Thursday, Jun 24th, 2004
Were I to launch into a full-scale rant about Photoshop, you would tremble in your boxers.
Easy the most widespread graphics program in the world, used in the games-, movie- and print industries just to name a few. And yet, it fails to include some of the most basic features, or provide the necessary plugin structure so that companies such as Io, can write their own plugins to accommodate for those shortcomings.
Just to throw you a quick example: I do a lot of textures. It's one of the things that I can consider myself rather proficient at. Now until - and probably even when - storage and memory capacity is of no concern, these textures have to tile. That is, they have to be able to repeat themselves on both axis without the repetition being readily apparent.
It has been this way in the computer games industry for years, and though I don't have practical knowledge of it, I guess the movie industry uses this technique as well. Even so, Photoshop is currently on version 8 (dubbed CS for Creative Suite), and it still doesn't allow for viewing textures tiled inside Photoshop! And the architecture isn't open either. So the only way of actually testing textures is to have an external program with which you can test your tiling texture for artifacts (that is, elements that betray the repetition by being too obvious to the human eye's pattern recognition).
It may not seem like a particularly big problem, but when you're embedded in Photoshop 8 hours a day, those 30 seconds of saving/exporting, switching to another application and updating the texture, looking for errors and switching back to Photoshop amount to a good deal at the end of the day.
Posted in Rants, Graphics | 5 Comments »