[08 February 2004|03:20pm] |
I had an interview on Friday morning for my traineeship that starts in the fall..Hopefully, i get it...It's in a good location, and the hours are flexible so I won't have to cut back on my work hours so much...We'll see...
Freaks and Geeks is coming out on DVD in April!!! The whole series!! I pre-ordered it on Amazon....
I made a pitcher of Cherry Kool-Aid and have drunk almost all of it....
I saw a bunch of vanity plates over the last week..One said SKYRAQT...at first, I thought it said SKYRAQI (rhyming with Iraqui) and thought "that's weird"...then another one said something-IDIOT)..there was another one too...but I don't remember....
Is tomorrow already Monday?? Crap...Well, at least next weekend is a three-dayer.....
[08 February 2004|02:51pm] |
I miss Micro Magic fries...a lot...::sigh::
I am sooo tired....
[04 February 2004|10:17am] |
wow...I'm back...I'll try my best to get updated on all of you
Lots of stuff to tell...
the complete series of The Critic is now on DVD, yay!!!
one of the kids at work broke his arm (at home, not with us)...his brother broke it and the school called CPS on the family
I'm soooo busy
It's been raining like MAD lately here
toooo much......
[22 January 2004|05:11pm] |
happy Year of the Monkey everyone!
New product alert!!! Diet coke...with LIME...
Very yummy. Not as overpowering as the Lemon flavor.
[18 January 2004|05:28pm] |
I found (well, ordered) the most perfect cake topper for the wedding EVER!!! You can look at it here.
I thought about this one as well, but......no. But it's still good for a laugh.
[12 January 2004|06:03pm] |
I'm sorry I haven't been here a lot..Been busy with traineeship planning and wedding planning...Jonathan and I go meet the reverand tomorrow who'll be perfoming the ceremony....
Last night I had ALL the classic nightmares rolled into one... I dreamt I was late to a class (that I forgot to do homeowork for)
..then when I got there, there was a TEST!
Then, I realized I was naked.
THEN Freddy Kruger was chasing after me...
...then I woke up to go pee....
Then, I went back to sleep, dreamt that I had to take all the kids on a field trip BY MYSELF..AT NIGHT! ...then one of the kids was sick and I tried calling their parents and they wouldn't come...
no wonder i'm tired...
and i still have to make dinner...and dessert (I'm making Tiramisu! (with coffee, not rum)....
Work was ok (for a monday)...at least this weekend is a three-dayer....
[04 January 2004|12:22am] |
Jonathan and I saw Big Fish tonight. It was a good movie. Not "Tim Burton" good, but a good movie. We saw previews for 50 First Dates (the new Adam Sandler movie); SpiderMan 2; Ladykillers (a really dumb-looking Tom Hanks movie...I do believe he has "jumped the shark" with this one); Along Came Polly (the ads are on tv now); some movie with Ray Romano in it; and another movie by the guy who wrote "out of sight" a few years ago...anyways.
[02 January 2004|07:43pm] |
Is anyone else having a problem logging into lj?
[02 January 2004|07:42pm] |
[30 December 2003|05:41pm] |
erebrandir inadvertently reminded me that I forgot about my Lj-Birthday on the 28th.....
My LJ is three years old now! I kept a journal at diaryland for a few weeks, but it sucked ass, so I switched over here (I transferred those entries here, so I DO have posts that are dated before the 28th, but I didn't actually start using LJ until Dec..anyways).........
Anways, I'm really glad I found Livejournal and that I have "met" all of you.
[30 December 2003|05:18pm] |
Work was ok today. Until the girls' toilet overflowed..and I didn't notice for about ten minutes..There was literally a lake in the bathroom...It flowed under the door and into the staff bathroom. It took FOREVER to clean...Even the mop was no help...I had to use a broom to sweep it all out....Thank goodness that the bathrooms are right by the front door ::sigh:: I have blisters on my hands from the broom. One of the kids helped me though, which was nice.
Well, the wedding is set for May 22nd. (That's a Saturday). I know that's kinda soon, but it's going to be small so there isn't much to arrange.. More info when I have it.
[25 December 2003|01:31am] |
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giddy |
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Merry Christmas!!!
[25 December 2003|12:03am] |
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ecstatic |
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Wel, I know we've been talking about it for awhile....But now......I am offically....
Jonathan proposed tonight and I said yes. He first gave me a gift box..I opened it..it had a sheet of paper in it that said "Will you Marry Me?"...and then he pulled out the ring and got down on one knee and everything and asked me again.......
He came over this afternoon while I was at work and asked my parents for their blessing....
No official date set...but we're looking at the last weekend in May (maybe)...He'll be able to take vacation time by then, and I'll have a break inbetween classes then too...
[23 December 2003|05:45pm] |
Poll #224381: Personality Profile Open to: all, results viewable to: allHave you taken the Myers-Briggs test? What's your type?
I myself am ISFJ.
[23 December 2003|05:34pm] |
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blah |
] |
Today was ok. One of the kids at work threw a monster temper tantrum. He locked himself in the bathroom and kicked the trash can around for ten minutes. Then he started talking about himself in the third person, saying screaming "Cory's going to have a happy day!!", punctuated with a whump when he kicked the trash can (or wall, I wasn't in the bathroom with him)... ::sigh:: All because his older brother told him to wash his face.
New Candy Alert! There's this new candy called Swoops, and it's kinda like the a candy bar in Pringles form. They have Almond Joy flavor, Reeses Peanut Butter flavor, plain Hershey's Chocolate, and York Peppermint Patty. It's good.
[17 December 2003|12:05am] |
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amused |
] |
oh yes....
We went to the new Dollar store last night...
they have a bunch of no-name brands ...
They even had condoms.
A twelve-pack of condoms....
they even had three varities..(lubricated/spermicidally lubed/assorted colors with spermicide)
Super-Rebecca! |
[16 December 2003|11:34pm] |
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productive |
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I got so much done today.
- woke up at 9; gussied up
- out the door at 9:30
- got to work at 10
- worked on homework on work's computer til 11
- picked up the kindergardeners
- watched the kids for an hour
- break at 12- went to Target, got Christmas cards, a folder for the report I was working on at work
- got back from my break 15 minutes early, finished up my paper
- back to work at 1- busy busy busy with kids til 4
- left work at 4
- got to grocery store at 4:15
- out of grocery store at 4:25
- home at 4:35
- baked a dessert for the potluck at school tomorrow
- while dessert is baking, finished a paper I have saved on the puter at home
- dessert is done baking; while it cools, I sign and address Christmas cards to all 20 of my fellow classmates (these will go out tomorrow)
- then i did a load of laundry
- took a shower
- made dinner
- wrapped my parent's presents
- filled out their cards
- got my stuff ready for school tomorrow night
- typed this up.....
I know I'm forgetting something.........
sooooo tired now......
Tomorrow won't be as bad...I just need to get some stamps, go to work, go to school, and that's it.....::yawn::
For the ladies.......(fwd email) |
[16 December 2003|11:21pm] |
Another Safety Point Fwd: Crying Baby
Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird. The police told her "Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door." The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said, "We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door." He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night. Please pass this on! and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby. This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because the Crying Baby theory was mentioned on America's Most Wanted this past Saturday when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana.
[14 December 2003|11:03am] |
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shocked |
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wow...they actually got Saddam Hussein.....
sleeep....... |
[13 December 2003|05:22pm] |
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tired |
] |
I am cranky.
I woke up about four times last night...I'm sooo tired. I had class today at 9....no Starbucks either :(
I still have a ton of schoolwork to do too...::sigh::: Actually, I have most of it done. And some people in class haven't even started on their final projects...
[11 December 2003|11:14pm] |
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excited |
] |
If you haven't tried (or even noticed) the "rich text" option on your update page, do try it... It makes putting text in bold and italics and all the other effects SOOO much easier...no need to type the html code anymore! Whoohoo!
Seriously, it does (practically) everything. You can even put stuff in color now, with no html-fussing....Whoohoo!
[08 December 2003|07:27pm] |
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stressed |
] |
I'm very busy with schoolwork right now. I'm doing Genograms and Ecomaps for myself at ages 6, 17, and now (25)...It's a pain in the ass doing it with MS Word. I have the charts done though. Now I just need to embellish them. ::Sigh:: What a pain in the ass.
I need chocolate.
I have to finish my laundry and take a shower first though. I have to get up early and open at work tomorrow. ::ugh:: A trip to Starbucks is very in order. Although that DOES mean I'll have to get up that extra 15 minutes earlier so I'll have time to go...Hmm..maybe I'll just sleep those extra minutes.....What to do, what to do......
[01 December 2003|11:17pm] |
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tired |
] |
I watched Bend it Like Beckham the other night..It was a fun movie..It was really neat seeing my alma matter mentioned at the end...And in case you were wondering (those of you who have seen it), that WAS a genuine SCU sweatshirt...
Jonathan and I went to the mall tonight and got some stuff for the Wish Tree. It was fun. I hope whoever gets the stuff we got likes what we picked out...
The kids at work were really bratty today. ::sigh:: And it's only Monday!!!
kashy's idea |
[30 November 2003|10:26pm] |
From the authors below, strike the ones you don't own, add ones that you do...
francesca lia block neil gaiman
j.r.r. tolkien
amelie nothomb
mario livio
jeannette winterson
rianer maria rilke jane yolen
carl sagan patricia a. mckillip sandra cisneros diane ackerman carl jung antoine st-exupery jack zipes emily dickinson
[27 November 2003|04:10pm] |
Happy Thanksgiving everyone;
I posted this in my journal two years ago. I thought I'd post it again..
The mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
The taxes I pay because it means that I'm employed.
The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
The space I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
My huge heating bill because it means I am warm.
The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
The piles of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.
Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.
The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I'm alive
[25 November 2003|06:05pm] |
I'm really tired. Mom and I went to the grocery store this morning at 8am for last-minute thanksgiving stuff. To avoid the crowds and all.
Today at work , one of the kids got in trouble at school. He's on crutches right now, and he hit the principal with his crutch. Then when he came over to us, he knew he was in trouble and he locked himself in the bathroom. Then he tried to climb out of the window. Fun times.
[21 November 2003|12:19am] |
I should be in bed...
I bought the Tori cd after all. I like it.
I'm hungry, but it's too late to eat..and i already brushed..::sigh::
I haven't slept well all week. Starbucks tomorrow, for sure.
at least next week is a short work week. Whoohoo!
[18 November 2003|04:22pm] |
I am tired and hungry and thirsty. Soon, I will be replenished...
Anywho..I'm seriously debating if I should bother buying the new Tori Amos album..It's a "greatest hits" cd...meaning I already have all the songs...But they're supposedly remastered and re-recorded, so they'd SOUND different...Hmm..I'll see if I can get a copy for a decent price. Anyways.
[16 November 2003|02:03pm] |
so many of you did this, I'm doing it too....
RYou are a social butterfly No EYou are a very exciting person. No BYou are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.Yes EYou are a very exciting person. I said no CYou definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it.No C You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it. No!! A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Yes
[15 November 2003|12:21am] |
My birthday was pretty good this year.
The kids at work made me a giant card, and they all signed it...It was sweet.
The day started out a little stressful. I had to handle the kindergardeners by myself, because my supervisor called in sick. I wasn't sure I'd be able to get off when I was supposed to. But it all turned out ok.
Then Jonathan took me to dinner. The waiter ended up giving us our slice of cheesecake for free (he didn't even know it was my birthday) over this really tiny error he made.
Mom gave me some birthday money, so I bought DVD's. I did pretty good; I got all of this for less than a hundred dollars:
The Little Princess (Shirley Temple version) The Crow (2-disc special edition) Drop Dead Gorgeous Snow White: A Tale of Terror Little Women (1994 version) Simpsons Treehouse of Terror Stand and Deliver
I bought The Crow used for fourteen, the rest were really cheap at Fry's; The Little Princess was five dollars, Drop Dead Gorgeous was six, the rest were nine apiece...
[15 November 2003|12:00am] |
my birthday is over :(
happy birthday to me |
[14 November 2003|09:56am] |
The big 2-5. As one of my classmates said on Wednesday night, "Rebecca, that's a milestone birthday!".. I don't feel 25. I don't feel like it's really my birthday. Oh well.
For my birthday tonight, I'm going out to dinner. I don't know where yet. Have not opened any presents yet. I didn't really ask for anything though. Just stuff I need.My dad bought me next quarter's textbooks, which was nice. Now I don't have to worry about books until May. Anywho.
At work on Tuesday, I saw a very disturbing sight. An 8-year old girl doing a dance number to "Dirrrty"...AND mouthing the words. ::sigh::
I'll update on the festivities later tonight.
[09 November 2003|03:24pm] |
What's up with everyone? None of you are updating! Well, almost none.....
I paid for he "extra userpic" feature(they let you have 50 if you pay 10 bucks)..Now I'm going crazy, finding all sorts of pictures to use...
I want to bake cookies.
[07 November 2003|11:24pm] |
This is great.
[07 November 2003|10:28pm] |
Whoohoo! My final paper is DONE. And it's not even due until Dec. 1st...I'm a nerd, I know......I know.
let the whining commence. |
[06 November 2003|11:17pm] |
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cranky |
] |
I am ....tired... up at 6:30 yesterday, dentist at 8 (ugh!!!), work 11-230, school 4-10...::sigh::
Today was a little bit better. I got a HUGE chunk of my final paper out of the way. And it's not even due til December 1st! I'm a dork, I know..
I need some sleep. I need some good good. And a nice cup of hot tea. And some rain. And a warm sweater. And a nap. And some hot chocolate. And a peanut butter cookie. And some soup. And a grilled cheese sandwich. And warm fuzzy slippers.
hehehe |
[02 November 2003|12:52pm] |
A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face and the egg is frowning and looking put out.
The egg mutters to no one in particular, "I guess we answered that question."
[28 October 2003|08:10pm] |
Well, I got my grade back for my first class in grad school... I got an A!
[27 October 2003|06:41pm] |
Ok, California..it's October..Why is it still 90 friggin degrees??
I'm tired..I have a presentation to give on Wednesday night for my class...did a lot of research on it...just want it over with...
i want starbucks..and food ::whine::
[20 October 2003|11:19pm] |
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I created a community!!!
pre_pro_psychs It's for people like me who are not YET professional psychologists....
I had a wicked nightmare last night that I "forgot" that I was taking a distance-learning class at a community college and that I hadn't done any of the work.. So I decided to go to the actual class to talk to the professor..But then I couldn't find my car...So I asked my stepdad to take me...But then I couldn't find my shoes..But we left anyways..So then I was outside, in a field with all these bookbags on the ground..Then i realized I FORGOT my bookbag...I looked at all the ones on the ground, but none were mine.....Then it started to rain..Then I was standing in the rain, with no umbrella, and NO shoes.....A general theme of un-preparedness..Wonder what that's supposed to mean...Anyways, the dream ended with me calling Jonathan to come rescue me. He's good at that :)
Had some good pasta tonight...Then Jonathan and I went to Baskin-Robbins..I got a scoop of cookies n cream, and a scoop of Jamoca Almond Fudge..It was goooood...Now I have a nice big cup of tea...
sleepy time soon...
[19 October 2003|07:45pm] |
I ...am ...tired..
Yesterday, I was up at 8:00..went to a study gruop from 10-12. Then I went to the pharmacy to pick up my refill. Then I went to the library...Then I got gas. Then I went to the grocery store. Then I went home and studied for two hours, and THEN I cooked dinner. I am still tired....
FYI, anyone remember that kids' book The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly? Well, they rewrote it as The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Pie...And she no longer swallows a spider (to catch the fly), she swallows some cider,. How stupid is that?
I need something caffinated badly. Or maybe I should just go to bed...
[15 October 2003|12:19am] |
I'm awake...apparently nobody else is...::sigh::
I bought this tonight. Maybe I'll watch it this weekend..I don't know.
Tomorrow's a long day. I need to figure out what I'm going to take for the dinner break tomorrow..or if I should just walk down to quizno's..I don't really feel like quizno's...too expensive..Though they DO have Vanilla Coke on tap.....
Oh! Yesterday, I saw a (homeless?) guy standing by the stoplight holding a sign...nothing terribly unusual about that..... But..He had his arm pulled inside of his shirt, with the sleeve rolled and pinned shut (so it looked like he was missing that arm)..His sign read "I'M SO HUNGRY I WOULD EAT MY OTHER ARM".....Different, yes...albeit a little tacky....
I'm not terribly tired...but maybe I'll just go lie down....
[13 October 2003|05:18pm] |
I had craploads of bad dreams last night. Well, not "bad" in the nightmare sense, just....unpleasant. Hm.
This week is going to be very, very long. Parent-teacher conferences are this week, so the kids are getting out at 12:30 instead of 2:05. So there's an extra hour and a half of care that we are providing. It may not seem like much, but it really is a lot. Oh well.
My new class (Counseling Across Cultures) starts Wednesday night. I'm looking forward to it.
[09 October 2003|06:05pm] |
it's been a long week.
had my final in my first grad school class last night. I feel pretty good about it, but we had three more hours of lecture after the test was over. I hardly saw the point, because the class was OVER and we aren't going to have that professor again until January. ah well.
Then, this am I had to go to the dentist :( Actually, it wasn't that bad.
And! I had my annual review at work today, and got a raise! whoohoo!
I'm glad tomorrow is friday. I really am.
[05 October 2003|09:51am] |
I just found out that Chewbacca is going to make an appearance in the next Star Wars movie! Yay!
[30 September 2003|11:43pm] |
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loved |
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love love love love love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love lovelove love love
[28 September 2003|01:53pm] |
I had a lucid dream last night. It was kinda trippy, I didn't even think about it until a few hours after I woke up. I've only had one other lucid dream before...
Went to Barnes and Noble today. Bought:
- Practical Intuition, Laura Day
- Caramelo , Sandra Cisneros
- Five People You Meet in Heaven,, Mitch Albom
- The Bitch is in the House, i forget by who
- a book on karma