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Below is user information for ensign shay. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:esyla (16537) esyla
captain's log
Name:ensign shay
Location:Bellevue, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status angry esyla (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 48531509 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:My name is Magil, and I call myself Lil.
But everyone knows me as Nancy.
Memories:44 entries
Interests:137: 1" buttons, 137, a cappella, a newfound glory, alkaline trio, angry people, atom and his package, blue monday, bob the angry flower, boondock saints, bordertown, bouncing souls, boys in tight shirts, cherry pez, clerks, clerks the cartoon, coen brothers, comic books, comics, denny's, dolour, duct tape, dying my hair, eddie, edna st vincent millay, ella fitzgerald, emo, faygo, fight club, foreign films, fountains of wayne, french film, gatsby's american dream, gauging my ears, geek boys with glasses, geekcore, get up kids, goldfinger, goodbye chunky rice, gorillas with decoder rings, grilled cheese sandwiches, hedwig, improv, indie rock, irish film, jazz, jet city improv, john cusack, jones soda, kevin smith, kids in the hall, life's so rad, macintosh, magnified plaid, making out, mallrats, mates of state, mike turpen, mini-comics, mixtapes, modest mouse, monty python, motion city soundtrack, movies, mr. show, mst3k, musical theater, mxpx, nice jewish boys, nine inch nails, ninjas, nora roberts, okgo, ozma, pedro the lion, photo booths, photography, pirates, plaid, playing "naked robber", punk, punk rawk shows, ramen, red dwarf, road trips, rock shows, rocking out, rocky horror picture show, rocky votolato, rude boys, scary go round, scooters, seattle, shakespeare, ska, skanking, skanking monkeys, slc punk, sleeping in, snakepit, spiraling, straight edge, tank girl, the angry inch, the aquabats, the ataris, the beatles, the boondock saints, the bouncing souls, the get up kids, the hippos, the impossibles, the last great liar, the pixies, the plain white t's, the postal service, the princess bride, the queers, the simpsons, the standards, the trenchcoats, the weakerthans, the young ones, theater, they might be giants, thrift stores, tori amos, trashy romance novels, view askew, wally pleasant, waxwing, webcomics, weezer, wigu, will shetterly, young american comics, zines. [Modify yours]
People62:adasca, aeire, amhesquire, another_robot_, atypical_gnu, basic_inst, bassringer, blur02, bunny03, damonk13, dave_the_turnip, devildoll298, elcarpeto, eleanorbajesus, elvengrrl, embracethefall, filmbuff, ford, franki_chan, frogchildren, gbabey, girlpirate, heresy_boy, hornyhousewife, jameth, jellyan, kawaiikiwi, kelsyn, kevinsketch, lastbadger, loveandlight, lovemeharder, lsfrock, mickasso, mikefireball, mooseking, mykwud, myykke, normaniscody, ocarina, ogrechasingpixi, ontheuglyorgan, orneryboy, pixelicious, rainofbastards, ramones06, retrokittymeow, saunteringdown, scooterboy1234, scrubbo, searchforglory, subtledagger, superjoe, tablefornone, the_missy, timmycore, tricksy_pixie, unpaidbills, walkingdistance, waywarddistrict, willshakespeare, wreckfat
Communities9:__rocketstar__, femmeddies, litterati, minicomics, past_the_nines, rhpscostumes, rockyhorrorshow, seattle, spiralingfans
Feeds4:calnhobbes, foxtrot_feed, pennyarcaderss, wilwheaton2
Friend of:104: adasca, aeire, amhesquire, another_robot_, ascribe, atypical_gnu, bassringer, blur02, booka, bunny03, bup6518, chaos_protocol, codygoesgrr, damonk13, darthgorbag, dave_the_turnip, delan_delan, devildoll298, dexkumelv, dueling_blades, eclipsedan, elcarpeto, elvengrrl, embracethefall, filmbuff, ford, franki_chan, frogchildren, gbabey, girlpirate, glych, hello_cola, heresy_boy, hornyhousewife, iamemaline, indigobl, jameth, jellyan, jesidres, kawaiikiwi, kelsyn, kevinsketch, kittykatya, kobayashi_maru, kurbee, lastbadger, littletriggers4, loveandlight, lovemeharder, lsfrock, malus_diabolus, mickasso, mikefireball, moderndaylolita, mooseking, muchachojoven, mykwud, niko_leigh, normaniscody, oboe_sama, ocarina, ogrechasingpixi, ontheuglyorgan, orneryboy, pinkphatty_wut, pixelicious, rabid_panda, raggedglory, rainofbastards, ramones06, rawk_kid, retrokittymeow, rockgoddessaly, saunteringdown, scooterboy1234, scootios, searchforglory, shleb, singedemer, smilodon, stokely706, subtledagger, superjoe, tablefornone, the_missy, thebitingfaery, theextra, timmycore, tomjones, toplesscook, tricksy_pixie, uberfink, unpaidbills, urbanaite, veggieramen, viverevolution, walkingdistance, wanderlustninja, waveshifter, waywarddistrict, willshakespeare, wreckfat, yalliandra, zoopie
Member of:20: __rocketstar__, bethscafe, bodymods, femmeddies, gatsbysdream, halloween_town, indiefucks, jones_soda, keenspace, litterati, minicomics, past_the_nines, precociousblue, rhpscostumes, rockyhorrorshow, sd_comic_con, seattle, spiralingfans, zine_scene, zinegeeks
Account type:Free Account

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