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A Long Peace? The Future of Unionism in Northern Ireland- Press Release
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Through Irish Eyes: Irish attitudes towards the UK Through Irish Eyes: how the Irish successor generation views the UK.
Newshound taking weekend break!
If you wake up on Saturday and go to log on to John Fay's excellent and most comprehensive Newshound, don't panic when you find it's not been updated. He's taking a much deserved weekend break from the internet in Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Strike threat lifted
It's back to normal at the Belfast Telegraph, as journalists accept a 3% pay rise with 'new terms' added to the deal. Noticeable by its absence...
GAIL Walker complains today - well, every Tuesday, but you know what I mean - about the lack of interest in the European election. She writes: "There's talk that some sort of election is looming. I can't be sure, since there seems to be very little political activity in the media or on the streets of the Fair Province, but it has something to do with Europe." Hmmm... I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that her newspaper isn't covering it? Zero election stories today... Remembering Jack...
The Blanket carries a memorial to Jack Holland from the Observer's Henry McDonald. Inn particular he recalls Holland's leaving him a copy of Orwell's Letters and Journalism as a seminal moment in his own formation as a young writer. [more]
Slugger and the nature of dialogue
We've just had to remove a whole thread; the one on the Channel 4 Omagh programme. There has been a steady decline over the weekend, in which too many commenters have completely abandoned the ball not man rule. [more]
The long conversation...
Nice piece from Giles Turnbull at Guardian online, talking to two of the authors of the cluetrain manifesto about clued and un-clued organisations. [more]
Danger to NI journalists...
Reporters without borders 2004 annual report leads with the dangers faced by journalists particularly threats from paramilitary organisations under investigation. It also cites multiple cases of journalists arrested or questioned by the police. Ireland Today launched
The Andersontown News is launching its challenge to the Irish News hegemony in delivering news to the nationalist constituency in Northern Ireland. It's a bold move but in line with the successful launch of La as Ireland's only daily Irish language newspaper, Managing Editor Mairtin O’Muilleoir has purposely set a number of modest financial targets for the first period of operation. [more]
The hacker problem...
As most regulars will know we had few problems last week which even attracted the attention of the press. Almot half of the website was written over with an earlier story title. Our first suspicion was that we'd been hacked. [more]
Blogging and journalism
You can probably tell I've been thinking about weblogging a lot recently. This piece by Rebecca Blood just about hits it on the head for me on the old is blogging the new journalism. And it's not because she gives a favourable mention to my colleague David Steven's work on the Daily Summit in Johannesburg. Blogging that pays...
Slugger and virtually 99.99% of blogs keep going because some people want to write them, and others want to read them. According to Business 2.0, Nick Denton is one of the few who have actually cracked the problem of making them pay, (read Nick's reply) with a heady mix of gossip and porn. However, not all bloggers are convinced of the quality of the end product. [more]
Jack Holland dies
We heard today of the death of the Irish Echo's senior editor Jack Holland, who died after a relatively short period of illness. Our deepest sympathies to his family, colleagues and friends. Slugger restored...?
Much to my own relief, we are slowly recovering a large section of the site. We're still investigating exactly what happened and how, but we expect to have the full complement of Slugger's bloggers and moderators back with us at the beginning of next week. We'll keep you posted. Is Moveable Type safe enough?
We've reported the security breach to Moveable Type (the people who make the software that Slugger runs on), and queried whether the new version (note the huge price hike) is robust enough to keep this hacker out. Hacking story makes the Irish News
Our hiatus has meant that Slugger's made the Irish News today (I hope Newshound will supply our readers with the full version tomorrow). [more]
Slugger continues...
We've still not been able to source the hacker. We have copies of most of the records, but as these took almost two years to accumulate, it's not clear how or when we can sow these back. Bear in mind too that as we can't be sure what's caused the problem, the chances are that the hacker will continue to destroy the site. In the meantime we'll attempt to resume normal service. Slugger's hacking problems...
It looks like we've been hacked! I can't get onto this problem until tomorrow. But we'll try to restore normal service as soon as possible. I've temporarily removed the permissions of all blogger's but myself and the admin staff to see if it affects the hacker's ability to destroy the site. These will be reinstated once we can guarantee normal service. In the meantime, just keep checking with us! No news
Staff at the Belfast Telegraph have gone out on strike over pay. NUJ members there are demanding parity with colleagues in London and Dublin, on the basis that the Tele is a national newspaper. Blogging: it hasn't gone away you know
Stephen McKinley in conversation with John Fay the blogging genius behind the Newshound. He tries to tease out what role blogging has now the initial hype is dying down. Blogging: debased pamphleteering?
George Packer has had enough of the hype around blogs and the US Presidential elections. Read enough of them, he says, "and any subject will go dead". The point may be overlaboured, but he finds a tendency for even top line bloggers to get overly drawn into self consumption. However blogging continues to have impacts on journalism, even if not the average consumer of news. This counter argument from Christopher Lydon. Irish Culture and Society...
Gary Pearce runs Irish Culture and Society, a sort of Ireland focused Arts and Letters site that has some seriously good reading. Highly recommended for anyone needing to get off the seemingly endless Irish news flows. Paisley Junior's SF debut
Hearts and Minds looks at whether the Republic's referendum on citizenship "adds up to a rewriting of the Good Friday Agreement". Perhaps most notably there's a round table with Ian Junior appearing for the first time in public with Sinn Fein (Mitchel McLaughlin), along with Michael McGimpsey and Sean Farren. It's on BBC 1 NI tonight at 11.35. Any Questions from NI...
Courtesy of a last minute cancellation by Sinn Fein's Bairbre de Bruin Eammon McCann has the opportunity to go off on one (Jonathan Dimbleby's words) on the BBC's Any Questions programme (also see Any Answers). McCann's suggestion that the public mood in NI towards politicians is one of just get on with it and a strikingly mature contribution from the former angry young man of the UUP, Jeffrey Donaldson, this is a much more competent performance than last November's embarassing flop on UK-wide television. Listen for questions from Slugger readers Andy and Rebecca Black! Angry in Andytown...
THE Andersonstown News is furious about the IMC's report and says that it will launch "a fitting community response to the sanctions to be imposed on our political representatives which we will outline in coming days". It suggests: "Surely, it's not beyond us all to go out there and, through dint of hard work, raise the £120,000 which is being taken from Sinn Féin in order to stymie their political development." [more]
Any Questions?
Radio's 4 equivalent of Question Time is at Queen's University on Friday, with Trimble and Durkan on the panel. The website says you can get tickets by sending an email here, but I don't know how much notice they need. Smart mobs, politics and the net
The Guardian Online interviews Howard Rheingold on the nature of online communities, and hits the nail squarely on the head several times. [more]
Happy Easter all...
I'm taking some family time over the weekend, though I may post from time to time depending on the news. Otherwise I'll try to reply to the emails I owe some of our readers. Not sure what the others are planning but I imagine that blogging will be light. [more]
Slugger going for New Media Award?
After several months of prevarication, I've just entered Slugger for the New Statesman New Media Awards. I'm not sure what chance we have of picking anything up, but it seems there is space for people to give multiple nominations for the same project. So if anyone wants to add their own opinion of the merits of Slugger's case feel free to nominate. Slugger readers for BBC?
Another event on Thursday that all locally based Slugger readers should note is Let's Talk. This month's programme will contain a panel of five senior political players subject to seven or eight questions from the audience. The BBC is looking for people to put the politicians on the spot. [more]
Non political blogging...
No doubt Mwk and Stephen will be pleased. The Observer ran a piece on blogging that concentrates on the literary end of the market, on the front page of their Review section yesterday. Not a hint of politics in sight!

Slugger O'Toole records news, commentary and diverse opinion on Northern Ireland.

Produced by Mick Fealty
Designed by River Path

News, tips or crits here: mick -at-
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Writers Wanted!
a long peace? the future of unionism in Northern Ireland
election 2003
the south

2003: Slugger's year...
New bloggers on Slugger
HRC: scarce resources meet impossible demands?
Good blogs
A Long Peace? - press release
Census 2001: a summary
Robinson's plan: summary
Adams speech
Blair speech
Stormont crisis

Readers comments
Gilliland boost? - (2)
Martin Morgan - Slugger questions - (87)
Unionists need to re-engage - (79)
Religion: what is it good for? - (138)
Israeli perspective on our 'troubles' - (14)
NI Labour organising - (14)
IMC to influence EU funding decisions? - (16)
In a flutter over flags... - (5)
Lyndsay Whitcroft - Slugger questions - (26)
Masons privacy challenge - (41)

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