitter_grrrls - GlitterGrrrls
- glitterwhores - .::.glitterwhores.::.
- gorewhores_ - yummy.
- goth - Forum of the Cryptic
- goth_drama - Goth Drama
- goth_musicians - Gothic Musicians
- gothcafe - #gothcafe
- gothic_beauties - Gothic * Beauties
- gothic_rants - Gothic Rants
- gothicbitches - disposable girls
- gothiciowa - Midwestern Gothic
- gothicmusic - Gothic Music
- goths_of_nh - goths_of_nh
- gothsnotgawfs - Goths, NOT GaWfs
- gothupny - Goth/Industrial for Upstate NY
- grrls_only - *~*RIOTGRRL SOCIETY*~*
- haujobbfans - haujobbfans
- htbdmetalradio - Here There Be Dragons
- igun - Industrial Gothic Underground Night
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- imprettygangsta - iMPRETTYGANGSTA
- indn - indn
- industrial_djs - Gothic / Industrial DJ Community
- industrial_mp3s - Industrial mp3's
- industrial_rock - The Future Of Rock
- ink_n_metal - Tattoos, piercings, and body mods
- jackoffjillstar - jackoffjillstar
- jaxgothhardcore - Hardcore Jacksonville Goth Industrial
- jaxgothicindust - JaxGothicIndustrial
- khaos_theory - §Digital Blasphemy§
- kill_mrs_pretty - Blood and Beauty
- kool_klux_klan - kool_klux_klan
- koolkidkingdom - Kool Kid Kingdon
- la_matabellas - la_matabellas
- la_mort_de_moi - Dark secrets from Dark people...
- late_october - Late October
- ljfiends - LiveJournal Fiends
- lyrikattak - Lÿrikâ//Åttak
- magic_suckage - Perpetual Affirmation
- maschinenvolk - maschinenvolk
- meegs_rascon - meegs_rascon
- meepmeepbeep - meepmeepbeep
- metallectuals - metallectuals
- midnightrane - Midnight Rane
- migoth - Michigan Goths
- mikesgothclub - mikesgothclub
- misericordia -
- misfits_inc - misfits
- mixomatic - mixomatic for the people
- monster_babes - call us cunts.
- mopiloli - M.O.P.I. Gothic Lolita
- musicfanatics - .music
- narmusic - ***No Assembly Required***
- nemisisters - NemiSisters
- neo_goths_unite - neo_goths_unite
- neondoll - Dedicated to female rock.
- new_wave_affair - DECADES
- ninja_kittie - We rock... we know. somtimes it hurts...
- nm_underground - NM_Underground
- no_eyebrows - We have no eyebrows
- noladarkside - New Orleans Dark Side
- nospromotions - Nos
- nyc_alternative - NYC's Alternative Hangout
- nynjgoths - New York & New Jersey Goths
- oh_so_glam - So motherfucking glamorous
- ohiogoths - The Community
- oysterblood - Oyster Blood
- perkigoff - Perki goths unite!
- petty_n_pink - petty_n_pink
- pierrotclowns - Pierrot Clowns
- pretty_or_petty - pretty_or_petty
- qxts - QXTs
- raggedycandy - broken baby dolls
- rainbowiriffic - OMGLYKICONS
- randomnation - randomnation
- razorblade__sex - hot sex.
- razorbloods - Bloodwarped and Twisted
- realalternative - realalternative
- realgothicyouth - The Graveyard Scene / The Golden Years
- rebelgirlys - Rebelgrrls
- repugnant_youth - In the hour of darkness, our worlds collide
- revolution_club - Revolution at Fusion in Dayton Ohio
- rivet_angels - ~Gospel of Rage~
- rockgrrl27 - Insomniacs, Freaks, and anyone who's interesting
- sa_communion - The Children of the Night
- sacto_ebmgoth - Sacramento Industrial-Goth
- sexx_in_a_can - the cheaper, the better
- sexy_goth_bois - Sexy Goth Bois
- sexy_goth_girls - Sexy Goth Girls
- shadow_ikonz - Social Decay
- shadowscene - Baltimore/DC Area Goth Scene
- shegives - she gives
- sick_chicks - Worship Of Female Rock Goddesses
- sigoth - Staten island Gothic
- silverhairlays - silverhairlays
- sinderel_l_a - sinderel_l_a
- sing_to_me - sing_to_me
- southern_punk - Punks of the South
- spkn_darkwave - spkn_darkwave
- splatteredpunks - splatteredpunks
- spookygirls -
- stapled_hands - No one understands me!
- stlouisgoths - The St. Louis Gothic Community
- sugarwh0re - xXx Sugar Whores xXx
- switch_symph - Switchblade Symphony
- tankmovement - Tank Movement
- tcr - tcr - sounds from TC and 'Agent' Robin Moulder.
- the_dawning - *~The Dawning~*
- the_goth_elite - ..elitist goths of LJ unite...
- the_nightbreed - Midian
- thegreatflood - The Great Flood
- thieveslikeus - thieves like us
- thosedamnkids - The young 'uns of the goth scene
- torntalent - Talent Disaster
- track_01 - Track 01
- traumahounds - deepdowntraumahounds
- ttv - ::tappingthevein::
- ubersehen - Overlooked
- ultimate_freaks - Where the freaks can be loved...
- under_the_rose - Make A Scene
- unperfect_dolls - unperfect_dolls
- vainwhores - Prettier than you
- vampirekindred - † Creating the Largest Vampire Family in History †
- vampires_ - We are vampires
- vancouvergothic - Vancouver Gothic
- vvitch_hunt - vvitch_hunt
- wexrxthexbunies - The Dead Bunny Cult
- witchcunts - ...candy scars....
- wormhole_fans - Fans of Wormhole
- wygoths - Wyoming Goths
- x_death_rock_x - x- Beauty Rocks..can you make it?-x
- xcandyxcuntsx - x Candy x Cunts x
- xfashion_whores - xFashion_Whores
- xiangoth - Christianity for Diverse Minds and Dark Hearts
- xllxsuicidexllx - xllxsuicidexllx
- xslgx - strange little girls
- xxriot_grrrlxx - Riot Grrrls & Women Who Rock
- yoursougly - Brat
Interested users
The following users are interested in switchblade symphony. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
403 matches:
- _glam_trash_ - flickotine
- _shadowplay - _shadowplay
- _unmundane_ - Ms. Cigarette.Surrender
- absinthetics - i:\\ der Steppenwolf [an elven assassin]
- addastra - Addastra
- ahatfulofhollow - Toys'R'Us Kid
- ajax_ix - Thylacine
- akane20 - Akane20
- aleusha - diavolina
- alittlerain - curiosity kitten
- alkahest - Amanda
- almtychickenpoo - ChickenPoo
- aloneinthenight - Simulacra
- amarantha - Amarantha
- angelfilth - Apathetic Stitch
- angelicmisery - AngelicMisery
- angelrose_999 - Marina
- angst - Molly Angst
- anguish - *~*sTaR nO sTaR*~*
- anjelicinsanity - Lacy
- ann_gwish - the.owls.are.not.what.they.seem
- ariadne_21 - The Queen of your Nights
- arkhambabydoll - Poupée ♥
- athena_lucifer - Adelle teh Muffin
- athousandhours - shiver
- azaezel - .azaezel.
- baby_groupie - disaster in a halo.
- bael - Bael
- baka - Vampire Hunter DEEZ
- beezelbub - Digiscribe
- beloved - Lamia
- bite0fgod - Battah
- biting_the_sun - unquietgrave
- bjorkydude - Juan
- blackened_tears - Suck My Non-Existent Penis
- blinddove - Marissa
- blissedandg0ne - Blissed And G0ne
- bloodfragments - the hussy with the most
- bloodofareptile - BloodOfAReptile
- bluesxclues - Layla
- bnny - BNNY
- bonecraft - Locke
- brackishwhore - brackish whore
- breakingdown - Jaysin
- brianolsdal - brian olsdal
- brighid - Nicole Barnhart
- brokn_destinee - Leesuh
- bunglemeplenty - No Women, No Kids
- burningflag - Alexa
- callmeacunt - C*u*n*t
- candystripes - : jem
- captivesoul - Mandy
- caustic_x - Caustic
- cerui - Cerui Darktan
- chamber49 - chamber
- cheefirefluff - Chee Firefluff
- chemical - chemical
- chemicaljen - jen hate
- chickymckrakken - _*_
- comablack - Coma Black
- confervesco - Dweezilbelle the Great
- corrosivetears - Darea
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- crazee_hoe - Jade
- creepingdeath42 - Tim
- crimsongarnet - Crimsongarnet
- crosses - If I know you, you know already.
- cryineyes - Baby
- crystaline - X-Tal
- d3l1r1um - mechanics of flight
- dark_silence - silence
- darkdahlia - Darkdahlia
- darkestangel - I am Ugly
- darkestdreamer - Dream
- darkestprincess - :*:I'm Not Confucious Reincarnated, So Spare Me:*:
- darklight - Erika
- darkness6 - Cat
- darksidhe - Winter
- darkstarr - + * + Dark Starr + * +
- darktemptress - crushedvelvet
- darq_sin - darq_sin
- deaddoll - ++blasphemous++
- deadlyflower - killer
- deadsoul - never so dear
- deadxxstars - wounded star
- death_kittie - death_kittie
- deathclown - ^v^ Deathclown ^v^
- deathlustr - NymPhaTic LoaD
- decayingflesh - KILLEVERYBODY
- dee902 - Dee
- deek - Event Organizer
- deepestsin - Ally Kat
- deliriumseyes - *Melyssa*
- demisecherry - Perfect Prick
- denmarkadonis - ~ Myself Or Someone Else ~
- desdementia - Desirae
- desdemmonna - Des
- dethscriptions - dethscriptions
- digitalbitch - Baby
- dippedinacid - Psych0 Minded Fool
- dirgedoll - Katherine
- dookyblood - Little Miss Sassy Pants
- door - Anathema Device
- dr_bonez - blue tears~
- dragon102 -
- dramatica - drowning in white noise
- drizzle - drizzle
- dropsofblood - Dyanna
- dross_girl - Rie
- duokun - Duo
- eeesheeea - eeesheeea
- eleganttragedy - A Girl Broken
- elektr0death - Bea-Logical Weapon
- ellorastarr - Ellora
- emberose - jen
- emotionaldrug - Erin
- emotionallymute - ZeRo
- emotionalsky - Katy
- endlesslydry - David
- euronymous - ¤••·´¯`·._.EuronymouS·´¯`·._.·••¤
- eveille - Lish
- evilkellychan - the evil super vixen
- evilspirit - Joe
- evita_thorns - evita_thorns
- exina - exina
- fadingmemories - Drunk on Moon Light
- faerae - you turn me on, i'm a radio
- fall_child_336 - ?:¤·°¯°¤? _Zombie_bRAT_?¤°¯°·¤:?
- fallacymadecunt - kat
- fallencathedral - Stabby McStabbins and the Good Time Boys
- fallenicon - waiting for gilbert
- fearievixen - fearievixen
- fearinmotion - Kim
- feenix - Emma
- fetussoup - The Best Soup of ALL!!!
- fifthdream - Cristofer, the Son & Heir of Nothing In Particular
- fillerbunny - azn to the max
- firedrgn19 - Stephanie
- fookinfairy - fookin fairy
- foxfire - Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love
- freak_ - Bartleby
- freakie - Master Of De Blurbs
- fuzz - fuzz
- ghidorah242 - jeff
- glittergrrrl - Extoria Ratava
- glitterless - Katy
- glitteropiate - Becka
- glo0mkitten - glo0mkitten
- glokittendreams - GlowKitten
- glowkitten666 - GlowKitten
- gothglamboi - erik
- gothicbella - GothicBella
- gothicgoddess15 - Nickiy
- gothicnomad - DJ Azrael
- gothicpoet - Lollipop Murder
- graveflower - Mandy
- gutterglitter84 - czar
- gutterglitterss - .-*-Shae-*-.
- hangoverkid - hangoverkid
- hart - Hart
- heavenisalie - I wanna be abused
- heidicakes - Mita
- hellkat - Medicated Drama Queen
- hexadecimal - eric
- hospitalwaste - Cameron
- iamg0d - chasen
- iamnothing - a mental mind fuck can be nice
- icey - Icey
- illusional - rebecca
- ilovekittens - I Love Kittens
- imagination - imagination
- imperia - Imperia
- indiamoon - IndiaMoon
- indighost - .-.lili.-.
- indigofaerie - indigofaerie
- infecta - Infecta
- invisblegt - No1
- isobel - jocelyn!
- jadedcelebrity - Rebel Girl
- jarebear - jared
- jarebears - Jared
- jelissalome - Siren
- jesuswhore - *Jesus' Whore*
- jisatsu_koui - jisatsu_koui
- justabitcloser - Moonwulf
- justina - Justina
- jwluvskorn - Jaime
- kawaii_lil_me - Sierra
- kayladontcry - Kayla
- kentrebor - XloserX
- klink - a stripey girl
- kookyfaery - sarah.bear
- krayzee - Looks like SATAN...Tastes like CHICKEN!!!
- lachryrose - Pink Ribbon Scars
- lacifer - Lacifer
- lady_kyra - Lady Kyra
- lawnoven - LawnoveN
- lemonlies - Lizabeth
- lenoremonkey - Lenore, not the cute lil dead girl
- lifethreat - [ just.a.crackwhore
- lilfreakchild - Leo
- liquidvanity - -==[[-L.i.q.u.i.dV.a.n.i.t.y-]]==-
- lith - lith
- littlejane - Little Jane
- lkchan - Loki Chan
- logan_crow - Logan Crow Cassady
- lolir0t666 - ___i eat shit___
- lost1605 - Lost
- lostgoth13 - StEvil
- lovespiralsdown - Noah
- luciferlavey - LuciferLaVey
- luvlee - Hearts on strings and 25 cent rings
- m_a_l_i_c_e - malice
- maab - Maab
- malkav - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
- marcassa - :::::S:::::
- maryzaint - theepitomeofagaymaninawoman'sbodywithacandyfetish
- medicatedpeace - Vere Mantratriad
- mentalhopscotch - in the blink of an eye
- merrily - Merrily
- metallicat93 - Katy
- miserymachine - a stem is not a rose
- missionofmercy - lonnie after midnight
- mocosa - Veronica
- morbid_faerie - ThE DaRkEsT FaE
- moriboi - Johnny.S
- morning_girl - almost human
- mourningcries - cries
- msfortune - MsFortune
- musashi - Apathy's Last Kiss
- my_sanatorium - The Sock Monster-The Red Angel-Udgar T.Nefarious
- my_toe_itches - doctor girlfriend
- mykid8yours - Mär¢
- myriadwhispers - christabel
- mysidisvicious - La Dorka Assa
- mystrys - Mystrys
- n0isecode - The Lost
- n3kk1dk3r0 - Usagi
- nancie - Nancie Sara Ramírez
- nates_gurl_101 - Shanna
- nazarene - Nazarene
- necrophiliac - Jes
- negativedelight - Negative Delight
- nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
- nihilistic_kid - Nick Mamatas
- ninjachicken - DANIELLE
- nitocris - Huntress
- nitrus_whore - Pray your life was just a Dream
- nocte - Nocturne
- nocturnity - pandora
- nosferous - Mike
- ntang - Nicholas Tang
- nurse_rozetta - Nicky
- octobervision - Derek
- oldactress16 - ~some little girl kissing your cheek~
- orchidkiss - splintered tree
- paperwings - vanessa
- pazuzu - Le Sequestre
- persia - Elysia Xylia
- petstar - Gregory Allen of the Underbrush
- phuknut - vain
- pico - Pico
- pinkglampyr - PinkGlampyr
- pixiegoil - Annie
- po8tick - Grizaje
- poisoned - august misery
- poisonedsweets - PoisonedSweets
- polkainmypants - Tito Jackson
- popsicle - electric shock hazard
- porcelaindoll2 - Lenore
- precurser - precurser
- prey - [a mess of wires and neurotransmitters]
- project1201 - Project 12:01... lead girl Melissa London
- prytania - Prytania
- psych0tron - pSYchoTRoN
- psychoticka - =^..^=
- psycotia - lauren.
- punkrockbitch - Alicia
- punkrockgirl18 - Malia
- pureice - Drink another 40 oz
- queeniex - queenie
- quickstep001 - AJ
- ragdollstar - *~BlueBerry~*
- raindaisy - -insert sarcasm here-
- rasputina - Rasputina
- ravencrovax - Mordred Moridin
- rayne - furiously geeky
- razorsbyrne - _____crystal*lynn
- rebelgrrlsunite - Rebelgrrlsunite
- redwitch - RedWitch
- reflectingmiah - Spire of Icy Tears
- revenantcorpse - Nat Da Bat
- revsivixi - Ivy
- rhyannon - Little Slice of Midnight
- rigor_mortis - Death
- rottenlolli - i. lost. all. innocence.
- ryssreallysucks - you wouldn't try to put the ocean in a paper cup .
- salyx - useless little sparkle
- sanctityangel - chloe
- sanguinia - Eccentric Sharpie
- sarahlicious - Leper Queen
- savonarola - Girolamo Savonarola
- schreient - Caitlin
- sciondarkstar - Matteru
- screamsfromvoid - _________________________________________Evangelia
- seventhcircle - SEVENTH CIRCLE
- sexy - Jessica
- shadowrose - Michelle
- shadowstanding - standing man
- shaedapixie - Shaenice
- shajuana - Miss Shawna
- shallwe - Never Been There
- shattered_soul - Name: Example - John Smith
- shawnuhh - Shawna
- sickofitall - Liam
- silenced - bailey
- silencedchild - Someone you don't know
- silentbanshee - Banshee
- sinfullyintense - ..†.Stephanie.†..
- sinlessdeath - Twiggs
- sinmisanthropy - s i n
- sir_ahzz - Brian Wolfe
- siri - Surematu
- sisterinsanity - An Angel In Disguise
- skar_kroe - xSxTxYxTxCxHx
- skarlett_snow - CutThroat Kim
- skinflowers - Teenage Jesus and the Jerks [thegloryofnothing]
- skittlex - Noodle Boy
- skulliton - Skulliton
- sleepsleep - sleep
- slitwingedangel - ..:.Platinum.:.Minx..::..:.
- slpnot4999 - I've nothing to give
- slutkissgrrl - ...Oh, the quiet child awaits...
- slytheran - Pandora Incognito
- snmkitten - ¤ ° M Í ç H è L L è ° ¤
- snowflake745 - ~* Nina *~
- socialyretardid - socialy retardid
- sorbitol - corrugated cardboard
- soulmythic - [][]-- Porcelain --[][]
- spawnloser - Ergo Rabid Inutile Spawn
- spookydream - Amber
- spookykittie - SpOOkyKiTTie
- statikcat - eternal entity
- strippedsilence - Stripped Silence
- suicide_angel - Paint Me A Corpse
- suicideangel - Nikki
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- sweetlilvampire - Razorblade Kiss
- sylverhawke - SylverHawke
- syndresthesia - All That Could Have Been
- synthetikpain - melissa
- taerjinhov - TaerJinhov
- talula_belle - -Talula_belle- ///---profile
- terrab - TerraB
- tetigistus - moo
- thegreatdark - Ted Nugent in Disguise
- themorbidhippy - Morbid Machine
- thewickedestone - Droly M. Sinatas
- tien_dhe - Krytheria
- tinydancer2050 - Ashley
- totally_queer - your sweet ass
- toubabo_koomi - Joey Noodles
- tragicempress - funeral doll
- tragos - Kent
- tranceswirl - And-rew
- trinity1013 - Jessi
- trippydonna - Donna Schofield
- turbolemur - d00fybatz: Original Flava
- turbolindz - Lindsay
- twgyschk - *//* Missa *//*
- typicaldream - I can't believe she fucked him...
- ultra_violence - Ultra_Violence
- unsociable - unsociable
- urban_angel - alicia
- vanarya - Jen
- veiledindisease - .†. veiled . in . darkness .†.
- velvet_darkness - Cazwa
- vintagoth - Miz. Psycho Pep Squad!
- vinylkatze - emily
- violetoctober - Raven Heart
- violetparadox - Object Of His Affection
- viridian5 - Viridian5
- vivanco - pathetic girl
- vroemidhe - vroemidhe
- w0lfm00n - <*>Superstition is the dark side of wonder<*>
- wannabeabunnie - Im gonna be a catlady when i grow up
- wiccasweety - Fuzzy Chrissy
- wikkedangel - Cera's Wonderful World of Hell
- wolfye - Wolfye
- wretcheddoll - Kill this waitress
- x_violetta_x - Betty Boop
- xandalee - Xandalee
- xbrokenpuppyx - x broken puppy x
- xianvox - x i a n
- xieatgravelx - MEGadeath
- xiolablue - Lizzie
- xplodinggirl - the mechanical poetess
- xstarlax - Amanda
- xx_kittie_xx - *Ill stop the world and melt with you*
- xxshininqstar - your s h i n i n q star
- xxwallflowerxx - megz
- yerowneulogy - +Bloody.Mary+
- zephyra - zephyra