Informed Comment


 Weblogs and other Links of Note

Political Journalism

Talking Points Memo – Joshua Micah Marshall (Progressive politics, elegantly argued.)

Helena Cobban – Just World News (Veteran journalist, Middle East)

The Global Beat: Resources for the Global Journalist (Tom Engelhardt/ The Nation Institute) Media Patrol

Tony Karon Viewpoint (Time Magazine Opinion Blog)

Orcinus (David Neiwert, freelance journalist)


Iraq Weblogs

Askari Street (Hala Fattah’s Professional Historian Web Log on Iraq)

Baghdad Burning (Iraqi woman, computer programmer; nationalist)

Calling it Like it Is (Abbas Kadhim, Iraqi Shiite philosopher)

Dreyfuss Report (

Future of Iraq (portal by Justin Alexander)

Iraq Democracy Watch

Iraq’d (Spencer Ackerman of the New Republic)

Iraq War Reader

Muslims, Islam and the Iraq War


Middle East Weblogs

Abu Aardvark (Middle East Affairs)

Apostropher (American liberalism, some Middle East comment)

Flagrancy to Reason (Josh Buerman) (Public affairs, Middle East )

Steve Gilliard (Int’l affairs, progressive politics)

Middle East Briefing Book

The Rational Inquirer (newslinks, Iraq, Middle East)

Brian Ulrich (Middle East, liberal politics)


Political Weblogs

Black Box Recorder (Progressive Politics, Int’l Affairs)

Body and Soul (Progressive Politics, domestic & international)

Bonoboathome (International Economics and Politics)

Bunkshooter (International Economy, Canada, some Middle East comment)

Crooked Timber (progressive politics – group blog)

Daily Kos (progressive politics – discussion)

Deep Blade. Progressive Politics.

Daniel W. Drezner (Politics, Int’l Affairs – a professor at U of Chicago)

Electrolite (Patrick Nielsen Hayden). Progressive politics with a flair for irony.

Emerging Democratic Majority (Ruy Taxeira)

Eschaton (Progressive Politics, Discussion)

Europundit (David Weman) (progressive European politics)

A Fistful of Euros (European politics)

Iddybud (Progressive Politics)

Idols of the Marketplace (Walter Cole) – (Int’l affairs)

Just a Bump in the Beltway (Melanie Mattsoon, progressive politics)

The Left Coaster (Progressive Politics)

Liberal Oasis

Ken MacLeod (Progressive Politics)

Chris Nelson (Progressive Politics)

Needlenose (Progressive politics, Iraq)

Political Animal (Kevin Drum: Progressive Politics; Washington Monthly)

Political Site of the Day

Rhetorica: Professors who Blog

Three River Tech Review (Pop Science & Left Politics)

Tristero. Progressive Politics. Civil Liberties.

Wampum (Progressive Politics, Native Americans)

Whisky Bar (Progressive politics, Iraq: Billmon)

Matthew Yglesias (Bright young philosopher; progressive politics)

Zenpundit (Mark Safranski)—honorable debater on the right.