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- Load all your mail into Gmail, at a rate of 30 messages per minute. I don’t want to think about how long this would take for me. Hat tip: Carthik. (8) ¶
- Oh yeah, who needs to support IE 6 in new standards? It’s not important at all. (0) ¶
Yahoo Mail (or lack thereof)
I saw Ernie had done some work on the new Yahoo sites so I thought I’d log in to check it out. Notepad was… a textarea. Calendar was cool. Contacts still had all the information I had imported 4 years ago, which I thought was pretty neat. When I went to the mail tab, however, I was greeted by this not-so-friendly notice:
Your Yahoo! Mail account is no longer active.
Why is my account inactive?
Yahoo! Mail deactivated your mail account because either:
You have not logged into your account in the last 4 months, or
You have asked that your mail account be deactivated
What does this mean?
All emails, folders, attachments and preferences have been deleted
All messages sent to are being bounced back to …
- The * sites will be back up soon and there are several options for moving to other Manilla providers or importing to WordPress. (0) ¶
- When I’m in SF next week I promise I’ll try to get Tantek to blog again. (1) ¶
- SmartyPants On Demand (instead of all the time). I’ve refactored some parts of Texturize so it’s even faster and smarter than before, and that’ll be in the next WP release. I got an email from a project manager at Google a week or two ago asking for a Texturize feature list and if the code was available. He wouldn’t say what they were going to use it for. (3) ¶
- Michael has a mid-blog crisis and axes his linklog. That’s too bad because he always had unique stuff. (1) ¶
- Firefox Bookmark Synchronization. Hat tip: Todd Dominey. (2) ¶
- The part of this essay not about deliberately invalidating every page on your site is good. (6) ¶
- Smarty 2.6.3 is available, the new cache filename stuff is nice. (0) ¶
- This is too beautiful not to share. Pursuance, the third movement of the Love Supreme, as performed by the Branford Marsalis quartet. When I first heard he was doing this, I thought there was no way he could do justice to the original. I have also heard a recording of him attempting Love Supreme from the early nineties and it wasn’t up to snuff. This recording, however, is amazingly intense. (1) ¶
- So I’ve tapped into Linux on my WRT54GS using the Sveasoft firmware, and it’s pretty sweet being able to SSH into your router. Should be very useful when I’m on the road as well. Local DNS cache is running great. Security stuff seems solid. Finally, Wonder Shaper is keeping my roommate’s games from bothering me. ;) (0) ¶