Screen Savers? »

Someone told me WordPress was on TechTV today. Anyone catch it?


  1. Yes, it was! Leo Laporte gave a segment about it. Very positive - gave it a glowing review. Mentioned some of the features, including post via e-mail/cell phone. Already deleted it off of Tivo so can’t make a copy for you - but they do re-run the shows quite a bit.

    Comment by Dan Robbins — Thursday June 24, 2004 @ 5:38 am 1

  2. Matt, if you don’t have access to a TiVo, I’ll grab it and dump it to VCR for you.

    Comment by Geof — Thursday June 24, 2004 @ 7:45 am 2

  3. I would really like to see that.

    Comment by Jeremy S. — Thursday June 24, 2004 @ 2:14 pm 3

  4. Does anyway have a good way to get it online?

    Comment by Matt — Thursday June 24, 2004 @ 3:09 pm 4

  5. Matt, I could probably dump it to my DV, then commandeer my friend’s iMac.

    Comment by Geof — Friday June 25, 2004 @ 11:15 am 5

  6. What the …?! I could have sworn I had TechTV on this cable ne

    Comment by Geof — Friday June 25, 2004 @ 11:20 am 6

  7. After TechTv merged with G4, the channels changed. At least that’s what happened to me with my digital cable.

    Comment by Christina — Friday June 25, 2004 @ 12:08 pm 7

  8. Yeech… their old site used to have really good show archives with full transcripts and/or video feeds. Since the merger, their site has gone to crap. ASP errors all over the place and hardly any content. Screw brand awareness, they should have waited until all the content was merged before letting this go live. I wanna see what they said about WordPress!


    Comment by Mark J — Saturday June 26, 2004 @ 4:28 am 8

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