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Melanie Jade

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party [18 Mar 2004|03:35pm]

In South Philly at my house. 1005 Wharton st.
We will be showing a movie called "privilege" at 8pm and dancing will follow. I miss a lot of people so everyone should come if they can. Don't feel wierd or awkward or any of that crap. Come hang out, sweat, dance, laugh, and have a blast!

call my cell for info 973 919 0593

nj and pa lets see ya shake it!
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click on this link! [25 Dec 2003|12:11am]
EVERYONE CHECK OUT THIS ALBUM!!! I have it and it's really really good and awesome, so go to this site!!!

merry xmas
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[30 Aug 2003|04:30pm]
[ mood | content ]

So I've been living in Philly now for almost a month. I was really scared about moving here, and was scared that I made the wrong decision. But I know this was the right choice. I have no doubt in my mind that this is better, better for me in every way imaginable. I am so fucking glad I am gone out away from the situations and places I've been in for the past two years. I have beautiful, inexpensive house in an awesome area. I have the most considerate, fun, wonderful roomates. I have a creative, easy, job that pays insanely well and all my co-workers are fucking rad. I am closer to Charlie, Megan, Kt, and everyone else. I am developing new friendships and learning how to do things for myself. I actually have money for once and I can buy food and clothes and I can save up and travel in the winter! I will be organizing on my own with other inspiring women without a stupid college as a backbone that we are dependent on. We're going to do it all ourselves and it's going to be amazing.

Charlie lived with me for about three weeks and it was so wonderful. I woke up to his kisses and he got out of bed to eat breakfast with me before I went to work. I'd come home and we'd make food or watch softball or if he was working I'd bring dinner there and we'd eat together. Every night I fell asleep cuddling him. Then to wake up again and have him there.... I came home to little love notes on my pillow and got visits at work when he brought me Gianna's. Then the other day we took a trip to the beach, just us, and it was the perfect closing to the summer. We had a lot of fun with each other, got sunburnt, swam, kissed and held hands and cuddled a lot, played games, ate junkfood, and oh it was one of the best days I've had all summer.

I haven't been on the LJ since I moved because my computer is at my Dad's, and I must say that it's been a good thing. If you want to contact me or talk to me, letters and emails and phone calls would be nice. I want to be everyone's penpal. I'll promise I'll be a good one and write back (relatively)soon. I miss a lot of people in NJ, but I'd rather have slumber parties and visits than posts and comments.

I'm hoping to hear from you all sometime soon.

Melanie Jade
1005 Wharton St.
Philadelphia, PA 19147

973 - 919 - 0593

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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[30 Aug 2003|04:30pm]
[ mood | content ]

So I've been living in Philly now for almost a month. I was really scared about moving here, and was scared that I made the wrong decision. But I know this was the right choice. I have no doubt in my mind that this is better, better for me in every way imaginable. I am so fucking glad I am gone out away from the situations and places I've been in for the past two years. I have beautiful, inexpensive house in an awesome area. I have the most considerate, fun, wonderful roomates. I have a creative, easy, job that pays insanely well and all my co-workers are fucking rad. I am closer to Charlie, Megan, Kt, and everyone else. I am developing new friendships and learning how to do things for myself. I actually have money for once and I can buy food and clothes and I can save up and travel in the winter! I will be organizing on my own with other inspiring women without a stupid college as a backbone that we are dependent on. We're going to do it all ourselves and it's going to be amazing.

Charlie lived with me for about three weeks and it was so wonderful. I woke up to his kisses and he got out of bed to eat breakfast with me before I went to work. I'd come home and we'd make food or watch softball or if he was working I'd bring dinner there and we'd eat together. Every night I fell asleep cuddling him. Then to wake up again and have him there.... I came home to little love notes on my pillow and got visits at work when he brought me Gianna's. Then the other day we took a trip to the beach, just us, and it was the perfect closing to the summer. We had a lot of fun with each other, got sunburnt, swam, kissed and held hands and cuddled a lot, played games, ate junkfood, and oh it was one of the best days I've had all summer.

I haven't been on the LJ since I moved because my computer is at my Dad's, and I must say that it's been a good thing. If you want to contact me or talk to me, letters and emails and phone calls would be nice. I want to be everyone's penpal. I'll promise I'll be a good one and write back (relatively)soon. I miss a lot of people in NJ, but I'd rather have slumber parties and visits than posts and comments.

I'm hoping to hear from you all sometime soon.

Melanie Jade
1005 Wharton St.
Philadelphia, PA 19147

973 - 919 - 0593

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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[01 Aug 2003|06:01pm]

last night in nutley, last night in this house...

t minus 14 hours until i move out of new jersey and to philly 14 hours until i see my dad's apartment in nutley for the last time 14 hours until i am completely on my own.

holy shit it's the scariest, craziest thing i have ever done. i'm really excited and am going to try and keep a positive outlook on things so that everything actually does work out.

crazy shit this week. i almost lost my best friend, my love, amidst all of these very scary changes. but after feeling indescribably horrible for days and too many tears and knots in my chest and stomach and many unending hours-long talks ... everything is okay. we can learn from this ... and keep on growing and laughing and loving together. this is too amazing and special to just give up.

i start training at Viv Pickle custom handbags on tuesday. if all goes well, i'm going to be a freakin' seamstress, work with a bunch of awesome artsy hip girls, get lotsa free bags and wallets and such, and get paid ten dollars an hour to do so! i am scared that i'm going to be too mellow and laxed and spazztastic and uncoordinated to do everything correctly, but i just have to push all those worries out of my head and stay focused and positive. i want this so bad that i'm going to make myself not be a spazz and do everything correctly.

last night we went rollerskating and it was utterly ridiculous. it took me the entire time to even be able to skate very very slowly and wobbly without holding onto anyone. it was fun, though. i loved all the falling and spazzing out and the 90s soundtrack was pretty good and i was just happy to see everyone!

up the punx!
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[28 Jul 2003|04:10pm]

DO IT!!!
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[28 Jul 2003|12:27am]
packing packing

moving is so wierd. so many moves in such a short amount of time. it's wierd and slightly depressing that my dad's moving to a new place. the new place really is super nice, though. it's just wierd. but i'm glad he's excited and that he's moving somewhere that he will be happier in. i'm getting my keys tuesday and moving saturday. holy crap! i'm excited but scared about having to work full time. but it's exciting. it's all going to be so new.

i went to eric's last night and we baked and insanely deathly delicious chocolate peanut butter walnut cherry cake. i bonded with his mom because she's from the same part of sicily my mom's from and we talked about all sortsa fun italian stuff. i met eric's sister who's really fun and eric tried on funny clothes such as aprons and short shirts and girl shirts. it's going to be really really fun living with him and i'm super excited about it.

today was uncle als bday. we went to veggie heaven and then to his and dawns apartment. they have so much amazing art made by themselves and superfamous comic book people. so much cerebus, so much bone. i played with all the cats. we ate cake and butterfingers and now my foodbaby is huge. i got to hear the dambrots new songs, which are really awesome. i'm psyched for the second album and hopefully shows (maybe one at my new place!)

wierdywierd mood. ups downs rollercoaster as always.

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[26 Jul 2003|02:08am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | delta dart's stuck in my head ]

this has been a pretty good week. there has been bullshit with my old landlord that's really pissing me off and getting me way too upset. i called carin and melissa and left messages but they never called back so if you're reading this please please call my cell! i'm sick of bullshit, i moved out yet dino's crap is getting to me and yea it sucks. i digress.

anyway, i went to pat dunn's the other night and got to see everyone plus mark and davey were there and i haven't seen either of them in way too long so that made me really really happy. also a lovely miss kerry was there and i wish that she had felt better and that her and cj hadn't left so early. ah well, i got to hang out with mark and that fucking ruled. i realized i miss a lot of kids and want to hang out with so many people but i'm moving in a week and i still have so much to do!

i went to philly yesterday and got job applications and traded a skirt for a really awesome new dress that i got a bazillion new compliments on today. a lady at a thrift store told me im a flapper and i was freaking out and jumping up and down because i was so happy. she's my new best friend! i saw mikebukowski at gianna's and made friends with his friend jason who i ended up taking to outside whole foods for a bazillion hours. then later kt and i went to secret cinema and met up with flem and barthemus and watched an amazing movie called 'bad seed.' it was really long but had this crazy little girl in it who was really fucking scary. then kt and i went to tom ps and ate yummy food and watched 8 mile with him and megan. a slumber party followed and i spooned kt. woke up early so kt could go to work... today i dropped off job applications, etc.

back to nutley... i took mike with me. we stopped at dairy deluxe and ate big waffle cones of dairyfree mint chocolate chip ice cream and oh it was delicious! then barnes and noble. there was some talk of me going to florida with mike tomorrow morning for a whole week but i have to pack and move and stuff so i regretfully said no. anyway next we went to his house and we watched a scary japanese movie with kerry called juon that had a really scary trailer but the movie itself wasn't as insanely horrifying. met mike's little brother who is so rad that i'm taking him to get comics with me tomorrow.

now im back at my dads.

i'm so excited to move. i was so happy to be there yesterday and today. i just walked around and found tons of people i knew and hung out and made new friends and talked to them and it made me feel really content. also i got to spend time with megan and kt and those two mean so much to me and i absolutely adore them. i'm really excited to be moving near them and it's all just going to keep getting better.


The Twenties.

Which Decade Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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[22 Jul 2003|03:06am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | denali stuck in my head ]

so after being away for 3 weeks i am finally back home. my trip was absolutely wonderful and i'm very lucky to have experienced such new and exciting things with three inspiring and amazing women. i wish had had more time, but we made the best of the time we did have. oh it was so awesome, i have so much to tell so if you want to know just ask.

fell back into the swing of things a little too easy, but yea stuff feels wierd. my dad is moving when i am and that is really unnerving. also im moving in a week and a half and i'm not ready at all. i just got a call about an awesome job here at barnes and noble, 2 months after i applied. i'm going to call back and see if they could recommend me to the one in philly. i need a job desperately seeing as i'm getting way less money back from security deposit from nb than i thought. i'm kinda fucked. i'm going to have to use a lot of bonds or borrow money from my parents if they even have any.

ah fuck all that bullshit. i'm moving on pushing forward breaking out. i'm going to a new place and i'm going to learn to support myself and be independent. i'm going to be surrounded by tons of awesome kids and have such a tight crew. i'm going to eat gianna's pizza and softserve everyday and gain a bazilllion pounds! i'm really nervous but also really really excited.

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[01 Jul 2003|12:15pm]
lacy davis has been in nutley the past two days, and i must say it has been fantastic. we ate an obscene amount of food at my nonna's, took a walk in the park and went on swings, watched pete and pete, made brownies, spooned on the couch oh soo good. last night was a pinnacle of crazyness where lacy was dragged out of bed by pat dunn and we were kidnapped by him charlie and cj. crazy meatloaf singalong, slurpees, duck feeding, more slurpees in giant hulk cup, a watermelon baby, swimming at the marriot, watermelon in the pool, jacuzzi, freakyzone, boca burgers in wraps, then finally bedtime! best kidnapping i've ever experienced!

today - laundry, dinner with grandma, and then back to philly with eric.

i am leaving for my roadtrip thursday morning! i'm kinda nervous because i've never done anything like this before except for the trip to florida this winter, but this trip is going to be for 2 whole weeks. it's going so new and inspiring and incredible. plus i get to see charlie and hypatia and robot attack! it's exactly what i need right now!!!

see you all in two weeks

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[28 Jun 2003|12:55am]
so today i made it down to philly and checked out the apartment with eric damon and lacy. it was seriously so amazing, so insanely perfect that we can make things work even with the two small bedrooms. there is so much space elsewhere, and the house is so nice, so cheap, in a good area, oh my god it's a dream. i just have to make some compromises and cram all my shit into an 8 by 10 room. but everything else about it is fucking awesome, so we are taking it. YAAAAY! when i come back from my trip i will be preparing for my move to philly. holy shit it's going to be a huge kick in the ass. city life. riding bike in traffic. working work working all day long. but i'm going to push forward branch out become less dependent on my parents and try to learn to be more responsible and self-sufficient. it's fucking scary but really exciting.

it was awesome seeing everyone today, i miss everyone so much when i'm here at home. i miss the boys on tour (especially charlie) so freaking much. at least today i hung out with lacy and eric all day and it was really nice. we watched stella, saw eric's amazing dog, went to gianna's and fed our foodbabies, hung out in the park, went to whole foods, and just chilled. it was sweet to spend time with them. oh boy eric is such an amazing kid. i'm so excited about living with him. me him and damon are going to cook the yummiest food and make the prettiest art and oh man it's going to be awesome! i was supposed to kidnap mike bukowski tonight but he totally ditched me last minute, shattering my poor little heart into a million pieces. but that's okay because on monday lacy and eric will be coming to north jersey, and lacy's going to stay with me until wednesday. it's going to be so fun to have lacy here and me her and eric are going to play in waterfalls yaaaayyyy!

today made me feel a lot better about stuff.

over the past few weeks i have become utterly and totally obsessed with delta dart. it's all i've been listening to. they remind me of sleater-kinney a lot, but much more intense, raw, emotional, and so so so much more chaotic. i love that the most...the choatic-ness of it all. oh my god i love it so much. and all i have is that tape of it, i need the album. i've become obsessed with tem eyos ki, too, but not as much because the tape effed up so i only have a few songs. i am in desperate need of that album as well. as well as the new gossip album. damnit i need money! anyway, delta dart owns me.

i miss charlie. a lot. i miss being wrapped up in his arms. it's hard not having him here, having him so far far away. but he's off having fun experiencing all this awesome stuff and in a week i will be too. i still miss him a whole lot, though...

oh this was by far the stupidest worst quiz ever but i'll post the results anyway:

Hey, you're Bikini Kill Kathleen Hanna

Everyone love you...except Courtney Love. You are
unafraid of attacking stereotypes and as cheesy
as it just want to rock. But you
want to tell the world what's wrong with it

Which Kathleen Hanna Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

gnite all
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[24 Jun 2003|07:25pm]
car broke today in south brunswick on my way to philly... didn't get to see the apartment. apparently its awesome except that 2 bedrooms are super tiny and don't have closets, which is a huge bummer. i need to go see it so i can make a decision about it, but my car is broken. i want to go to new brunz before i go on my trip and see everyone but now no car...i also need to get to the pharmacy at rutgers before my trip....speaking of which, i don't even know what is going on with that. it was not planned well at all, some stuff is messed up, and i hope there's not too much conflict and sad hearts. i just want to go away and see things and just go....

no money, no job. worked with balloons, but now car is broke, so bye bye little money i have. i feel like a bum.

this past weekend was by far the most ridiculous, awkward weekend of my life ever.

living stuff is making me very frustrated. i don't know what to do. i have no motivation, no inspiration to do anything. i need to find a solution, need to figure out what i'm doing with myself in a month or two.

i've said it before i'll say it again. nutley somehow manages to make me completely negative and lonely but unmotivated and anxiety a vicious circle of not doing anything.

at least i rode my bike to my nonna's yesterday. that ruled. and i hung out with kerry and crystal and we fed the ducks with monica and ryan reading. i love feeding the ducks. it makes everything better.

i can't believe june's already almost over. what the fuck.

i want to go swimming!
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[22 Jun 2003|01:56am]
saw lotsa people don't see very often. dance dance sweaty dance. stuff.

shows in new jersey are wierd.

tonight.... sure was something.
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[20 Jun 2003|02:20pm]
so cristy road left to go back to florida yesterday, which really really sucks. i absolutley loved having her so nearby, and knowing that she'd be there whenever i went to PA on the weekends. at least lacy's still around. i don't know what i'm going to do when she leaves...

less then 2 weeks til road trip, and we still have not planned it! i'm psyched, regardless, it's going to be amazing.

i'm going to see world/inferno tonight with marc devens. i can't wait to dance and get sweaty.

judging by the way things have been going and are right now, i'm really really really really nervous about moving to philly.

i took mike bukowski back to nutley with me yesterday. he farted a lot during the ride home. kerry was supposed to hang out with us but she never called us back. so instead we rode bikes and climbed up on the big tressel and sat on the train tracks! we played the 'would you rather' game but he was too clever for me and always found a way around things. then we watched a horror movie that we thought was going to be great but was too smart and really slow paced and he was falling asleep so we gave up and i rode my bike back to my house. mike is fantastic, and we are brother and sister now! oh man do i love that boy.

today i made juice in the juice machine and cleaned up. yea that's pretty much it.
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[17 Jun 2003|08:14pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | delta dart ]

so today i finally gave in and went to the doctor because it's been a week and a half since i've been sick and i had a fever the other day and im still hacking up green stuff. he checked me for about 30 seconds then gave me 3 freakin prescriptions without reawlly telling me what's wrong. i filled 2, some antibiotic and some cough thing, and didn't bother with the nasal decongestant crap because it wasn't covered by insurance. so i took those two and the cough ones are pink and i think the doc said they are like robutussin and i didn't reallize until after i took em. now im all fucked up! im dizzyish and i feel like im high. it's ridiculous!! i hate it. who needs pot when you got this stuff?? yea i feel real wierd. i think it affected me so much cuz all i ate all day was fruit, luna bar, salad, veggie burger, baby carrots, and bananana...i m eatting toast currnetly to absorb this crap. it's ridiculousssssss. seriously, i'm not taking this crap again!!

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[15 Jun 2003|10:46am]
so everybody just left for tour...
the past weekend has been really amazing. i got to see charlie and everyone who's normally around, PLUS cristy road, sarah sky, tracy, and i met adrienne and monica, and oh man it was awesome having everyone around. we saw hypatia and robot attack and danced like crazy for both shows. yesterday i got to see vin and marc devens, which made me extremely happy seeing as i haven't hung out with either of them in weeks!! the punk rock prom show was really ridiculous, so sweaty, and ssooooo fun. then afterward everyone came and stayed at my dad's house and i'm really glad they did, or else i would've been way too sad otherwise. plus i got another night with everyone and another night of cuddling with charlie.

i really love my friends and i'm sad so many of them are going to be gone for so long. i can't wait to move to philly so we can hang out allll the time.

i drove damon to his mom's house in montclair when i left the valley yesterday, and then he went to boston. but he's gonna hang out in montclair for a few days when he comes back, so now i will have someone fun to hang out with!! hooray

i'm really glad that i was able to spend time with charlie before he left. i'm sad that he's going to be so far away for the next few weeks, but we are going to meet up with him and everyone in florida in a couple of weeks... it just really sucks to not have him here. i made him nice goodbye presents: a letter, a bracelet which he turned into a necklace, and a mix tape. hopefully those will bring him smiles and sweet thoughts of me when he's cranky from being crammed into that van for a bazillion hours.
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[11 Jun 2003|02:31am]
i'm not wearing pants! noooo pannnttssss!!

went to a show... saw lots of people i haven't seen in a very very long time... uhhh

hmmm... wierd stuff. good wierd not bad really makes my head feel a mushy... this definately should not become a habit

yea i wanna move to philly soon. but i don't have money. and i don't think i'll be getting any money anytime soon.

still sick. i hate it.

i wanna go to philly or the valley tomorrow night to see charlie and hang out with him before he leaves for tour (BOOOO!!) ....

kerry is great and i'm real glad i saw her. we are going to do lots of fun, positive, awesome stuff this summer. and we are going to philly next week to visit mike bukowski because we both love him. a lot.

You're Betty Boop!
Bettie Boop

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla

soooo posh.
You like music too much to be tuff. Sorry.
You may be an indie snob or what I like to call a
"music nerd" (that is, someone who's
more interested in the mechanics of making
music instead of, say, kicking people). You
could very well dance at hardcore shows and
know a great deal about hardcore music, but
your snoody record collection and the fact that
you went to that Harry Connick Jr. show last
month rule you out of the tuff category. I bet
you have an extensive collection of horror
films from the 1930's too. Throw away the
Dismemberment Plan cd's and start the pit.

How TUFF are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Silver Screen Siren are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
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[08 Jun 2003|11:17pm]
my birthday was pretty awesome! charlie and i went to my moms and made tofu scramble and i opened my presents. then we left and rode our bikes to the park. charlie made me the most amazing bike ever. it's all light pink and black and it has little ladybugs all over!! he also made me a matching painting and a matching mixtape. best presents ever! we rode in the park and then layed down on a blanket by the brook under a weeping willow tree and took a nap. so surreal, so wonderful. then we went back to my dad's, showered, and got ready for dinner. i put on my best flapper dress, beads, and sequin flapper hat and i must say i was the sexiest 21st century flapper i've ever seen! charlie, my dad, and i went to candle cafe and ate lots of food and delicious desserts and ooooohh it was so good. then we rented catch me if you can and watched that. i got lotsa happy bday phone calls and emails and whatnot, and it all made me very happy... the day was really relaxed and the weather was so incredibly perfect and everything was right....

and then yesterday morning i woke up feeling crappy and sickly and by the middle of the day i was super miserable and horrible feeling. by last night, i was sweating, everything hurt, snot was running down my face, and i didn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time. i'm feeling a bit better by now, but seriously, i fucking hate being sick. my head hurts and i feel my sinuses all clogged making my face hurt and my nose is just dripping and i effin hate this.i couldn't go see Stomp! with my mom and sister today because i felt so horrible and now my mom's mad at me. i read for a while, that was good... it's times like these i wish i had more friends that lived just come over and watch movies and sit around in sweatpants and/or pajama pants with...

tomorrow is mine and my sister's family bday party at my nonna's. it's always real boring and i normally ask friends to come and make it more bearable for me, but i didn't ask anyone yet this year. so if anyone wants to come and be around my insane family and eat vegetables and veggie burgers and vegan brownies with me, let me know!
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[06 Jun 2003|05:46pm]
birthday y2k+3 ROOOLZZZZ!!!
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[04 Jun 2003|01:45pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | bjork ]


last night i saw the weakerthans with cristy, jordan, and ryan. it was so beautiful and amazing and i'm really glad i got in! they played all these new songs that sounded awesome. they played all my favorites and i wanted to cry and i wished charlie was there real bad. but oh theeeeeyy arreee sooooo gooooooodddd!! and oh motion city soundtrack played which i thought was funny. i didn't think anybody knew that band besides me and cj. they played one of the songs from that old cd of theirs cj gave me a looonngg time ago and i laughed a lot. one line drawing played as well and i must say i've never felt such an intense love/hate relationship ever before! i couldn't decide if i wanted to hug him or stab him. during most of the songs i wanted to barf and then stab him, but there were a few that were kinda cute. but i mananged to sit through all of it waiting anticipating the weakerthans. oh it was sooo worth it!

this birthday crap is getting annoying. nothing's really working out at all, and it's past upsetting now. it's getting to the point where i don't even want it to happen. it's just a pain in the butt. i kinda just wanna sleep through the whole fucking thing at this point. sigh....

i hate pointy shoes. a lot. they are ugly and stupid and bad for your body. people are not meant to walk on little pegs and have their toes squished into a triangle. it makes me sad to see women wearing them. it's aaallllll about sneakers and ballet style dress shoes!

it makes me kinda depressed to read about someone else filling in replacing me, even if the situation wasn't so good for my sanity. its like last year kinda but not that extreme. it's just wierd. and i miss it, especially since i'm here, very much alone or only around family. i know i'll be fine once i move to philly and am around friends and amazing inspiring people. right now it's just wierd and i guess i'm just being possessive or whatever.

oh man listen to me being so wierd and negative. it's all the stupid rain's fault, i swear!!!


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