LiveJournal for dandyhighwoman.
Monday, June 7th, 2004 |
After a couple of weeks of hell, I am now in my new apartment and getting reasonably caught up on sleep. I have no internet, no land line, and no cable, and I'm only planning on fixing one of those. Since last Wednesday, other than my roommate and my coworkers, I've only seen two other friends of mine. Right now, I'm ok with this. Soon, however, my perspective will probably change, but only after I'm out of recovery. Is it even necessary to say that right now I'm really, really biting my tongue? |
Tuesday, May 25th, 2004 |
Tonight made me a bit regretful and wistful. And I'm not talking about architecture. | ||
Saturday, May 15th, 2004 |
I am such the dork right now, and I know it and everyone knows it and I'm becoming dorkier by the second. Fucking bloody hell. In good news, tonight I coloured a picture of the cheshire cat and had two cups of good expresso. In bad news, I'm an idiot. I don't think it quite balances out. Goddammit. |
Thursday, May 13th, 2004 |
I feel like I'm going nuts. But I kinda like it (kinda). *sigh* When will I ever learn? |
Tuesday, May 11th, 2004 |
I'm mostly updating simply because I want a new entry in here. I've been out of school for four days now, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself. I'm not really bored, but I feel like I should be doing great things. I dread working all summer, and now wish I'd found something more exciting to do. The apartment search is still going, and I have another appointment this afternoon. All help and suggestions are welcome. I'm getting really tired of this, and desperately need to find somewhere to live before June 1st. Money issues are driving me nuts. I feel like I'm spending so much of it, but it's not on unnecessary things. Blargh. |
Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 |
I don't want to work. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. Right now it doesn't matter to me that the success of this semester depends on my ability to spit out 30 pages of writing and study for two finals in the next two days. I have very little motivation to do anything other than lie on my bed, smoking cloves and thinking about the many mistakes I've made in the last two years. I'm enamoured of the way my room looks, the pallet of colours and the lights. Astrid is wandering around my room somewhere, ready to scamper under the bed if I attempt to pick her up. She's more fond of her freedom than I currently am of my own. I used to leave her in her cage for days on end, forgetting, sometimes, that she existed. Thankfully I've reformed, and now I'm grateful that I may not have to get rid of her for good, though her future is somewhat shaky. Like my own, I suppose. I read an article the other day, about how -- in a contemporary society obsessed with anti-depressants -- a little melancholy isn't necessarily a bad thing; it can provide creative inspiration, etc, etc. But right now I don't feel creative; or perhaps, more accurately, I don't feel very productive. I want to wallow. I can't shake this feeling of nostalgia, a longing for things past. Perhaps it's because in a month or so, I'll be subject to great change -- at least what seems like great change. This house has held so much sadness for me, but I can't imagine leaving it. I'll be leaving the last place that I can still access that contained so many strong emotions, some that I thought were going to kill me, but some that made me swell with so much goddamn happiness. It's not that I want that specific situation to return, but I still harbour so much attachment to a certain time and a certain place with a certain person. I know that other times and other places and other people will come along, but the never again's keep floating through my mind and half the time I can't find the right words to express them. For a few weeks now I've been fighting certain desires, wants that sometimes embarass me. There's a life that sometimes appeals to me, but right now I want safety. I want warmth. Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by happy couples -- or unhappy couples, as the case is sometime. When I think about how strongly I want something like that, it makes me ill. Part of me says I'm not supposed to want that. The other part just kinda shrugs, and continues to whine. It keeps getting later and my work continues to be unfinished. I'm hungry. I ate today at some point, but it seems rather far away. It's getting dark and I dread that. It means that I've wasted an entire day, a day that I meant to be productive. There's so much to do, but so much that I want to avoid. I think, though, that I'm sufficiently light-headed enough to start writing my paper now. Where is all of this going? |
I just want to get into a good grad school and have a happy little life. Why is that so scary? I feel lost. | ||||||
Livejournal has been so appealling to me lately. I've been obsessively checking my friends page, and I'm currently on my fourth (I think) update of the day. I have nothing to say, nothing to report, no wisdom to share. I am waiting for good things to happen. Assistance? | ||||||
Monday, May 3rd, 2004 |
So maybe I'm not as bleak as I was earlier. Not so much pleased, but not hopeless. Life does not suck. Coldplay makes me uselessly sappy. | ||||||
Jesus...How have I managed to fuck up yet another finals week? I think I do this every semester. It's almost like I get to the end of a semester and I realize that I haven't utterly exhausted my potential for academic and social failure -- so of course I have to fulfill my quota entirely in the last week. I always put off work and constantly have to rush around to finish it (though this time, I think I've gotten myself into an even bigger fix than usual). Then there's the personal aspect of it. December 2002 was simultaneously me mourning the loss of Paul and leading Bekah on whilst getting no sleep for about three days. Last spring was a desperate job hunt whilst fighting with Bekah concerning the first big blow to our blissfully happy relationship. Sadly enough, this past December was probably even more fucked up than the previous one, with me once again torn between Bekah and an asshole of a guy, and feeling like shit the entire time. Woo fucking hoo. And now, it's May 2004, and even though Bekah's out of the picture, I still can't manage to get my shit together. Damn. | ||||||
Why am I on a losing streak? Fuck. | ||
Sunday, May 2nd, 2004 |
Argggh! What have I done? Why is my living room so boring right now? *sigh* My guests should not be more enamoured of each other than they are of me. | ||
I'm procrastinating. I have so much work due tomorrow (about 17 pages of writing and a final) and yet I'm not ready to let go of this weekend and accept that finals week is here. The last two days have been stellar and I've been utterly self-indulgent. Friday was work and then the PSP brotherhood social, which consisted of a hell of a lot running around Jacobson Park (but no gammahootery, alas...heehee) and lots of good, good food. Later there was a fun trip to Liquor Barn for cloves and coconut rum and then some disturbing music videos before a fun, fun house party, courtesy of Amanda, Beth, Amie, and Katie -- hoorray! :) I got smashed but not shitfaced (important distinction there), and managed to hold on to a bit of dignity, whilst living it up with my lovely but self-indulgent brothers. After the party was The Royal Tennenbaums, and waking up at 7:30 am and wondering where the hell I was, but then smelling ferret and remembering. Saturday was the Freadreacea Derby party and I won a bit of money, but then fell asleep from 4 to 9 and missed the Derby and dinner. Oops. I had fun with Christy and the boys and was continually reminded that Christy's boy Zach is quite possibly one of the most stunningly attractive males I've ever seen close up. Yum. After returning home, I had coffee with Carrie at Common Grounds and truly indulged my silly side. Today has been work. Not exciting, of course, but I'm stuck in this disgustingly good mood and I can't escape it. Is it bad to be this happy? *sigh* |
Sunday, April 25th, 2004 |
argh. I'm frustrated, and it's not the sort of frustation that is meant for public consumption, but I have to record it somewhere, so I'll just be cryptic and vague -- in other words, just end up sounding whiny. I find that I am too easily inspired to silliness. I hate burritoes. | ||||||
Saturday, April 24th, 2004 |
tonight has been odd...despite the lack of realization of my orginal plans, i had a good time. no meredith, of course, but i did have kelly, though he was not sad. then, i had fun boys i barely know, and a crazy, crazy feret. later it was mark, anne, thomas, and patrick, and this was pleasing as well. as i prepare to go to bed, i am filled with irrational hope. silly, silly me. | ||||||
Friday, April 23rd, 2004 |
bekah, i think, hates me. she may very well be justified. i feel disheveled and ill. :( | ||
Thursday, April 22nd, 2004 |
bad day. but i stole this from someone else's journal, and i though i'm not really sure what i'm trying to do by reposting it here, it just felt right. i want more people to read it. it hits me hard today. "when i was a freshman, the queers would fight with joe christian, and he would fight with us, and no one would really convince anyone of anything, but we all seemed to like it. i don't think we'd have done it if we didn't. it was a nice chance for all of us to vent our righteous anger, to momentarily have a single outlet for the things that plague us in miniature: the homophobia carved into desks by frat boys, the queerification of prime time tv, the continued popularity of rosie o'donnell, the continued existence of jerry falwell. this time it was quiet. we all just sort of mulled around, the one side holding signs and looking suspicious, the other looking sort of faggy and dyked out but not really saying anything. it was very, very quiet. that seems sad on multiple levels. i wonder if my inability to think of such spectacles as anything more than puppet shows demonstrates increasing growth, or merely increasing apathy." *sigh* |
Sunday, April 18th, 2004 |
Hmmm...Currently, my level of tolerance is not very high. The source of this is, perhaps, just a bit of tiredness and irritability, coupled with the shot nerves of a stressful week. All this adds up to a Rebecca that perhaps is not the nicest or most longsuffering friend. 'Tis a pity. Other than a stressful academic situation, life is decently good. Well, I think so, at least. Argh. I want to know things, I want there to be no unanswered questions. Abstractly, ambiguity is fantastic. However, I find it most frustrating when applied to my life. Should I be happy right now? Do I have reason? I'm just not sure. Goddammit. I currently have things that I just want to be resolved. *mew* My, my. Rereading those last two paragraphs makes me realize that I sound a lot more hostile than I actually feel right now. Tonight has turned out to be ok, complete with a coffeehouse and a movie. Being quite attracted to a minor kinda took me by surprise, but I'm sure I'll survive. Besides, by tomorrow, he'll be safely out of the state...heehee. |
Saturday, April 10th, 2004 |
I'm stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment. Men are currently bothering me. A few specific ones are always on my bad list, but right now I'm fed up with the entire male population. They worry me. I fear that I shall never meet a man that loves women the way that I do. Sure, most of them feel some sort of affection for specific women in their lifetimes, whether born out of lust or a desire for companionship or whatever it may be, and there are even a few that claim to have great love for womankind, but they just build up expections only to dash them. in the end, i find them to be lacking. they don't understand, and sometimes it's because they refuse to or sometimes it's because they don't even understand that there's something they're missing. and they're so fucking smug. i want to smack every man i've heard use the terms "feminist drivel", or the ones that can't seem to understand why i get upset over the deficiences in health care for women and their reproductive systems. i don't like it, i don't like it, i don't like it. why must they always disappoint me? why can't they just go away? |
Thursday, April 8th, 2004 |
Your thin white face, cherie; he said, as if he saw it for the first time. Your thin white face, with it's promise of debauchery only a connoisseur could detect. ~Angela Carter "The Bloody Chamber" Recently I've been most favourite professor has us studying Angela Carter, who is absolutely fantastic, and was already one of my favourite writers when I met said professor a little over a year ago (however, it seems much longer...). Both women are utterly fascinating, to say the least, and it's hard to imagine a time with their thoughts and viewpoints did not affect my psyche. Walking home from class this morning, I noticed flecks of white swirling across Euclid Avenue. On closer inspection, I realized that these flecks were actually petals blown off the surrounding blooming trees. I was somewhat bemused. Petal strewn walkways are a bit more romantic than UK ever usually achieves. Lunch today is also terribly enticing. A cheesy egg, peas and rice, and a wineglass of strawberry orange juice. Is it wrong to be this excited over food? |
LiveJournal for dandyhighwoman.