Welcome to the website
of the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland. Thank you for
visiting us. I hope you will find our website interesting
and informative. It is here to help you.
The right to vote freely is one of
our most precious and important freedoms in a democratic society.
The Electoral Office wants to ensure that everyone has an opportunity
to exercise that right as readily as possible within the law.
This website is designed to be of
assistance to you - you may simply want to know how to contact
your local Area Electoral Office or you may need to find out how
to register to vote.
Perhaps you want to learn more about electoral procedures, obtain
previous election results
or apply for an electoral
identity card.
This website will help
you understand why you must register to vote, when and how you can
do so, and how to check if your name is on the electoral register.
Before each election we'll tell you who the candidates are
in each area and you will find information on how voting is conducted
and what you will need to bring with you to the polling station.
This website is updated regularly
so please click on your "refresh" button to ensure you
are seeing the most recent version.
We are always glad to
hear your views on how you think our website could be improved.
Chief Electoral Officer