Tuesday, August 26th, 2003
12:48 am - Mad as a wet hen...
Collard greens are the best food ever. Right now anyway. Yum. I am pissed off. I just got done writing a nasty letter to the shithead who has apparantly stiffed me on one of my Amazon Marketplace book orders. I have ordered lots of things (books & CDs on many occasions) through the marketplace and I have never had any sort of problems. Now I am starting class tomorrow and I have no book even though I paid for expedited shipping. I'm going to have to buy the book a second time at full price from the campus bookstore and I can't fucking afford that! I'm going to have this dude's ass if I don't get my money back very fucking soon. It's so sad because it only takes one asshole to fuck the whole system up. Grrr...
current mood: aggravated
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Saturday, August 2nd, 2003
2:17 pm
i got my grades today. Electronic Publishing and Visual Arts Business Procedures, both A's. yay! on the 25th i start Internet Communications, C++ Programming I, and Web Site Design I. those are all online. then Oct. 21st i start Computer Graphics (Illustrator) which is tues/thurs 11:00-1:30. i tried to get the list of books i'll need the other day but they won't tell me yet b/c the campus bookstore doesn't have them all shelved yet. i'm gonna order 'em online if i can to save some $$. finaid covered ALL of my tuition. how fucking great is that?!?!?! woo-hoo! ooh, sandwiches. gotta go...
current mood: good
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Tuesday, July 29th, 2003
11:58 am
i just wrote a really long entry and livejournal ATE IT! i don't feel like writing it all again and now i'm pissed off. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
current mood: angry
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Sunday, July 20th, 2003
10:40 pm
It's done! Finally! And now I'm to fucking exhausted and sick to drive it to school. I'm trying to get ahold of Mom to see if she'll run it out there for me but she's not home and doesn't have her cell phone. I hate it when she lets her boyfriend take it to work even though she's off work. Duh. I'm starving. There's nothing to eat here. grumble grumble I'm going back to lying on the couch in a half-dead state.
current mood: pooped current music: country radio
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Friday, July 18th, 2003
10:43 am - "we hope the rest of the events will be uneventful"
that's a brilliant quote from yesterday's paper. i found out this morning that there were almost 40 people arrested downtown on the main street beside where the concert was going on. various stupid fighting and disorderly conduct and a couple for simple posession. they closed the street for almost an hour to get things "under control." wtf? how did we know absolutely nothing of this if it was such a big deal and going on right next to us? weird! everything seemed normal by the time we left and when i went back down there. i hope that doesn't mean there will be a million cops down there now. the paper there were 17 cops assigned to the area tuesday and they had a turnout of 3,300 people. no wonder i only saw one cop all night. and this is a pretty darn small area, mind you. crazy. i took mom some lunch earlier and she gave me enough money to get in and for drinks. mom rocks! she also gave me a pair of shoes just like ones i wore out recently (except a different color) and loaned me a shirt to go with a new skirt i was thinking about wearing. (well, new to me... gotta love goodwill!) i better go do a little more work so i don't feel too guilty about not doing work tonight. i've already wasted most of the day somehow. oh, maybe that movie i watched had something to do with it. heh. but it was already overdue and i couldn't stand to take it back without watching it. my doggie is playing with the cap off my shaving cream. he's a trip.
current mood: cheerful
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Wednesday, July 9th, 2003
10:19 am
yay, i found that mascara i was looking for at wallgreens. now i'm coloring my hair. i'm trying natural instincts "sierra" which is supposed to be a light blonde. i've been using the loreal color experte or whatever the last couple times i did my hair. it's the 2 part color so you put in highlights and shit. i like both the colors i tried of that. right now i'm just trying to brighten my color back up and make my light blonde parts less brassy and dull. the sun and crap has kinda started taking its toll on my color. i'm trying to squeeze some more time out before i need to use a permenant color again because i don't want to dry my hair out so much so i don't have to cut it. anyhoo- if i can find a hosting place that lets me actually see my pictures here, i'll post some soon. any suggestions?
current mood: sick
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Tuesday, July 8th, 2003
9:21 pm - HELP!!
i went to 3 stores today and can't find the damn mascara i want. if anyone can find a store still selling Revlon Lash Fantasy Mascara in Copper Fantasy, please please please let me know. i can't get it around here apparantly. it's a summer only color but you wouldn't think it'd be off the shelves yet! geez.
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Friday, December 13th, 2002
9:38 am
Well, I finally have a job. I started yesterday. I'm going to be working every day except Tuesday but it's still part time (35hrs). I'm now a cashier. Yeehaw. It's money anyway. And I get paid weekly which kicks ass. I'd write more now but I need to go talk a bath and run a couple errands before work.
current mood: hopeful
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Friday, December 6th, 2002
12:36 pm - hehe
Sunday, October 27th, 2002
9:57 pm - anyone interested in a computer?
Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
4:16 pm - Yes, I'm still alive...
Haven't been online much at all lately. We're still in the process of moving and I've been really busy and not staying at home much. I'm sure I'll probably end up losing my entire friends list not updating at all... if anyone notices, that is. I'll have to take a minute to do a real update soon... all kinds of stuff has been going on lately. But I'll have to go for now (gotta get of my brother's computer).
current mood: busy current music: Hamtaro.. hehe
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Friday, June 7th, 2002
7:58 am - sniff sniff sniff... ah, MUCH better
Ok, I finally took a bath. Nice long one and read a magazine. I was gonna shave my legs and all that good shit but when I get tired I get cold and shaving w/ goose bumps is a recipe for disaster so I went with a nice apricot exfoliating scrub all over and left the hair there for now. Then I covered myself w/ cocoa butter, dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and tea tree oil-ed my bumpies. i'm feeling so much better. And so far it's a nicer day out than I was expecting. I'm still not sleepy. In fact I'm less tired than I was earlier. Ideally I'd like to take a nap until lunch time or so and then get up so I can avoid feeling like I wasted the whole day. I don't know yet if I'll be able to fall asleep or not. Oh, and I'm still smelling weird random things I can't explain. Odd.
current mood: a little better... a little current music: Nina Gordon
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2:06 am - insomnia... insomnia... insomniaaaaaaaaaa
not sleeping again. doesn't really help when i do. i haven't been getting quality or even decent sleep for the past week or so. i'm not even sure where this week went. at all. maybe my sleep problems have something to do with why i've been so damn cranky and irritable at points. well, that and my bitch mom. she's decided to turn into super-psycho-mega-bitch this week especially. i hate it when i can't sleep and when i do i just have fucked up dreams that keep me from really resting. stuff stops seeming really real anymore and it's so so much easier for me to fall into crazy land. i'm all itchy now. damnit, i don't want to sleep all damn day. i probably will though. or lying in bed all day. wither way it's just as useless. on top of that i'm gross. i need a bath bad. guess i'll go read in the tub for a little while. i'm getting cold now. and i'm so tired but just not sleepy. grumble... grumble...
current mood: weird current music: late night tv
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Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
8:10 pm - ME!
ok, i finally have a picture of my new hair online! ( tada! )
current mood: needing to pee current music: Bordello of Blood on Comedy Central... my bro has the remote
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Thursday, May 30th, 2002
6:07 pm
Whew. I'm pooped. We cleaned a bunch tonight. I cleaned up the laundry room and scrubbed the floor in there. Tomorrow I think I'll work on putting clothes away and packing up winter clothes we won't be needing for a while. E worked on the dishes and the living room. I really hope we have a good weekend. Ok, I'm really tired so I'm going ot bed now that I finally got the futon cleaned off.
current mood: pooped current music: Clear & Present Danger on USA
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5:51 pm - YAWN!
I just woke up from a nap and ate some more stroganoff stuff. Before that I didn't do much. Picked up my brother at school. When to my mom's. Watched Law & Order. Brought my brother homen with me. Talked on the phone. Picked E up from work. Came home. Took nap. Thrilling. And now I must go clean. Oh joy. More fun! Wait... stop... I'm not sure I can handle it all. Yup. I'd rather just go back to sleep but I'm guessing that's not really the best idea, huh? Darn.
current mood: tired current music: MDFMK
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9:44 am
I just ate the bestest bagel ever. Dad handed it to me in a little baggie last night before I left (i was picking up some of my food from his freezer) and just said "Here, breakfast." My dad is so funny sometimes. Actually, my dad is pretty darn amusing most of the time. It's sucha shame that we're moving 5-6 hours away just when we're really getting along again. My dad and I go through phases. My mom say's we're too much alike. Probably true. It's a completely nasty day. Dark, dreary, and HUMID. Blah. I despise humidity. And I live in the wrong place for that! My hair is going to be craaaaazy today I'm sure. Must ... get... off... LiveJournal... Must ... Take... Bath... Gotta pick my brother up soon.
current mood: decent current music: Nirvana: Incesticide
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Wednesday, May 29th, 2002
11:38 pm
I'm in a surprisingly positive mood for as generally poopy as the better part of today was. Not really a "good" mood, certainly not a "great" mood, but decidedly positive. It's almost midnight and I'm making beef stroganoff so E will have something to take for lunch tomorrow. I'm tired and I want to go to bed, but I doubt I'll be able to resist eating some of it. :^P
... ... ...
Ok, had to go stir. I've finally been drinking more water again today. I was doing really well at drinking a lot of water there for a while and it made me feel so much better, even though I'm not crazy about water. But then I slacked off and got distracted and I definatly felt the difference after a while although I didn't really realize that's what it was until I started upping the water intake again. We finally cleaned out the laundry room today. The cats had gotten mad and decided to use the pile of dirty laundry (luckily mostly old crap) as a second litter box. Gotta love 'em! Yech! So we threw a bunch of stuff out and bagged the rest up to be soaked and scrubbed. Now I need a big washtub. E fixed the dryer too. Yay! I'm gonna try to do the floor in there tomorrow and start on the rest of the laundry. WalMart pissed me off royally today. I went to get trash bags and other random shit this evening because we ran out while cleaning. Well, I get up there with my stuff and they won't take my check claiming I owed them for a returned check I took care of MONTHS AGO! Urghphhtarghharumph! I wanted to strangle people! I still do!! Ok, the food is calling me now...
current mood: okay current music: Lords of Acid: VooDooU
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9:14 am - UGH!
E just called, I guess just to say 'hi.' He's being a turd today and getting irritated with any and everything I say. As much as I'm trying to be in a good mood, he's convinced I'm doing everything I can just to piss him off. Um, why would I want to waste all my energy TRYING to piss him off?? Ugh! And why would I WANT to piss him off anyway? Besides, he's already cranky. Anyway... I'm going home to take something for my nose, let my puppy out, and do... something and un irk myself. *sigh*
current mood: irritated current music: still crap on MTV... why? i have no idea.
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8:45 am
I'm at my mom's now scrounging for food because I didn't feel like paying some jacked up price for something I didn't really want for breakfast. Mmmmm... bran muffins...
... .... ...
Ok, I feel much better now. My belly felt likt it was trying to eat itself!
Today has started of kind of poopy. My nose is boogery, the weather is dreary, and my head feels a little foggy. But I'm trying to get myself in a good mood. I'm tired of being cranky, dangit! Is anyone else unfortunate enough to like in an area that broadcasts Lex & Terry in the morning? Ugh, why must E listen to that crap? He came home to take a shower after working out and turned that crap on. What a lovely way to wake up, two morons dedicating an entire three hour show to laughing at "fat chicks." Fuck! It was just disgusting. I'd go into it more but right now it'll just put me in a really crabby mood. I may write more later oncce I'm fully awake.
I just I should go home and clean up some. Blech. I don't really feel like it but I at least need to do something to get the ball rolling. Maybe some dishes or work on the living room. Then I can take a nice bath. Ahhhh. :^) I'd do some laundry but E didn't fix the dryer yet so I couldn't dry it and it's too damp out to hang anything up and expect it to dry. It's already started drizzling once this morning. I was really hoping fo ra nice sunny day. I get so much more done when it's nice out. Rain makes me want to go back to bed. Poo.
Oh, the freezer was halfway cold this morning, but the fridge was still about lukewarm. I don't know what's wrong.
current mood: tired current music: some crap on MTV
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