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Editor's Choice

Love him or hate him?
Two Independent commentators debate Tiger Tim

Janet Street-Porterindependent portfolio
Face the facts: we are addicted to work

Battling for survival
Small schools take their fight to Parliament

Terry Wogan
Have you ever been left speechless?

Patrick Marber
Has the creator of adult-themed plays gone soft?

Independent Book Group

Prisoner abuse: US backs down over immunity

The US has bowed to international outrage over prisoner abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan by abandoning its bid to secure a UN exemption for its soldiers from prosecution by the new ICC

Techniques 'amount to torture'

Blair on offensive over Tory 'right to charge' policy
The Government will offer all patients the choice to be treated at any NHS or private hospital as its steps up the political battle over health

Howard: 'right to choose' will end waiting lists within five years

Iran plays waiting game with captured British crews after television 'confessions'
Tehran has moved to defuse a diplomatic crisis by promising to release eight British Marines and sailors captured in Iranian waters

UK news

Barclays won Telegraph by raising their bid at last minute

Police chief blamed for Soham failings wins local support

Foreign nurses exploited in visa scandal

World news

Iraqi leader calls on Nato to provide aid

Indian literati call for end to executions as hangman is brought out of retirement

Goodbye to Death Row: Briton who gave hope to the hopeless goes home

Europe news

Leak forces Ukraine to investigate death of witness to murder

Russia uses death squads and torture in Chechnya, says Amnesty

Mitterrand's son held in African money-laundering inquiry


Schools accused of widening social divide

Business news

MPs threaten to take charge of split-cap debacle from FSA

Vodafone rings the changes after double defection

ITV to launch new channel and increase budget for programmes


England rely on Rooney's teen spirit to cramp Portuguese style

Czech depth eliminates leaden Germany


Mr 1.5%: our answer to the savings crisis


Terry Wogan: Have you ever been left speechless?


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