[20 Dec 2004|05:51pm] |
Somebody needs to speak to Joel Schumacher and tell him 'no'. I mean it's not as though the man has never made a good film (The Client and The Lost Boys are both good films), time has passed and I've managed to get over the apocalyptic nightmare that was Batman and Robin, I can move on. So I go and see The Phantom of the Opera, I sit, I watch, I listen, I come out, I think 'no, you're just crap really aren't you'. I'm sure it's a very nice stage show and I will say that Minnie Driver was wonderfully hammy but the damnd thing was not good. He should form a club with Tim Burton for people who used to make good films, Lost Talent Anonymous or some such.
[19 Nov 2004|05:12pm] |
This is a golden opporunity. Although what this is, what the opportunity is and what's so golden about it I know not. Odd feeling. Still at least work is done for the week and I need not think about such trivialities untill I struggle to escape my bed, too late most likely, on Monday morn'.
[18 Nov 2004|06:23pm] |
17 across: __ City, home of Superman (6)
The answer?
Yes, Gotham is now the home of Superman. It would seem that Batman has buggered off and Metropolis can go fuck itself for superman now flies the skies of Gotham. Fucking stupid crossword compiler.
points of disinterest |
[15 Nov 2004|05:46pm] |
I need a new big baggy sweater, I only have the one and I use that for traveling to and from work so it has been reasigned as 'work clothes' along with my combats, old jeans and dark victory t-shirts thus I can no longer use it as casual wear.
[04 Nov 2004|01:10pm] |
Four. More. Years. What joy, what rapture, what a wonderfull thing to return home to. I still have comprehending how people can vote for someone I wouldn't trust to competently say 'you want fries with that' let alone give me the right change.
[02 Nov 2004|09:08pm] |
Today was a good day, especially after yesterday. It's not that there was anything wrong with yesterday in particular, I just felt like damaged goods and so all i did was fall asleep in front of St. Peter's for a few hours. however toady was filled with walking and ruins and a good time was had by all (i.e me). I am so monumentally glad I decided to do this, I was very worried about staying in a hostel considering how sociable I tend to be around a group of people I don't know but it has (thankfully) worked out well.
[29 Oct 2004|07:38pm] |
Being young, single and in Rome on a friday I did what any other young man on holiday would do; I saw the sistine chapple. It is an amazing sight.
[28 Oct 2004|11:25pm] |
It has been a long two days and I'm still waitng to sleep. So I got up yesterday and had to do pretty much everything because I am incapable of doing anything in advance. Ah, I should probably mention that I'm in Rome, got here at about eleven this morning, flight left at seven and because of the limited means of transport at my disposal I arrived at the airport at one-thirty. So all in all I'm a little worn down. I am so glad I'm here, thus far, in my semi-consious state I have managed to stumble across some old fort and St. Peter's cathedral. St. Peter's was amazing, the place made me giddy and I dread to think what it would have done to me were I a christian man.
[01 Jul 2004|06:04pm] |
In this article The Gaurdian asks several writers what it means to be a man. It's an interesting read and I've just ordered a copy of Original Bliss by A.L. Kennedy based on what she wrote (well that and what Jessa Crispin said).
[30 Jun 2004|05:24pm] |
I have finished work early for once. I'm sure that it goes without saying that this is A Very Good ThingTM but I've said it anyway. So my job changed a while ago and consequently I no longer have half the day free (I have never apreciated my employers expecting me to work, I find it quiet unbecoming) so how have I managed to finish early? It's easy, I just had to do my job and the jobs of 2 other people this afternoon, which may sound like more work than just my job (and it is) but it meant I could rish and finish what I was doing an hour early so I could sort out everything else in a bare-bones style and thus - the magnificence of finishing early. Of course I have to leave soon because I have things to do after work but it is just so gosh-darn good to be able to sit down for a little while before getting on with my thoroughly unimpotant little things to do.
Just in case there's anyone left who still gives a damn. |
[07 Jun 2004|12:15pm] |
1. I hid my soiled hands behind my back, Somewhere along the line I must have gone off track with you. Foolish Games by Jewel
2. Is this what you want, what you need, what you wanted me to be. Push by Moist
3. If I jump in this fountain will I be forgiven. Forgiven by Alanis Morissette
4. And I’m a teen distortion, survived abortion, a rebel from the waist down. Disposable Teens by Maralyn Manson
5. Perfect by nature, icons of self-indulgence. Everybody’s Fool by Evanescence
6. You were wrong, I was right, you said goodbye I said goodnoght. All Been Done by The Barenaked Ladies
7. Somebody better put you back into your place. We Will Rock You by Queen
8. Darling you’ve won, it’s no fun, martinis, girls and guns, it’s murder on our love affair. Tomorrow Never Dies by Sheryl Crow
9. It tottally confused all the passing piranahs. Lump by The Presidents of the United States of America
10. Dressing like your sister, living like a tart, don’t know what you’re doing, babe it must be art. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me by U2
11. I moved away so you moved in next door, I locked you out, you cut a hole in the wall, I found you sleeping next to me, I thought I was alone. You’re driving me crazy, when are you coming home? Laid by James
12. They asked me for some words to clear up all their hurts, they wished that they weren’t them. Find The Answer Within by The Boo Radleys
13. and it all got too damn much for me, just got too damn rough, and I pushed away my plate, and said boys I`ve had enough, and I laid upon the table, another piece of meat, and I opened up my veins to them, and said come on eat. Summer Canibals by Patti Smith
Just another lyrics quiz. |
[24 May 2004|04:35pm] |
1. I hid my soiled hands behind my back, Somewhere along the line I must have gone off track with you.
2. Is this what you want, what you need, what you wanted me to be.
3. If I jump in this fountain will I be forgiven.
4. And I’m a teen distortion, survived abortion, a rebel from the waist down.
5. Perfect by nature, icons of self-indulgence.
6. You were wrong, I was right, you said goodbye I said goodnoght.
7. Somebody better put you back into your place.
8. Darling you’ve won, it’s no fun, martinis, girls and guns, it’s murder on our love affair.
9. It tottally confused all the passing piranahs.
10. Dressing like your sister, living like a tart, don’t know what you’re doing, babe it must be art.
11. I moved away so you moved in next door, I locked you out, you cut a hole in the wall, I found you sleeping next to me, I thought I was alone. You’re driving me crazy, when are you coming home?
12. They asked me for some words to clear up all their hurts, they wished that they weren’t them.
13. and it all got too damn much for me, just got too damn rough, and I pushed away my plate, and said boys I`ve had enough, and I laid upon the table, another piece of meat, and I opened up my veins to them, and said come on eat.
[17 May 2004|03:51pm] |
With this weeked past came May Ball at Derby university and a good time was had by all. There are pictures bbc people took here where you can vote for the best dressed couple and amazingly we (Bex and myself) made the final cut so have a look (Rebbeca and Lloyd, I'm the tall one) and please vote for us, we could win a romantic meal for two and if we don't win it could go to people who are an acyual couple and that would just be wrong.
Nocturnal sights. |
[28 Apr 2004|04:50pm] |
Dreams become more frequent, the unpleasant ones more prevailing. Three of these unsettling visions have come to me in the past two months, more than in the past ten years combined. From veiled threats in a former home to a vanishing girl, zombies and parallel time-lines to the one dread creature which I cannot handle. At home an invasion of these chilling apparitions, seeping through the cracks in the wall, squeezing in through the window, over-running each and every surface. Spiders at every turn, spider-nests in the corner and pet-spiders on the table. To wake suddenly from such thoughts brings fear, anxiety and the phantom echo of a thousand times eight tiny legs marching ever-onward in this direction
[16 Apr 2004|04:32pm] |
To wake at three in the morning from an unpleasent dream involving a Japanese girl, zombies and parellel universes with staggered timelines. Not the most fun you can have in a bed.
Eleven books, One film and Sleeping Pattern Recognition. |
[06 Apr 2004|04:57pm] |
The book list thus far:
01. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
02. Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
03. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
04. Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
05. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami.
06. The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman
07. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
08. The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
09. Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
10. Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami
Just started Jennifer Government by Max barry, seems interesting.
Went to see the re-make of Dawn of the Dead on Sunday and found it highly amusing in places (which really says more about my sense of humour than it does about the film) but how can you not laugh at a Wacky Accidental Chainsaw Death TM even if it was predictable and not intended as funny? Few things are constantly funny but chainsaw deaths, dead cannibalistic 12-year-old girls and mutated babies (nearly as rich a humour vein as dead babies) can always elicit a smile.
It’s my final day today, I have a week of work which I am greatly looking forward to. The joys of reading and housework make me smile. A week off work is very much like not having radio 4 suddenly blare at you at a too-early-in-the-morning time when you’re really not ready to move. Well, no, that is a week off work. Within two days my sleeping pattern will have reverted back to it’s old state of sleeping between 4 and 10 or so in the morning and I look forward to it.
Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives. |
[30 Mar 2004|04:41pm] |
From his secret underwater lair (well it might not be underwater, it's location is a secret after all, I mean that whole underwater thing could just be a guess or a bluff. Or even a double bluff) Lloyd writes...
Be careful what you wish for, I once wished for a giant eagle and now my mother’s dead. - Mitch Benn’s Crimes Against Music
As ever I have fallen behind on things and I get the feeling that I’m not going to complete my “50 books this year” thing.
5. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami.
6. The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman
7. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
8. The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
Of course it wasn’t helped by the fact that I decided to re-read the first 15 volumes of Ranma 1/2. I know it quite well at this point and found myself laughing just before a lot of the jokes as I remembered them (as I do with a great deal of well known comedy).
Started reading Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami yesterday which I picked up with Dance Dance Dance also by Haruki Murakami and Jennifer Government by Max Barry. I’m also expecting Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore (his first novel) to arrive from amazon soon.
Another birthday flew by in it’s uneventful way and involved nothing more complex than an enjoyable evening having dinner with a friend and seeing a film with Dad. Speaking of, 21 grams is a film worth seeing but then I am slightly non-linear fetishistic. Also received a copy of Cages by Dave McKeen, only read a little of it thus far but I love it, once I’m in the right mood I’ve no doubt I shall devour the thing.
So in a plan that involves cutting of Alan Shearer’s face the only problem you can see is how to trap Alan Shearer. That’s the only problem is it? - The 99 Pence Challenge
A fun thing about work. |
[06 Feb 2004|11:14am] |
The books in my desk drawer:
(That have been read) Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde The English Harem by Anthoney McCarten Losing It by Ranjit Bolt Soho Black by Christopher Fowler Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About by Mil Millington The Catcher and the Rye by J. D. Salinger Garfield; In The Pink by Jim Davis
(Partially read) Dream City Cinema by Stephen Knight The Mammoth Book of Seriously Comic Fantasy by Various The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll by Lewis Carroll Hollywood Lies by David Ambrose
(Not yet read) The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler The Boy Who Kicked Pigs by Tom Baker Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer The Minator Takes a Cigarette Break by Steven Sherril
(If you have any opinions on what I should read next then please tell me.)