Meetup Update

The three top cities for the WordPress meetup right now are San Francisco, Houston, and Manila (in the Phillipines). Four people have confirmed their attendence at the Borders in San Francisco so far. If only four people come, we’ll still have a blast, but I suspect there will be some surprise guests that should make things very interesting. Saturday at 4 PM, possibly in a city near you. Don’t forget.


  1. I can’t attend the one in Houston. I have to help host a baby shower and babysit. :(

    Comment by Christina — Sunday June 20, 2004 @ 9:58 pm 1

  2. Unfortunately, I’ve got family obligations, and won’t be able to attend the MeetUp in my area. Maybe next time…

    Comment by Dougal Campbell — Monday June 21, 2004 @ 11:06 am 2

  3. Not a WordPress user but would like to learn more about it. If I am back in Houston when it takes place I may stop by.

    Comment by Stephan Segraves — Monday June 21, 2004 @ 12:49 pm 3

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