LiveJournal for Silly Squishy Stupid Squid!.
Sunday, June 6th, 2004 |
man, i would have had a really boring weekend if goat hadn't come visit. yea for convincing him to come, we had a really good time. some of the highlights include: jamba juice-twice!, seeing crazy people and someone barf in the middle of the sidewalk on state street, a trip to the zoo, nappytime with my kitty, super size me, the best ice cream i have ever had at coldstone-germanchocolatecake flavor, and driving around with the windows down exploring, enjoying the great weather. : ) right now i am trying to force myself to write a couple thank you cards, i guess the only bonus of not getting very much for graduation means fewer thank yous. tomorrow=monkey work 9:30-11:30 then ??? i need suggestions....i have all this free time, what should i do with it? comment and tell me please!!! |
Friday, June 4th, 2004 |
things to be happy about! -goat is coming to visit tomorrow! -goat has decided to stay in iowa for another year, so that means he'll be semi close and i'll hopefully get to see him on a regular basis! -i just realized my new cable internet allows me to send e-mails out from outlook express! it's been a year since i could do that. i'll actually respond to people in a timely fashion from now on! -i got jamba juice for lunch and it was delish! -the new harry potter movie is out, so i have something fun to look forward to doing after goat leaves! -i get artwork slid under my door once a week, i bet you don't! -my cat has hardly been annoying today! -red hot blues spicy tortilla chips and humus are a super nummy snack! -bridgett finally got online and i got to talk to her for a few before she dissapeared! : P |
you have no idea how happy i am to have internet again. so yeah, here i am in madison. it just feels so foreign because i never have lived here before, i could have just as well moved to europe. i'm slowly slowly getting more comfortable around here, and i bet by the end of the summer i'll feel like i've lived here forever....hopefully. let's see here. i haven't updated in awhile, so how about a rundown of everything that's been going on..... sunday: woke up to pouring rain. happily it had stopped by the time i showered and started loading the rest of my stuff into my brother's and my cars. managed to get both pieces of my twin bed in the back of my car, and still be able to close the trunk. good thing i'm short because there was hardly any room up there after pushing the seats forward. after everbody finished our speedy apartment clean-up and bridgett and i collected our deposit money, my brother was kind enough to buy me subway for lunch. hit the road and made it to madison in fairly good time. though my brother was being obnoxious and told me i can't drive. normally i like just sitting in the left lane and passing everybody, but he made a big deal about going slow so i wouldn't loose him, so instead i stayed in the right lane most of the time stuck behind the slow cars. well apparently that wasn't good enough for him either because he claimed i was following them to closely....what-ever. at least he was there to help me unload all my stuff, and actually did useful things like convince me to prop the front door open even though i was worried i was going to piss people off because its a key opening only front door, and finding a wood block to prop open the door to my hall. how smart of him. afterwords he bought me dinner at qdoba. i like rich younger brothers even though they can be annoying at times. : P after dinner he headed on to my mom's house (about 2hr north) and i was left in my lonely apartment with a huge mountain of stuff in the middle of it. i unpacked a little, but finally gave up, took a shower, and went to bed early. speaking of my apartment i really don't have many complaints. its just the size i need, though ironically i think it feels like an oversized dorm-room, but eh. i'm in the middle of the hall, so that's not the best, but it's not like its that much extra walking, and while i'm on the second floor so i have to go up some stairs when i come in, i'm on the backside of the building where the second floor comes out on ground level so i have a patio. it's "wooded" out there, and up a hill and about 20 feet back there is a fence and what looks like a shed of some sort, but i haven't bothered to figure out what's really back there. i've spotted bunnies and chipmunks out my window though : P it's fairly quiet, i can here people come in and out of their doors, and one of the apartments next door must have a really loud clock that chimes hourly, and the floor creaks a little in the apartment above, but otherwise all is good so far. monday: woke up at 9am, took a shower, and hit the road to go to my mom's house to pick up some of my stuff i had left there previously, and swipe my cat. on the way there i was eating trail mix and my bad tooth started to hurt horribly, i began to count the minutes til i got there so i could get some ibproffen. hung out there for a few hours, and got to eat lunch at the "berlin family resturant" oh-la-la. loaded up my stuff in drizzling rain, grabbed my cat and hit the road. my cat proceeded to meow in protest 2/3 of the way home, tried to chew her way out of her carrier, and started panting which dogs normally do, not cats......anyway, it was a bit stressful. then about 1/3 of the way back we hit a huge memorial day, road construction, traffic jam, and literally only moved inches at a time for what seemed like forever. the whole time my cat was throwing a fit, and then i had to pee. i was ready to kill myself right then and there. finally we got past the jam and it started POURING. eventually i found i found a mcdonalds to use the bathroom at and buy a small shake, but i was barely in the mood to drink it. finally made it back to the apartment, almost an hour past the time it should have taken, and then i had to unload all my crap all by myself. just so happened that i seemed to have carful of super heavy things, so i made a zillion trips, and again felt like dying. let my cat out, and she seemed fine. cried a few times and then settled on my bed. unpacked for a wee bit but was so tired i finally hopped in the shower and went to bed super early again. my cat proceeded to wake me up in the middle of the night spazzing out. she was pacing the apartment meowing loudly, got between the glass and screen on the slidding door and proceeded to try to climb out managing to put holes in the screen in the process, i tried to pick her up and hold her so she'd go to sleep, but she wouldn't have any of that, and instead proceeded to keep pacing the aparment and crying. after what seemed like forever she must have stopped or i was too tired to hear her, but i managed to get a bit more sleep. tuesday: woke up at 7:30am because i was starting the job at the library at the national primate research center:uw-madison supposedly at 9am. i was so nevous that my stomach felt sick. that's the morning i last updated, so you already heard about that as it was in process. after waiting around 45 min for my supervisor, another worker just told me to head home, and they'd give me a call about when to come back in again. the lady called me back later and apparently though i was coming in at noon......right.....i doublechecked my e-mail 50times, she told me 9am.....but she seemed okay about it and sorry about the mix-up so she told me just to come in wed. decided i needed a nap, but finally dragged myself out of bed to run some errands. hit up petsmart where i spent a obsence ammount of money. (gah, i forget how expensive non-shitty pet stuff is. i used to buy all my cat's stuff in high school, but that was four years ago, and my mom's just been taking care of the cats since then). i picked shadow up a new collar, a grooming comb because her fur tends to mat, a waterbowl, a placemat, a tray to catch litter outside her litter box, a bag of medium quality dry food, and like 24 small cans of decent quality canned food----all for almost $60. gah. then i headed to target where i got a lot of random stuff including a shoe rack for my closet, a bedskirt, a couple kitchen things i needed, a padlock for my storage space, bathroom trashcan, air fresheners to cover the smelly cat box in my bathroom, and a couple other random small things. costed about $90. came home and again had to drag everything inside. proceeded to do useful unpacking things like put together my new vaccum--ha. finally recovered enough to head to the grocery store. sentry it was, and a super nice store also, very good about placing things about to induce impulse shopping. tried not to get too much, but at the same time realized the only food i had was the reject staple items left from my old apartment. ended up again spending a lot of $80. any extra money i might have had at graduation is pretty much gone. ugh. came home and had to drag all that stuff in, finally plugged in my tv, and got sucked into watching shitty shows while i did more unpacking. upacking unpacking unpacking....i have way too much stuff......sometimes i really hate that about myself. again went to bed uber early out of lonelyness. and again my cat woke me up in the middle of the night, seemed like she calmed down pretty fast though. wednesday: another lovely 7:30 wake up.....but when you went to bed at like 10:30, it's not too bad. : P proceeded to feel sick again out of nervousness, but decided i should force down a bagel. decided to pop one into my brand new toaster while i continued getting ready. well i had it set too high, and bagel burned, smoke alarm started going off. i quick started fanning it, and it turned off, but i didn't know if was going to set some sort of building alarm off and i was going to be in trouble or something. apparently it was okay, because i had to head to work a few minutes later and didn't come home to a nasty note on my door or anything. headed to the monkey library and my boss was shipped off to fill out all my new worker paperwork, and felt stupid when i couldn't fill things out like when i got my last immunizations----but hell, who does know that off the top of their heads? spent about 30 minutes doing the confusing paperwork stuff, and got my cool picture id badge that magically opens doors. then i got a tour of the primate library (it's really small) and then began my crash course on uw-madison library circulation proceedures. oye. there are like 40-some libraries on campus and they are all interconnected and yeah, it's much more complicated than cornell. it makes sense, but my main worry is that it is so slow around there, and i work so unoften, that i won't be able to remember how to do things. my boss seems to be really nice though, and the place seems really laid back, so that's all good. i worked my 2 hrs---dictated by the fact there is ONLY 2hr parking or less anyway remotely near campus....quick checked my e-mail for 2 seconds before running to my car in fear that i would have a ticket for being there 2hr20min-ish. found out that i made the top 5 canidates for another project assistant possition (the job that pays lotsa money and tuition), and they wanted to interview me, so i quick called goat to pretend to be me and e-mail them back. got back home and had to try to find a place to get a TB test....which is apparently required every 6 months if you work in any of the primate buildings. they gave me a list of places to call, but half the numbers were wrong, and when i called uw student health services, they said they couldn't do it because i don't start as a student til the fall, but if i was considered a staff person, they could get me in, in 3 weeks. a:i didn't know if i would get in trouble for being seen as a "staff" person and b: 3 weeks seemed like a way long time. but i made the apointment, but kept trying to find something else. it was really frustrating. finally i decided to put it off til i had internet and could look things up more easily. decided that i should head out on my errands which would include changing my cell phone number, and getting a new bank. the first us cellular "authorized agent" i went to near my apartment claimed they could help me, but then supposedly couldnt find my account in the system and told me i needed to head to a corporate us cellular store. luckily it was near target so at least i could find it. there the guy actually did help me!!! it took awhile, but unlike the us celluar store in cr he didn't confuse the heck out of me, and by the time i walked out, i had my new number. : ) then i headed to the bank, where again i felt like an idiot because i had nothing to prove my new address.....i dont have a copy of my lease yet, and i haven't gotten any bills sent to this address yet.....but i really wanted to get an account set up so i could get direct deposit set up for my uw job because apparently otherwise i have to go to some weird building to pick up my checks. the guy told me he could start to set stuff up, but without proving my address i couldnt actually open my accounts---arg! but then suddenly realized that if i just put them under my mom's address which is on my driver's license that would surfice. after that i came home and finished unpacking everything except for my bathroom stuff. watched some law and order, and tried out the dishwasher.....felt guilty though about running it at 9pm because it was so loud, but eh....nobody came and pounded on my door. again went to bed super early. yeah, living in a new city on my own is depressing and sleep always sounds like a nice option. cept at 4am when my cat again decides to throw a fit. i got up a few times to pick her up, but she wouldn't quit it. finally around 5am i drifted off again. if my damn cat doesnt stop this soon, i will kill her, seriously. thursday: more waking up at 7:30am goodness. forced down some yogrt this morning instead of risking setting off the fire alarm again. decided to be a rebel since the damn apt manager hasn't changed the name on my mailbox and intercom yet, and took a sharpie down with me on my way to work, and wrote over the old labels. looks ugly, but maybe that will motivate the guy to fix the damn things. i was paranoid i wasn't going to get my mail and/or the cable guy wasnt going to find me, so i had to do something about it! headed to work where i got a tour of the whole building (cept the actual animal areas) did the morning circulation duties on my own, and then got a crash course in book processing. (oh and i found out that its fine that i can't get a TB test til the 21st and they dont care if i call myself staff and charge them) my boss is good at explaining things but she tends to jump around a lot. like she will start explaining something, and then realize she wants to tell me about something else, so we talk about that and then go back to the original topic. she sat me down at the computer and i felt like she was doing something like "here, prove me me what you can do" i immediately started to panic, but i caught on really fast, and the reality is that i AM really familiar with the program, and i think i did fine. i was kinda suprised at how fast she left me on my own though, but i guess i should take it as a compliment that she thinks i am capable. plus i asked her a couple really good questions and she made a comment about how observent i am---muhaha. tomorrow she's not going to be there, but she said i could come in and do stuff on my own----it'll really only be my 3rd day---already unsupervised, wow. did a two-second e-mail check on my way out and found another e-mail about an hourly on-campus job that the guy wanted me to call him back about this morning. so i rushed home and called him. it's for the friends of the uw-madison library job that seems like it would be super easy. the guy doing the hiring sounds old and blah, but he talked to me about how he has a really good friend in mt. vernon and visits there all the time and loves that resturant on main street (lincoln cafe), blah blah blah. it sorta sounded like me might have other canidates for the position, but it didn't seem like it would be too hard to get this job. i go in for an interview wed. after getting off the phone with him i tried to patiently wait for the cable internet guy to show up. i kept worrying that he wouldnt come, and couldnt get ahold of me because my phone number changed, and then i would cry because i have missed interent so much, and kept telling myself i would have it back today. plus i was worried i would screw up the intercom/door buzzer because i had never used it before. i dunno, i am just a worrier. anyways, i was sitting around reading and my cell phone rang, it was a nurse from the county health dept who i had called about tb tests the day before, right as she started talking the intercom buzzed. i totally got flustered, and quick tried to get the lady off the phone (i feel bad because she probably gathered info for me, and took the time to call, and i practically hung up on her). i managed to buzz the cable guy in, and he gets to my door, and dear lord was he hot! like abercrombie and finch model hot! so i'm trying not to sound stupid as he tries to figure out where the cable boxes are located on site, and if i could please help move my bed, and if he can use my phone to call the rental office, etc. i ended up following him downstairs in search for the cable box in case he needed my keys, but pretty much i had no use and felt really dumb following him around. eventually he dissapeared on me, so i headed back to my apt assuming he would just buzz to be back in. then i heard noise out back, so i hopped out on my patio and found him back behind the building, so i stood outside for awhile so he would know what back slidding door to come in. then he proceeded to come in and out a few more times, and finally started to hook stuff up on my computer. i sat around not knowing what to do with myself......and it was taking him forever....and he wasnt yeah....slightly uncomfortable. finally he got everything hooked up and was trying to change the settings on my computer, which kept spazing and acting slow. he finally realized i only have about half the RAM i really need so my internet was running way slower than it was supposed to. i was waiting for him to say it wasnt going to work at all.....but then he changed a few more settings, and it worked a little better. so it ended up, that now i have internet, just slow internet, and he suggusted buying more RAM, but i think i might just hold out in hopes that i get a new computer before the summer was up, so yeah. internet access=happy squid. i spent the next few hours catching up on 300+ lj and blog entries and talking to people. oh, and got an e-mail that my PA interview is next friday, spiffy. so yea for not feeing so isolated anymore! tonight i decided to take a quick jaunt to borders......i love that store....why the hell won't they hire me! i go around telling everyone its better than b&n.; (well except they have fewer sale items, but other than that). plus i got a super yummy kaulua blended drink. didn't buy anything but picked up the free indy madison weekly paper--isthmus--which strangely enough has a cover story about where i just started working: "inside the monkey house". basically i says its a really evil place, blah blah blah. we shall see what i think after i work there for awhile. next week apparently is a huge national monkey person conference on site, and supposedly there are going to be protestors, etc....this could be interesting. anyway, i am sure you were delighted to read about every detail of my life. for those of you who haven't graduated yet, i bet you can't wait, ha. i should go to bed. this is the latest i've stayed up in over a week! tomorrow i work 9:30-11:30 then i've got nothing. saturday is some relative i dont know's wedding, which my mom wanted me to go to, but i talked my way out of. which was probably dumb because i have nothing else to do. oh well, i'm feeling overwhelmed and not up to meeting a whole set of new relatives. maybe i can find my way to a showing of harry potter this weekend too : ) and finish unpacking my bathroom--then i'll be done. ok, bedtime, i have been sitting here way too long. bridgett---sorry i didnt e-mail you back, i kept hoping you would be on aim--you'll hear from me tomorrow though |
Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 |
i am going to die. i was up all night because my cat was flipping out and crying constantly and trying to crawl out the slidding glass doors. then this morning i come to work here at the monkey place. the only place really to park is in a 2hr zone, but i dont know how long they want me to stay today so that might be a ticket there. i don't know how to take the bus yet and without internet i cant look up the routes,etc. so i get into the building....after walking past it and realizing two blocks later. and get inside and walk around for 5 minutes trying to find where i was supposed to be. finally i found it, and the people working back there said the lady usually doesn't come in this early.... i said she told me to come at 9am, and they were like, oh, then maybe she will be here soon. so now i am at one of the computers in the library part, feeling dumb as everybody wanders by and wonders what i am doing here. eeeeeeeeeep. sigh. this will be great. what if she shows up half and hour from now and then wants me to stay another 2 or more hours. :( i am not a very happy squid at the moment. i wanna go back to mt vernon and my happy nice jobs. |
Sunday, May 30th, 2004 |
graduation was an okay time. goat's dinner was a really good time, i'm glad i went. soon i will be on the road to madison. eeeeeeeep. i won't have internet in my apartment til thursday probably. eeeeeeeep. but maybe i will be able to find a computer here and there. my cell phone number is still the same if you need me and my e-mail will be checked still too. tooodles folks, have a great summer! |
Friday, May 28th, 2004 |
everyday i come this><close to having a nervous breakdown. gah. this whole quitting jobs, graduating school, moving to a brand new city where i know no one, and needing new jobs is just toooo much. as of right now i'm definately planning on attending SLIS next fall. about half my stuff has been dumped at my new apartment. i have one job for sure, the monkey one, which is 10hr a week, and that starts tuesday. i have cable internet ordered for my new apartment, but it won't be installed til next thursday. i don't have a new phone number yet because the people at the us cellular store are dumbasses. my dad, his wife, grandparents, and brother arriving tomorrow. mom and sister arriving saturday. graduation on saturday. moving all the rest of my stuff on sunday with my brother. monday=scary first day on my own in madison...survive without internet, yet somehow find a way to check my e-mail because that's the way i keep telling people to contact me....also find a way to get to work on madison parking is horiffic and i plan on being a bus girl, but do i know anything about taking buses? nope. i should be in bed sleeping. i so very tired, yet wound up at the same time. oye. |
Sunday, May 23rd, 2004 |
tired squid. but happy squid. i e-mailed my dad this afternoon about grad school in the fall because last time i talked to him he seemed wishy-washy about me going and his willingness to help support me, and i started to panic about what i was going to do. anyways, i was nervous the whole drive back from work wondering what his response was going to be, and was amazed to find a very nice e-mail from him, very unlike the frustrating ones he usually sends, saying that he backs my decision and is willing to help me out financially. yea. i am so relieved. i guess i am a lucky girl and have cool parents (most of the time). anyway, work tonight was kinda crappy because i am still sick, and it was busy. but people were nice and kept telling me how much i would be missed. i got a card and bookmark from one of my co-workers----the first graduation acknowledgement i've gotten from anybody yet----so that was really sweet. my cold is slowly getting better so hopefully tomorrow i'll wake up feeling great. *crosses fingers* and! kelly wants to buy my futon cover. and someone else called and left a message about the that means i might be getting a little cash for stuff i really needed to get rid of anyway : ) (actually it will just probably go towards buying a chair from another cornell much for having less stuff to move). it's kind of sad how goat has totally blown me off this weekend. its cool that he gets to hang out with al, but this is really the last weekend we're going to be in the same place together---next weekend is just going to be crazy between people coming here, graduation, and moving. he said he'd see me this weekend with al, but the only time i've talked to him was when i called last night and he seemed to act like i was bothering him. he mentioned they might stop at b&n; tonight, but no sign of them. and nobody responds when i im him when his away message is down. sigh. next he'll be telling me that he can't see me because his paper's not done because he procrastinated all weekend. and then he'll decide he has to hang out with certain other people. whatever. i'm not even sure how much i really care. if i stay attached to him after graduation i am sure i'll only end up hurt. maybe it's better if he starts acting evil now. it'll be easier to say goodbye then. i better get some sleep. bridgett's show is tomorrow and i have a million things i should get done. 'night |
Saturday, May 22nd, 2004 |
even though it seemed much more interesting last night, let me still share the story with you about how i almost died yesterday. i was scheduled to come in at 5pm yesterday at the b&n;, so i left lovely mt. vernon, where the weather was still lovely and nice, to head to cr about 4:30. i had heard on the radio a tornado warning for a town like an hour from here, so i really didn't have any worries. the closer and closer i got to cr the darker and more ominous the sky turned. had to switch my headlights on as it started to rain, just because it was so dark out. then, in the last couple miles of my trip, i drove into a monsoon. my radio was screeching EAS warnings non-stop, and the rain was coming down in sheets.....every couple of seconds i would be completely unable to see anything in front of me. plus the road started to flood. i debated pulling over, but every once in awhile i could spot another car still chugging along slowly, so i decided to keep going. the rain kept pouring down, and i started to get more and more scared....actually i was so sick, tired, and miserable already, that this just totally set me off and i almost started crying. finally i go into cr and it started to clear a little. there were few cars on the streets, and when i finally pulled up to barnes and noble, there were a bunch of people standing outside watching the sky. after i made it out of my car, getting soaked in the process, i too could see how the grey clouds were literally circling right above where we were. soon my manager sent everybody to the back of the store where all the customers were camped out on chair cushions and the floor, munching on the free cookies, scones, and soup, and drinking free coffee and lemonaide (note: next time there's a tornado in cr, head to b&; wont be very safe, but you sure will get good snacks). anyways, i got to clock in, and spend the next hour waiting out the storm. there were reports of funnel clouds just blocks from us, but i don't think any actually touched down in cr. anyway, that's my story. finally it got nice out and i actually had to work. yuck. | ||||||
Thursday, May 20th, 2004 |
ugh. i have a cold. i hate being sick so much. i barely got any sleep last night because i woke up like every half an hour because i couldn't breath or get comfortable. and i've been up since 7ish because i finally gave up on going back to sleep. all i really feel like doing right now is take a shower because i feel gross, and spend the rest of the day in bed. instead, i have to suffer through math because if i don't go, i'll never know what's going on. ugh sigh. at least the only plans i had for tonight was to do my laundry, otherwise i can pretty much laze about. all this end of the year graduating and trying to reestablish my life somewhere else stuff is leaving me horrifically stressed. i decided last night that i need to write my father an e-mail explaining to him why i am making the decisions i am, and tell them that he's either got to decide to support that decision or not. i can't handle this inbetween shit. also today, i need to write the most fabulous cover letter ever for a project assistantship position, which may or may not be the last chance i have to get free tuition next year. i'm feeling very pressured by the whole situation. sigh. if i got this job, the majority of my problems would be solved because they're almost all financially related at the moment. i can't believe that at this time next week i will have the keys to my apartment in madison and have stuff in it. the year's practically over with and it hasn't hit me yet. sigh, too much thinking for my sickly mind, i better get in the shower. |
Wednesday, May 19th, 2004 |
math test tomorrow morning. i finally got myself to study off and on the last two hours, but i am still pretty wishy-washy on the concepts, and for the life of me, can't memorize the simple equations i'm supposed to be able to use to prove my answers. arg. my dad called tonight to discuss what's going on with stuff. he's stressed me out and confused me even more. first of all, suddenly his and my grandparents plans for coming out for graduation have changed, and they are screwing with my great moving plan idea for use of my brother to help me move, so that right off the bat irriated me. then he's so damn vague about what he's going to do to help me moneywise next year.....all i can get, is yeah, i'll help. no explanations. no statement that he'll give me X amount of money. i know i'm lucky to be getting even any money out from him because i know there are probably many people graduating this year that are going to be totally on their own. i may seem ungrateful that i want to demand to know what he's going to give me right now, but i need to know what things are going to look like next year so i can plan ahead. he keeps suggesting that maybe i should defer my admission so i can wait to get in state tuition......which i have thought about, but i really don't want to do. granted it will save me a lot in repaying loans in the long run, but i can't think of any other reason, besides money, that i should defer. it's just really frustrating that people are second guessing my decisions that i was already worried about. i don't know what to do for christ's sake! i don't even know how i might get screwed over if i try to defer now.....and if i am going to keep trying to get a project assistantship i have to keep acting like that i am coming for sure next i got offered the primate library job this week, and if i defer i will have to quit that. speaking of my new job, this is it: Technical Services Assistant, Circulation and Book Processing The Primate Center Library, a small, active research library with an international clientele, has an opening for a 10-hour per week student to assist the Technical Services Librarian with circulation and other technical services duties. The student in this position will be responsible for -Running Voyager reports -Sending out circulation notices -Following up on overdues, lost books, and fines -Searching for missing items and ordering replacements if necessary -Ensuring availability of holds and recalls -Maintaining course reserves -Shelving books and audiovisual materials -Updating item and patron records -Maintaining list of electronic journals -Overseeing the duplicate/exchange program -Processing acquisitions after cataloging and before they get to the shelf Salary: $8.50/hr yea for work. so that's 10 hours a week this summer.......i gotta come up with more work or i will totally be screwed. i think something is wrong with one of my teeth/gums....i am hoping it just goes away by itself, but the thought that it might be more serious is adding more stress to my life. i think i am extra moody tonight because i have nothing to look forward to tomorrow......only things i am my math test, and talking to someone i don't know well (i always stress myself out worrying i will sound stupid), and barnes and noble (long complicated reasoning, but i really don't feel like going tomorrow) i have other unexciting things like the krnl meeting, library work, and trying to get my cell phone number changed in cr. sigh. i really better get to bed. tomorrow is going to be a long day. sigh. |
Tuesday, May 18th, 2004 |
do i tell my prof he gave me 5 extra points on my quiz? or do i not say anything because i could use those extra points..... hmmmm........ mind you, this was 5 extra points on a quiz only worth 20.... |
Monday, May 17th, 2004 |
this sucks. ever since last week i was looking forward to going to masala monday with goat. we had the idea to get indian food half a week ago, but he insisted we couldn't go until today. then it became super errand evening with goat, but i was looking forward to it because it was stuff to keep me entertained and i had nothing else to do tonight. first of all, it is always a good time just to hang out with goat. i was going to finish my book during his appointment, i was gonna to get to pick up the gift certificate i had been meaning to get in ic, i was going to get yummy indian food, i was probably gonna be able to use my free drink coupon at java house, and i was going to get to see his summer apartment. it was gonna be fun. we were supposed to leave right after i got out of class at 3ish, but apparently goat realized late this afternoon his appointment was actually at 3, so he had to leave before i was supposed to get out of class. okay, fine. but if he had been paying attention to what was going on and i realized i couldn't go, then i wouldn't have been anticipating getting to go tonight and would have been less disappointed. or i could have found a way to get out of class early. instead i think he took another stupid person, and i am stuck here with nothing to do and no good food to eat. i'm feeling a little perturbed. well actually, more disappointed than anything else. sigh. i guess i will gobble down my leftover canned chilli, and maybe head to the video store to rent a movie for tonight after bridgett watches AI. perhaps grab a drink at the creek. then run past the commons to rescue my paycheck. it looks like it is about to start raining, so i better get hopping. oh, and i didn't have an all that bad day today: -my sister made me a new cool aim icon -someone e-mailed to to inquire about my bed -while i was totally guessing on all the questions on my quiz i think i got at least a couple right....and i got an 83% on the test last week, so that's not too bad -made myself e-mail jean and she got back to me and confirmed i probably could totally do this other PA job, and suggested i talk to greg, which i will force myself to do tomorrow |
Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 |
the math test started out well today. i went through the first couple pages, whoosh whoosh whoosh, thinking i was the math god. then i got to the second half of the exam and things came to a grinding halt. there was a whole lot of...ummm...creative answers after that.....and in math, creativity isn't a good i'm slightly worried. hopefully i did well enough on most of the questions to cover for the ones i totally tried to pull answers out of my ass on. we shall see. after which i got to reward myself with some quality library work time. since i got there early i worked on my fun relabeling the german handel scores project... before i got to move into the introductory stage of the inventory the ghetto chemistry library project. i hate west science, it always smells like dead something, and just our luck, the air conditioner in the chem library was busted so it was like 95degrees in there and humid. basically we have go through all the books and match them with their shelf list cards, figuring out what items are missing, and writing down items that have no cards. hopefully dana and i can fly through this project in no time. i pity the summer worker who has to go through and barcode everything though, that is going to royally suck. since goat ended up having to work this afternoon, we didn't get to go canoeing. mutter. instead i loitered at the creek for awhile, and then we took an exciting trip to cr to drop his car off. decided to be bad after that and get pizza. goat convinced me we should try a new place, tomaso's. we got to enjoy delicious detroit style pizza. num num num. highly recommend. came back home for nappy time. i like being lazy. i need to pack. i need boxes. i need to sell my damn bed. one of you should buy my bed! seriously. anybody need a bed? |
when i finally broke down and got out my math stuff late tonight to finally study for my test tomorrow morning, i realized that everything on the review sheet seems ridiculously simple. this could either be a good sign or a bad sign. notice that it is also almost 2 in the morning..... it appears i have broken my early to bed bad habit! i think we can attribute that to the venti carmel frappuchino w/an extra shot of esspresso i picked up earlier this evening in cr. : D i'm sure i'll be in a delightful mood tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off and i realize i've barely gotten any sleep and have to head to class for a stupid test. oh well, once i get the test over with, and drag myself through a couple hours of library work, i am free to have fun the whole rest of the day!!! edit: grrrrrr. guess who woke up about 6am and then proceeded to wake up every 10 to 15 minutes until her alarm went off at 7:45. gah. so basically i got no sleep. fabulous. |
Tuesday, May 11th, 2004 |
Which Dr. Seuss character are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
i have a math test tomorrow. do i feel like studying? no. blah. whenever i'm not in class i like to pretend i just don't have a class this block. i've been doing so-so on all the quizes...this last one was the worst, but looking around at the people sitting around me, they all had similar grades to mine, so i'm not too worried. the library suddenly has this project they want me to work on, and it unfortunately is going to involve cordinating my schedule with the other girl that works in my department. thats gonna suck, because i like being able to show up whenever i feel like, but i feel like i can't say no because they've been so great to me the last four years and jean donham has given my fabulous references to get into grad school and now to get these jobs. i think i can manage, the year is almost over. goat came over this afternoon and we made super yummy homemade smoothies and had nappy time. : ) hmmmmmm, i think i'm going to go out now, i am sick of listening to the tv. besides, it's a great night for a drive. toodles. |
Sunday, May 9th, 2004 |
|||||||| study math? or not to study math..... i'm bored. tempted just to go to bed now. but my apartment isn't very quiet so i dunno if i would be able to fall asleep, and if i shut my door all the way i might die of heat stroke. i want goat to come back so i can chat with him. actually i'd rather have him here to snuggle with. but i'd settle just for some chitchat. ewww. my water tastes nasty. the britta filter is long overdue for changing. work tonight was super boring. tomorrow will be more boredom along with 4 hours of math class, a math quiz i may or may not fail, 2 hours of library work, and trips to the laundrymat since all my clothes are gross. i know you all are jealous. i like hummus and black bean tortilla chips. num. umm, yeah. i think it's time to sleep. i dunno what the deal is with me going to bed like every night before midnight. perhaps if i'd start sleeping better.....grrrrrrr. |
Saturday, May 8th, 2004 |
i haven't been updating much, have i? that's because i've been a busy girl trying to get everything done and arranged that a good little graduating senior should do. yesterday was the big interview day in madison. drove to madison all by myself, found all the places all by myself, and didn't get lost even once. go me. anyway, first interview was for the technical assistant positions at the national primate research library on campus. it would be about a 10hr a week job for about $8.50/hr....added bonus is that unlike most of the other small hourly library jobs on campus, this one would start as soon as i could start working in the beginning of june. two ladies interviewed me there...they didn't have a whole lot of questions, and mostly just made comments about the parts of my resume they liked. (i've gotten the impression that it's rare that they find a first year SLIS student with the kinda of background and experience i have). the library is really small and cozy, but the materials there go out all over the world. it seems like it would be a pretty interesting place to work. plus i got to see the cutest little fuzzy furry monkeys! they asked me if i would have any ethical problems working there, and i said no. a job is a job and i'm not a very opinionated person. the basically told me they were going to hire me, but that they just needed to finish interviewing the other people so they could decide who was getting what position. kick-ass. after that i had some time to kill so i headed over to where my apartment is and drove around a bit. mmmmm....i love my neighborhood : ) did i ever mention my apartment is right next to a small little cozy pub? and that i have a mini grocery store across the street? i'm a couple blocks in from the street university, which is a busy street that shoots straight to campus--think bus! : D right off university there are multiple apartment complexes....keep going and there's some small offices and really small retail stores....then my apartment building....then if you keep going you start getting to some really nice condo complexes...and just a couple blocks from there start really nice houses with large wooded yards. very pretty. and besides university being a straight shot, it's got lots of fabulous restaurants, a mall, movie theatres, starbucks, borders, etc. speaking of borders, i stopped there to kill some time. i've never really spent much time in borders stores because i have never lived near them, but i must admit they kick ass. so much more so that i think that from the looks of it i would enjoy working there more than b&n; (gasp!). so i picked up an application like i had been planning on, and the girl tells me that they're about to start hiring! wooohoo! *crosses fingers* i would really like to continue working at a bookstore...i love seeing all the new books, and i don't know how i would survive without an employee discount. i also picked up an application for whole foods, but i think i will hang on to that until i see how theses other opprotunies pan out. otherwise, like i said there are lots of cool stores and food places on that street that i wouldn't mind working part time at. at 2:00 was the super scary interview for the project assistantship in the engineering library. (this is the job that would be 20/hr per week in exchange for FREE tutition and really cheap healthcare, and an almost $15,000 stipend) i made sure to head over there early, but i almost started panicing when i couldn't find the parking lot they told me to park in.....finding parking around campus is really fucking i started to worry about what if i couldn't find a spot in time! after doing a couple loops around the area....damn one way streets....i finally found a spot like 5 blocks away, and proceeded to race-walk to the library and even made it there a few minutes early. thank god i had headed over early..... i was interviewed by two really cool ladies. it was a lot more formal that the earlier interview though...they dragged me into a conference room with a huge table, and expained how they had 18 questions that they were asking.... i think i did a good job answering the questions, but there were just some things i had no experience with and i didn't want to lie, so i had to explain i didn't really have much background with those things. i always tried to put a spin on it to make it sound better though. anyway, i can't pin point anything stupid i did or said, so i guess this job will just come down to how qualified i am compared to the other applicants. both library jobs said they'd likely notify me like next friday, and at the latest, the beginging of the next week. in other news...i'm still not a big fan of my class. i keep getting really confused, zoning out, and then missing everything my prof says. how is this going to help me pass the quizes you ask? hmmm, good question. though aparently my prof loves me...i had forgotten/failed to pay attention to the fact that he was the faculty media board rep all year...doh. plus all this grad school and interviewing stuff seems to impress him. he better not even consider failing me! i hung out with goat less this week, mostly because he's gotten into the habit of visiting my apartment all the time, and earlier this week neither of us wanted to hang out here. he's doing a microbiotic diet thingy and he wanted me to do it with him. i think he's nuts. well i'm nuts, because i don't think i could ever handle that type of diet....but anyways, instead i am doing my own heathy diet thingy. we'll have to see how that goes.... my federal tax refund finally came. yea for money to pay off my credt card. my dad's coming through town on sunday. yea for free lunch. tonight i collected a shitload of stuff to take to the thrift store. : D i really really need to do laundry, dunno when i'll have time though, sigh. tomorrow i work 12-6:30 and then goat and i were talking about a return trip to the casino...if i can stay awake....i can barely keep my eyes open right now...stupid early to bed bad habit. i suppose i should just go to bed...there's really no reason to still be up. so 'night. |
Thursday, May 6th, 2004 |
yes, ugh. for so many reasons. |
Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 |
feeling accomplished always makes me feel better when i am in a shitty mood. it must make the ocd part of my brain happy or something. anyways, i got a lot of crap done today, including what i just finished up, which was two more applications/individual cover letters for positions at the uw-madison. i have interviews coming up for two other positions, but i want to have all my bases covered. i really need to find out, in the unlikely event it happens, how many of these jobs i can work at once. the big fancy tuition reimburse/stipend ones are only 20hrs a week.....the smaller ones i have applied for are usually around 10-12. it's hard to predict how much time i am going to have free next year, but i know i definitely could use the money from working lots and lots of hours and am used to being busy all the time.....i just dont know if they allow you to have multiple campus jobs, especially if you get one of the good project assistantship ones. hrm. i was very surprised to see this morning that i got an A last block. i wasn't expecting that, but it did brighten the early part of my day. class is beyond horrifically boring. but i *think* i did alright on the quiz today. i just realized earlier today that mothers day is the 9th and not the 16th which i had been thinking. so i quick ordered some stuff online to be sent to my mom. cept after i did it, i think i realized it's going to be shipped from canada. doh. so god only knows how long it will take to get to her. i gotta remember to put her card in the mail her birthday is the 13th, so i need to come up with something for that too. i feel like i am muttering on about nothing now. i think i'm just trying to subconsciously kill time. i should go over to the lib to use the typewriter to put addresses on my envelopes, but that involves getting up and moving.........blah. |
LiveJournal for Silly Squishy Stupid Squid!.