More than you ever wanted to know about David D. Levine and Kate Yule
Also known as
David's SF Writing
David is an up-and-coming new science fiction writer. Here's some information on the stories he's sold, his notes from Writers of the Future, and his novel journal. Bento Online
David and Kate are best known in fannish circles for their critically-acclaimed fanzine Bento. We have several issues online, with more on the way. What We Did On Our Summer Vacations (2000)
David attended Clarion West, the intensive six-week writing workshop. Kate took a Six-Week Road Trip from Florida to New York. Colorful Imagery
- Kate's April Garden
- David in the Oregonian -- see why David was proclaimed a "Geek God" by the Rosetown Ramblers (431K GIF image)
They Saved David's Brain
Click on the left brain for samples of David's writing. Click on the right brain for samples of David's art.